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Take a look at this.

While I was not able to get a hold of the exact legislation being proposed and written in Congress, there are rumors going out that there is a legislation they want to pass that would make not using an address multiple times a mixer.

I mean, what in the world are these people thinking? Clearly they don't know how a mixer works at all.

This sounds like something that was sponsored by a chain analysis company.

Windows is the most used desktop operating system by a large margin.

It also has the most malware of all platforms.

That's because it's been around for decades, and similarly viruses for it have also been around and working for decades as well because each Windows version is backwards-compatible with previous versions.

This means that viruses can easily be used to infect newer systems even as Microsoft pumps hotfix after hotfix.

What this means for you, is that most of these malware will contain crypto-stealers. You don't want one of those on your computer.

It is better to use Mac OS or Linux instead of Windows if you have any wallets.

So I found this interesting article on the internet about the practices of the UK bank Standard Chartered over 15 years ago:

"Two employees blew the whistle on Standard Chartered's accounts. The FBI wasn't interested. But the bank's own reports raised similar concerns."

The Government And The Whistleblowers

Confidential records from the FinCEN Files show that the bank was reporting its own suspicious transactions about customers with links to Iran until at least 2017.

On a summer morning in 2012, Anshuman Chandra read a news article about a Saudi Arabian financial institution suspected of facilitating the funding of al-Qaeda attacks, including 9/11. The bank was called Al Rajhi, and a US Senate committee cited allegations it had handled payments to suicide bombers in Somalia, Sri Lanka, India, and the Philippines.

Chandra was deeply troubled, he said, and not just because he knew people who had died in terrorist attacks. He was disturbed because Chandra worked for Standard Chartered bank, and he realized that his employer was doing business with Al Rajhi.

So Chandra warned a supervisor about what he had learned, he said, but he never heard back.

From Standard Chartered’s Dubai office, where Chandra was a client services manager, he dug deep into bank records. He later learned, examining a yearly profit report, that in 2009 alone, Standard Chartered earned $2 million from its relationship with Al Rajhi. (Al Rajhi did not respond to a request for comment.)

But that wasn’t all. Poring over Standard Chartered’s accounts, he found a number of customers in Iran, a country under US sanctions, and Chandra feared that they too had been indirectly supporting terrorist activities.

“I actually got goosebumps,” Chandra said.

This time, he decided to bypass his bosses. He turned to the US government.

By the fall of 2013, Chandra and another whistleblower, Julian Knight, had handed US authorities thousands of internal bank records that they claimed show Standard Chartered was giving safe harbor to a number of customers moving money to Iran.

The documents came at a significant time. A year earlier, the bank had acknowledged its role in concealing tens of thousands of transactions with businesses in Iran. Under threat of criminal prosecution, the bank had agreed to clean up its act.

Ultimately, the government walked away from the whistleblowers. But the two men had flagged real problems. The bank itself, confidential records show, later reported to the US Treasury that it had suspicions about at least 31 companies contained in the data the whistleblowers had handed over.

So as you can see, these banks can get away with not only money laundering but even terrorism financing. But then let's take the case of Samourai Wallet, which the prosecutors call a mixer (it wasn't). The Whirlpool coordinator was targeted for "allegedly" being used for money laundering despite a complete failure to identify who was using the service. However, in the case where the government has all the information about the banks' customers, transactions, accounts, and who is violating the law, they did not do anything. Actually, they didn't care.

What I'm seeing here in the regulations is less of a genuine concern to prevent AML and feels more like it's just a partisan jab in order to hurt non-democrat's standings in elections.

See also:

Bitcoin Forum / The anti-mixer arm of Congress
« on: May 09, 2024, 01:12:55 PM »
Let's take a look at the section of Congress who appears to be totally against Bitcoin privacy of any kind.

Late yesterday afternoon news broke of the House Financial Services Committee Democrats' new crypto legislation. First things first I want to acknowledge the monster in the room concerning this and don't worry this legislation is already dead on arrival. Moves like this are sadly to be expected in the coming months as these bills are introduced with the Members knowing it doesn't have the slightest chance to get a vote but instead is done as a messaging thing that they can point at.

Who is Behind This Legislation

Another HUGE thing to highlight is Rep. Sean Casten and his ties to the crypto industry. Guess whose brother was on his staff and served as a Legislative assistant?

None other than SBF's brother Gabe! While Rep. Casten says that Gabe played no role in his crypto views or did anything in that realm Gabe was able to use his relationship with Casten to help his brother out whether anyone wants to admit to it or not. I would bet that the contacts that Gabe had were a huge boost for his brother.

