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Topics - Ferozas

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(BOUNTY) Causevest Coin Bounty Junta-te à Causa! Tem Controle Total Sobre As Taxas Da Network!

Sobre Nós

* Causevest Coin (XCV) é uma nova blockchain que incorpora algumas das ideias originais sugeridas pela equipa de desenvolvimento da bitcoin mas que nunca foram implementadas, incluindo proteção contra hacks nas trocas e redistribuição dos custos de transações.

Sobre Ti
**Nós queremos pessoas que tenham interessa na ideologia por detras do projeto**. Tem vários tipos diferentes de trabalhos que podes te involver de forma a ganhar algumas moedas. Então se queres fazer parte da companha de bounty, nos gostariamos de te encorajar para partilhares uma causa que seja do teu interesse, pode ser qualquer causa e não necessita de ser uma caridade, apenas uma causa que seja importante para ti.

Sumário Bounty: A Campanha de Bounty tem um limite total  de 75 milhões de XCV disponíveis.

A nossa campanha bounty será distribuida por 3 fases.

Phase 1 terá como foco o crescimento nas redes socias e na listagem numa exchange
Phase 2 terá como foco a testagem do produto ao
Phage 3 terá como foco o uso do produto e a escala da

Parte da campanha vai requerer que compres XCV podes fazer isto a partir do nosso website em ou a partir de uniswap
Todos os meses nos doamos receitas da network a causas listadas, para fazer isso nos precisamos de comprar XCV de volta ao mercado.

Sumário do Activo:Não somos um token somos uma moeda alternativa independente

Nos consideramos todos os não activos da Causevest Coin como recibos digitais (incluindo tokens disponíveis atualmente) para a Causevest Coin.

Tu és livre de trocar e comercializar esses recibos da forma que desejas e será possivel fazer a troca dos recibos uma vez que a nossa blockchain seja lançada.

 3 Coisas que deves fazer


•   Para seres elegivel tens que te registar em e ter a certeza de que o mesmo email está conectado a todas as contas da network

•   Todos os participantes devem juntar-se ao grupo no Telegram e seguir-nos no Twitter

•   Tu tens que  te registar no Universal Fase 1 Formulário aqui podes usar este formulario durante todos os bounties e actualizando quando fores completando mais actividades

 Regras Gerais

•   Unvested XCV geralmente significa que tens o direito de imediatamente recever e vender o teu XCV no mercado ou directamente a nós.

•   Vested XCV significa que tu tens que segurar o teu XCV durante um period de tempo, ate que nos antijamos a Softcap ou ate a listagem numa exchange.

•   Qualquer questão relacionada com a Bounty poderá ser perguntada aqui ou a um official bounty, não deves perguntar questões relacionadas com a bounty no Telegram.
•   Se fores visto a transgredir o nosso sistema de qualquer forma, tu vais desistir das tuas moedas e estas serão doadas a um endereço validado de uma causa.
•   Nos temos o direito de fazer alterações em qualquer .
•   Nos temos o direito de remover qualquer participante da nossa campanha por qualquer motivo.
•   Nos temos o direito de suspender ou de ter alocação reduzida numa certa bounty se descobrirmos que esta com baixo desempenho.
•   Nos reservamos o direito de fazer ajustes ou modificacoes nas regras se necessario.
•   A participares na campanha estas a concordar com todas as regras acima.

Telegram Lottery Bounty
YouTube Bounty
Forum Bounty
Facebook Bounty

A Seguir

Extension Bounty
Translation Bounty
Image Creation Bounty (NFTs)
Innovation Bounty
Cause Registration Bounty
Questionnaire Bounty
Node Bounty
Product Tester Bounty
Product Use Bounty


Torna-te um membro VIP: membros VIP têm o direito de vender até 50,000 moedas a Causevest Network ao melhor preço posssível todos os meses
(Criteria) Para te tornares um membro VIP vais precisar de estar no nível 3 e teres ganho no minimo de 1,500,000 XCV num minimo de 3 meses antes da venda ou seres nomeado pela comunidade como um membro valioso pelas suas contribuições na network.

