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Author Topic: type of rich  (Read 1266 times)

Offline libert19

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Re: type of rich
« Reply #15 on: December 04, 2024, 12:19:34 PM »
the just got rich type was described as someone that unexpectedly got wealthy but due to immature financial iq they lose their money almost as quickly they are still very oblivious and they think their money will never run out until it does

Lol, that felt personal. Current I am in my third bull market and I can't tell you how much money I have blew up in previous bull markets, just bad financial decisions overall.

Edit: correction from "had" to "bad"
sorry to hear that mate!

hopefully that you have learned a lot by now i too have had a few shares of bad financial decisions when you have money you plan everything and want to buy everything and you get overly confident that sooner or later you realize you’ve annihilated all of your money and there’s nothing left of it anymore

I didn't blew away money by purchasing things; it was more like selling coins early/late, swapping profits into coins which died (should have choosen ETH/BTC/Stables to secure money), keep holding onto coins in vain expectations that they will recover — stuff like that.

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Re: type of rich
« Reply #15 on: December 04, 2024, 12:19:34 PM »

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Re: type of rich
« Reply #16 on: December 04, 2024, 08:48:17 PM »
rich people did not come from the same background they may occupy the same space most of the time and buy the same things but where their money is from is a different story altogether

i came across a youtube video detailing types of rich people and it got me thinking how these ones differ in terms of how they deal with money ; some of the types of rich that was mentioned in the video were: just got rich, real estate rich, royal family rich, trading rich

the just got rich type was described as someone that unexpectedly got wealthy but due to immature financial iq they lose their money almost as quickly they are still very oblivious and they think their money will never run out until it does

what about you? what kind of rich are you and how do you view money based on the type of rich you are?

here is the video if anyone’s interested

If you think you're rich, then there is where another mans riches has begun, because we only know about our own personal self without having an idea of what others are up to, some people are rich base of others influence in what they do and they cannot sustain that without the help of these same people, while some are valuable and strong asset on their own because they have the ability to always deliver on what can make them to remain a rich person.

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Re: type of rich
« Reply #17 on: December 05, 2024, 11:56:47 PM »
what about you? what kind of rich are you and how do you view money based on the type of rich you are?

here is the video if anyone’s interested

Different type of rich are really existing today and a lot of people may have fall in different category no matter how rich they can be, there’s someone that will definitely be ahead of you. Rich is just a term use for how much money you have that makes you to be sustainable. Going further into what it entails more, we can now see different people claiming to be rich and to another person they’re just another poor person on the earth trying to make a living out of their wealth. Even those that not earned up to a million can be classified as rich if they actually fend for themselves and remain sustainable. Millionaire and billionaire status are not easily achieved, and getting those status require more effort than what a normal rich person will request.

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Re: type of rich
« Reply #18 on: December 06, 2024, 08:10:28 AM »
I didn't blew away money by purchasing things; it was more like selling coins early/late, swapping profits into coins which died (should have choosen ETH/BTC/Stables to secure money), keep holding onto coins in vain expectations that they will recover — stuff like that.
ah my bad i guess it is a lot more disappointing when you are trying to earn more but losing instead at least you know that you had good intentions it just doesn’t work out for you risky steps sometimes do produce great results but most of the time it’ll just lead you further down

i am assuming you still had your fair shares if profit which is your motivation to keep going and keep trying have you found a better system though? do you think you’ve improved? there should be a different type of rich which is one that is able to bounce back amidst adversity

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Re: type of rich
« Reply #19 on: December 06, 2024, 10:29:50 AM »
I didn't blew away money by purchasing things; it was more like selling coins early/late, swapping profits into coins which died (should have choosen ETH/BTC/Stables to secure money), keep holding onto coins in vain expectations that they will recover — stuff like that.
ah my bad i guess it is a lot more disappointing when you are trying to earn more but losing instead at least you know that you had good intentions it just doesn’t work out for you risky steps sometimes do produce great results but most of the time it’ll just lead you further down

It was more like greed than risk, I mean you rarely think about risk in bull markets, you think the only way is up.

i am assuming you still had your fair shares if profit which is your motivation to keep going and keep trying have you found a better system though? do you think you’ve improved? there should be a different type of rich which is one that is able to bounce back amidst adversity

I haven't found a better system, it's more like just not repeating past mistakes this time around.

