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Author Topic: Dilemma of growing a portfolio  (Read 1277 times)

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Re: Dilemma of growing a portfolio
« Reply #30 on: February 03, 2025, 09:57:43 PM »
A portfolio that will find difficulty in growing or making good profits is one filled with bunch of shit coins/tokens that are on the pump and dump scheme. It is a right thing to maintain a healthy coin holdings in one's portfolio to avoid a continuous decline it value.
Bitcoin has attained it's Trust over the internet and crypto space, and lots of the top altcoins on CMC ranking.

Meme coins that will be profitable to their investors or traders on their early listing are those who entered the trade as early birds, and they will secure tons of profits, having traded with the uptrend flow.
Indeed, a portfolio with many meme coins or shitcoins does not have to be maintained for the long term. What is meant is that when we invest in shit coins or meme coins, they are short-term assets, not to be used as long-term assets in our portfolio. Because, the price movement will usually stop after reaching ATH and will drop very drastically after that. When we do not take advantage of this moment to immediately take profits, then in the long run, our assets will only become trash and have no value anymore. And that only makes our portfolio look like many assets but less value
If you want for a long term investment, don't invest with meme tokens because it is not being made for long term. Normally, meme tokens has no utilities and their price depends on the hype or the community. We all know that hype will vanish in time so it's good for long term. If you want a long term investment, choose the top altcoins in the CMC including Bitcoin because you will not regret holding them for a long time.

The top notch coins on the CMC ranking are coins that will stand and hold on, not being controlled by quick pump and dump situations, but because they have survived the test of time, and have shown to be worthy of investment, by showing improvement and development of their projects, creating ideas that can solve one problem of the other. Meme coins that are on the top list of crypto ranking does not still have what it takes, because they are controlled by hype. They have no utility in the community.

If we look closely, all of these meme coins are for quick profit, and after a short period, it experiences dump, investors are interested in what will give them rest of mind, where they have little to no thinking about Lossing their entire capital because of hype or pump/dump.

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Re: Dilemma of growing a portfolio
« Reply #30 on: February 03, 2025, 09:57:43 PM »

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Re: Dilemma of growing a portfolio
« Reply #31 on: February 03, 2025, 11:07:03 PM »
It is good that you have no intentions of buying this coin. Anyone buying this meme coin right now is making a big mistake, those who bought early may have made profit, but that is all over, those coming later are going to lose money because the hype is gone.
And I keep wondering why people keep falling for an obvious scam like this one over and over again, I can’t be able to count how many times such a coin have come and gone, all with basically same exact results, and yet people still fail to realize that tokens are fueled by hype and once hype is over, everything is gone and those who join thereafter end up holding the bag. And the fact that the project developers holds majority of the token is still a total red flag that they’ve also chosen to ignore, and I keep wondering why this same trick works on people all the time.

I will tell you why people are pretty much ignorant and stick with what they want to believe.

Here is one example " Doge is a meme coin."

Its not it is a pow coin that has real use for payments purposes.

It have been the best coin to mine for the last 4 years.

No pow coin has done as well.

Yet if you read thread here you will read over and over and over that it is a meme coin.

It may have been birthed as a meme but it is a solid pow now.

but if you ask around most think it is a still a meme.


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Re: Dilemma of growing a portfolio
« Reply #32 on: February 04, 2025, 04:03:57 PM »
I've seen two tokens that have piqued my interest but still need some research, WEETH and USDE, mainly because I saw a way I can capitalize on by holding both tokens.

Hey mate, what do you mean by WEETH and USDE like the link I embedded above?
If yes, you are good to invest your capital in WEETH and USDE because both coins are USDE is Layer 2 of Ethereum and USDE is pegged at 1 dollar.
Ethereum is a well-known altcoin and has very strong fundamentals, with its ranking alone being number 2 on Coinmarketcap. While USDE is a USD pegged coin with 1 USDE = 1 USD. I think [your thoughts are a good choice.



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Re: Dilemma of growing a portfolio
« Reply #33 on: February 04, 2025, 05:15:06 PM »
A portfolio that will find difficulty in growing or making good profits is one filled with bunch of shit coins/tokens that are on the pump and dump scheme. It is a right thing to maintain a healthy coin holdings in one's portfolio to avoid a continuous decline it value.
Bitcoin has attained it's Trust over the internet and crypto space, and lots of the top altcoins on CMC ranking.