    Oferta Nas Redes Sociais

Tarefa – Registrar em todas as redes sociais no momento que estejas a ler este post. As primeiras 2000 pessoas a registrar nas 4 em simultaneo recebem 5-500 XCV o montante é baseado na campanha que escolheres e que e no número de seguidores que tens avisa-nos desta Fase 1 quando concluíres.

>Como Aplicar:
Register here on the Phase 1 form to be eligible for these bonuses -

Se amas chats no Telegram entao está bounty é para ti! Junta-te a nos aqui!
Sem spamming, tu deves permanecer neste grupo até ao final da angariação de fundos, deverás ser proativo, enviar ao menos 10 mensagens uteis durante esse periodo ou agir no melhor interesse da comunidade.
Bonus de Adesao
Eligivel para os primeiros 5,000 registados
Cada participante vai ser recompensado com 5 moedas por utilizador

Bónus das Compras de Compradores
1 usuário irá receber 1000 XCV em cada semana para acumular no total de XCV comprado posteriormente.
Loteria do Telegram:
Eligivel para os primeiros 30,000 registrados, deverás comprar no mínimo 1000 XCV para ser Eligivel, 1 usuário irá receber 1,000,000 XCV e VIP status instantaneo os restantes dois escolhidos irão receber 200,000 e 50,000 XCV. Os vencedores serão escolhidos mensalmente.
Vencedores devem doar 5% do total de XCV recebido a uma Causa validada.
>Como Concorrer:

Adere ao nosso grupo no Telegram aqui depois e preenche o formulário da Google aqui 


 >O Nosso Canal de Youtube

Talentoso com uma camera? Editas vídeos enquanto dormes? Então o nosso bounty do Youtube poderá ser para ti.
Registra uma causa e cria um vídeo promocional da causa.

Apaixonado por uma particular causa? Então poderás ver exemplos no nosso canal. Os teus vídeos serão postados na Plataforma da Causevest (Atualmente em Desenvolvimento). Diz ao mundo porque que os membros the Causevest network deverão suportar a causa que tu suportas e agradece aos que irão suportar em avanço.

500XCV por cada vídeo bem sucedido nas primeiras 25 causas de cada categoria. 4500 XCV por cada video que receba 1000 ou mais visualizações, a qualidade dos vídeos e o roteiro deverão linkar a Causevest como demonstrados nos vídeos exemplos.
 500 XCV moedas
 Rever/Promover A Moeda Causevest (XCV)
A nossa moeda tem diversas funcionalidades, umas complexas outras simples. Fique a vontade de partilhar alguma delas com o mundo. Realça um aspect da Causevest network que gostas e queiras promover num vídeo no Youtube. Ou de um topico linkado a Causevest como orçamento participativo ou altruísmo eficaz.

   A qualidade do vídeo devera ter no mínimo 720 pixeis.
   12,500 moedas XCV para um video bem sucedido com um extra de 45,000 moedas XCV para qualquer vídeo com 10,000 ou mais visualizações
   >Como Concorrer:
    (preenche o formulario Google aqui (link to a google doc for the registration form→

Promove a nossa empresa e comunidade a partir do facebook. Encontras alguma causa no facebook? Arranjas pessoa para nos faça joinha? Já tem uma grande network? Porque não aproveitar?
Simplesmente cria posts a promover a Causevest a investidores ou pessoas para gostarem a nossa pagina no facebook.

* Lista de ítems

Tens que gostar a nossa pagina oficial do Facebook da Causevest aqui (
A conta deve existir a pelo menos um ano.
Tem que ter pelo menos 250 amigos.
O post deve ser visível ao publico.
Deves postar no minimo uma vez por semana durante o period da camapanha até a médium cap ser atingida.



