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Messages - bee

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Forum related / Re: Badge "Spammer 100 Posts Per Day "?
« on: August 01, 2020, 08:35:58 PM »
Mate !! I see that their is badge for maximum 50 post in a day ( super active ) , there isn't any badge if we publish 100 post in a day . I really didn't know how that person got that badge .
Where can I get information about that limit?
This user really did, check all his posts on July 27th.

I don't think 100 post a day will make someone spammer. I would say it is because the post is irrelevant and doesn't contribute for the forum.
Making 100 post is a big help actually but we have to make sure that it is motivated to help our community not for the rank.
Please check the "News & Updates" board, how can you think making 100 topics a day is not spam? This is a discussion forum, not republishing news. If you make a comment there, is it likely that other people will respond?

Not everyone will be able to make 100 posts a day. For this you need to work hard.
Unless this user adds a bot to the account.

These are accounts that creates massive threads,
- Bitrab :;u=74589 (Baby Steps)
- sirty143 :;u=33545 (Legend)
- Riya143 :;u=52652 (Legend)
- MRM :;u=74409 (Jr. Member)

News sources are usually reposted:

The game was created according to a mathematical model, you can check the game contract

tell me how will I get dividends as you said if there are no next buyers?

Sorting Box / Re: Cryptocurrency is now creating a new record
« on: July 12, 2020, 09:38:45 PM »
Fraud reduction

This is a contradiction with reality, fraudsters today do not have to bother even sounding their voices to deceive someone, only with their fingertips they can look for victims in various parts of the world.
Instead, we must increase our awareness of strangers when we have crypto assets.

Saya juga baru mengenal BM ini gan, di forum sebelah Bounty yang dia pegang ada peringatan "WARNING" saya gak tahu apa sebabnya, apakah ada indikasi Scam ya gan.

Iya di warning antara keduanya, dari proyek Originate yang dia kelola karena plagiat WP sama akunnya sendiri dicurigai akun lain dari kakatua. Sebelumnya, kakatua dicurigai mendaftarkan akun-akun altnya ke bounty nya sendiri (saat ini sudah lebih dari 50 akun).

Yang mau ikut bounty nya ya silahkan, harap perhatikan warning diatas dan pertimbangkan.

Saya tidak begitu aktif di bounty akhir-akhir ini dan belum pernah ikut bounty bubbalex, tapi saya lebih suka manajemen dia daripada BD.

Saya tau karirnya mulai sbg desainer>poster ANN/Bounty>Manajer sendiri. Sejauh ini reputasinya sangat baik bahkan berdasarkan pendapat member famous. Pernah berbicang-bincang dengannya via PM di forum sebelah tentang kepesertaan bounty. Orangnya sangat komunikatif, bertindak cepat. Kebetulan, dua hal ini menjadi pertimbangan awal saya menilai sebuah manajemen.

Saya barusan join bounty Bubbalex, tapi setelah Cek alokasi hadiah kq Sedikit banget Ya.. 100.000 DIA  dengan perkiraan harga per tokenya $0,05- bisa naik $0,15. 100.000 DIA itupun masih di bagi lagi Untuk Twitter dan Signature !
Untuk peserta Twitter di batasi 400 peserta, Dan untuk Signatur nya sendiri 50 peserta.
Bagus, coba kalo alokasi sebatas itu tapi peserta tidak dibatasi...
Itu yang disebut penting kualitas daripada kuantitas.

Reserved disini bermakna "dicadangkan".
Artinya, pengguna mencadangkan posnya dengan tujuan mengambil menempatkan pos diposisi teratas. Karena secara default forum mensortir postingan berdasarkan tanggal dan waktu (Ascending). Nggak seperti FB/TW atau sosmed lain yang diurutkan berdasarkan popularitas dll yang kadang2 beberapa pos disembunyikan. Pos "reserved" seringkali hanya di halaman pertama thread, tentu saja agar lebih banyak dibaca target audiens.

