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Kemarin gak sengaja baca berita optimis " Say Goodbye to Bitcoin Under $60,000 Forever: Samson Mow Doubles Down on Forecast". Meskipun tidak menerangkan secara jelas alasan fundamentalnya, bagi seorang maksimalis bitcoin bisa aja nyampe $1jt. hehe..
Yang menarik di berita itu, Samson Mow juga bekerja sama dengan parlemen Jerman mengajukan rencana pembelian kembali Bitcoin yang mereka jual besar-besaran
https://u .today/say-goodbye-to-bitcoin-under-60000-forever-samson-mow-doubles-down-on-forecast
Maksudnya say good by ini gimana? BTC gak bakal balik di bawah $60k lagi?
Saya tidak begitu percaya dengan kata-kata orang top atau media tertentu, karena bisa saja itu permainan kata mereka. Bitcoin tetap saja mungkin turun lagi di bawah $60k, siapa yang jamin BTC akan terus naik? Tapi agak lucu juga kalau pemerintah Jerman jual Bitcoin terus mau beli kembali Bitcoinnya. Saya merasa ini seperti kurang masuk akal, ini mungkin cuman dimaksudkan untuk menciptakan kesan optimis di antara kalangan investor.
perkiraan untuk mencapai puncaknya ATH masih bisa dikatakan cukup panjang karena akhir tahun saja belum nampak, maka saya sangat sependapat bahwa selalu akan ada kemungkinan terjadi koreksi dan itu adalah sesuatu yang wajar dan justru adalah kesempatan untuk bitcoin akan kembali mampu untuk bisa bergerak meningkat pada waktunya setelah terjadinya koreksi. tentu akan membuat bergairah semua untuk terus membeli dan mengakibatkan akan adanya peningkatan dan ingat banyak juga yang berharap itu karena belum mendapatkan moment harga murah dari bitcoin.
Saya menunggu dampak dari Bitcoin Conference hari ini dihadiri langsung salah satu kandidat presiden Amerika Serikat Donald Trump apakah mampu mendongkrak dan memberikan dampak positif kenaikan harga bitcoin. Akhir-akhir ini harga bitcoin sedikit kesulitan menembus harga tertinggi bahkan sekedar menembus diatas harga $70k masih sulit apalagi isu refund Mt Gox masih belum kelar sampai saat ini dan sering membuat holder panik ketika mereka memindahkan assets bitcoin dari satu wallet ke wallet lain.
Saat ini BTC masih di harga $67k meskipun sempat mencampai sampai dengan harga $68 namun masih belum bisa stabil untuk berada di harga tertinggi.
For a long time now, whenever I play I always have a certain amount of money available to play, within which I am willing to lose, and it's not that I have a loser's mentality, but it's better to do things in moderation, I am a person who, due to the experience I had of playing and losing a lot, both in trading and in gambling, what I was able to extract is that if I put only that amount into a game session and lose it, I will not have any repercussions in my life, and that is already a lot, it means a lot, because apart from losing in the casino and that bringing problems for my life, I think that is too much.
The winner failed to show a valid LOG of a previous mix on Mixero. The winning was confiscated however the management decided to rollover half of the winning to the next round. Which means in the round#2 we will have a prize of $150 instead of $100.
Does the previous mix order (log) on Mixero have to be dated older than the start of this contest?
A mix from recent time will be fine. Let's say a month older or around that time. We just need to see that you are a Mixero user.
I have started to follow my daily routine slowly. Thanks everyone.

We will roll the block number: 854,110

Code: [Select]
username Reward
Chilwell $30.00
NikeFit_7777 $40.00
examplens $50.00
Mate2237 $30.00
PX-Z $50.00
NotATether $70.00
FinneysTrueVision $15.00
bitmover $65.00
Cryptsafe $15.00
The above users are going to receive their rewards tomorrow (Sunday).
Thanks for your work.

