The reasons for the trading to be not profitable are numerous and actually, you can do the analysis on your own. There are a couple of things that you should pay attention to, i.e. your trading strategy, psychological factor and the broker's trading conditions. The most widespread mistake lies in trading strategy. If the process of decision making is wrong, then you'll have bad results. Analyse which indicators or factors trigger your decision to whether open a trade or close. I'd advise you to make a trading journal, where you should write your decisions and factors that made you make this decision. The next thing is psychology. It is an open secret that emotional trading cannot be profitable. Some traders define such feelings as greed and fear. Greed comes when you had a couple of successful deals and you want to continue this lucky streak. In such a situation a trader usually forget about risk management and any kind of common sense and does stupid mistakes. You should definetely avoid it. The problem may be with your broker which charges you crazy commissions or spreads so there is nothing left for you. Anyway, if you really want the community to solve your problem, you'd better give more information about your current trading strategy.