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В некоторых случаях комиссия вообще не указывается, делается оговорка, что получаемая сумма является приблизительной. Я с таким, как раз вчера столкнулся, но в общем-то, с комиссией вышло как раз неплохо.

Так довольно часто пишут, но я всегда стараюсь самостоятельно посчитать более точную цифру. Потому что у меня были случаи, когда я с комиссиями попадала в неприятные ситуации, где половина выводимой суммы уходила на оплату комиссий. Конечно, это было в самом начале моего криптопути, когда я еще не знала ничего, кроме биткоина. Но это стало хорошим уроком на будущее.

А я использовал сервис, который насколько я понял использовал несколько вариантов обмена, менял на одной из нескольких площадок. А сам выступал в качестве платежного агента. Я на самом деле не зануда, считаю, что если сам принцип правильный, то высчитывать какую-то пустяковую выгоду не стоит. Если агент берет на себя хлопоты с обменом, то пусть берет - а мое дело только проследить, чтобы комиссии не были чрезмерны. Немного заплатить я согласен (крипта это вообще то про иксы), а вот много переплачивать я не хочу. 40 процентов для меня было явно чересчур. А тут прикинул курс на разных площадках - и вроде в результате поменяли с достаточно хорошим результатом.
Но я менял не Биткоин, более экзотический был обмен.
Cryptocurrency Trading / Re: HODLing Altcoins
« Last post by Rubel007 on Today at 07:03:13 PM »
Now Altcoin holding is better i think. Bitcoin price is now very high. From here Bitcoin price increase 100%,or 200% is impossible within short time i think. But Altcoin is better for hige profit i think.

So i think it will good hold altcoin. I believe if anyone buy Altcoin and hold it he will be huge profitable for him.So holding Altcoin is better there has no doubt.
If that is the goal for the medium term I agree that currently holding altcoins is more likely to get bigger gains in a short time. We just need to see and analyze which altcoin is the best for us to hold in this bullish market. And we should not make the mistake of holding altcoins that do not have strong fundamentals.
Sometimes investing in altcoins can provide large profits. But there is no way to know which altcoins will make a good impact in a bullish market. Moreover, new coins come into the market during every bullish market and investors can invest there and become profitable. However, currently the number of coins is very high where even fundamentally strong projects often fail to attract the attention of buyers in the market. Hence an investor must exercise utmost caution. I would always recommend investing in top level altcoins. Who can survive even in a bearish market.
Just when you thought the fallout from Samourai Wallet's demise couldn't get any worse, here we are again with news from last night that apparently, Phoenix Wallet is planning to cut off all their US app users.

Phoenix Wallet is not just a Bitcoin Wallet, it is also a Lightning Wallet, and that is a big problem since Phoenix Wallet opens the channels for you, which also means that those channels are soon going to be cut (or in Lightning Network jargon "closed").

I don't know why US government are just clamping on Bitcoin a d it's users, was it because they are unable to regulate the whole idea behind a decentralized network or this is just an internal issues they have developed with Phoenix wallet team or developers, honestly we can't keep on seeing the way attacks upon attacks like this will continue till we have nothing left to enjoy about the use of bitcoin, just as the had on mixers, do they want us not to achieve our main goals with bitcoin by coming in different dimensions for attacks on bitcoin users.
They will do anything to get users to come and play in the hope of winning, because they played on a demo account and won. Even though it's not the same, because in real account games they have a smaller chance of winning.

But in reality there are still many people who think so, it means that what casinos do with their demo accounts manages to form the wrong mindset of many users, especially those who are gambling for the first time.
The only thing that triggers you to play is that on the time that you would really be doing demo is that you could potentially win up big because you do have that kind of confidence on playing up like a mad man since you know that you cant lose up something which it would really be that a totally different story when using up that real money on which experience would be different.
Demo is really just that for the sake of testing out the game and if you won then dont expect that you would really be able to experience when you do play on real balance.
Yes, this is something that could trigger out that kind of impulsive approach towards it.
Having self-confidence is not a problem, as long as that self-confidence is not excessive. I also sometimes say before playing that I will win this time, even though I lose as a result. And in my opinion, that is still within reasonable limits, because who doesn't want to win when gambling.