Podes ganhar 5 XCV por post e 2500 XCV irão ser dados aos top 10 mais regulares, relevantes e aos posters tipicos

Pioneiros do Causevest Forum

Primeiro junta-te ao forum e fala-nos sobre ti e sobre uma causa que suportas. Também arranjar publicidades para causas, discutir topicos interessantes e ajudar a expandir a comunidade. y Register on the forum and get involved here

  2,000,000 moedas disponiveis para esta campanha com 20-200 moedas disponiveis para cada post relevante.

>Como Concorrer:

Registra-te Aqui

Nós estamos de momento na Fase 1 com o primeiro pump no crescimento da comunidade e nos estamos ansiosos para tê-lo conosco na Comunidade Causevest.

Aprende mais sobre a Causevest na nossa Página de Aprendizagem   ou junta-te às nossas Reuniões Mensais

(BOUNTY) Causevest Coin Bounty Join the Cause! Take Back Control Of Your Network Fees!

About Us

* Causevest Coin (XCV) is a new blockchain that incorporates some of the original ideas suggested by the bitcoin #DevelopmentTeam  but never implemented including exchange hack protection and redistribution of transaction fees.

About You
**We want people who are interested in the ideology behind the project**. There are lots of different jobs you can get involved in to earn some coins. So if you are joining the bounty campaign, we will encourage you to tell us about the causes you care about it can be anything it doesn't have to be a charity just a cause that is important to you.

Bounty Summary: The Bounty Campaign has a limited supply of 75 million XCV available.

Our bounty campaign will be split into 3 phases.

Phase 1 will be focused on social media growth and getting an exchange listing.
Phase 2 will focus on live product testing
Phage 3 will focus on product use and network scale

Some of the campaigns require you to buy XCV to do this you can buy directly from our website at or via uniswap
Every month we donate network revenue to causes listed on the network to do this we need to buy XCV back from the market.

Asset Summary:We are not a token we are a standalone altcoin

We consider all non Causevest Coin assets as digital receipts (including tokens currently available) for Causevest Coin.

You are free to exchange and trade these receipts as you wish and will be able to exchange receipts directly from the site once our mainet is released.

 3 Things you must do


•   To be eligible you must register at and be sure to use the same email as it is linked to all your accounts across our network

•   All participants must join the Telegram group and Follow us Twitter

•   You must  register on Universal Phase 1 Form here you can use this form throughout all of the bounties and update it as you complete more tasks

 General rules

•   Unvested XCV generally means you will have the right to immediately receive and sell your XCV to the market or to directly to us

•   Vested XCV means you will have to hold your XCV for a set time period, till we hit our Softcap or list on an exchange

•   Any Bounty questions may be asked here or on our official bounty thread you must not ask bounty related questions on Telegram
•   If you are spotted abusing our system in any way, you will forfeit your coins and these will be donated to a validated cause address
•   We reserved the right to make changes on any terms
•   We reserved the right to remove a participant from the campaign for any reason.
•   We reserved the right to suspend or have the allocation reduced on a certain bounty if we found it underperforming.
•   We reserved the right to make adjustments and modifications to the rules if necessary
•   By participating you are agreeing to all of the above rules

Telegram Lottery Bounty
YouTube Bounty
Forum Bounty
Facebook Bounty

Coming Next

Extension Bounty
Translation Bounty
Image Creation Bounty (NFTs)
Innovation Bounty
Cause Registration Bounty
Questionnaire Bounty
Node Bounty
Product Tester Bounty
Product Use Bounty


Become a VIP member: VIP members have the right to sell up to 50,000 coins back to the Causevest Network at the best possible price once every Month.
(Criteria) To become a VIP member you need to be at level 3 have owned at least 1,500,000 XCV for a minimum of 3 months before the sale or be nominated by the community as a valued member for your contributions towards the network.

