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Messages - acmakc12

Pages: 1 [2] 3 4 ... 26
Crypto Exchanges / Re: [ANN][EXCHANGE] Exchange
« on: August 14, 2020, 05:24:11 PM »

Увaжaeмыe пoльзoвaтeли,
Cooбщecтвo Polkadot (Polkadot) пpoгoлocoвaлo зa пpинятиe плaнa paздeлeния DOT(old) x100 нa 27 июля 2020 гoдa. Coглacнo oфициaльнoмy oбъявлeнию, пepeнoc DOT(old) вcтyпит в cилy 18 aвгycтa, a DOT (old) cплит-плaн бyдeт зaпyщeн 21 aвгycтa. бyдeт пoддepживaть плaн paздeлeния x100 DOT(old). Чтoбы избeжaть влияния нa тpaнзaкции пoльзoвaтeлeй измeнeний цeн, вызвaнныx DOT (old) paздeлeниeм, пpeдocтaвит peшeниe для DOT (old) cпoтoвoй тopгoвли, мapжинaльнoй тopгoвли и DOT (old) экoнoмии вo вpeмя paздeлeния. Дeтaли cлeдyющиe:
1. Cпoтoвaя тopгoвля DOT и мapжинaльнaя тopгoвля
(1) Bвoд и вывoд cpeдcтв DOT(old) бyдeт пpиocтaнoвлeн в 14:00 14 aвгycтa 2020 г. (GMT + 8 ). Пoжaлyйcтa, внecитe дeпoзит дo пpиocтaнoвки oбcлyживaния. пoмoжeт вaм co вceми тexничecкими пpoблeмaми, cвязaнными c paздeлeниeм DOT(old).
(2) Фyнкция зaимcтвoвaния для DOT(old) бyдeт зaкpытa в 14:00 14 aвгycтa 2020 г. (GMT + 8 ). Пoльзoвaтeли, кoтopыe зaнимaют DOT(old) нa pынкe мapжинaльнoй тopгoвли, дoлжны пoгacить зaeм дo 12:00 20 aвгycтa 2020 гoдa (GMT + 8 ), инaчe cиcтeмa иницииpyeт oбязaтeльнoe пoгaшeниe.
(3) B 12:00 21 aвгycтa 2020 гoдa (GMT + 8 ) бyдyт пpиocтaнoвлeны ycлyги cпoтoвoй и мapжинaльнoй тopгoвли DOT(old), вce pынoчныe opдepa бyдyт oтмeнeны, a cooтвeтcтвyющиe aктивы бyдyт вoзвpaщeны нa вaш тopгoвый cчeт.
(4) 21 aвгycтa 2020 гoдa бyдeт выпoлнeн плaн DOT x100, и cyммa DOT нa cчeтy пoльзoвaтeлeй ZB бyдeт yвeличeнa в 100 paз пo cpaвнeнию c пpeдыдyщим бaлaнcoм.
(5) Пocлe зaвepшeния paздeлeния cпoтoвaя и мapжинaльнaя тopгoвля DOT бyдeт вoзoбнoвлeнa ​​в 10:00 22 aвгycтa 2020 г. (GMT + 8 ).
2. Экoнoмия
Пocлe зaвepшeния фyнкции зaимcтвoвaния DOT пoльзoвaтeли Saving бyдyт пoлyчaть cooтвeтcтвyющyю cyммy пpoцeнтoв нa ocнoвe нoвoй cyммы тoкeнoв, пoлyчeнныx oт ocтaвшиxcя зaимcтвoвaний. Heт нeoбxoдимocти пepeживaть, выпoлнит cooтвeтcтвyющиe тexничecкиe дeйcтвия зa вac.

(1) Пocлe тoгo, кaк paздeлeниe DOT зaвepшeнo, aктивы DOT пoльзoвaтeлeй мoгyт быть зaпpoшeны чepeз «Funds - Exchange Account».
(2) Пocлe тoгo, кaк paздeлeниe DOT пepeйдeт в cтaбильнyю cтaдию, oбъявит вpeмя oткpытия дeпoзитoв и cнятия DOT.

ZB Global team

Crypto Exchanges / Re: [ANN][EXCHANGE] Exchange
« on: July 19, 2020, 05:01:35 PM »

Dear users, will launch two rounds of "DOT Special Purchase" from July 20, 2020 to July 21, 2020(GMT+8). The following announcements are hereby made:

1. Purchase time: From July 20, 2020 to July 21, 2020(GMT+8);

2. Purchase details:

3. Participation method: Use QC to participate in the special purchase on the DOT/QC trading page. The maximum participation limit of each ZB account in each round is 10 DOT. Specific purchase price will be announced before the event, please pay attention to the subsequent official announcement.

