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Messages - yhiaali3

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I admit that at the beginning SOLANA was good and could create a new trend of memecoin that was extraordinary after Ethereum, but when I learned of so many problems in the SOLANA network, that became a big obstacle and made all investors now move to other networks.
Yes, Solana was very good and I expected it to grow significantly in the future. The occurrence of network problems such as these continuous outages will harm the network a lot, so developers must do their best to fix these problems if they want to compete with other networks.

Despite all this, there was talk two days ago in the American economic network CNBC about the possibility of issuing ETFs for SOL after the approval of the Ethereum ETF. Although this is just media talk, it indicates that the Solana network has a good reputation, and this could give great impetus to the SOL coin and stimulate further development For the network.

I don't know much about Ryan Salama or his role in the FTX disaster, but since he was so close to Bankman Fried, he must have played a major role in the incident, and I expect that he deserves a 7.5-year sentence in prison.

We all hope that justice will take its natural course in this incident, which caused great pain to many people who lost their money, and that we will hear more prison sentences for everyone who participated in this painful disaster that left a major bad impact on the world of crypto.

صناديق المؤشرات المتداولة للإيثيريوم تحصل على موافقة رسمية من هيئة الأوراق المالية والبورصات

أعطت هيئة الأوراق المالية والبورصات الأمريكية الضوءَ الأخضر للعديد من صناديق المؤشرات المتداولة الفورية للإيثيريوم بعد تكهُّنات بأنَّ الهيئة التنظيمية كانت تفكِّر في التعامل مع الإيثيريوم على أنَّها ورقة مالية.

في قرار تاريخي ثانٍ هذا العام، أعطت هيئة الأوراق المالية والبورصات الأمريكية الضوءَ الأخضر التنظيمي لصناديق المؤشرات المتداولة الفورية للإيثيريوم
 في الولايات المتحدة  (Spot Ether ETFs)

 من شركات (19b-4)  في 23 مايو، وافقت هيئة الأوراق المالية والبورصات على إيداعات
(VanEck) ,(BlackRock) , (Fidelity) , (Grayscale) ,(Franklin Templeton) , (ARK 21Shares) ,(Invesco Galaxy) ,(Bitwise)
حيث وافقت على تغييرات القواعد التي تسمح بإدراج صناديق المؤشرات المتداولة الفورية للإيثيريوم وتداولها في البورصات الخاصة بها؛ جاء القرار التاريخي بالرغم من التكهُّنات بأنَّ منظِّمَ الأوراق المالية كان يحقِّقُ فيما إذا كان سيصنِّف الإيثيريوم ورقةً مالية

 (S-1) لا يزال مُصدرو صناديق المؤشرات المتداولة بحاجة إلى توقيع هيئة الأوراق المالية والبورصات على بيانات تسجيل
الخاصَّة بهم لصناديق المؤشرات المتداولة الفورية للإيثيريوم لبدء التداول رسمياً. يقول محللو الصناعة إنَّ هذا قد يستغرق أياماً أو أسابيع أو حتى أشهر

لقراءة الخبر كامل من هنا

تطور إيجابي كبير في الحصول على الموافقة على صناديق الإيثريوم التي كان يعتقد الكثيرون أنها لن تحصل بسبب تصنيف هيئة الأوراق المالية للإيثريوم على أنه ورقة مالية لكن هذه الموافقة جاءت بعد  تصويت أعضاء مجلس النواب الأمريكي في مصلحة تشريعٍ يعتقد كثيرون أنَّه سيوفر مزيداً من الوضوح التنظيمي لصناعة العملات المشفرة في الولايات المتحدة

I read several days ago on one of the Telegram channels that discussions were beginning to appear among some analysts on the CNBC channel regarding the possibility of issuing ETFs for the SOL currency.

I expect that if the discussion is repeated in such influential economic channels and expanded in the media, it will result in a strong rise in the SOL currency, even though this is not acceptable to the Securities and Exchange Commission.

For me, it is unlikely that Solana will obtain the required approval, especially after the failure that the network is suffering from, which has been repeated more than once. Personally, I do not expect coins other than Bitcoin and Ethereum to obtain approval.