    Social Media Offer

Task- Register on all social media platforms at the time of reading this post. The first 2000 people to register on all 4 mediums get 5-500 XCV the amounts are based on the campaign you pick and the number of followers you have so please notify us of this in the Phase 1 form when you apply.

>How to apply:
Register here on the Phase 1 form to be eligible for these bonuses -

If you Love Telegram chats then this bounty is for you! Come join us here!
No spamming, you must stay in the group until the end of fundraising, you must be proactive, send at least 10 helpful messages within the bounty period, or act in the best interest of the community.
Joining Bonus
Eligible for the first 5,000 registrants 
Each participant will be rewarded with 5 coins per user.
Buyers Purchase Bonus
1 user each week will receive 1000 XCV as a stackable bonus to any XCV they have already purchased.
Telegram Lottery:
Eligible for the first 30,000 registrants you must buy at least 1000 XCV to be Eligible 1 user will receive 1,000,000 XCV and instant VIP status two runners up will receive 200,000 and 50,000 XCV. Winners will be picked monthly. The winners must donate 5% of this XCV to a validated Cause.
>How to apply:

Join the telegram group here then and fill the Google form here 


 >Our Channel youtube channel

Handy with a camera? Edit videos in your sleep? then our YouTube bounty offers might be for you.
Register a cause and create a promotional video for it.

Passionate about a particular cause? Well, you can see examples in our channel. Your videos will be posted on the Causevest Platform (Currently in Development). Tell the world why members of the Causevet network should be supporting the cause/cause you support and thank those who do in advance.

500XCV per successful video for the first 25 Causes from each category. 4500 XCV for each video that receives 1000 or more views the quality of the videos and the script must link to Causevest as shown in the example videos.
 500 XCV coins
 Review/Promote Causevest Coin (XCV)
Our coin has a lot of features, some complex some simple. Feel free to share some of them with the world. Highlight an aspect of the Causevest Network that you like and promote it on YouTube video. Or a topic linked to Causevest such as participatory budgeting or effective altruism.

   The video quality must be at least 720 pixels.
   12,500 XCV coins for a successful video with an extra 45000 XCV for any video that obtains 10000 or more views.
   >How to apply:
    (fill the google form here (link to a google doc for the registration form→

 Promote our company and community via Facebook. Find any good causes on Facebook? get people to give us the big thumb up? Already have a large network? why not put it to use?
Simply write up posts promoting Causevest to investors or people to like our page on Facebook.

* List item

You have to like the official Causevest’s Facebook page here(
The account should be in existence for a year minimum
Needs to have minimum 250 friends.
Post must be visible for public.
You must post at least once a week during the campaign period until the medium cap is reached.



You can get 5 XCV per post with 2500 XCV given to the top 10 more regular, relevant, and topical posters

Causevest Forum Pioneers

First Join the forum tell us about yourself and a cause that you support. Also Raising publicity for causes, discussing interesting topics, and helping to expand the community Register on the forum and get involved here

  2,000,000 coins are available for this campaign with 20-200 coins available for each relevant post.

>How to apply:

Register here

We are currently in Phase 1 with a first community growth push we look forward to having you join the Causevest Community.

Learn more about Causevest on our Learn page   or join one of our monthly Monthly Meetups

(BOUNTY) Causevest Coin Bounty Join the Cause! Take Back Control Of Your Network Fees!

About Us

* Causevest Coin (XCV) is a new blockchain that incorporates some of the original ideas suggested by the bitcoin #DevelopmentTeam  but never implemented including exchange hack protection and redistribution of transaction fees.

About You
**We want people who are interested in the ideology behind the project**. There are lots of different jobs you can get involved in to earn some coins. So if you are joining the bounty campaign, we will encourage you to tell us about the causes you care about it can be anything it doesn't have to be a charity just a cause that is important to you.

Bounty Summary: The Bounty Campaign has a limited supply of 75 million XCV available.