4. This activity is open to all except API trading users.


To quickly and easily participate in the "DOT Special Purchase" activity, users are requested to upgrade the old version of ZB APP to the latest version: 4.2.3. To prevent network congestion, please complete the upgrade four hours in advance.

Risk Disclosure:

Digital asset trading is a high-risk way of trading, which may lead to some or all of the losses.Users are invited to participate with caution by carefully considering their experience in trading digital assets and their ability to take risks before deciding to buy or sell.The content of this announcement and other information on the ZB platform shall not constitute an investment recommendation, and the ZB Platform shall not bear any direct or indirect losses arising from reliance on such information.The ZB platform shall not undertake any liability such as guarantee or compensation for transactions.

Thanks for your support!

Crypto Exchanges / ZB launches “special API trader” activity
« on: July 19, 2020, 03:19:50 AM »

According to ZB’s official announcement, ZB launches a one-month “Special API Trading” activity for non-Chinese users on June 1. And the time for the activity is from 14:00 July 1, 2020 to 14:00 July 31, 2020(GMT+8).

To participate the activity and become ZB’s special API trader, can enjoy the beneficial fee rates: maker’s fee rate is 0 and Taker’s fee rates are 0.04% in basic fee rate and 0.02% paid with ZB token.

Special Fee Rate:

1. Users who participate in “Special API Trading“ activity need to register an ZB account and complete real name authentication to prove the IP address.
2. To enjoy the fee rate paid with ZB Token, user need to deposit 100 ZB tokens in the ZB account.
3. At least one API transaction was made and submitted to the Google form (Google form link: for applying to be special API trader(the minimum amount for an API transaction is 10 USDT).
4. After confirmation by ZB customer service, an email will be sent to confirm that the ZB account takes effects.


API description document:
About us:
Telegram: ZB English, ZB Support
Twitter: @ZB_Group
Facebook: @ZBGlobalGroup
Linkedin: ZB Group
Reddit: r/ZBExchange

Hello everyone, I provide telegram services:

1. Inviting live and real users in your chats / groups from your database or collected audience from the chats / groups that you provide.
1000 users - $ 20.

2. Sending messages to the target audience or chats.
The target audience parsing is possible from the groups and chats you provided, if there is no ready-made database. As for chats, I work with your lists.
1000 messages to users - $ 25
1 chat message - $ 0.07

3. Collecting the audience and checking the numbers on the fact of their registration in Telegram.
1000 users / numbers - 1 $

Contacts for communication:

E-mail: [email protected]
Telegram: @Dingidon

Привет всем, предоставляю услуги по телеграму:

1. Инвайтинг в ваши чаты/группы живой аудитории из вашей базы либо собранной аудитории с предоставленных вами чатов/групп.
1000 пользователей - 25$(любой объём, скидки).

2. Рассылка по целевой аудитории.
Возможен бесплатный парс ЦА из предоставленных вами групп если нет готовой базы.
1000 сообщений пользователям - 25$

До 50 тысяч в день

Контакты для связи:
Telegram: @Dingidon

Спасибо вам за коммент, отлично вас понимаю, но проект уверен в себе и не планирует останавливаться :)


Биржа Двухнедельный отчет (15 июня-30 июня)

Раздел 1. Биржа Тенденции

Согласно официальному анонсу биржи, 22 июня биржа совместно с командой проекта GUCS запустила акцию “Скидка на покупку GUCS”. 24 июня в 19:30 пользователи имели возможность купить GUCS в два раунда со скидкой 90% и 95% от рыночной цены соответственно. 25 июня на бирже были открыты торги в паре GUCS/USDT.

Раздел 2. Операционная деятельность

1. 22 июня в 20:00 Омар Чен, генеральный директор, выступил на мероприятии Blocklike, где ответил на вопросы пользователей относительно новых возможностей, которые доступны трейдерам на платформе и рассказал о ближайших планах биржи.

2. В соответствии с официальным анонсом , двенадцатый горячий чат в формате AMA состоялся 23 июня. Основатель проекта GUCS Брайан был приглашен поделиться опытом с пользователями в прямом эфире чата АМА в мобильном приложении

3. отпраздновали 7-ю годовщину и в период с 28 по 30 июня провели 3-х дневную онлайн-конференцию под названием “Новая инфраструктура, новые возможности”.

Мероприятие включало 6 сессий АМА, более 10 000 человек посмотрели трансляцию каждой секции форума. В конференции приняли участие ведущие ученые, эксперты и лидеры отрасли со всего мира, в том числе CEO Roger Ver и CEO Cointelegraph Chinese Вадим.

