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Я считаю, что сейчас любые возможности в сети Bitcoin нужно анализировать и рассматривать. Действительно, может это всё не так и страшно.
Я сегодня, кстати пытался продать сатоши, но кошелёк предупредил меня, что комиссии невероятно большие. Они составляли более 40% от пересылаемой суммы - сказать, что я был в шоке это значит ничего не сказать. Пришлось пересылать лайткоин, а не Bitcoin. Это к вопросу о перестройке на ходу. Ещё нужно учитывать, что и лайткоина у меня не было)))
В общем, нужно многое изучать и постоянно меняться и менять свои тактики и стратегии.

Жизнь вообще в последнее время часто заставляет нас стремительно перестраиваться. Раньше был один биткоин, потом появился эфир, разные токены, потом мемкоины и сейчас всякие тапалки. И постоянно придумывают что-то новое. Ох уж это крипто...
Meme Coins / Re: Does Good Luck Play a Role In Crypto?
« Last post by TomPluz on Today at 05:24:24 AM »
My curiosity about the whole Good luck thing was actually fueled by a Japanese memecoin for good luck Maneki coz I was curious if people still lean in that direction these days? Plus, if you had to choose one, would you rather buy something that claims to bring good luck or something else that claims to bring bad luck?

I believe that good luck and bad luck can be playing some role in our lives...and this is so true whether one is involved with cryptocurrency or not. Some people can be so lucky while there are those who are not. However, I don't subscribe to the idea that we should be depending on luck alone as we still have to work hard and use our potential to make things come true. Now, to the question whether I would go for something that is promising good luck or bad luck, I don't usually patronize anything like that whether it is a memecoin or anything that I need to buy...but in case it is something for free then I would gladly take it. We have to remember that any product -whether digital or physical - that you need to buy all because it is claiming to be bringing luck is actually so true...but maybe only to the people who are selling or marketing it and I hate to be on the buying side.

Cryptocurrency Trading / Re: Just HODL
« Last post by Mr. Magkaisa on Today at 05:23:21 AM »
With the existence of bitcoin ETFs, many large investors are starting to invest in bitcoin.  This makes the price of bitcoin more expensive, and perhaps it is true as you say that whales have a little difficulty playing with or manipulating the market because there are many big investors besides those who just buy and hold.
Whales will usually take advantage of bitcoin price movements when something happens, such as war and inflation, which happened yesterday, causing many whales to try to bring down the price of bitcoin on exchanges. Whales often manipulate prices, so we as traders don't need to worry and just follow the whales' game to keep making a profit.
The character and habits of whales always manipulate the crypto market when there are major events such as wars and wars. We can only follow it, if a dump occurs, it's best to keep holding because the whales will definitely buy a lot and then raise it again, this has often happened

        -  In these times, I have seen many whale investors who are really starting to buy large amounts of crypto that they think will give them a profit during this bull run that will happen a few months from now when the halving is over.

And I saw some wallet addresses that bought millions of dollars on the platforms of Upbit and Coinbase, which is just proof that these are really the whales that accumulate cryptos, and we don't have the same capacity as them. who bought millions of dollars worth is somehow a good chance to go along with their system that is being made.
    -   The use of demo trading is a good way to ensure that the funds that we enter into the trading exchange platform are not immediately wasted. Actually, just last week, because I wanted to learn futures trading, I first practiced demo trading to know where and how I could get a profit from it.

Because I know it's not that easy to get earnings here. Although I already have some ideas and knowledge about trading, that's why I decided to try to enter the futures trading activity.
شركة ذكاء اصطناعي ناشئة مدعومة من نيفيديا تُطلق شخصيات رقميّة قادرة على إظهار العواطف البشريّة


 "Nvidia" المدعومة من "Synthesia" كشفت شركة
عن إطلاق شخصيات رقميّة قادرة على إظهار العواطف وتقليد الحركات الإنسانية خلال العروض التقديمية و جلسات التدريب المؤسساتيّة