Our bounty campaign will be split into 3 phases.

Phase 1 will be focused on social media growth and getting an exchange listing.
Phase 2 will focus on live product testing
Phage 3 will focus on product use and network scale

Some of the campaigns require you to buy XCV to do this you can buy directly from our website at or via uniswap
Every month we donate network revenue to causes listed on the network to do this we need to buy XCV back from the market.

Asset Summary:We are not a token we are a standalone altcoin

We consider all non Causevest Coin assets as digital receipts (including tokens currently available) for Causevest Coin.

You are free to exchange and trade these receipts as you wish and will be able to exchange receipts directly from the site once our mainet is released.

 3 Things you must do


•   To be eligible you must register at and be sure to use the same email as it is linked to all your accounts across our network

•   All participants must join the Telegram group and Follow us Twitter

•   You must  register on Universal Phase 1 Form here you can use this form throughout all of the bounties and update it as you complete more tasks

 General rules

•   Unvested XCV generally means you will have the right to immediately receive and sell your XCV to the market or to directly to us

•   Vested XCV means you will have to hold your XCV for a set time period, till we hit our Softcap or list on an exchange

•   Any Bounty questions may be asked here or on our official bounty thread you must not ask bounty related questions on Telegram
•   If you are spotted abusing our system in any way, you will forfeit your coins and these will be donated to a validated cause address
•   We reserved the right to make changes on any terms
•   We reserved the right to remove a participant from the campaign for any reason.
•   We reserved the right to suspend or have the allocation reduced on a certain bounty if we found it underperforming.
•   We reserved the right to make adjustments and modifications to the rules if necessary
•   By participating you are agreeing to all of the above rules

Telegram Lottery Bounty
YouTube Bounty
Forum Bounty
Facebook Bounty

Coming Next

Extension Bounty
Translation Bounty
Image Creation Bounty (NFTs)
Innovation Bounty
Cause Registration Bounty
Questionnaire Bounty
Node Bounty
Product Tester Bounty
Product Use Bounty


Become a VIP member: VIP members have the right to sell up to 50,000 coins back to the Causevest Network at the best possible price once every Month.
(Criteria) To become a VIP member you need to be at level 3 have owned at least 1,500,000 XCV for a minimum of 3 months before the sale or be nominated by the community as a valued member for your contributions towards the network.

    Social Media Offer

Task- Register on all social media platforms at the time of reading this post. The first 2000 people to register on all 4 mediums get 5-500 XCV the amounts are based on the campaign you pick and the number of followers you have so please notify us of this in the Phase 1 form when you apply.

>How to apply:
Register here on the Phase 1 form to be eligible for these bonuses -

If you Love Telegram chats then this bounty is for you! Come join us here!
No spamming, you must stay in the group until the end of fundraising, you must be proactive, send at least 10 helpful messages within the bounty period, or act in the best interest of the community.
Joining Bonus
Eligible for the first 5,000 registrants 
Each participant will be rewarded with 5 coins per user.
Buyers Purchase Bonus
1 user each week will receive 1000 XCV as a stackable bonus to any XCV they have already purchased.
Telegram Lottery:
Eligible for the first 30,000 registrants you must buy at least 1000 XCV to be Eligible 1 user will receive 1,000,000 XCV and instant VIP status two runners up will receive 200,000 and 50,000 XCV. Winners will be picked monthly. The winners must donate 5% of this XCV to a validated Cause.
>How to apply:

Join the telegram group here then and fill the Google form here 


 >Our Channel youtube channel

Handy with a camera? Edit videos in your sleep? then our YouTube bounty offers might be for you.
Register a cause and create a promotional video for it.

Passionate about a particular cause? Well, you can see examples in our channel. Your videos will be posted on the Causevest Platform (Currently in Development). Tell the world why members of the Causevet network should be supporting the cause/cause you support and thank those who do in advance.