However, when we have excessive self-confidence, we may do something we shouldn't do. For example, continuously making deposits and hoping that the winnings will come to us.
Everything which is excessive would really be that always bad on which its not really that limited to gambling but also in other things as well. Everything does really need up that kind of moderation
and control specially on dealing up with gambling then this is something which is really that relevant. Dont wait up for yourself to be experienced those unfortunate conditions before you would
be finding yourself that making out those kind of control. Always having that control will really be the best thing that you can do specially when you are starting on dealing up
with gambling.
Hello julerz12
I would like to inform you that I want to change my old Bitcoin address with this new one
New address:
Off topic & Sports / Re: Solutions to our economic crisis?
« Last post by Rruchi man on Today at 06:57:01 PM »
Make we shear our own personal view for the matter...
A solution is in creating jobs and increasing payment. If our government can create more jobs, people will have more opportunities to work and earn better money to be able to live well. It will affect their spending habits and also ensure that people who do business and sell basic commodities experience an increase in sales because customers will have money to buy more goods.

The government can also give businesses a boost by providing interest-free loans.
Kripto berita dan diskusi (Bahasa Indonesia) / Cypherpunk
« Last post by Husna QA on Today at 06:56:18 PM »
Di era tahun 90-an, terbentuk sebuah komunitas yang menamai diri sebagai Cypherpunk. Komunitas ini merupakan kumpulan orang-orang yang menentang kebijakan pemerintah Amerika Serikat yang berusaha menghalang-halangi perkembangan teknologi kriptografi. Para anggota Cypherpunk merupakan mereka yang menganut paham libertarian, yang sangat mendambakan kebebasan penuh seseorang tanpa terkekang aturan yang terlalu ketat oleh pemerintah. Mereka saling bertukar pikiran melalui mailing list (milis) dan melakukan pertemuan secara rutin.

Pada tahun 1992, Jim Bell merumuskan 2 komponen utama untuk mewujudkan sebuah pasar yang menjual barang apapun. Kedua komponen utama tersebut adalah pesan terenkripsi yang dapat dikirim melalui jaringan Internet dan mata uang yang bersifat anonim [1]. Kedua komponen utama tersebut ditegaskan lagi dalam pertemuan mereka yang pertama, yang menghasilkan sebuah dokumen yang disebut dengan The Crypto Anarchist Manifesto [2] dan kemudian disusul dengan dokumen lain berjudul A Cypherpunk's Manifesto [3].

Kedua dokumen tersebut dengan gamblang menggambarkan kondisi masyarakat yang ingin dicapai oleh komunitas Cypherpunk, yakni agar setiap orang memiliki kebebasan untuk bertransaksi secara anonim tanpa harus menyerahkan identitas kepada lawan transaksi, tidak peduli apakah transaksi tersebut sah maupun melanggar hukum yang dilakukan melalui jaringan Internet. Selain itu mereka juga ingin memastikan bahwa setiap orang mampu bertukar pesan dengan orang lain tanpa harus mengkhawatirkan risiko kebocoran rahasia pesan yang dikirim tersebut kepada orang yang tidak berhak dalam proses transmisi pesan tersebut dari pihak pengirim kepada penerima. Dengan demikian para anggota Cypherpunk yang memang memiliki pengetahuan tentang keamanan, kriptografi, dan pemrograman secara aktif mengembangkan berbagai metode untuk mencapai tujuan tersebut.

Dari cerita di atas dapat dipahami bagaimana mereka sangat lekat kaitannya dengan perkembangan cryptocurrency yang diawali dengan kemunculan Bitcoin. Konsep-konsep mata uang virtual yang anonim tersebut tidak datang secara tiba-tiba, tetapi telah mengalami penggodokan ide yang cukup panjang.