Looking at who else has already come out and been in support of this legislation we have the expected actors, Reps. Brad Sherman (D-Calif.), Emanuel Cleaver (D-Mo.), and Bill Foster (D-Ill.). Having worked or currently work on the other side of the aisle of these people it's to be expected. In particular, Rep. Sherman is someone who truly I do not understand how he got his job and more importantly what technology did to him to hurt him. The guy is consistently against cutting-edge innovation and made what I find to be the funniest comment about crypto years ago.

> He asked a witness testifying before a Committee why we don't "just flip the switch and turn off crypto".

I wish I had made up that quote but sadly.... nope.

What Would This Do

While the full text has not been released as far as I can tell, I also cant even find a circulating draft so it is clear they left this on the Dem side exclusively, the bill is rather straightforward. The legislation would place a 2-year "prohibition" on financial services (CEXs) from dealing with crypto that has been funneled through mixer.

During the two year "prohibition" the SEC, CFTC, and Justice Department are required to study the use of mixers and what role they play in helping to facilitate illicit finance. Below is Casten's comment.

> "The presumption should be that these are money laundering channels," Casten said, unless sufficient audit work shows otherwise. "Let's go through and get that cleaned up and fixed."

Why This is a Stupid Waste of Time

Within the released text this bill is only going to affect entities that the US government is already monitoring/controlling. This legislation further fails to address what if some of your BTC had previously been through a mixer? Would Coinbase or whoever else was in possession of it have to divest it and then buy "new" BTC that wasn't touched by a mixer? We also already have the Justice Department working with numerous blockchain analysis companies that are able to track BTC that has passed through mixers. We literally have these answers yet this group of Congressman either A) are not being kept in the loop by their staff or B) just ignoring what we know to push an agenda that is knownly NOT POPULAR with people.

The executive summary here is three parts.

Number one: The bill they are trying to pass is dead in the water (at least as long as there is a republican-controlled House, although it goes on to show that if Democrats take control of it, they will use it to completely destroy crypto privacy).

Number two: This bill was co-authored by SBF's brother. Let that sink into you for a second. It underscores why SBF deserves to rot in jail for an eternity. He does not care about crypto, but he is for "Big Government".

The third and most important thing is that the lawmakers is just going to automatically assume that mixing == money laundering and not change their opinion about it, as if a bunch of stuborn 10-year olds are writing the laws! It doesn't matter what sort of explanation or analysis you give them, it's "guilty unless proven innocenent" and it fits into their sinister plan to strip every crypto user of financial privacy worldwide.

Technical Discussion / Ark Layer 2 projects are now live on Github
« on: May 02, 2024, 02:25:56 PM »
This is very exciting news, I don't know if any of you still remember the Ark project's homepage (which seems to be offline at the moment, an archived version can be viewed at the Wayback Machine or maybe try, but it was billed as a second layer for Bitcoin, similar to Lightning Network but it doesn't use Lightning Network at all.

Basically by storing the UTXO set, users can send and receive payments without downloading the blockchain.

Now there are two repos that have been published on Github in the last 24 hours: a monorepo, for running Ark (in Golang), I think, and clArk, an Ark implementation in Rust.

You can find both of them inside the organization at .

Technical Discussion / Developers are debating resetting testnet.
« on: May 02, 2024, 12:37:03 PM »
Look at this Google Groups discussion on the bitcoin-dev mailing list:

It was started by Jameson Lopp (there are reports about him executing a proof of concept flaw on the testnet that has apparently called what people are describing "havoc"? But it's testnet so it's not supposed to have any value attached to it.)

Hi all,

I'd like to open a discussion about testnet3 to put out some feelers on potential changes to it. First, a few facts:

1. Testnet3 has been running for 13 years. It's on block 2.5 million something and the block reward is down to ~0.014 TBTC, so mining is not doing a great job at distributing testnet coins any more.

2. The reason the block height is insanely high is due to a rather amusing edge case bug that causes the difficulty to regularly get reset to 1, which causes a bit of havoc. If you want a deep dive into the quirk:

3. Testnet3 is being actively used for scammy airdrops; those of us who tend to be generous with our testnet coins are getting hounded by non-developers chasing cheap gains.

4. As a result, TBTC is being actively bought and sold; one could argue that the fundamental principle of testnet coins having no value has been broken.

This leads me to ponder the following questions, for which I'm soliciting feedback.