500XCV per successful video for the first 25 Causes from each category. 4500 XCV for each video that receives 1000 or more views the quality of the videos and the script must link to Causevest as shown in the example videos.
 500 XCV coins
 Review/Promote Causevest Coin (XCV)
Our coin has a lot of features, some complex some simple. Feel free to share some of them with the world. Highlight an aspect of the Causevest Network that you like and promote it on YouTube video. Or a topic linked to Causevest such as participatory budgeting or effective altruism.

   The video quality must be at least 720 pixels.
   12,500 XCV coins for a successful video with an extra 45000 XCV for any video that obtains 10000 or more views.
   >How to apply:
    (fill the google form here (link to a google doc for the registration form→

 Promote our company and community via Facebook. Find any good causes on Facebook? get people to give us the big thumb up? Already have a large network? why not put it to use?
Simply write up posts promoting Causevest to investors or people to like our page on Facebook.

* List item

You have to like the official Causevest’s Facebook page here(
The account should be in existence for a year minimum
Needs to have minimum 250 friends.
Post must be visible for public.
You must post at least once a week during the campaign period until the medium cap is reached.



You can get 5 XCV per post with 2500 XCV given to the top 10 more regular, relevant, and topical posters

Causevest Forum Pioneers

First Join the forum tell us about yourself and a cause that you support. Also Raising publicity for causes, discussing interesting topics, and helping to expand the community Register on the forum and get involved here

  2,000,000 coins are available for this campaign with 20-200 coins available for each relevant post.

>How to apply:

Register here

We are currently in Phase 1 with a first community growth push we look forward to having you join the Causevest Community.

Learn more about Causevest on our Learn page   or join one of our monthly Monthly Meetups


Right click open new tab below to watch our short Promo Video

  • We are a team of old-school crypto enthusiasts building a blockchain that incorporates some of the original ideas suggested by the bitcoin #DevelopmentTeam  but never implemented.

  • Causevest Coin (XCV) is a new cryptocurrency where coin holders vote to decide who should receive the network's transaction fees.

How to buy XCV

1. (BUY FROM THE WEBSITE (RECOMMENDED)) You can buy directly on our website with BTC or ETH using deposit addresses created when you register you don't need an ETH address for this as a record of your holdings are stored on the site.

Just register use our calculator to work out how much XCV your buying and send a crypto/fiat deposit this is the cheapest and safest option you can then withdraw XCV to your wallet when you are ready.

2. (BUY FROM UNISWAP) You can buy directly from our Uni swap contract you will need an ETH address for this the tokens are called Collective Vesting Tokens.

3. (BUY FROM EXCHANGES) ( Coming Soon)

**Only 25% of the XCV coins are available at the soft cap price of 0.024 USD rising to 0.14 USD afterward**


 What started as some guy sitting in a field full of cows is now becoming a purpose-built altruistic base layer protocol with all the trimmings every XCV Collective Vesting Token purchased will be convertible into 1 Causevest Coin when the Alpha is released to the public.

1.Causevest Coin  – A New Standalone Blockchain For Good - (In Development First Release Q3 2021 )

2. Browser Extension – The causevest extension acts as a gateway connecting you to the causevest network. It puts a private messaging system for the Causevest community in your browser, links to your Causevest account giving you the ability to vote for good causes that you find online based on the amount of XCV you own.

Our Chrome Extension Is Complete Click Here To Test It Out

ERC20 XCV Tokens – Our tokens are available for purchase from our website and actually have a direct use case as owners can affect our monthly voting helping to decide which causes receive funding through our network

Digital Giving Platform – Actually developed but we decided to give it a complete overhaul and integrate XCV on launch so its currently in development you can play with the dummy site at


**XCV Coin holders support our development**

XCV coin holders can also benefit by running nodes passively

earning yields of 12.5% Pa  and  83% Pa if you hold more than 100,000 XCV

Our new protocol POC ( Proof of Cause) solves numerous issues one of which is lowering the barrier to entry into the cryptocurrency income generation

Thank you for reading we are mostly on TELEGRAM  if you want to say hello


Clique com o botão direito em baixo para assistir ao nosso curto vídeo promocional

  • Somos uma equipa entusiasta do cripto construindo uma blockchain que incorpora algumas das ideias originais sugeridas pela equipa de desenvolvimento da bitcoin mas que nunca foram implementadas.