Messages for eligible participants :
notblox1 - Did you get your refund?
FinneysTrueVision - Honering some reward, would like to see the private information if you plan.
NotATether and bitmover - After the revising and adjustment from the management would you like to be invited to give some details insights and check where it requires further improvements? Let me know.


Indian Languages / Flah bitcoin and usdt
« Last post by Globalflashco on Today at 02:08:52 AM »
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Nigerian Languages / Re: Casino game signals
« Last post by Mate2237 on Today at 01:38:44 AM »
I don't know how the matter go be but I don't know how this signal dey thing dey work... And I don't trust those signals of a thing. When you try And you win you win and you fail you fail.
Seputar Forum / Re: Kenaikan Ranking di Altcoinstalks
« Last post by Husna QA on Today at 01:35:53 AM »
Kesimpulannya, banyak aturan yang berubah (terutama awal tahun 2024 ini), dimana agar user tidak bisa dengan mudah naik rank begitu saja hanya dengan memperbanyak jumlah post.
Saya sebenarnya kurang paham mengapa aturannya banyak berubah. Padahal disisi lain untuk teleported member, mereka langsung dapat high rank di sini. Seharusnya member native tidak dipersulit untuk naik rank. Bukankah member native yang sebenarnya melalui proses dengan normal. Harusnya malah member native didukung untuk lebih mudah mendapat high rank.

Karena user yang teleport dari Bitcointalk terbilang cukup banyak pada awal tahun ini seiring beralihnya campaign (mixer).

Kalau saya melihatnya malah aturan baru tersebut awalnya ditujukan ke user teleport, namun ujungnya berimbas ke native member juga. Maksudnya, contoh di Bitcointalk, rank tertinggi adalah Legendary, nah untuk "menaikkan status rank user" di Altcoinstalks maka dibuat beberapa rank lagi di atasnya yang mana untuk mencapai itu dibuat lebih sulit seperti dengan adanya activity freezes, dll.
Cryptocurrency discussions / Re: Do you still believe in old coins?
« Last post by PX-Z on Today at 01:31:25 AM »'s such a shame that many investors who come into the crypto space allow their eyes to be blinded by the these shitcoins and their promises of instant profitability...
9 out of 10 new tokens are shitcoins and just promises, sometimes its 10/10 lol. While its true that you will get huge profit in new tokens but its more on luck and probability that the company behind will work whats on its roadmaps but almost all of them are just shitty and waste of time. So what people usually do is try and try until they get hit a token that has huge community based that only work on temporary hype.
Cryptocurrency discussions / Re: Airdrop updates by Learn Bitcoin
« Last post by Cryptsafe on Today at 01:20:12 AM »
To be on topic. Any new airdrop with potential?

I know nothing about the latest airdrops as I am still checking what is happened in the country during internet blackout. I am not exploring the airdrop world at this moment. But I noticed that hundreds of Telegram bots appearing everyday. I want to inform you guys that most of those telegram bots are going to scam their users. All they doing is building a community and growing their userbase to make money. Now you can monetize your telegram channel and make thousands of dollars, which is doing by the new projects. They are not going to pay anything. They just getting subs to their Youtube and Telegram so they can make some money. Avoid all the new telegram projects if you do not find any collaboration with some exchanges or wallets.

I will agree with your opinion here. Most of these telegram bots are not  what we think they are. They are just taking advantage of the fact that telegram  is now popular and have good opportunities to make money by growing their social media handles and also building channels fur themselves where they can start monitizing activities and as well doing promotions for other projects as I have heard .

I would not be surprised to start hearing complaints from some telegram users of them being scammed. I am afraid that the scam rate would be much higher than it used to be coupled with hack. I think telegram should equip their platform with high security features to preserve users details and information because with the looks, most of these telegram airdrops I heard is an automatic wallet connection for users to grant automatic access to bots and we all know what things of the nature always results to. Telegram users should be very much careful and protect their accounts and thread with caution.
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