28 июня открыл форум Омар Чен, генеральный директор ZB, выступив со вступительной речью, в которой он назвал причины устойчивого развития биржи Биржа имеет множество строгих функций контроля рисков и обеспечения безопасности. С момента своего основания в 2013 году торговая платформа ZB предоставляет пользователям по всему миру безопасную и стабильную среду.

Ознакомиться с историей создания биржи можно в предыдущей статье.

4. Второй New Finance Summit Chain Plus успешно прошел 3–4 июля 2020 в Шанхае. Саммит был посвящен теме “Реструктуризация финансовой инфраструктуры нового поколения”, на мероприятие были приглашены эксперты и ученые в области финансовой индустрии, науки и технологий, а также ведущих практики совместно обсудить инновации и развитие Китая в новую финансовую эру блокчейна.

На саммите выступили с речью руководители крупнейших бирж, Huobi и OKEx. Омар, генеральный директор, выступил с речью: “7 лет — это только начало”. Он отметил, что благодаря отличной команде, технологическим исследованиям и ориентации на продукт платформа достигает успехов, так например, внутренний токен платформы ZB Token был оценен как один из топ-5 биржевых токенов по доходности в 2019 году согласно исследованию CoinMarketCap, а биржа ZB была названа одной из ТОП-3 самых популярных криптобирж в первом квартале 2020 года.

Crypto Exchanges / Re: [ANN][EXCHANGE] Exchange
« on: July 06, 2020, 07:52:21 PM »

Biweekly Report (June 15 — June 30)

Section 1: Platform Trends

According to ZB’s official announcement, ZB launches “GUCS Purchase Discount” activity on June 22. To thank ZB users for their support, ZB now launches “GUCS Purchase Discount” activity jointly with GUCS team, offering 1 million USDT worth GUCS. User can purchase at 90% discount and 95% discount of the market price respectively at 19:30, June 24. For more details please visit ZB official website.

Section 2: Operation Trends

1. On June 22, at 20:00, Blocklike invited Omar Chen, CEO of ZB, to discuss the changes and insists of the seven-year-old exchange ZB.

2. According to officials, the twelfth’s hot chat AMA was successfully launched at 20:00 on June 23, founder of GUCS Brian was invited to share on the live broadcast. The topic of this in-depth dialogue is “The new opportunity of inclusive Finance and blockchain”, and in-depth discussion was conducted between Brian and Journey, ZB big customer director. GUCS is a professional digital asset inclusion financial service platform created based on blockchain technology, allowing users to enter the digital asset field with low threshold. Through the complete intelligent credit investigation mechanism on the GUCS chain, GUCS establishes a unified global credit investigation standard and realizes global financial integration, digitalization, transparency and standardization.

3. To celebrate the 7th anniversary, ZB organized “New Infrastructure, New Opportunities” and ZB 7th anniversary online summit, which was successfully held on June 28–30.

The summit is a high-end brand conference customized for the 7th anniversary of started on June 28, 2020 and last for three days, with two forums each day.The summit is in the form of live streaming, and each main forum has over 10,000 person-times.

ZB 7th anniversary online summit invited top scholars, experts and industry leaders from around the world, including Bitcoin Jesus Roger Ver and Cointelegraph Chinese CEO Vadim.

On June 28, at the beginning of the first summit forum, Omar Chen, CEO of ZB, gave an opening speech, in which he explained the reasons for the steady development of ZB. “ZB transaction security has many strict risk control and security assistance functions;The core technologies of the wallet and hosting services are also at the core of ZB’s seven-year history, and our hosting services also serve many leading exchanges.”

Since its establishment in 2013, ZB trading platform has been in safe and stable operation for 7 years, providing high-quality digital asset trading services to more than 10 million users worldwide.

4. The second blockchain New Finance Summit of Chain Plus was successfully held on July 3–4. ZB, Huobi and OKEx attended and delivered speeches to give industry insights as the head exchanges specially invited by the summit. Omar, CEO of ZB, was invited to give a speech: 7 Years, Just the Beginning. He explained that the key to ZB’s safe operation in the past 7 Years lies in its excellent team, technical research and product focus, so that ZB was rated as one of top 5 by CMC in 2019, and ZB was rated as one of the most popular head exchanges by Russian foreign media in 2020 Q1.

The second Chain Plus Blockchain New Finance Summit in 2020, with the theme of “Restructuring a new generation of Financial infrastructure”, invited domestic cutting-edge experts and scholars in the financial industry and science and technology field and top practitioners to jointly discuss China’s innovation and development in the new blockchain financial era.