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Re: type of rich
« Reply #20 on: December 19, 2024, 06:00:03 AM »
I used to experience that get rich quick guy before but due to mismanagement of the said money I end up losing some of it through overspending nonsense things and I regret that and that literally taught me lessons to stay low key, save for emergency funds and invest on something profitable to generate passive income. Most millionaires and billionaires are busy not on a lavish lifestyle but expanding their assets to generate cash flow even when they are sleeping and that is not I am doing before that is why I end up broke.
I empathize with your situation. Although mistakes can be painful, they often occur for a reason. Recognizing and learning from your mistakes is important, as it helps you gain valuable experience and insight.

Admitting your mistakes and being open to correction is essential for growth. It's also important to remember that true wealth isn't just about accumulating money, but also about managing it wisely and saving for the future.

becoming rich quickly might not be a problem for some, the real challenge lies in sustaining wealth over time. Effective financial management and discipline are key to maintaining a steady flow of income and avoiding lavish spending.
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Re: type of rich
« Reply #21 on: January 09, 2025, 09:50:53 AM »

If you think you're rich, then there is where another mans riches has begun, because we only know about our own personal self without having an idea of what others are up to, some people are rich base of others influence in what they do and they cannot sustain that without the help of these same people, while some are valuable and strong asset on their own because they have the ability to always deliver on what can make them to remain a rich person.
When you consider yourself rich, you are only looking at your own net worth. However, you are not aware of the financial situations of others. It is essential to avoid being overly proud and thinking you are the wealthiest person. Feeling superior because of your wealth is not justified. The truth is, there are many people who have more wealth than you. If you were to learn about their net worth, you would realize that you are not the richest person. In fact, some individuals might even view you as poor in comparison to their own wealth.

This realization should make you humble and make you understand that wealth is relative. What seems like a significant amount of money to you might be insignificant to someone else. Therefore, it is crucial to stay grounded and not let your wealth define your self-worth.
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Re: type of rich
« Reply #21 on: January 09, 2025, 09:50:53 AM »

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Re: type of rich
« Reply #22 on: January 10, 2025, 10:35:05 PM »
what about you? what kind of rich are you and how do you view money based on the type of rich you are?
I am not that rich, neither am I poor. I have a roof over my head, and I am sure I can feed and provide for myself on a three square meal daily without having anyone called for help or ask for favored financially anywhere.

Someone who does what mentioned above by themselves, what category of rich people will they be grouped? However, I group myself to someone who's not rich nor poor. What they have is much okay for them

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Re: type of rich
« Reply #23 on: January 10, 2025, 11:33:41 PM »
rich people did not come from the same background they may occupy the same space most of the time and buy the same things but where their money is from is a different story altogether

i came across a youtube video detailing types of rich people and it got me thinking how these ones differ in terms of how they deal with money ; some of the types of rich that was mentioned in the video were: just got rich, real estate rich, royal family rich, trading rich

the just got rich type was described as someone that unexpectedly got wealthy but due to immature financial iq they lose their money almost as quickly they are still very oblivious and they think their money will never run out until it does

what about you? what kind of rich are you and how do you view money based on the type of rich you are?

here is the video if anyone’s interested
Riches are wealthy people and wealthy people are classified in higher class,lower class and average class,naturally some people are unfortunate to fall in the higher class family,they don't struggle in life they archieve everything archievable,i strongly agree with you.