  • A Causevest Coin (XCV) é uma nova criptomoeda onde os detentores de moeda decidem quem irá receber os custos de transação da network.

Como comprar XCV

1. Compra A Partir Do Website (RECOMENDADO) Podes comprar directamente no nosso website com BTC ou ETH usando endereços de depósitos quando te registares, não precisas de um endereço de ETH para isto.

Tens de registar-te usando a nossa calculadora para perceber quanto XCV estás a comprar e irás receber e fazer um crypto/fiat deposito. Esta é a opção mais em conta e mais segura para comprar XCV. Depois poderás retirar XCV para a tua carteira quando estiveres pronto.

2. (Compra Através Da UNISWAP) Poderás comprar diretamente a partir do nosso contrato de troca UNI. Necessitarás de um endereço de ETH para adquirir os tokens que aqui são chamados Collective Vesting Tokens.

3. (Compra a partir de Exchanges) (Em Breve)

** Apenas 25% das moedas XCV estão disponiveis ao preço de soft cap de USD 0.024 crescendo até USD 0.14 após isso (soft cap)**

Casos de Uso e Progresso até agora

 O que iniciou com um rapaz sentado num campo cheio de vacas agora tornou-se num protocolo estabelecido numa base altruísta, desenvolvida de forma a que todos os XCV Collective Vesting Token comprados sejam convertíveis em moedas Causevest quando Alpha for lançado ao público.

1.Causevest Coin  – Uma nova Blockchain independente do bem – (Em desenvolvimento, sendo o primeiro lançamento no 3º Trimestre de 2021)

2. Extensão do Navegador – A extensão Causevest age como uma porta de acesso entre tu e a Causevest network. Cria um sistema privado de mensagens para a comunidade Causevest no teu browser, conecta-te à tua conta Causevest e oferece-te a possibilidade de apoiares boas causas que encontras online, em função do montante de XCV que tens.

A Extensão Chrome Está Completada Clique Aqui Para Testa-la

ERC20 XCV Tokens – Os nossos tokens já estão disponiveis para comprar a partir do nosso website e já tem um uso directo, pois os detentores de moeda podem influenciar na decisão mensal de identificação das causas a receberem fundos a partir da nossa network.

Plataforma Digital de Doações – Já desenvolvida mas decidimos revê-la completamente e integrar XCV no lançamento, Neste momento está a ser desenvolvida, mas podes brincar no site fictício em


**Detentores de Moeda XCV apoiam o nosso desenvolvimento**

Detentores de moeda XCV também podem beneficiar a partir da gestão passiva de um nó ganhando um rendimento de 12.5% Pa, e 83% Pa se detiverem um valor superior a 100,000 XCV

O nosso novo protocolo POC ( Proof of Cause) resolve inúmeros problemas, sendo um deles a diminuição das barreiras de entrada na geração de rendimento a partir de criptomoedas

Obrigado por leres, nós estamos mais presentes no TELEGRAM  se quiseres dizer um olá

Pages: [1]
ETH & ERC20 Tokens Donations: 0x2143F7146F0AadC0F9d85ea98F23273Da0e002Ab
BNB & BEP20 Tokens Donations: 0xcbDAB774B5659cB905d4db5487F9e2057b96147F
BTC Donations: bc1qjf99wr3dz9jn9fr43q28x0r50zeyxewcq8swng
BTC Tips for Moderators: 1Pz1S3d4Aiq7QE4m3MmuoUPEvKaAYbZRoG
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