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Is education important ?

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Author Topic: Is education important ?  (Read 10385 times)

Offline MUGNIA

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Re: Is education important ?
« Reply #75 on: January 31, 2025, 06:05:26 AM »
I don't know, what is certain is that currently if you want to apply to a private or government company in my country, there must be an insider and that is the power to be able to enter the work, it is useless to have a higher education if you don't have relatives in the company / that we are applying to (sorry, this is the situation in my country)

I don't know the country that you comes from but it's everywhere that this kind of things happened. Some countries that don't tolerate corruption, they call that kind of opportunities as networking. Having someone you know at higher level makes it easy to get something in that office especially job for another person that you know and if they have their role.

However, the places where this is abuse is when you see someone want to use their influence to get something by force or even use either money or their political power to influence something, this happen most of the time in places where corruption has eating dip and no thing is done about it.
It's a common thing to find, isn't it? Sometimes it's sad that people who really need work are hindered by those in power. This doesn't mean that the person in power doesn't have a job, but it would be better to use the proper channels if you want to work without having to block friends or old employees who have been working there before.

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Re: Is education important ?
« Reply #75 on: January 31, 2025, 06:05:26 AM »

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Re: Is education important ?
« Reply #76 on: January 31, 2025, 10:35:36 PM »
It's a common thing to find, isn't it? Sometimes it's sad that people who really need work are hindered by those in power.
This is the situation in my country, they just hoard vital job opportunities for their families, friends, cronies, and lackeys and they come out to tell the people that there are no job opportunities in the country and you will be surprised to see new faces in the offices and asking them how they got their employment and they would tell you the government employed them and issued them appointment letter and there is nothing you can do about it. In some cases, they make it public but in the real sense, they already have their list of people they want to employ, they just make the publicity a formality so that in the future it would be said that the government made the employment public for the citizens to know but that was not their intention.

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Re: Is education important ?
« Reply #77 on: January 31, 2025, 11:08:15 PM »
We have to value education because it is very important in our society and human life as a whole, we need education to get the exposure needed to make things happened and acquire changes about life, when we are educated, we are going to be well informed ahead of things expected of us, what we should not and not to do, how we can make the nest of life for every living thing, create progressive innovations, plan and make life at the best affordability and simplicity for everyone.

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Re: Is education important ?
« Reply #78 on: February 01, 2025, 02:52:45 PM »
We have to value education because it is very important in our society and human life as a whole, we need education to get the exposure needed to make things happened and acquire changes about life, when we are educated, we are going to be well informed ahead of things expected of us, what we should not and not to do, how we can make the nest of life for every living thing, create progressive innovations, plan and make life at the best affordability and simplicity for everyone.
It is true that we must value education because with education we as humans understand the knowledge and reason to think and choose what is good and right, somehow people who do not value education and they consider everyone low when they have a position think

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Re: Is education important ?
« Reply #79 on: February 04, 2025, 02:13:51 PM »
We have to value education because it is very important in our society and human life as a whole, we need education to get the exposure needed to make things happened and acquire changes about life, when we are educated, we are going to be well informed ahead of things expected of us, what we should not and not to do, how we can make the nest of life for every living thing, create progressive innovations, plan and make life at the best affordability and simplicity for everyone.
It is true that we must value education because with education we as humans understand the knowledge and reason to think and choose what is good and right, somehow people who do not value education and they consider everyone low when they have a position think
Totally depends on someones behavior or kind of person because there are ones who do able to obtain that education but turned out to be that having that entitlement to himself on which they do really that see themselves always on the top since they do have that education on which this is really that indeed a shit behavior that you can have. Although not all will really be having on the same behavior when it comes to this. Speaking about education then its indeed important because this will really be giving out that kind of advantage since you can have that knowledge and awareness on things on how it works or on what it is all about. It will be giving out that edge in compared to those who dont have any idea.

