For our forum ads, we have multiple places, and you can usually get them via bidding:
The bidding for a month opens a week before the start of the month, but you can bid for another month in advance (even pay), if no higher bidder you just win the next month.
Monthly bidding : February 2025 :
Secondary Market:
Ad spots that are still available, can be bid upon every Monday, to be displayed for a duration of 6 days, , bidding is done via ALTT.
[Monday: for bidding] [Tuesday - till Friday : Ads Displayed]
More details:
What kind of ads do we offer ?1 - Dedicated sub-forum section: Fully branded section will be created with huge banner and your social media links, and any sub-sections if needed. This is ideal for any project that is looking to engage with the community. - Price : please contact admin to discuss this, via pm or email.
1-B - Dedicated sub-forum Featured section: Like the one before, but this section will appear separately on the main forum page (under Cryptocurrency Ecosystem). For One month, then it will be moved to a specific subsection of the forum. This is ideal if you are launching a new project, as it creates initial engagement, and allows you in the latter months to still have a community interacting in a structured way (unlike messy chats).
Price : please contact admin to discuss this, via pm or email.
2- Top banner entire forum (Global):The banner that is displayed on top of the forum
1. Duration 1 month.
Check bidding link above.
3- In each topic entire forum (Global):The banner appears as a separate reply post on each topic, and that after the original post
1. Duration 1 month.
Check bidding link above.
4- Specific section or local language section:Ad display on any section or sub-forum. These Ads overpower the Global ads. The global ads will not display in this section if these are taken.
Check bidding link above.
1: It does not display on any subsection that has it's own dedicated banners
Projects that are running a signature, subscription campaign on our forum, and announce this campaign on their social media get a 10% discount. And Also get a priority in case there is a tie in bidding.
Any VIP member gets a 50% discount on the ads, and can place reservation on ads before bidding starts.
To be a VIP please check this: currency: BTC, ETH, BNB
In case of payment with USD or EUR : will be done through a 3rd party and costs 30% more, but also allows you to get a VAT invoice from the advertising partner.
Other promotional services:- We can have a forum run bounty or airdrop for your project:
One of our mods will manage the bounty/airdrop
We would advertise it through our social media and multiple partners.
Also: Some limitation on type of project might apply, as partners might not be willing to advertise.
Price: to be discussed based on project, pm the admin
- Wide internet promotion of a bounty or airdrop for your project:
We do not get involved in management, only in promoting.
We would advertise it through our social media and multiple partners.
Also: Some limitation on type of project might apply, as partners might not be willing to advertise.
Price: to be discussed based on project, pm the admin
- Promoted PM & email to all members.
A PM blast & email is sent to all members by the forum newsletter. (either only pm, or pm and email informing about the pm)
(users emails will not be provided to a third party)This is a very server intensive operation, can take many days, sometimes up to a month for all pm and emails to be sent.
the ad would be included in this PM blast, but as part of the newsletter, and would be clearly labelled as Ad.
Newsletters happen usually 1-2 times/year , can be up to 5-6/year max.
Price: to be discussed based on project, pm the admin
- None forum crypto investors marketing.
This is done through a 3rd party that have access to multiple email lists of crypto investors.
Price: to be discussed based on project, pm the admin