Pos "reserved" biasanya (bukan berarti hanya) dilakukan oleh:
- Author/pembuat thread, untuk menjaga orisinalitas pos pertama. Jadi pos kedua dst dicadangkan sbg pos pembaruan dll.
- Pemilik asli topik, kadang2 beberapa proyek baru menyewa seseorang untuk menerbitkan thread agar menarik minat pembaca sehingga pemiliki/tim menempatkan pos cadangan di posisi kedua.
- Pelamar. Untuk mendapatkan perhatian/prioritas pertama, posisi teratas diperebutkan para pelamar jika pekerjaan itu memiliki slot terbatas (biasanya pekerjaan translasi)
- Pemangku kepentingan. Ini bisa beragam tujuan, misal ingin meninjau postingan lebih lanjut dan membuat suatu ulasan, dll.

Forum related / Re: Why i prefer Altcoinstalks more than Bitcointalk
« on: June 27, 2020, 06:32:42 PM »
Since I joined this forum, what I believe is that almost 80% of forum users are bounty hunters (personally) and among them members who give up and complain about other forum policies. Sadly in this forum, the calculation of stake was lower when the bounty was launched in both forums (this is the manager's policy, not the forum). What does it mean? We must be quality everywhere so we aren't "disarmed".

My concern about this forum, when the scammers don't get a loophole to scam on bitcointalk forums, this forum will be targeted to be a means (ie the bounty hunters) while we don't have enough expertise to detect them and they think this forum still has members with limited abilities which of course they believe will be able to "play safe".

We all hope that one day this forum is better than other forums. When that happens, is it enough only mnixxo (who I know is only him as a new project verifier) ​​to research them all if projects start to be launched in this forum a lot? The quality of a forum doesn't depend entirely on policy, but also on the contribution of its members.



Advisory wanted (paid or pro bono):
  • How to most effectively establish code maintaining process? (Maybe Bitcoin is not the perfect example, considering how hard is to make any change go through main maintainers) The main idea is to have community-driven flexible management.
  • How to organize website maintenance (including content)? Open-sourcing website looks like a proper first step.

Seed round for starting up BGL-related projects!
  • Mobile wallet (Ideally based on Copay (open-source) 2 BTC
  • Desktop wallet (Ideally based on Electrum (open-source) 2BTC(Grumo is confirmed to develop desktop wallet)
To get started, please PM me beforehand for confirmation. Project must be open-source and will be official wallet for the BGL project (before sending confirmation request, please check that your forum user has appropriate reputation or send the links to previous work).

Paid activities:
  • Help wanted regarding development tasks: - fixing unit tests; - establishing builds to be created automatically; - other improvements; This would imply knowledge of C++ and some associated things (tooling, Git flow, etc.) - monthly paid job, rate offers and CVs (or github accounts, full personal info is not necessary) are welcome; first 3 pull requests would be test ones but compensated 0.02 BTC if accepted.
  • Reasonably-sized pull requests that fix tests, improve things or fix bugs would be paid with 0.02 BTC if accepted. You can leave wallet address in pull request description along with the pull request description. (pull request requirements would be formalized with time)
Please note, before starting activities, it must be agreed upon in PM, otherwise it won't be paid.

It would be nice to have:
  • mobile wallet (Ideally based on Copay (open-source)
  • desktop wallet (Ideally based on Electrum (open-source)
  • seed nodes (to have stable seeds for years that will be referenced in code)
  • github contributors & maintainers (Aim is to have seven maintainers minimum)
  • fix tests
  • listing



Credit to Emma Wu as chief developer of BITGESELL

Tak terkecuali saya, pasti agan-agan sesekali ingin mencoba altcoin baru untuk trading ketika melihat grafik harga altcoin baru yang menggiurkan karena rata-rata altcoin baru berhasil mencapai ATH beberapa saat/hari setelah open trade. Namun, keraguan pasti ada dalam pikirian kita terhadap potensi altcoin baru yang akan terdaftar selanjutnya. Entah karena sedikit pendukung (komunitas), tidak adanya hal yang baru dibandingkan proyek-proyek sebelumnya, dicurigai atau bahkan tertuduh berpotensi scam (tim palsu, plagiarisme), ataupun faktor lain. Sementara itu, beberapa altcoin berhasil menjawab keraguan itu setelah terdaftar dibursa dimana harga yang kian melambung meskipun mengalami faktor-faktor diatas. Dan itu menjadikan sedikit penyesalan karena terlambat untuk terlibat/trading sejak awal. Andai kita membeli ketika open trade, sudah pasti profit.

