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Author Topic: When Crypto Meets Innovation: Jambo (J) Token’s Use-Case Story, what to Expect?  (Read 243 times)

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  • Last Active: February 03, 2025, 02:27:19 AM
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I never expected crypto to be this innovative and appicable to us until my friend got the Jambo phone, just like the Solana mobile. I laughed when I heard him say he was going to start mining the Jambo token with the phone he got for less than $100 back then, but then, I was surprised to see even exchanges announce the listing of this same token, I felt I shouldn't have been, since there is a rally around solana phone in the past, it only shows it doesn't end there.
It takes me to the next question I'd ask anyone who is out there and is involved in crypto, where do you see crypto technology in the next 20 years, because I am coming to believe we might not be using physical cash if the development rate can be this fast and very applicable.

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