Объявление ZB о начале деятельности «Special API Trading»

Уважаемые пользователи,

Чтобы поблагодарить пользователей за их поддержку, ZB запускает ежемесячную акцию «Специальная торговля API» для не Китайских пользователей.

Время: 14:00 1 Июля, 2020 -- 14:00 31 Июля, 2020(GMT+8)


1. Пользователи, которые участвуют в акции «Special API Trading», должны зарегистрировать учетную запись ZB и пройти аутентификацию на основе настоящего имени, чтобы подтвердить IP-адрес.

2. Чтобы оплачивать комиссию с помощью токена ZB, пользователю необходимо внести/купить 100 токенов ZB на бирже.

3. По крайней мере должна быть совершена как минимум одна транзакция API и отправлена в форму Google (ссылка на форму: для подачи заявки на участие в качестве специального трейдера API (минимальная сумма для транзакции API составляет 10 USDT).

4. После подтверждения службой поддержки ZB будет отправлено электронное письмо, подтверждающее, что учетная запись ZB подтверждена.


1. Эта деятельность не открыта для пользователей в Китае.

2. Документ API:

Спасибо за Вашу поддержку!

О нас:

Crypto Exchanges / Re: [ANN][EXCHANGE] Exchange
« on: June 30, 2020, 04:14:21 AM »

Summit Intro
In June 2013, CHBTC (the predecessor of ZB) was established.In the following seven years of development, ZB has grown into the world’s top trading platform with more than 10 million registered users, creating a real and safe trading environment for users from more than 189 countries, bringing professional and more efficient trading experience.

The summit is a high-end brand conference customized for the 7th anniversary of The conference will start on June 28, 2020 and will last for 3 days (June 28, 29 and 30). Two AMA will be held every day (10:00–12:00 am;15:00–17:00 PM) , six AMA in total.The Summit will invite top academics, experts and industry leaders from around the world.The Summit is in the form of online live broadcast, and the number of people in each main forum exceeds 10,000.

Organizer Intro (ZB) is the world’s top digital asset trading platform. It has been operating safely and steadily for 7 years since its establishment in 2013, providing digital asset trading services for more than 10 million users.The average daily turnover is more than US$3 billion, and the transaction shares of mainstream currencies such as BTC, ETH, EOS, XRP and QC have been among the best for a long time.

At present, (ZB) has opened spot trading, OTC trading, margin trading and loan financing, and three trading markets of QC, USDT and BTC. ZB token was issued in 2017. After nearly three years of ecological construction, it has served ten million users worldwide.According to the Liquidity index of CoinMarketCap, the international authoritative cryptocurrency market platform, (ZB) ranked 5th in global Liquidity, and ranked fourth In Coingecko similarweb traffic.


Forum 1(June 28, 10–12 a.m)

Topic: How is the blockchain progressing under the “New Infrastructure” policies?

Forum 2(June 28 3–5 p.m)

Topic: In the second half of the year after Bitcoin halved, can the bull market be far behind?

Forum 3(June 29 10–12 a.m)

Topic: Can Ethereum 2.0 mortgage boost a technical bull market?

Forum 4(June 29 3–5 p.m)

Topic: The Rashomon Era behind the digital economy, let’s start with trading market

Forum 5(June 30 10–12 a.m)

Topic: Blockchain hotspots in the second half of 2020

Forum(June 30 3–5 p.m)

The controversy of stablecoin and why QCash is the most widely used stablecoin in Asia?


BITENIUM - одна из ведущих ИИ криптовалютных бирж в которую изначально интегрирована автоматическая торговля.
Для того чтобы её использовать, вам необходимо зарегистрироваться на сайте, пройти KYC, внести средства на сайт(для торговли ботами минимальный баланс должен составлять 1000$) и настроить бота для автоматической торговли.

Многофункциональность - Всякий раз, когда есть сеть, вы можете управлять своими крипто активами через интернет.

Безопасность - Безопасность всегда будет главным приоритетом в каждом решение которое мы принимаем, используя надежные и эффективные технологии безопасности чтобы сохранить ваши средства.

Есть официальная криптовалютная лицензия в Эстонии

Crypto Exchanges / Re: [ANN][EXCHANGE] Exchange
« on: June 24, 2020, 03:55:12 PM » Lists VBT

VBT deposits and withdrawals will be available at 10:00 on June 29, 2020(GMT+8)

VBT /QC trading will be available at 14:00 on June 29, 2020(GMT+8)

VBT deposits and withdrawals will be available at 10:00 on June 29, 2020(GMT+8) and VBT /QC trading will be available at 14:00 on June 29, 2020(GMT+8).