Jika agan pernah/sering berdagang dengan altcoin baru listing di bursa, apa kriteria yang agan pegang untuk altcoin baru yang akan segera listing?

What is this???
Where is your review?? You just rewrote it almost completely.
This is an ANN thread, not a review ... Read the rules >>

Bitcointalk Username: rezaanahviII
Bitcointalk URL: No links to other forumsindex.php?action=profile;u=2661939
ETH Address: 0x7397884cC8525CCD1284235FD312BB066D13dB75

Untuk saat ini, jenis token utilitas tidak dapat dinikmati fungsinya secara maksimal jika berada di Indonesia. Jadi tidak ada hal lain selain bertujuan trading atau investasi jika ingin mencoba token ini. Artinya, tidak ada bedanya dengan crypto lain semisal BTC, ETH, dll. Jikapun dengan mencari marketplace luar negeri contohnya Gobuybit milik lyntoken sendiri untuk membeli physical goods, saya rasa itu tidak efisien terutama masalah pembiayaan. Untuk berbelanja digital goods sendiri, lyntoken bermitra dengan RMP Games yang sayangnya telah dibatalkan.

Pertanyaan saya untuk @OP,
- Jika kita ingin berinvestasi dg mengabaikan Lyntoken sbg token utilitas yang kurang berfungsi di negara kita, kita hanya dapat mengandalkan para mitra Lyntoken yang diharapkan pelanggan2 mitra tadi akan menggunakan Lyntoken sbgmn fungsinya. Lalu, perusahaan mana saja yang telah/akan bermitra dengan lyntoken secara resmi terutama yang dapat "memberi manfaat nyata" bagi calon investor dari Indonesia?
- Saya membaca sekilas roadmap yang tampaknya ada sedikit keterlambatan pelaksanaan IEO. Seharusnya IEO dimulai pada Mei dan selesai seluruhnya pada Juli mendatang. Dalam telegram, Juli adalah akhir dari IEO ronde 1. Apa yang terjadi? Artinya, rencana2 lain terutama pembukaan trading juga akan terlambat?

Ya lebih baik ditransparansikan siapa pemberi karma.
Selain itu tidak ada fitur feedback dari pemberian karma(-), jadi penerima tidak mengetahui indikasinya apa yang salah dan apa yang harus diperbaiki kedepan. Mau nulis banding juga gimana, tujuan banding harusnya untuk mengetahui alasan dari pemberi karma juga. Dari sana bakal tau apakah karma yang diberikan sudah sesuai ekspektasi aturan forum ato tidak. Sementara kalo tidak tau siapa yang memberi, bagaimana si pemberi karma tau kalo penerima telah menulis banding dan bagaimana akan melakukan pembelaan kalo tidak tau kesalahannya?
Intinya ketika melakukan banding, kedua pihak harus saling mengetahui jadi masalahnya jelas.

Untuk beberapa kasus, sy tidak akan (ato mungkin tidak akan pernah jika tidak ada revisi sistem karma) memberi karma(-) meski sy menemukan member melakukan kesalahan. Mungkin lebih ke tindakan teguran langsung dengan menulis reply secara terbuka. Beberapa pelanggaran tidak harus mendapat hukuman jika masih dapat diperbaiki, sekalipun itu berat.

~snip~ most of these members engaged on account selling. after accumulating huge merits, they sold the accounts to newbies.

Bitcointalk is a business platform for some hunger admins that has nothing to offer the decentralized blockchain platform. all i see is people leveraging their skills by hunting newbies and cashing out of it.

You must have concrete evidence about this statement. If you've been banned from there, then learn from it and no need to blame even hate the previous place. If you're banned from this forum, will you hate this forum too? If so, you will never learn from mistakes. I think every forum wants to have constructive members and this forum is no exception that has its own way of cleaning up annoying users. As you do now by creating this topic on the "Altcoins & Cryptocurrencies discussions" board, is this related?

who verify whether an account should be banned or Not?
No need to verify, it's just a waste of time. As long as there is strong evidence that a user violates the rules, the admin will act according to the penalty.

Only altcoinstalks can still increase rank by contributing and being active in the forum. Most people are hampered by rank so they cannot participate in a particular program that requires participants to have a certain rank
To contribute and be active, you don't need to go up in rank, do you? Unless you wanna get financially rewarded.

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