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Re: type of rich
« Reply #24 on: January 11, 2025, 08:35:29 AM »
Someone who does what mentioned above by themselves, what category of rich people will they be grouped? However, I group myself to someone who's not rich nor poor. What they have is much okay for them
you are in middle class i am also would be okay with this honestly but the problem with this is in case of emergencies and whatnot it’s a lot difficult to have some money i would group someone in middle class with investments and a lot of savings in the upper middle class category they would be a lot safer and more stable if in case a health emergency happens

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Re: type of rich
« Reply #25 on: February 04, 2025, 03:50:33 PM »
A lot of income is doing so but it does not mean that you will own a lot of money. Many people you will see a lot of income but there is nothing in the hands, at the end of the job or when the income is closed the loan hill on the head has been seen. If you have a lot of income then your life value will be the same. If your income is low then your life value will be another. This is the standard of life and this life standard you have to keep in the future. Since i am not rich so i don't want to say much about the lifestyle of the rich. To be rich, you have to go through a process for a long time and you will never be rich if you go out of your way.

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Re: type of rich
« Reply #26 on: February 05, 2025, 10:13:57 PM »
rich people did not come from the same background they may occupy the same space most of the time and buy the same things but where their money is from is a different story altogether

i came across a youtube video detailing types of rich people and it got me thinking how these ones differ in terms of how they deal with money ; some of the types of rich that was mentioned in the video were: just got rich, real estate rich, royal family rich, trading rich

the just got rich type was described as someone that unexpectedly got wealthy but due to immature financial iq they lose their money almost as quickly they are still very oblivious and they think their money will never run out until it does

what about you? what kind of rich are you and how do you view money based on the type of rich you are?

here is the video if anyone’s interested

The just got rich is part of my story too. Because when this happens, the money disappear the same way it come, as  there was no maturity to financial management and no plans for recurring payments. No business ideas nor investment plans, all because I thought it will just keep coming the way it started. But when it stopped coming, I realized I didn't do the right thing when the money was at hand. I didn't see it as a set back, but rather, I learnt from it.

For me, I'm not rich, cause when those who are rich are called upon, we are looking at those who has acquired millions and billions of dollars. Those possessing hundreds of thousands of dollars are also considered rich.

I view money as something that is needed at it's point of need, not for selfish use or unhealthy lifestyle. I see money as something to be used by/to/for those who needs it. There's a reason of humanity, so if I have a spare change to give to who needs it, then, I'll do so.

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Re: type of rich
« Reply #27 on: February 05, 2025, 10:18:45 PM »
what about you? what kind of rich are you and how do you view money based on the type of rich you are?
I am not that rich, neither am I poor. I have a roof over my head, and I am sure I can feed and provide for myself on a three square meal daily without having anyone called for help or ask for favored financially anywhere.

Someone who does what mentioned above by themselves, what category of rich people will they be grouped? However, I group myself to someone who's not rich nor poor. What they have is much okay for them

I think the perfect name for such people is the Middlemen and I fall into that category. It is when there is enough for today and the need for tomorrow is not a challenge, then the desire to start making plans for having double or triple of that available at hand for the future.

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Re: type of rich
« Reply #28 on: February 07, 2025, 02:14:13 PM »
The just got rich is part of my story too. Because when this happens, the money disappear the same way it come, as  there was no maturity to financial management and no plans for recurring payments. No business ideas nor investment plans, all because I thought it will just keep coming the way it started. But when it stopped coming, I realized I didn't do the right thing when the money was at hand. I didn't see it as a set back, but rather, I learnt from it.
unfortunate that you had to learn the hard way but failing has always been a part of life and it is just something we have to accept and move on and most importantly learn from it’s good at least that you have learned from it and you took it as a learning experience and not something that would end everything you have worked for
I view money as something that is needed at it's point of need, not for selfish use or unhealthy lifestyle. I see money as something to be used by/to/for those who needs it. There's a reason of humanity, so if I have a spare change to give to who needs it, then, I'll do so.
well everyone needs money because it’s the currency to live it just so happens that others have more than the others


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