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Messages - Shania36B

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Diluar Topik / Kampungku sekarang berubah.
« on: February 21, 2024, 07:18:09 AM »
Kampungku sekarang berubah.

Aku pengin cerita ma teman-teman dimari.
Tak terasa aku tinggal dikampung sini sudah 7 tahun.
Kampung ini dulunya sepi....

Tetapi disini aku temukan teman2 baru yang berbeda dengan kampung lama, dimana di kampung lama banyak tetangga2 usil, menjengkelkan, group- groupan, ngasih makanan kenduri hanya ma mereka yang dia kenal aja dan kebanyakan suka ngegosip kek ibu2...

Dikampung ini aku merasa tenang, nyaman....
Kepala Desanya juga baik ramah dan ngayomi warganya.

tapi itu dulu...

Ketika tiba- tiba ada proyek bendungan yang sebelumnya sudah dibangun di kampung sebelah, akhirnya pindah dimari, berpindah karena tidak mendapatkan ijin disana.

Warga sana akhirnya berbondong- bondong pindah pindah dimari, Karena pengin mendapatkan rejeki dan berpartisipasi di proyek bendungan itu.

Suasana di Kampung sini sekarang berubah...
makin parah...
Pendatang baru lebih vokal dan menguasai dalam setiap rapat dan pengambilan keputusan.
Memberikan usulan2 ke Kepala Desa...dan berusaha merubah kampung ini  agar  sama seperti Kampung lama mereka...

Kepala Desaku juga sudah tidak  seperti dulu..
tidak menganggap warga lamanya, bahkan  perangkat desapun tidak pernah diajak  diskusi, lebih peduli dengan apa  yang pendatang baru mau dan berusaha mengadopsi apa yang ada di kampung sana..

Mungkin lupa ya,
setelah proyek selesai mereka  semua pun akan kembali ke kampung lama.
Dan Kampung ini akan kembali

Tapi ini bukan tentang sebuah Kampung...
Bukan tentang seorang Kepala Desa ..
Dan bukan tentang Proyek Bendungan...

Ini semua tentang keadaan...

Cerita tentang Kampungku
21 February 2023

My village has changed now.

I want to tell my friends here.
It doesn't feel like I've lived here for 7 years.
This village used to be quiet....

But here I found new friends who were different from the old village, where in the old village there were lots of nosy, annoying, groupy neighbors, only giving feasts to those they knew and most of them liked to gossip about other mothers...

In this village I feel calm, comfortable....
The village head is also friendly and protective of his residents.

but that was before...

Suddenly there was a dam project that had previously been built in the next village, finally moved here, moved because they didn't get permission there.

Residents there finally moved here in droves, because they wanted to earn a fortune and participate in the dam project.

The atmosphere here in the village has now changed...
Newcomers are more vocal and controlling in every meeting and decision making.
Provide suggestions to the Village Head... and try to change this village so that it is the same as their old village...

My village head is also not the same as before...
They don't consider their old residents, even village officials are never invited to discuss them, they are more concerned with what the new arrivals want and try to adopt what is in the village there.

Maybe forgot, okay?
After the project is finished, they will all return to their old village.
And this village will be quiet again...

But this is not about a village...
Not about a Village Head..
And not about the Dam Project...

It's all about the circumstances...

Stories about my village
21 February 2023


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