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Messages - MrSpasybo

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Ethereum Classic / Re: Do you like ethereum classic
« on: Today at 12:03:29 AM »
what is a bifurcated coin?
Classic ETH is not that bad as an investment, but if you are looking for long-term profits Classic ETH is not an option, it is better to just invest in ETH
Yeah, the Ethereum ecosystem is developing very well and has many more attractive options for investors: ETH, ARB, OP, STRK... Even if investors prefer POW, ETHW with a smaller market capitalization is also an interesting and more potential choice than ETC. I haven't heard of any major updates from ETC in the past few years, and it seems that the ETC ecosystem is not really vibrant or has many users, so I would not choose ETC for my portfolio.

ETC's growth in bullrun 2021 was also really attractive, but I don't dare to believe that history will repeat itself. To balance risk and return, I would rather choose BTC and ETH.

Bitcoin Forum / Re: Phoenix Wallet to be removed from US app stores
« on: April 28, 2024, 11:49:24 PM »
So far, it doesn't look like the US government is interested in going after Phoenix Wallet at all. This is simply a precautionary measure the team has taken in order to avoid the same fate as Samourai wallet. Whether or not that will actually work in the end is up for debate.

However, they would definitely like to pick off the crypto wallets from the app stores one by one if they could. As if anyone even stores large amounts of crypto in a mobile phone  ;D
I am concerned about the allegations surrounding Phoenix Wallet and the implications for other crypto wallet applications and the development of the crypto market. I do not use Phoenix Wallet and am not aware of its differences from Trust, Coinbase, SafePal, Exodus... wallets. It seems that the US government is acting very hastily and causing crypto wallet services to be cautious. Acinq's Phoenix Wallet and zkSNACKs' Wasabi Wallet have announced early termination of service to US customers, which could just be the beginning of bigger problems in the future for crypto market. This could be the last dump before the bullrun officially starts.

Litecoin Forum / Re: Do you use Litecoin for cheap Transaction Fees?
« on: April 28, 2024, 11:34:58 PM »
Simple question because let's today see if Litecoin is still a helpful coin for daily transactions due to low transaction fees compatretd to Bitcoin and Ethereum. 
Do you use Litecoin for cheap Transaction Fees?

For remittance purposes, I often use USDT on Tron because the transaction fees are quite cheap and the speed is fast, and the recipient also wants to receive USDT instead of any other token, including BTC. For investment purposes: I invest to make a profit, not to save transaction fees, so I would rather choose BTC and ETH with higher transaction fees than invest in LTC because I don't like LTC's price performance.

In the 2021 bull run, LTC had a new ATH but it was not significantly higher than the 2017 ATH, suggesting that LTC may have been forgotten by investors and whales. At the same time, the Litecoin ecosystem is not really developing or attracting users, meaning that LTC has less upward momentum in this bullrun. I used to love LTC but I will not choose LTC for my portfolio in this bullrun.

Meme Coins / Re: Solana MemeCoins And Its Continued Growth; $MANEKI.
« on: April 28, 2024, 11:19:29 PM »
The pump for these projects comes from the ease of promoting them. Solana is witnessing more momentum and memes are still attracting investors, but once this trend ends, we will see that the value of these projects will return to being very low, and some of them may have no value, so it is better for your investment in them to be limited or short-term.
We all know the predictable fate of most memecoins like these in the market. Thousands of memecoins have emerged, but only a few are still known today, such as DOGE, SHIB, AKITA, FLOKI, PEPE, BONK, and BOME. The remaining 99% have been forgotten after causing investors to lose money.

While the Solana ecosystem is growing strong, and I love its dynamic ecosystem, I won't touch memecoins right now, I'd rather buy SOL. Every my $ will be used to DCA into BTC and top ALTs. Memecoins will not have a chance to enter my portfolio before the market enters altseason.

Way too many people are talking about it, I remember the time when China wasn't against bitcoin, and they had bunch of miners, almost all of bitcoin mining was there, that wasn't like 100 years ago, its recent memory, and bitcoin did well but not like something unreal happened. We should definitely consider that as a good news if it ever happens again, it would be something to celebrate, but do not expect like overnight a million dollars per coin type of thing, maybe a small increase but that's about it. I don't get why people suddenly started to talk about this, and not only that but hype the possibility as well.
This is a scenario that many investors are hoping for, as China is the world's 2nd largest economy and its citizens are willing to take on higher risks and invest more in crypto to change their financial situation. China's crypto policy is also quite interesting: they do not ban crypto outright, they still recognize crypto as an asset, and they allow Hong Kong to adopt crypto as a small-scale experiment.

