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Learning & News => Announcements [ANN] => Tokens/Coins Offerings (ICO, IEO, etc.) => Topic started by: Peter Jack on July 19, 2018, 09:02:50 AM

Post by: Peter Jack on July 19, 2018, 09:02:50 AM
Feelium boasts of several noteworthy features. Feelium is a secure platform built on blockchain technology and offers tools for day-to-day interactions.
Blockchain technology is a distributed online ledger that is only shared among verified users. All transactions on the ledger are recorded and time-stamped; transparency is a key attribute of the technology. No alterations can be made on the ledger without it being publicly validated. This unparalleled technology is the base of Feelium’s platform.
Feelium’s Smart Contracts are self-regulating digital contracts that are stored and shared on the platform’s blockchain network. Parties wishing to conduct online trade can utilize the free smart contract templates on Feelium’s website and customize them as per need. Once validated, the smart contracts are un-alterable; only authorized members of the trade will be able to access the document.
Feelium’s Escrow Services work in conjunction with the smart contracts and act as an inter-mediatory account between buyers and sellers. The buying party’s funds will be safely locked on the escrow account till the terms of the trade, as per the smart contract, are fulfilled. Feelium’s blockchain based escrow service will protect both the buyer and the seller from fraud.
Feelium’s services provide a comprehensive solution to all industries; the services can be molded to each customer’s requirement. Thus, the platform has high and diverse utility.
The contracting tools from Feelium will be available when the platform launches in Quarter 3 of 2018. Feelium is currently in its Token pre-sale stage, with the sale price at 1 USD per token. The crowd-sale phase will have a slightly higher token pricing.
It is interesting to note that although Feelium is still under pre-sale, the platform’s Wallet-to-Wallet transfer service is already functional. Users can easily transact Feelium tokens from one account to another even now.
All Feelium’s users are required to fulfill KYC/AML procedures to ensure the safety of both the customers and the platform.