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Re: Is education important ?
« Reply #81 on: February 05, 2025, 03:53:36 PM »
It is true that we must value education because with education we as humans understand the knowledge and reason to think and choose what is good and right, somehow people who do not value education and they consider everyone low when they have a position think
Yeah, it’s true that we can’t overemphasize the importance of education, but that doesn’t mean that education will do everything for us, I say this because some people depend too much on education that they fail to focus on the practical aspects of learning or life. Education is like a compass that’ll pinpoint the actual direction and path that we should follow and that’s it, but people fail to understand this.

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Re: Is education important ?
« Reply #81 on: February 05, 2025, 03:53:36 PM »

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Re: Is education important ?
« Reply #82 on: February 06, 2025, 07:17:51 AM »
It is true that we must value education because with education we as humans understand the knowledge and reason to think and choose what is good and right, somehow people who do not value education and they consider everyone low when they have a position think
Yeah it is, we must value education for our own growth and development because it is important in our lives, with education or without education I believe people are going to survive, but still it very important, because we need it to take right decision pertaining to our lives, with job or without job education plays a vital role in our lives, if you are educated and you couldn't secure a better job, you will make use of the knowledge you acquired to do something lucrative. because there is differences between illiterate and literate. And you will be able to identify an educated person from uneducated person due to their behavior and characteristic. You will see that growth only take place in the life of an illiterate but not development, because there are uneducated and they do not have the knowledge to apply for development to take place in their lives.
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Re: Is education important ?
« Reply #83 on: February 06, 2025, 08:59:17 AM »
It is true that we must value education because with education we as humans understand the knowledge and reason to think and choose what is good and right, somehow people who do not value education and they consider everyone low when they have a position think
Yeah, it’s true that we can’t overemphasize the importance of education, but that doesn’t mean that education will do everything for us, I say this because some people depend too much on education that they fail to focus on the practical aspects of learning or life. Education is like a compass that’ll pinpoint the actual direction and path that we should follow and that’s it, but people fail to understand this.

Agree. In general education can only be a theory, when experience a person must gain himself. I have plenty of examples how people with great grades at school and university work on a low paid jobs. And opposite, when person that considered to be loser or stupid at school, now own business or earn x3-x5 than those who were better than him at school. Education is important when you know where to use it, and can use it.

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Re: Is education important ?
« Reply #84 on: February 06, 2025, 01:53:14 PM »

Agree. In general education can only be a theory, when experience a person must gain himself. I have plenty of examples how people with great grades at school and university work on a low paid jobs. And opposite, when person that considered to be loser or stupid at school, now own business or earn x3-x5 than those who were better than him at school. Education is important when you know where to use it, and can use it.
Well sometimes we can’t blame those who often have this misconception. The society today has made it look like going to school and doing all it takes to come out with good grades is all that matters now, and that’s why some people even go as far as cheating in examinations and stuffs like that, just to make sure that get those good grades, and when such person finally graduates with those good grades but lacking the skills and experience, they suffer after school, making it look like going to school is a total scam.
One do not only have to depend on their grades to fetch them sources of income and livelihood after graduation from school and the sooner people learn this, the better for everyone.

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Re: Is education important ?
« Reply #85 on: February 06, 2025, 02:41:40 PM »

Agree. In general education can only be a theory, when experience a person must gain himself. I have plenty of examples how people with great grades at school and university work on a low paid jobs. And opposite, when person that considered to be loser or stupid at school, now own business or earn x3-x5 than those who were better than him at school. Education is important when you know where to use it, and can use it.
Well sometimes we can’t blame those who often have this misconception. The society today has made it look like going to school and doing all it takes to come out with good grades is all that matters now, and that’s why some people even go as far as cheating in examinations and stuffs like that, just to make sure that get those good grades, and when such person finally graduates with those good grades but lacking the skills and experience, they suffer after school, making it look like going to school is a total scam.
One do not only have to depend on their grades to fetch them sources of income and livelihood after graduation from school and the sooner people learn this, the better for everyone.
Yeah. Society makes us think that good grades are the key to success, and some even cheat to get them. But without real skills and experience, those grades don't always help. After school, it’s more about applying what you’ve learned and gaining experience than just having high marks. People need to realize that!