About VBT(VBT Token)
VB exchange is a global digital asset exchange operated by vbtechnology Ltd registered in the Virgin Islands. Its platform business includes spot trading of digital assets, derivatives trading of digital assets, digital asset management, etc. VB network adheres to the concept of "openness, fairness, innovation and cooperation", and is committed to building a more open, fair, efficient and free digital asset financial service ecosystem for global users.
More details please refer to

Risk Disclosure: All investments are subject to high market risk. Please make your investments very cautiously. The contents of this announcement and other information in ZB do not constitute investment advice, and ZB will not be liable for any direct or indirect losses arising from such information. ZB does not assume any responsibility for your investment.
Thank you for your support!

Crypto Exchanges / Re: [ANN][EXCHANGE] Exchange
« on: June 19, 2020, 07:13:49 AM »

ZB’s Announcement on Closing the Old Margin Borrowing and Investment

Dear users,

ZB Margin Borrowing and Investment function have been fully upgraded. will close the  Margin Borrowing and Investment function on the old version of ZB APP (version which lower than 4.2.1). Users who use the old ZB APP version need to upgrade to the latest version(4.2.2) for using the latest Margin Borrowing and Investment services.

Highlights of the new Margin Borrowing and Investment:

1.Margin Borrowing Interest is calculated on an hourly basis and easy to borrow and repay.

2. Investment is upgraded to Savings, which is flexible access and earn investment income every day.

Note: The funds borrowed in the old version of margin borrowing are not affected, and the borrowing will be repaid or renewed automatically on the new margin borrowing. If you have a unfinished investment(lending) on the old Investment, please cancel the investment as soon as possible and deposit the funds to Savings for daily interest.

The entrance of the old version of investment management:

(1) APP: Funds--Investment

(2) Website: Savings - Project Details - Manage the old version of Investment

Thank you for your support!

Crypto Exchanges / Re: [ANN][EXCHANGE] Exchange
« on: June 18, 2020, 03:44:34 PM »
Biweekly Report (June 1 — June 14)

Section 1: Token Trends

1. On June 6, announced that the repurchase of ZB Token (ZB) in the second quarter of 2020 is complete. In total, has repurchased 25,535,998 ZB Tokens and the repurchased ZB tokens have been burned. Up to now, there are totaled 1.44687 billion ZB tokens have been burned.

ZB Token Burned Address:

1: 0x8c572469f25336c7fb962b8f98c8232329343274

2: 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000001

Section 2: Platform Trends

1. On June 11, to thank users for their support, launches the “UFO Trading Competition” activity jointly with UFO community. During the activity period, users who participate in the UFO trading on will have the opportunity to share the award pool of 2500 UFO.

To view more activity information please visit:

2.On June 14, released a new version of the APP, 4.2.2.The updates are as follows:

(1) After the official website, the APP has also adjusted the order limits of each pair in currency trading and leverage trading. Please check the announcement on the official website for the specific adjustment;

(2) Close the old version of financial lending and change it to ZAPP entrance;

(3) Add the plan delegate function;

(4) Upgrade financial management upgrade to surplus money financial management, increase [investment account];

(5) Add hot chat and trading pairs sharing;

(6) Optimize the performance and solve the problems such as lag and flash back of some models.

Section 3: Operation Trends

1. According to officials, the ninth’s hot chat AMA was successfully launched at 20:00 on June 4. Overseas operation manager of GST Evans was invited to share on the live broadcast. The topic of this in-depth dialogue is “GST coin — break the traditional payment method”, and in-depth discussion was conducted between Evans and Journey, ZB big customer director.

GST is decentralized business application platform that breaks the traditional payment.

2. According to officials, the tenth’s hot chat AMA was successfully launched at 20:00 on June 9. CEO of Coin919 Liu Bo was invited to share on the live broadcast. The topic of this in-depth dialogue is “Coin919 — How to buy low and sell high with grid trading?”, and in-depth discussion was conducted between Liu Bo and Journey, ZB big customer director.

Coin919 is a platform focused on digital asset management and quantitative trading. It was established in June 2017 and registered in Seychelles. It is committed to serving digital asset investors and building a first-class digital asset management platform.

3. According to officials, the eleventh’s hot chat AMA was successfully launched at 20:00 on June 10. COO of Eric was invited to share on the live broadcast. The topic of this in-depth dialogue is “ — making crypto usable in the real world”, and in-depth discussion was conducted between Eric and Journey, ZB big customer director. is built on a solid foundation of security, privacy and compliance and is the first cryptocurrency company in the world to have CCSS Level 3, ISO27001:2013 and PCI:DSS 3.2.1, Level 1 compliance.

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