 "Nvidia" الناشئة في مجال الذكاء الاصطناعي، والمدعومة من قبل "أنفيديا" "Synthesia" أعلنت شركة
.عن إطلاق ترقيةٍ جديدة تُمكّن الشخصيات الرقميّة القائمة على الذكاء الاصطناعي من إظهار العواطف وتقليد الحركات البشرية

في 25 أبريل، كشفت الشركة عن "شخصيّاتها الرقميّة"، التي طُوّرت بهدف إظهار المشاعر بناءً على التعليمات النصيّة المُعطاة خلال العروض التقديمية وجلسات التسويق والتدريب المؤسساتي

"SORA" بالرّغم من الإشادة بالذكاء الاصطناعي التوليدي في كثيرٍ من الأحيان لقدرته على إنشاء صور متحركة واقعية، كما هو الحال مع مولّد الفيديو
"OpenAI" من
.فإن الذكاء الاصطناعي لا يخلو من عيوبه، خاصّةً عند تصوير البشر، الذين غالباً ما يظهرون بأيدي أو أطراف مشوهة أو شفاه غير متزامنة مع الكلام

ولذلك، تحاول الشركة التخلّص من هذه المشكلة في أحدث إصدارٍ لها، والذي تم تطويره بمساعدة بشرٍ حقيقيين وهم يقرؤون النصوص في الاستوديو الخاص بالشركة، وذلك لمساعدة الروبوتات على تتبّع الشفاه وأن تكون أكثر دقة في تعبيراتها العاطفية

وتعليقاً على الحدث، قال فيكتور ريباربيلي، الرئيس التنفيذي والمؤسس المشارك للشركة، في مقطع فيديو: "إن القطعة المفقودة من الأحجية هي عدم قدرة الشخصيات الرقمية ما فهم ما تقوله، وهذا ما أدى في السابق إلى ضعف استجابة الوجه للعواطف."

وأضاف: "في الاستوديو، تم تدريب الروبوتات على الاستجابة للجمل البسيطة، مثل أنا سعيد أو أنا حزين وأشعر بالإحباط، وذلك من خلال نقل تعابير الوجه الصحيحة والنبرة المرتبطة بالعاطفة المذكورة."

.تتوفر الشخصيات الرقميّة الجديدة بأكثر من 130 لغة، ويمكنها تقديم تعليقاتها الخاصة، وحتى استنساخ أصوات المستخدمين


لا نعرف إلى أي مدى سيصل تطور الذكاء الاصطناعي ولا نعرف مالذي يخبأه لنا المستقبل في هذا المجال المتنامي بسرعة هائلة، تلقيد الأصوات والحركات والآن المشاعر هذا شيء خطير جدا والله أعلم

Tin này khá tiêu cực, nhất là khi nó diễn ra ở quốc gia đầu tiên trên thế giới chấp nhận BTC trong nền kinh tế. Nó có thể trở thành lý do để những quốc gia khác thận trọng hơn trong tiến trình chấp nhận BTC và crypto. Nhưng nhìn từ khía cạnh tích cực, nó vẫn chỉ diễn ra ở quốc gia nhỏ như El Salvador, chưa phải ở Hoa Kỳ hoặc những cường quốc khác, nó giúp chúng ta có thể xử lý những lỗi bảo mật có thể bị khai thác trong tương lai, tránh được những hậu quả lớn hơn khi áp dụng hàng loạt.

Mình hy vọng chính phủ El Salvador sẽ sớm xử lý được vấn đề này để tiếp tục tiến lên trong hành trình áp dụng crypto rộng rãi và khẳng định sự đúng đắn mà họ đã bắt đầu từ 2 năm trước.
El Salvador chưa có phản hồi rõ ràng gì về việc khắc phục lỗ hổng bảo mật này để không bị tấn công trong tương lai, ảnh hưởng tới uy tín của chính phủ và cả tương lai của chiến thuật BTC đang được áp dụng rất thành công ở quốc gia này. Em cũng hơi lạ là IMF không tranh thủ vụ này để tấn công và chