It is good that you have no intentions of buying this coin. Anyone buying this meme coin right now is making a big mistake, those who bought early may have made profit, but that is all over, those coming later are going to lose money because the hype is gone.
And I keep wondering why people keep falling for an obvious scam like this one over and over again, I can’t be able to count how many times such a coin have come and gone, all with basically same exact results, and yet people still fail to realize that tokens are fueled by hype and once hype is over, everything is gone and those who join thereafter end up holding the bag. And the fact that the project developers holds majority of the token is still a total red flag that they’ve also chosen to ignore, and I keep wondering why this same trick works on people all the time.
I will tell you why people are pretty much ignorant and stick with what they want to believe.
Here is one example " Doge is a meme coin."
Its not it is a pow coin that has real use for payments purposes.
It have been the best coin to mine for the last 4 years.
No pow coin has done as well.
Yet if you read thread here you will read over and over and over that it is a meme coin.
It may have been birthed as a meme but it is a solid pow now.
but if you ask around most think it is a still a meme.