حيازات دونالد ترامب من العملات المشفرة تتجاوز 10 ملايين دولار لمدة وجيزة

(MAGA) ارتفعت عملة الميم ’ماغا‘
.إلى أعلى مستوى لها على الإطلاق في 27 مايو، ما عزَّز حيازات ترامب من العملات المشفرة
تجاوزت حيازات الرئيس الأمريكي السابق دونالد ترامب من الأصول المشفرة على الشبكة 10 ملايين دولار لمدَّة وجيزة يوم الاثنين، مدفوعةً في المقام الأول بأكبر
(TRUMP) حيازاته، توكن ’ترامب‘

(Arkham) في 27 مايو، ذكرت شركة استخبارات البلوكتشين ’أركام‘
.أنَّ محفظة أصول العملات المشفرة للمرشَّح الرئاسي دونالد ترامب تجاوزت 10 ملايين دولار

ويرجع سبب ارتفاع قيمة حيازات المحفظة إلى رقم من سبع خانات إلى عملة الميم "ماغا" وعملة "ترامب"، التي ارتفعت إلى أعلى مستوى لها على الإطلاق عند 13.24 دولار في 27 مايو

.وفقاً لشركة ’أركام‘، يمتلك دونالد ترامب 579,290 عملة "ترامب"، تبلغ قيمتها نحو 6.79 مليون دولار

.قال ترامب في 25 مايو: "أنا إيجابي للغاية ومنفتح على شركات العملات المشفرة، وكل الأشياء المرتبطة بهذه الصناعة الجديدة والمزدهرة"

.وفي 21 مايو، أطلقت حملة ترامب 2024 صفحة لجمع التبرعات للأشخاص للتبرع بالعملات المشفرة

الخبر كامل هنا

سبحان مغير الأحوال ، كان ترامب من ألد أعداء العملات المشفرة واليوم أصبح منفتحا جدا 8)

It's something i didn't know, although some discussion claim you still get critical update[1-2]. Although it's not mentioned whether all security update considered as critical or not.

I am speaking from my experience. Updates will inevitably stop after a period of time. The period of time may vary depending on the country, but they will inevitably stop. This is what happened to me at least, as they give you a trial period to use all the features with the ability to update automatically, but after a period of time some important features will stop ( For example, you cannot customize the Windows theme, and automatic updates are also stopped, but you can still install updates manually.

As you know, there are security vulnerabilities that are discovered from time to time in Windows and are fixed through updates, so stopping the update may cause serious problems in the future.

Launchpad sounds interesting because the name Binance is there, as the number one exchange in the cryptocurrency world. For some people, it might be interpreted that sooner or later, the relevant token or coin will be listed on Binance. However, they don't think about the long term or the lack of interest and crowds. Their focus is only on short-term profits by selling as quickly as possible when listing on major exchanges which triggers price increases. Let's stop this nonsense.
Yes, that's exactly it, the main reason is Binance's big name.

So even fraudulent projects won't mind paying the high listing cost on Binance to get the name and promotion they need, and then they just steal people's money and walk away.

On the other hand, Binance is all about getting high listing funds and they do not bear legal responsibility for fraudulent projects, so it is the job of investors to do their own research before investing.

At least for Windows, you actually you can use it without cracking or paying for the license if you don't mind persistent watermark "Activate Windows". You just need to make sure to download the installer from Microsoft website.

Unfortunately, many do not know this - although it seems to me that the unpaid version still has some other not so important limitations. I think I even gave advice to @yhiaali3 to look for a license on BTT (Goods board) because there some people were selling them very cheaply and of course payment is always possible in BTC or some altcoins.

I used to use pirated versions of the OS and practically all programs, but that was back when I had dial-up internet and it took me 30+ minutes for a few MB of data - and we bought pirated programs on CD/DVD. When I just remember that I picked up that damned virus that connected me to some exotic island via a telephone connection and made me "happy" on the next bill ::)
Yes, I remember your advice, thank you.

But I would like to add here that for an unlicensed Windows system with a watermark, the problem is not only the presence of the watermark, but the main problem is that Windows updates have stopped, especially the Windows Defender update, which will make your device vulnerable to major security risks due to the update stopping.

Therefore, it is better to obtain a license or replace Windows with Linux.

I don't know why Trump cares so much about the founder of the Silk Road, Ross Ulbricht? I mean, does he feel that Ross Ulbricht was wronged by this sentence that was handed down to him? Or is it sending election propaganda signals to the cryptocurrency community?

I understand Trump's promises that he made towards cryptocurrencies and his attempt to win the community's affection and the great propaganda he is promoting for himself as a sponsor of cryptocurrencies, but I did not fully understand why he was interested in the Ross Ulbricht case? I also do not know whether the president has the powers to cancel the ruling issued by the court?

Actually, Launchpad also sometimes ends up being a scam because the price doesn't immediately increase, instead the price tends to fall. Participating on Binance is really good because it has a guarantee from Binance and using BNB to participate so it will keep us safe with the capital we use.
That's right, I like your point that most Launchpad projects end up with lower prices over time so investors should take advantage and sell at the beginning of the launch when prices are good because then they will continue to fall.