1. Should we plan for a reset of testnet? If so, given how long it has been since the last reset and how many production systems will need to be updated, would a reset need to be done with a great deal of notice?

2. Is there interest in fixing the difficulty reset bug? It should be a one liner fix, and I'd argue it could be done sooner rather than later, and orthogonal to the network reset question. Would such a change, which would technically be a hard fork (but also arguably a self resolving fork due to the difficulty dynamics) necessitate a BIP or could we just YOLO it?

3. Is all of the above a waste of time and we should instead deprecate testnet in favor of signet?

- Jameson

Consensus seems to be in favor of doing something about testnet. What exactly, nobody has agreed on yet. I have also made my opinions in there that testnet should be reset.

Now, as some of you reading this know, I am a well-off person who doesn't need to scrape airdrops in order to live. But recently, I have started to receive many phishing emails from people looking to take over my Github account. The messages go something like this:

"We see you have contributed to [this is true] and that you are elligible for a XYZ airdrop [or some other acronym] so please allow me to use your Github account for 10 minutes so that I can help you claim it."

Or other times its "Please give us money so that we can claim the airdrop for you."

Now I have not attempted to claim any airdrop or reply to these people but what I am certain is that someone, somewhere, has indeed added me to an airdrop. Maybe this one:

But I'm not going to take any of them. I don't care about airdrops and I'm jsut writing this to warn you guys of similar phishing attempts I have received in my mailbox.

So apparently Block, the payments company launched by Jack Dorsey among others and owns Cash App, is in big trouble with regulators because they did not follow compliance practices which ultimately resulted in funds from Cash App and its payment processor ending up into criminal hands.

The word on the street:

Quote from:
United States federal prosecutors are reportedly probing Jack Dorsey’s fintech company Block, Inc. after a whistleblower surfaced documents alleging ongoing and widespread compliance violations at the firm’s payment arms Square and Cash App.

A former Block employee provided prosecutors from the Southern District of New York with documents allegedly showing that Square and Cash App processed thousands of transactions for users in countries subject to economic sanctions as well as crypto transactions for terrorist groups, NBC News reported on May 1

Roughly 100 pages of the documents were provided to NBC News, which reported many transactions were in small dollar amounts involving entities in countries subject to United States economic sanctions, including Iran, Russia, Cuba, and Venezuela.

The whistleblower said that most of the transactions discussed with prosecutors — which involved credit card, fiat, and Bitcoin
 transactions — were not reported to the government.

Block did not correct its processes when it was alerted to the alleged breaches of compliance, the former employee alleged.

“From the ground up, everything in the compliance section was flawed,” they said.

“It is led by people who should not be in charge of a regulated compliance program.”
A second anonymous source with “direct knowledge” of Block’s internal systems also confirmed the whistleblowers’ allegations to NBC News.

Edward Siedle — a former Securities and Exchange Commission lawyer who represents the whistleblower — said it was his understanding from the documents that compliance breaches were “known to Block leadership and the board in recent years.”

So as you can see, apparently Block was doing some shady stuff and some employee became tired enough of it to become a whistleblower for the government.

It is unlikely that Block is not going to face any punishments despite their spokesperson rambling about how they are regulatorily compliant.

Bitcoin Forum / Roger Ver has been arrested
« on: May 02, 2024, 10:20:07 AM »
Following the pattern of very rich bitcoiners who fail to pay their taxes and somehow get arrested in Span, Roger Ver has just been detailed for exactly that, according to reports.

First of all we have the report from Ver's own newspaper, (LOL!):

Quote from:
On April 30, 2024, the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) detained Roger Ver, a trailblazing investor in bitcoin, on accusations of tax evasion and submitting fraudulent tax returns. The following update is accompanied by a statement from regarding the allegations against the company’s founder.

Bitcoin Investor Roger Ver Charged With Tax Evasion
According to the DOJ press release, by 2014, Roger Ver and his companies, Memorydealers and Agilestar, reportedly controlled over 131,000 bitcoins, each valued at about $871. Memorydealers and Agilestar allegedly maintained control of approximately 73,000 of those bitcoins. However, he is accused of supplying misleading information to legal and valuation experts to minimize these assets’ declared value.

This alleged misstatement, according to the U.S. government, resulted in underreported company tax returns and the evasion of the mandatory “exit tax” on capital gains from his worldwide assets. Ver was apprehended in Spain, and the DOJ declared that the government intends to extradite him to face trial in the United States.