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Re: Is education important ?
« Reply #86 on: February 06, 2025, 02:47:19 PM »
what do you think?

Education is the most important thing for any human being. Not being educated makes you naive in almost everything. Being educated is not just about going to school and coming out with some good grades and certificates, but the proper utilization of knowledge.

Education starts months after birth, and that is why it is being said that charity begins at home. Our parents are the first educators given to us by God, and what they teach us is what we grow with. As we grow, we start making our own choices.

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Re: Is education important ?
« Reply #87 on: February 06, 2025, 03:03:55 PM »
I don't know, what is certain is that currently if you want to apply to a private or government company in my country, there must be an insider and that is the power to be able to enter the work, it is useless to have a higher education if you don't have relatives in the company / that we are applying to (sorry, this is the situation in my country)

I don't know the country that you comes from but it's everywhere that this kind of things happened. Some countries that don't tolerate corruption, they call that kind of opportunities as networking. Having someone you know at higher level makes it easy to get something in that office especially job for another person that you know and if they have their role.

However, the places where this is abuse is when you see someone want to use their influence to get something by force or even use either money or their political power to influence something, this happen most of the time in places where corruption has eating dip and no thing is done about it.
It's a common thing to find, isn't it? Sometimes it's sad that people who really need work are hindered by those in power. This doesn't mean that the person in power doesn't have a job, but it would be better to use the proper channels if you want to work without having to block friends or old employees who have been working there before.

This is a challenge in lots of countries around the world, and because of this, the zeal to study hard is no more there. It has come to the climax that those who study hard and come out with good grades, will only continue to work and survive on salary, which most times it's not the very best paying. Then, the idea of moving from one company to another because of difference in pay rate.

In countries of such corruption and corrupt practice, being self employed becomes the way out for those who can think in that direction. How many people in the society will have someone in the government sector, big position in the companies or occupying reputable position in the country. So, self or personal survival becomes the option.

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Re: Is education important ?
« Reply #88 on: February 06, 2025, 04:25:36 PM »
Yeah. Society makes us think that good grades are the key to success, and some even cheat to get them. But without real skills and experience, those grades don't always help. After school, it’s more about applying what you’ve learned and gaining experience than just having high marks. People need to realize that!
Well, not always, but most of the times, those good grades alone don’t help. Back when I was in the university, I used to have a friend from a very wealthy family, his father owned several companies, and according to him, he’d take over one of those companies when he turned 20, at that time he was already 20, and all that was required of him was to only go to school and bring back a degree, this guy is barely seen in classes, he’d only come to class maybe twice or more in a week but at the end of the semester, he’s always amongst the top graders in class.

These set of people are fortunate and they’re not in school to actually acquire any knowledge or experience, because they’ll get all the professional training they need for the job, all they need is the grade. But this isn’t the case for everyone, because those who only rely on their grades alone and are not as fortunate as my friend, often have a tragic end.

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Re: Is education important ?
« Reply #89 on: February 07, 2025, 08:54:46 AM »
These set of people are fortunate and they’re not in school to actually acquire any knowledge or experience, because they’ll get all the professional training they need for the job, all they need is the grade. But this isn’t the case for everyone, because those who only rely on their grades alone and are not as fortunate as my friend, often have a tragic end.

Going to school and acquiring knowledge are two distinct things. It is possible to go to school and not know anything because no effort was made to learn, and there are people who want to learn but do not have the opportunity to attend school.

So it is with job seeking; there are people who can do the job but lack the necessary connections and thus are denied the opportunity to do it.

The most painful aspect is that even the brightest minds are not always considered for jobs, which is why people should attend school to overcome their ignorance rather than to secure better jobs, as they may be disappointed.   
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