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9 -Thyplaymaker
Solana Forum / Re: Solana Year 2024!!
« Last post by Wiseman on Today at 08:07:16 AM »

I believe that the most important thing in a cryptocurrency in any cryptocurrency is how it showed itself before and what they can be capable of when the price increases. Regarding the coin from Solana, we can safely say that they are aimed at very high prices and they showed their actions in practice as that year they increased the value of the coin five times, while this coin is in the top 10 and few there can boast so much with such a large increase in the coin’s price; features if we talk about coins from the beginning of 10

When investing in Altcoins, the most valuable skill we should have after Halving is patience

Solana has an excellent track record, transaction speed, and low fees are Solana's advantages.
And the news about Solana's transition from “beta” to “final” version has sparked enthusiasm among investors
And it looks like SOL will soon head towards $500

Undoubtedly, patience is the most valuable thing for those who are involved in investments because wait wait wait again, only the investor has to find out because you have to wait for a very long time, sometimes even several years, it’s just that not everyone understands that they think that they can buy something and sell it literally within year, having received a huge profit, well, in fact, if this happens, then the maximum exception to the rules usually has to wait for years.
Mô hình cầu vồng này theo hướng Log-Log, được Harold đề xuất từ năm 2019 và được hoàn thiện đến hiện tại, những dự đoán của nó cũng khá thú vị dù không hẳn luôn chính xác trong quá khứ. Mình mong rằng nó sẽ có giá trị nhất định tính đến hiện tại, nghĩa là dữ liệu đã đủ để có thể dự đoán chính xác trạng thái và vị trí của thị trường cũng như tiềm năng tăng giá trong tương lai.

Mình cho rằng lần này chúng ta sẽ phải thêm lần nữa thất vọng với mô hình cầu vồng được trình bày theo cách này: chúng ta sẽ có mà thấy được BTC đạt $450K trong mùa này. Mình chỉ dám chờ đợi $150K-170K hoặc cao hơn thì sẽ là $250K trong chu trình này, trước khi BTC đảo chiều và đưa toàn bộ thị trường crypto vào mùa đông cực kỳ khắc nghiệt.
Em nghĩ chỉ cần mô hình này đúng 50%, nghĩa là giá lên được 1 nửa của 450K = 225K thôi thì thị trường đã tăng trưởng cực kỳ mạnh mẽ rồi, không cần thêm gì nữa. Dù sao mô hình này cũng khá phổ biến và khiến mọi người FOMO dễ dàng hơn, em nghĩ nó cũng có ích nào đó cho thị trường tăng trưởng một cách phi lý trong thời gian tới. Chỉ cần nhiều người tin nó sẽ trở thành sự thật thì họ sẽ mua, sẽ hold và giữ giá ở mức cao lâu hơn, em nghĩ chính cá voi cá mập cũng muốn điều này. Sự phổ biến của mô hình này và PlanB cũng nhờ sự thúc đẩy của cá voi và cá mập cả thôi!
Bitcoin Forum / Re: Future of Bitcoin
« Last post by Wiseman on Today at 08:05:18 AM »

The most important saying in the world (he who became the first, and the slippers) in investing Nothing new can be invented in this case, whoever buys earlier earns more for what he has before when the future has not yet arrived, we can also buy now and in a few years about us too they can say that we bought it earlier and very cheaply, and they can also write about us that now we are sitting and having a cup of coffee on a long vacation
Buying bitcoin in advance will bring huge profits, but removing doubts when buying in advance there is something that is not easy to do. We also never thought the price of Bitcoin was this expensive. But learning from this, we can practice it on other coins, as long as we have done research first before buying.

It’s very easy to go buy Bitcoin because it has certain time periods when it divides and the price rises 2-3 times from the previous maximum prices. Roughly speaking, if halving has happened now, then exactly in a year there will be a maximum price, exactly in another 2 years the maximum bottom and exactly At that time, you can start buying bitcoins and wait for another price rise.
Не когда им не пользовался, ММ, ОКХ и прочие лучше буду юзать, или биржи, проблем не когда не было.

Закинул тупо 1 бакс в тоне чтобы камсу в игруле оплачивать. Тут когда просто блочили возможность писать не до кого дописаться не возможно,а тут еще с кешем на кошеле..

На свапалках если проблемы возникали, то админы в течении пары минут в том же ТГ отвечали или в ДС и решали вопрос моментально.

Честно? Даже не знаю какие должны быть пруфы, что бы люди перестали пользоваться этим "чудо-кошельком".  Подобного потока жалоб - никогда не видел. Боюсь представить сколько там открытых сообщений в поддержке, что время ожидания превышает 30+ дней (по словам, самих же пользователей).  8)

P.S. Это лишь моя точка зрения. Делайте, самостоятельный ресёрч.