And then the newspaper predictably defended him:

Statement From
“In light of the recent news, we want to underscore that these legal matters pertain solely to Roger and have no bearing on While we cannot comment on the specifics of the allegations, we stand by Roger and his contributions to the cryptocurrency space,” a spokesperson told our newsdesk.

“Importantly, these legal proceedings do not affect our operations or the services we provide. remains steadfast in our mission of making money accessible to everyone, everywhere, without limits. Our commitment to this mission remains unwavering. This litigation does not affect our operations or the services we provide. Our non-custodial wallet ensures that users always maintain control of their funds,” the spokesperson added.

What is this statement supposed to be, the editor talking to himself? I find it quite funny that needs to talk to its spokesperson in order to write about this.

Bitcoin Forum / The 134th reason why you should not use Wasabi Wallet.
« on: April 28, 2024, 06:01:34 AM »
Once upon a time, Wasabi Wallet was one of the most formidable, if not the most private wallet the Bitcoin community had to offer. It ran your bitcoins through WabiSabi, a CoinJoin protocol, and it "mixed" (if you want to call it that) your coins for you and gave you clean coins. Just like many of these mixers that you see advertised around here.

Unfortunately, Wasabi, like many other mixers and coinjoiners, had one inherent and fatal flaw - It ran a centralized coordinator. It was not decentralized at all.

This means that not only can law enforcement destroy a coordinator, but the coordinator itself can sabotage it's own users.

This is exactly what happened with Wasabi Wallet. While zkSNACKs, the owner of the coordinator, was busy preparing its draft announcing its intent to blacklist UTXOs that it doesn't like, the community was aloof of this news.

Of course, they were very angry when they found out about this, because there were no criteria for blacklisting a UTXO, not to mention the entire concept of blacklisting was unethical in the first place, so that basically meant that zkSNACKs could make up the rules on the fly for what UTXOs they would like to block.

Believe it or not, this is old news. It happened 4 years ago.

Since then, a couple of sockpuppets have taken it upon themselves to defend Wasabi of any wrongdoing, justifying harvesting your UTXO set for this purpose while decrying competing wallets doing the same. You can find these accounts on many platforms, like X and bitcointalk.

Fast forward to today, and now Wasabi announced that no American is allowed to use the Wasabi wallet or access their website.

I am sure you are shaking your head at this point thinking "but I thought only exchanges do that kind of stuff!" Well, that was the case for all KYC-verified services for a long time, but at least they had the excuse of obeying the law. Now though, even anonymous services are hiding from US users, not out of legal obligation, but out of fear. It has never been illegal for Americans to own bitcoin, even though the government wants a tax cut out of all bitcoin transactions at this point, which is not hard to see.

I actually think nopara73 (Wasabi founder) ran away from Wasabi Wallet because he saw this coming. I guess he didn't want his reputation to be further in the mud or something.

Do not use any bitcoin wallet that geoblocks its users. Bitcoin is a global, permissionles, decentralized, P2P electronic cash.

Bitcoin Forum / Phoenix Wallet to be removed from US app stores
« on: April 27, 2024, 07:08:26 AM »
Just when you thought the fallout from Samourai Wallet's demise couldn't get any worse, here we are again with news from last night that apparently, Phoenix Wallet is planning to cut off all their US app users.

Phoenix Wallet is not just a Bitcoin Wallet, it is also a Lightning Wallet, and that is a big problem since Phoenix Wallet opens the channels for you, which also means that those channels are soon going to be cut (or in Lightning Network jargon "closed").

Reddit has incorrectly reported that Stripe is enabling crypto payments for all customers (i.e. people who buy stuff). This is false. The actual news from many outlets including TechCrunch:

Quote from:
Stripe, the fintech giant, continues to inch its way back into the cryptocurrency market. On Thursday the company announced that it would let customers accept cryptocurrency payments, starting with just one currency in particular, USDC stablecoins, initially only on Solana, Ethereum and Polygon. This will be the first time that Stripe has taken crypto payments since 2018, when it dropped support for Bitcoin due to it being too unstable.

Stripe in 2022 tried its first reentry into the crypto market when it announced payouts (but not payments) in USDC, with Twitter as its marquee customer for the service. Thursday’s news has no customer names attached to it.

That's right, this USDC support is only for the Stripe merchants themselves. It is not for the consumers at all. In fact, nothing has changed for them, it is still business as usual.

Although, I won't deny that it would be a coup if you could suddenly start paying for subscriptions via Stripe using crypto.

Bitcoin Forum / OP_CAT and Bitcoin
« on: April 25, 2024, 03:20:36 PM »
I know most people don't understand anything about Bitcoin Script, so I will try to explain this as best as I can.

