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Author Topic: I am launching a crypto blog / news site, looking for a team  (Read 7426 times)

Offline SamReomo

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Re: I am launching a crypto blog / news site, looking for a team
« Reply #30 on: August 23, 2024, 09:21:21 PM »
it is not really a top down management, but rather something like a coop, a group of people writing stuff, and we'll see how things go
for now payment will be based on site revenue, hence it will be delayed a bit, but once there is a bit of traction i can get some sponsorships easily.
the blog is set to issue points,
hence till then either points are kept or possibly can convert them to forum token, will see this part, as we discuss it among ourselves.
If I'm not wrong then at current stage of the blog most of the writers that you hire are not actually going to get paid but they all work to make blog a successful one by writing content for it. If the content of the blog gets attention and the blogs gets some good traffic then you have plans for some sponsorship and when that's done then the writers will get something from the revenue generated. That's what I got, but if the writers get points based on their content then they can somehow convert the points to forum token.



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Re: I am launching a crypto blog / news site, looking for a team
« Reply #30 on: August 23, 2024, 09:21:21 PM »

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Offline philipma1957

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Re: I am launching a crypto blog / news site, looking for a team
« Reply #31 on: August 25, 2024, 03:56:03 PM »
I post a lot. I can write 5 500 word articles a week. I can do this for a month and collect credits or points or whatever.

At a certain time whether it is two or three months. I will have written 100,000 words just for points.

So I would likely get frustrated at that point.  I am still willing to create some content for you if you shoot me a pm.

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Re: I am launching a crypto blog / news site, looking for a team
« Reply #32 on: August 26, 2024, 08:09:11 PM »
i am interested in trying to contribute to the admin's new plan, especially becoming a blogger, but my skills are still minimal.







Offline Mikunscrib

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Re: I am launching a crypto blog / news site, looking for a team
« Reply #33 on: January 14, 2025, 07:49:19 PM »
I am launching with a couple partners a crypto blog / crypto news website.

Blogs are a drain and take a lot of time and effort, that's why we are launching a group blog, the effort this way will be split, and the revenue as well.

- The blog will be linked from altt, and hence get exposure directly.
- A system is in place to properly measure the contributions of each member.
- You would be a super early member of a project that might become big.
- You can use Chatgpt in a moderate way.

- It is a new project, thus will take some time to have any revenue - you need to be patient.
- Unless you really understand crypto and what is happening in crypto, you can't contribute > not a place for noobs.

I am looking for writers willing to be active and frequently post about what is happening in crypto.
The posts do not have to be long essays, but they need to be frequent (once a day or 4-5 times a week)

technical specs:
- For now it's using wordpress as blogging platform.

there is a system in place that grants points based on the content. And these points will be used to transparently split the revenue the blog gets among the few writers.

If interested let me know to send you an invite.

Posts should be in English, but if you can contribute in other languages also I'm interested.
revenue split will only be available once we start making revenue (a specific formula will be established, and all members contribution is available for team members directly from profile).

I'm interested, i write mostly about memecoins, crytocurrencies, cloud mining and educative or any 'how to",  PR or sponsored articles.... Where can we connect?


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