Salah satu tonggak bersejarah yang mengawali pengembangan mata uang anonim adalah paper yang ditulis oleh David Chaum berjudul "Blind signatures for untraceable payments" [4]. Tujuan dari blind signature adalah untuk menutupi identitas pihak yang melakukan pembayaran. Proses pembayaran ini dilakukan dengan perantara bank.

Dengan menggunakan blind signature, pihak bank maupun penerima pembayaran tidak dapat mengidentifikasi siapa pihak yang membayar, meskipun proses otentifikasi dan otorisasi dapat dilakukan oleh bank sebelum merilis pembayaran kepada penerima pembayaran. Setahun kemudian, Chaum menerbitkan paper berikutnya, "Security without identification: Transaction system to make big brother obsolete" [5] yang memberikan pemaparan yang lebih terperinci soal konsep blind signature.

Catatan kaki:


- Dimaz A.W. & Oscar D., Blockchain dari Bitcoin untuk Dunia, hal. 1-2, 2017: Jasakom
  [email protected] ; @kriptologi
- Guneet Kaur, What is cypherpunk?, 2023:
Для формирования тактильный ощущений - не обязательно чтото физическое, что будет "давить на глаз" или прыскать аэрозолем в воздух , как в примере с "пахнущей" рекламой Мака .. Дело в том что все эти тактильные ощущения, ароматы - все равно в ИТОГЕ обрабатывает МОЗГ. Поэтому - для реализации тактильных, вкусовых, слуховых, "запаховых" и прочих ощущений - вполне достаточно знать на какую часть мозга воздействовать и каким сигналом.
Скоро от Илона Маска пойдёт мода вживлять в мозг чипы и строить 5ж-вышки для манипулирования сознанием. Тогда и надобность в очках и прочих приблудах отпадёт сама собой. Чипируйся себе на здоровье и не надо будет прыскать аэрозолем в воздух. Природа, опять же, чище станет. Там будут тебе и очучения и ароматы какие захочешь. И женщины/мужчины (кому что) какие сам захочешь или какие запросит твоя фантазия. Все будут довольны и успокоены. ;)

Сегодня как раз слушал лекцию одного разработчика ИИ, так он ванговал, что в Будущем на планете Земля будут проживать 10 миллиардов людей и 100 миллиардов различных роботов, не все из них будут разумными, но все - говорящими.
И он это обосновывал тем, что промышленная революция исчерпала себя. Для нового прорыва уже недостаточно придумывать всякие замысловатые механические рычаги (назовём их так) для облегчения физического труда людей.
Сейчас для развития человечества жизненно необходимо создавать рычаги для увеличения возможностей интеллектуальной деятельности. И скорее всего это сейчас и происходит.
И если в результате мы не погибнем, то потом после эволюционного квантового скачка можем и в космос слетать))
Gambling discussion / Re: What are your favorite casino sites?
« Last post by Rembroman on Today at 06:50:01 PM »
I have been looking for a long time for a good platform where I could win and enjoy interesting games, I have tried and found quite a few. So far for me Fairspin platform is perfect, there is still the possibility of staking won tokens and making extra profit
This news reminds me of people who claim Ordinal/Rune have smart contract capability. It's also a shame investor back-off only after numerous warning and rugpull. Your opinion is greatly appreciated.

Was it really a rugpull, or is it yet?
The coins are staking at Lido, it's not under their control but you can still give them the benefit of the doubt until they really run with them, which I think it's going to be the case but...  still scratching my head on legal actions on a self-entitled decentralized protocol, the irony!

This news reminds me of people who claim Ordinal/Rune have smart contract capability.

Well technically nobody can claim your ordinal or rune, the is no scam/rug pull in this, you're just buying something with no guarantee, much as collectibles.
Waste of money but no scam in legal terms.

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