When you create a transaction, the outputs of the transactions have scripts attached to them, which contain instructions that an input must replicate in order to unlock those inputs for signing.

Mostly the script looks something like OP_DUP OP_HASH160 OP_PUSH <some hash> OP_EQUALVERIFY OP_CHECKSIG or maybe OP_DUP OP_PUSH <some hash> OP_EQUAL.

Scripts can take inputs, which are stored on a stack, similar to a programming language, which is created when a Bitcoin Core node verifies a transaction and is destroyed when verification is completed.

Ever since the introduction of Taproot, people have been finding rather creative uses for these opcodes. One of these led to the creation of Ordinals.

However, having opcodes that can do complex operations will save fees on the bitcoin network and will allow more transactions to be mined in the same block at once (due to something called "sigops"). OP_CAT is one such opcode: It combines the two highest values on the stack.

For example, if the stack looks like this:


then OP_CAT will delete these two values and put "NotATether" on the stack.

Or if the stack is


and you do two OP_CATs, then it will also create NotATether. (first NotA, Tether and then the complete string NotATether).

The good news is, OP_CAT finally has a BIP number, BIP 347, and that means that the BIP is under serious consideration.

It might even be added into the Bitcoin protocol again. It was first disabled by Satoshi Nakamoto himself very early on in Bitcoin's life.

Bitcoin News & Updates / Buy Bitcoin sign sold for 16BTC
« on: April 25, 2024, 03:03:02 PM »

I mean, who can possibly forget this moment if you have seen it on television.

Clearly the guys on the left and right of the Bitcoin Sign Guy are either smirking or staring disapprovingly at it, which makes it all the more comical.

Well recently, it has been put on auction, and the winning bid was for 16BTC, which is about $1,000,000 in US dollars.

I hope the buyer enjoys his new ownership of this piece of Bitcoin history.


Why it is possible the DOJ might rule wallet transactions as unregistered money transmission

If you have not been out of the loop, you will have heard the news that Samourai Wallet was seized by the US government yesterday. Two people running the project were arrested as part of that, and they have been charged with (you guessed it) money laundering and operating an unregistered money transmission business.

That is what the indictment says (and I got the excerpt from over here).

(Conspiracy· to Operate an Unlicensed Money Transmitting Business)
The Grand Jury further charges:
31. The allegations contained in paragraphs 1 through 28 of this Indictment are
repeated and realleged as if fully set forth herein.
32. From at least in or about 2015 up to and including in or about February 2024, in the
Southern District of New York and elsewhere, KEONNE RODRIGUEZ and WILLIAM
LONERGAN HILL, the defendants, and others known and unknown, willfully and knowingly
combined, conspired, confederated, and agreed together and with each other to commit an offense
against the United States, to wit, operation of an unlicensed money transmitting business, in
violation of Title 18, United States Code, Sections 1960(b )(1 )(B) and (b )(1 )(C).
33. It was a part and object of the conspiracy that KEONNE RODRIGUEZ and
WILLIAM LONERGAN HILL, the defendants, and others known and unknown, would and did
knowingly conduct, control, manage, supervise, direct, and own all and prut of an unlicensed
money transmitting business
, which affected interstate and foreign commerce, and (i) failed to
comply with the money transmitting business registration requirements under Section 5330 of Title
31, United States Code, and regulations prescribed under such section, and (ii) otherwise involved
the transportation and transmission of funds that were known to the defendants to have been
derived from a criminal offense and were intended to be used to promote and support unlawful
activity, to wit, RODRIGUEZ and HILL conducted, controlled, managed, supervised, directed,
and owned all or part of Samourai, a business that transferred funds on behalf of the public, without meeting the Federal registration requirements set forth for money transmitting businesses...

Now let's get the ducks in a row:

- Samourai Wallet was not a company, it was an open source project.
- The Whirlpool coordinator was software that ran on their computer servers, and was not ran as a business.
- The primary function of Samourai Wallet is a bitcoin wallet, not to transfer money on behalf of random users.
- CoinJoins are not money transmitters in the same way that regular Bitcoin transactions are not money transmitters.

So, given that Samourai Wallet is just a bitcoin wallet, that performs Bitcoin transactions, and the government is hell-bent on winning the case, then this might cause them to rule that bitcoin wallet transactions are unregistered money transmitters and are hence illegal.

What do you think of this? Do you think the DOJ will go that far? Or do you think they will hand out some other kind of charge? Do you think they will win the case?

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