Recently, BTC & ETH Spot ETFs have been approved in Hong Kong, although mainland money is not allowed to flow into these products, this also shows the development of the crypto experiment, suggesting optimistic responses from the mainland about crypto and it is very likely that China will soon allow crypto trading activities on the mainland.

Cryptocurrency Price Speculations / Re: Who is HODLing?
« on: April 28, 2024, 10:18:28 PM »
I am HODLing not because I desire to;
I am HODLing because I have no knowledge how the charts work;
While the experts know when the price will fall and rise, they buy and sell respectively. But I hold on to my coins;
I refuse to sell cheap to them. I didn't sell cheap to them. I don't lose because I am HODLing;
An old but ever truest thread.
BTC halving has taken place, and even slightly experienced investors can easily recognize that the new bullrun has just begun and the crypto market will continue to grow well for the next 12-18 months. Holding may be a more correct decision than selling off and exiting the market. I am also holding and DCA BTC + ALTS, it is naive to sell tokens and be satisfied with the current profit.

In some cases, I also want to trade to optimize profits or the number of tokens in the account, but the boring sideways movement of the BTC price and the entire crypto market right now does not make me feel comfortable with my decision. Better traders will trade, while I will only continue to focus on DCA & Hold while waiting for the BTC price ATH of the entire cycle.

Cryptocurrency Trading / Re: Trading is not same thing as Gambling
« on: April 28, 2024, 10:03:56 PM »
For those who don't quite understand the definitions of gambling and trading, it's natural that there are still many who misunderstand the equation between trading and gambling. Even though these two things are different as you said.

Gambling is just guessing and testing your luck by betting on something and our bets have no impact on that something. But trading means that we are directly involved in the market and our participation is also a driver in the market itself.
For many new traders, trading is just gambling because both gives them the opportunity to get rich. For me, capital management ability is not a reliable criterion to distinguish between trading and gambling, because an experienced gambler will also manage capital really well when participating in gambling.

I think the most important criterion we can use to distinguish them is the ability to make judgments: trading is conducted based on trading history, market data and tools that the trader can use to make possible scenarios for price fluctuations, then decide and manage orders. Meanwhile, gambling does not give any suggestions to players based on past data, or the dice have no memory. Most of the results will have the same probability, outside the player's efforts. All the player can do is manage capital and stop when necessary.

I myself never touch gambling, I want to focus on trading and control my investment carefully with my personal ability, not just relying on probability.

Tuy nhiên, xu hướng tăng trưởng lớn hơn có thể sớm tiếp tục khi các nhà phân tích kỳ vọng thông báo tái cấp vốn hàng quý (QRA) vào tuần tới từ Bộ trưởng Tài chính Hoa Kỳ Janet Yellen sẽ đưa ra biện pháp cứu trợ cho các loại tài sản rủi ro.

Thông báo nêu chi tiết về nhu cầu vay vốn trong ba tháng của chính phủ Hoa Kỳ, đã trở thành vấn đề then chốt trong thế giới hậu Covid 19 với khoản nợ kỷ lục, lạm phát và lãi suất tăng cao. Thông báo cũng tiết lộ quy mô và thời gian phát hành trái phiếu, cũng như số dư được giữ trong Tài khoản chung của Kho bạc (TGA).
Đây cũng là một trong những cách mà chính phủ Hoa Kỳ có thể sử dụng để thúc đẩy nền kinh tế, giúp cho nền kinh tế không đi vào suy thoái mà chưa phải nhờ đến quyết định giảm lãi suất của FED trong bối cảnh lạm phát trở lại vì sự tăng giá của dầu do chiến sự. Mình cũng không thực sự hiểu tác động của điều này, nhưng chỉ cần có dòng tiền lớn đổ vào nền kinh tế, bao gồm cả crypto thì thị trường crypto cũng sẽ tăng trưởng và mang lại lợi nhuận cho nhà đầu tư.