Meme coins that will be profitable to their investors or traders on their early listing are those who entered the trade as early birds, and they will secure tons of profits, having traded with the uptrend flow.
Indeed, a portfolio with many meme coins or shitcoins does not have to be maintained for the long term. What is meant is that when we invest in shit coins or meme coins, they are short-term assets, not to be used as long-term assets in our portfolio. Because, the price movement will usually stop after reaching ATH and will drop very drastically after that. When we do not take advantage of this moment to immediately take profits, then in the long run, our assets will only become trash and have no value anymore. And that only makes our portfolio look like many assets but less value
If you want for a long term investment, don't invest with meme tokens because it is not being made for long term. Normally, meme tokens has no utilities and their price depends on the hype or the community. We all know that hype will vanish in time so it's good for long term. If you want a long term investment, choose the top altcoins in the CMC including Bitcoin because you will not regret holding them for a long time.

The top notch coins on the CMC ranking are coins that will stand and hold on, not being controlled by quick pump and dump situations, but because they have survived the test of time, and have shown to be worthy of investment, by showing improvement and development of their projects, creating ideas that can solve one problem of the other. Meme coins that are on the top list of crypto ranking does not still have what it takes, because they are controlled by hype. They have no utility in the community.

If we look closely, all of these meme coins are for quick profit, and after a short period, it experiences dump, investors are interested in what will give them rest of mind, where they have little to no thinking about Lossing their entire capital because of hype or pump/dump.
I agree with you. Top altcoins in the CMC tested already that they are worth investing for. They survive in bearish market  where people are selling their assets because of thinking that crypto will going to die. But here we are now, what we see in the list for past years in top alts was still on the list. Meme tokens is having a hard time to increase in this bull market, how  much more when the bearish comes.

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Re: Dilemma of growing a portfolio
« Reply #34 on: February 07, 2025, 10:26:06 PM »
I've seen two tokens that have piqued my interest but still need some research, WEETH and USDE, mainly because I saw a way I can capitalize on by holding both tokens. Still, the other tokens I can consider adding to my portfolio have been pretty elusive so hence my post. What do you guys recommend I should look into and what do you think about the two tokens I chose.
This is funny. You don't think of investing in stablecoin and coin exactly like eth, and you are thinking of making huge profits from your crypto investment, whereas there are potential coins you can invest in and anticipate good profits in this bull run thereof.

This time of the market is not a time for one to invest wrongly. I would advise you to invest in Bitcoin rather than altcoins because that's much safer to expect a return on investment for a long time, compared to altcoin that nobody knows their future price

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Re: Dilemma of growing a portfolio
« Reply #35 on: February 07, 2025, 10:51:42 PM »
This time of the market is not a time for one to invest wrongly. I would advise you to invest in Bitcoin rather than altcoins because that's much safer to expect a return on investment for a long time, compared to altcoin that nobody knows their future price
One thing with altcoins is that you have to throw money on a couple of them and see what happens, not everyone will like to 'gamble' with their money like that, you can buy as many as possible and still be unlucky with all of them. This is why we usually recommend BTC, because it is not a pump and dump coin and if you are patient you'll surely realize profit.

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Re: Dilemma of growing a portfolio
« Reply #36 on: February 08, 2025, 10:59:30 AM »
In fact, they are valuable and realistic that those who have invested in greed have lost a lot of money today. This token suddenly came to the market and made many poor and very few people got profit. You accept it as a very condemnation which is the metaphor of a gambling. Some people can get profit from these coins, but most people will lose from these coins. Since all countries are thinking about crypto now so a lot of cheating sources will be created.

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Re: Dilemma of growing a portfolio
« Reply #36 on: February 08, 2025, 10:59:30 AM »

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Re: Dilemma of growing a portfolio
« Reply #37 on: February 08, 2025, 02:47:51 PM »
Whenever you got opportunity to make money from such investment just cash out everything or atleast half of it to reinvest them on other projects whether it's new or something like Bitcoin cause we can't expect the Trump coin or any such projects to be next Bitcoin so there's no point in hoping they will become one, make money and move on to next one.


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