So, which investor are you?
1. Panick seller when prices dump.
2. See an opportunity in the dip, and buys it.
Another newbie that's indirectly promoting another shitcoin like on this one where the OP's promoting LUX coin, and I did a quick search on Coinmarketcap, and there's many coins out there that has a ticker symbol of LUX. Whatever the case is, OP's just promoting a project for personal reasons.
Anyway, I didn't panic sell when I saw the market going down because sometimes, doing nothing is the best thing to do, and that would be better than panic selling. On the flip side, it's a bit unfortunate on my side that I didn't took the opportunity because I don't have spare money to use to buy some Bitcoins or at least some altcoins.
If you're an investor, always take note that, every dip is an opportunity especially when it comes to the crypto market. Of course, this isn't applicable to all coins especially altcoins, but when it comes to Bitcoin, as long as we are in a bull run like where we are right now, a dip is an opportunity to earn money in the quickest way possible.