Mình mong rằng trong thời gian tới, khả năng này sẽ được xem xét và đánh giá một cách đầy đủ bởi những chuyên gia trong thị trường tài chính, bởi không có giải pháp này là toàn diện, nếu có thì nó đã được áp dụng từ lâu. Nhất định nó phải có một nhược điểm chí mạng nào đó về nguồn vốn, rủi ro hoặc sự đồng thuận mang tính chính trị mà chúng ta chưa thể nào hình dung hết được.

Mọi thứ đều vì lợi nhuận và sự ổn định của công ty trong dài hạn. Tether đang làm ăn tốt nhờ USDT trên toàn cầu, họ sẽ có nhu cầu bảo vệ mô hình kinh doanh, không để bị kiện hàng tỷ USD như Binance khi vướng đến cáo buộc tiếp tay cho kẻ xấu rửa tiền hoặc vi phạm những lệnh trừng phạt của Mỹ. Em đang chờ phản hồi từ những công ty hoặc quốc gia muốn sử dụng USDT nhưng biết được điều này, có thể họ sẽ tấn công Tether.
Mình cũng xem đây là tin tốt lành: Tether sẵn sàng xử lý một cách cứng rắn đối với những kẻ phạm tội để tuân thủ mọi quy định pháp luật tại Hoa Kỳ. Đây sẽ là điều kiện thực sự cần thiết để Tether tiếp tục tồn tại mạnh mẽ trong tương lai, và nhà đàu tư trong thị trường sẽ có thể yên tâm rằng chúng ta sẽ không phải đối diện với những rủi ro lớn như Tether sụp đổ do lý do về dự trữ hoặc pháp lý.

Nhiều người có thể bị quan nghĩ rằng Tether không thực sự phi tập trung: Tether ngay từ đầu đã là công ty tập trung, phát hành tài sản crypto được đảm bảo và có toàn quyền xử lý những trường hợp đặc biệt mà họ cho là nguy hiểm.

Theo Biểu đồ cầu vồng Bitcoin, mức giá hiện tại của BTC nằm trong vùng “tích lũy”.

Biểu đồ cầu vồng Bitcoin thể hiện trực quan việc định giá Bitcoin dựa trên dữ liệu trong quá khứ. Nó là thang đo logarit bao gồm các dải màu hiển thị vùng mua (xanh dương, xanh lá cây) và bán (cam, vàng).

Trong ba chu kỳ halving vừa qua, BTC đã bị định giá thấp ngay sau khi halving. Mặc dù mức giá BTC hiện tại cao hơn một chút so với các chu kỳ trước nhưng nó vẫn nằm trong vùng “tích lũy”.
Mô hình cầu vồng này theo hướng Log-Log, được Harold đề xuất từ năm 2019 và được hoàn thiện đến hiện tại, những dự đoán của nó cũng khá thú vị dù không hẳn luôn chính xác trong quá khứ. Mình mong rằng nó sẽ có giá trị nhất định tính đến hiện tại, nghĩa là dữ liệu đã đủ để có thể dự đoán chính xác trạng thái và vị trí của thị trường cũng như tiềm năng tăng giá trong tương lai.

Mình cho rằng lần này chúng ta sẽ phải thêm lần nữa thất vọng với mô hình cầu vồng được trình bày theo cách này: chúng ta sẽ có mà thấy được BTC đạt $450K trong mùa này. Mình chỉ dám chờ đợi $150K-170K hoặc cao hơn thì sẽ là $250K trong chu trình này, trước khi BTC đảo chiều và đưa toàn bộ thị trường crypto vào mùa đông cực kỳ khắc nghiệt.

Stable Coins Forum / Re: FDUSD volatily
« on: April 27, 2024, 09:50:17 PM »
I agree, I think that after banning BUSD, Binance is trying to make a strong return to the stablecoin market and the best way to do that is Binance Launchpool, as their strategy aims to reduce dependence on USDT and promote FDUSD, so by using this strategy you profit about $15 for every $1,000 invested, but on the other hand, FDUSD You gain more liquidity and grow, and after it becomes big enough Binance will stop giving you these easy profits.
Staking FDUSD may be profitable, but believe me, all similar experiments ended in something bad.
Yeah, following BUSD and TUSD, FDUSD has been selected by Binance for special benefits on Binance including free trading + airdrop in launchpools. Perhaps Binance wants to support First Digital and FDUSD, as well as add more interesting features for Binance CEX users. FDUSD price movements are very stable with a spread of less than 1%, FDUSD reserves are also reported monthly by Prescient, we can all refer to and trust the potential of this new stablecoin.