As for the other issue, I disagree with you a little because it is true that Binance gives some guarantee because of its great reputation, but in the end it is not responsible for these projects and does not bear responsibility for the low price, so investors must conduct their research well before investing, even if the project is listed on Binance.

If investors use licensed Windows instead of cracked versions, everything will be more secure, and investors also need to avoid malicious websites. I am also a Windows user and was attacked in the bull run 2017, after which I switched to using Ubuntu to access my accounts on blockchains through wallet applications. Ubuntu's Terminal and sudo are really more secure than Windows for the purpose of protecting private keys.

One good thing is that Ubuntu is completely free, which means that users can easily install it to effectively manage their accounts instead of facing many risks through Windows  8)
Here lies my other problem. I live in a banned country where I cannot obtain the official licensed Windows system or even other licensed programs, so I use cracks to break the Windows system and the rest of the programs I need.

When I installed the crack, my device was infected with a virus and the wallet was hacked, so the best option is to move to Linux, where the system and programs are all open source and do not require licenses or cracks.

It's funny to hear about power outages for the SOLANA network, as if they don't have strong power backup.
Solana's network shutdown in February lasted about 5 hours and it was a bad reputation for Solana.
According to an article I read on Cointelegraph: “This is not the first time the Solana blockchain has faced a network outage or disruption in block production. The network has suffered multiple downtimes over the past few years, and the most recent outage (which occurred on February 6) will be the eleventh time in the last two years.

This terrible!! How can a network with all these problems and outages outperform Ethereum, it is impossible.

الموافقة على صناديق الإيثيريوم تعني أنَّ الإيثيريوم و’الكثير‘ من التوكنات ليست أوراقاً مالية

.يحذِّر محلِّلو الصناعة والمحامون من أنَّ هذا لا يعني أنَّ منظِّمَ الأوراق المالية غير قادرٍ على متابعة الإجراءاتِ ضدَّ الجهات الفاعلة في مجالِ التحصيص
إنَّ الموافقة على صناديق المؤشرات المتداولة الفورية للإيثيريوم هي "اعترافٌ ضمنيٌّ" من هيئة الأوراق المالية والبورصات الأمريكية بأنَّ الإيثيريوم ليست ورقة مالية، وفقاً لخبراء الصناعة

.حتَّى أنَّ أحدهم يشير إلى أنَّ هذا يمكن أن يمتدَّ إلى التوكنات الأخرى أيضاً

ومن جهته أشار جيمس سيفارت، محلل صناديق المؤشرات المتداولة في بلومبرغ، في مناقشةٍ مع ريان شون آدمز في بودكاست ’بانكليس‘ إلى أنَّ "هذه أسهم ائتمانية قائمة على السلع، لذا فإنَّ هيئة الأوراق المالية والبورصات، بالموافقة عليها، تقول صراحةً إنَّها لن تسعى إلى تصنيف الإيثيريوم ورقة مالية"

(S-1) كما يعتقد محامي الأصول الرقمية، جاستن براودر، أنَّه إذا حصلت صناديق المؤشرات المتداولة للإيثيريوم على الموافقة على طلبات
— الخطوة الأخيرة اللازمة لها لبدء التداول — فإنَّ "النقاش قد انتهى: الإيثيريوم ليست ورقة مالية"

الخبر كامل من هنا

هذه ستكون عثرة قانونية كبيرة في طريق المشرعين للقانون إذ يمكن الموافقة على الإيثريوم أنه ليس ورقة مالية لكن ماذا عن الكثير من التوكنات التي لها نفس وضع الإيثريوم؟ هل سيتم الاعتراف بها كلها أنها ليست أوراق مالية؟

Bitcoin Forum / Re: Trump Supporting Bitcoin, Crypto
« on: May 26, 2024, 10:15:19 PM »
Yes, Trump seems more fortunate, and cryptocurrency fans hope for his victory and support him because they believe that the country will be more open to Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies if Trump wins.

Among the things they did was launch several tokens, such as a token named "TRUMP" and another token MAGA (Make America Great Again), that phrase that Trump wears on his hat. I think they took advantage of this phrase and created a token with the same name, and it achieved an amazing rise over the past days of about 157%.

What you say is absolutely correct. Several months ago, my laptop with Windows 10 installed was infected with a virus through one of the cracks, and my Electreum wallet was hacked and the Bitcoin in it was stolen.

Although there is a Windows protection program, hackers are developing their methods to avoid the already weak protection in Windows, so yes, I agree with you, it is better to move to the Linux system because it is much better protected and it contains all the basic needs that any user needs.

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