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Author Topic: New Developments on The Missing Cryptoqueen: Dead or Alive?  (Read 1364 times)

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Called as the “Missing Cryptoqueen”, Dr. Ruja Ignatova landed on the FBI’s Ten Most Wanted Fugitives list after scamming investors of $4.5 billion using the OneCoin cryptocurrency as the magnet for investors to come and then vanished out of thin air like magic which left many people holding empty bags. Now, here is an investigation looking on new developments and aspects of this case with a strong suspicion that she got ties to a Bulgarian organized crime boss and that she was eventually violently assassinated.

This documentary below has exclusive access to the US special agent in charge of tracking Ignatova down and follows a brave Bulgarian journalist who’s faced grave threats trying to get to the truth. Did the missing Cryptoqueen run with the money, or was she fatally targeted by the very people that were supposed to protect her? 

I am hoping that soon things will emerge clearer as to what happened to this lady and the circumstances that led to her supposed elimination...and if possible some assets can be recovered to refund people who lose money on this scam. This is a big reminder to all of us to never believe anything that glitter as not all of them can surely be gold. 

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Re: New Developments on The Missing Cryptoqueen: Dead or Alive?
« Reply #1 on: June 08, 2024, 09:09:14 PM »
Thanks for posting this, link bookmarked.
I will watch this documentary later but I think that I saw some news recently that she was found killed by someone.
I can't find the source for the news and I don't know any more details about that but I will try to find it.


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