FDUSD marketcap is currently only around $4.5B, I believe that with the help of Binance, FDUSD marketcap will soon grow as strong as BUSD in the past.

100$ for ripple may take a long time to get there after the case with SEC . Even though XRP wins the case, it doesn't guarantee that XRP will recover its price quickly, everything needs a process, we can invest in XRP if the money we are going to invest is truly free money.
I have XRP in my portfolio for this bullrun because I believe Ripple will not abandon XRP. After winning the lawsuit with the SEC, Ripple can focus on developing the project, and pumping the XRP token price is an important part of marketing to attract more investors and users in the crypto market, as well as potential partners in the banking sector.

Anyway, this is just my personal expectation as I see the Ripple team appearing in the media, Ripple self-deploying its own stablecoin, and they also want to use Spot ETFs to bring the XRP token back into the price and market capitalization race. I look forward to the impressive growth of the XRP token in this bullrun, as happened in the bullrun 2017.

Solana Forum / Re: Solana Year 2024!!
« on: April 27, 2024, 09:21:34 PM »
Yes, you are right, now is the best time to buy Solana, after Bitcoin halving there is always a slight drop in the market, but it is not protracted and you should not expect that Solana will fall even more, you need to start buying today and if the price is even lower, buy more.
Well, I don't dare to give financial investment advice. I believe that investors should analyze the market themselves and make decisions based on their own capital, opportunities, and risks. I just think that the BTC halving has happened, we will have a few months to accumulate tokens when the market re-accumulates. I am focusing on DCA ALTS to welcome altseason at the end of this year. SOL is an attractive choice, especially due to the recovery of the SOL token price and the strong growth of its ecosystem in 2023. Although SOL's market cap is already quite large, I still believe that the SOL token can create a new ATH in this bull run and will not disappoint investors.

Cryptocurrency Trading / Re: Opt for the safest exchange?
« on: April 27, 2024, 09:04:49 PM »
Of course, many people choose Binance at the moment... the existence of Binance and its position which still dominates the cryptocurrency exchange market is a strong reason why many people trust Binance with their assets. Maybe there are still people who argue between centralized and decentralized exchanges, but up to now we all know that centralized exchanges are still king, and decentralized Bitcoin is still the king of cryptocurrencies.

Even though there is no CZ anymore, I still believe in Binance's business journey so that its BNB coin has received enough attention to occupy the Top 10 on the cryptocurrency list at CMC.
Yes, I am also using Binance as my main CEX, although I do use a few other CEXs such as GateIO, KuCoin, XT, Coinsbit, Latoken... Binance's services are really good: Spot, P2P, user Support... and I have no complaints in the 5 years I've been using it. My only regret is not accumulating a lot of BNB and using a lot of BNB to pay for transaction fees during the crypto winter 2018-2019. It would have been better if I had held them and made more profit from the increase in BNB's price.

I believe that CZ has a plan for Binance to continue to develop without his direct leadership in the future. After settling the lawsuit, the number of users and trading volume on Binance has recovered well and reaffirmed Binance's role in the crypto market. Binance's monthly proof of reserves and Safu are reasons for users to continue to trust and choose Binance when entering the crypto market.

It's a little strange that you want a crypto loan considering that you had problems with a regular bank - and everything that has to do with cryptocurrencies potentially has x times greater risk than a loan you would take from a bank.

I personally have no experience, but I think it's a bad idea in any case. In addition, if you want a loan, you must have something that you will give as a guarantee for the loan - maybe I misunderstood and you want to take a crypto loan based on your crypto deposit?
I have never used a bank loan either, but I may need them in the future when I decide to expand my business. I have also never used a lending platform in the crypto market. I think I should only invest with my own capital instead of taking on the additional risk of liquidation of collateralized crypto assets.

There are many popular lending platforms in the crypto market such as Aave or Nexo, but I often see investors using margin on Binance: they lock up their tokens and borrow 70% of those tokens value, and then pay interest on the loan. This model is really interesting if investors can take advantage of financial leverage and earn more money in bullrun, but I'm afraid that just an unusual market movement could also cause me to lose all of my crypto assets. I will not touch margin, I know that my ability is still lower than my own greed.

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