Ссылка на их чатик:

এই ধারনা টা একদমই ভুল ক্রিপ্টোকারেন্সি সব সময় অনিশ্চিত। কখন কি হবে এই মার্কেটে সেটা বলা একেবারেই অসম্ভব। তবে এই মার্কেট থেকে ভালো কিছু করতে হলে আমাদেরকে প্রচুর স্টাডি করতে হবে, মার্কেট সম্পর্কে এবং কয়েন সম্পর্কে ভালো নলেজ থাকলে এখান থেকে ভালো কিছু পাওয়া যায়।
তবে আমাদের ঐ ধারনা থেকে বাহিরহতে হবে। কারন দ্রুতোবড়োহতে  গেলে বড়ো লোক হতে গেলে সব হারানোর সম্ভবনা থাকে।
বিভিন্ন রিসার্চে দেখা গেছে যে সোনা রুপা, রিয়েল স্টেট, শেয়ার বাজার, ব্যাংক ডিক্সট ডিপজিট, সঞ্চয়পত্র এসবের থেকেও অনেক গুন বেশি পরিমান প্রফিট দিতে সক্ষম বিটকয়েন। তবে অন্যান্য ক্রিপ্টোকারেন্সি না। একমাত্র বিটকয়েনকে অন্যান্য শক্তিশালী এসেটের সাথে তুলনা করা যায়। তবে এখানে অল্প সময়ের জন্য বিনিয়োগ করলে হবে না। আমরা যখন কোনো ব্যবসায় বিনিয়োগ করি বা জমি, সোনা বা অন্যান্য কিছুতে বিনিয়োগ করি তখন আমরা প্যানিক হই না। বছরের পর বছর ব্যাংকে রিক্সটে টাকা রাখি তখন প্যানিক হই না তবে বিটকয়েনে বা অন্যান্য ক্রিপ্টোতে বিনিয়োগ করলে অধৈর্য হয়ে পড়ি আর দ্রুত বড়লোক হবার চিন্তা করি। তভে এটা করা যাবে না। অন্যান্য ইনভেস্টমেন্টের মতই বিটকয়েন বা অন্যান্য পটেনশিয়াল ক্রিপ্টোকারেন্সিতে বিনিয়োগ করলে দীর্ঘদিন সেটা হোল্ড করতে হবে। তাহলে অবশ্যই ক্রিপ্টো থেকে বড়লোক হওয়া সম্ভব হবে
I’ll give you a little advice, you shouldn’t think about investing in what you’re investing your money in for a very long time. You should approach investments only from the perspective of making money and not from the perspective of getting up rich in the morning by investing once. You may have to invest and sell 10 times. 5 years and not once every 10 years
In essence, investment takes time and cannot be done instantly.
It takes research and purchases gradually to accumulate more and more assets.

But sales can be done at a predetermined price target, as long as there is no need to panic and everything will go well.
No investment will generate thousands of dollars in an instant, it also depends on how much investment capital is used.

Exactly this way and no other way. Since if you want to be an investor in the future, then you need to tune yourself now to the fact that you like to read the news, if you don’t like it, then it’s better not to think in the direction of investing at all, since in fact any investor is the same a person who reads dozens or hundreds of different news about projects every day and then makes an analysis
Meme Coins / Re: Notcoin MеМ Coins ( NOT )
« Last post by Wiseman on Today at 08:01:07 AM »
There are lot of projects that has launched on telegram lately or maybe but most times one can't really factor out the good project to follow because we have been blindfolded with many scam projects and for that, they had instigated the wrong mindset to people to follow up a telegram project. Although some of them may have right mindset but for the fact that I have been scammed on telegram project I don't pay much interest to it anymore again.

you just had a bad experience with Telegram Well, that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t pay attention to it, someone might have had a bad experience with Facebook, someone might have had a bad experience with Instagram, someone might have had a bad experience with Twitter, but that doesn’t mean that all these social networks are not worth attention, if something comes out on them then you don’t need to pay attention to it. I think that you need to pay attention to everything and filter carefully.

Не могу согласиться, что этот механизм безобидный. Ведь в случае, когда такое испытывает не один человек, а целые сообщества или народы, мы имеем дело с ресентиментом. Что потом выливается в то, что нации испытывают чувство несправедливости по поводу того, как с ними обошлись в прошлом, из-за чего они испытывают проблемы в настоящем. И по этой причине они якобы имеют права требовать к себе особенного отношения, ведь они обиженные и угнетенные. Это все перетекает либо в войны, либо в переиначенную дискриминацию и псевдотолерантность. Когда уже нельзя быть тем, кто к чему-то относится нейтрально или снисходительно. Позволено только быть согласным, причем увлеченно согласным, поддерживающим. А если этого нет, то такого человека ждет наказание, ведь он представитель тех, кто когда-то угнетал. И поэтому всегда должен нести бремя вины и ответственности по логике людей, подвластных ресентименту.
На ум сразу приходят две страны, какие — говорить не буду, все догадаются. А если серьезно, то каждое человеческое чувство — это важный инструмент в выживании. Только есть один нюанс: не каждый сможет в полной мере справится с обострениями, некоторые впадают в крайности, что ведет к печальным последствиям. Даже такие положительные эмоции или чувства, как радость и уверенность в себе, могут негативно повлиять на человека или сообщество.
Cryptocurrency discussions / Re: What Altcoins Do you have?
« Last post by bayu7adi on Today at 07:55:36 AM »
Yes of course, altcoins will be crazier than Bitcoin for the gains they get during the bullrun. Even coins with high volatility like memecoin will be more tempting when you own it and experience a bullrun. But don't get me wrong, that altcoin prices will also experience a big correction if the bullish moment is over, that is truly the definition of high risk, high gain...

My advice for those who are interested in altcoins that have high volatility, it is best to only purchase small amounts. Don't go all in even though you know there will be a bullrun in the future and have the potential to bring in big profits.
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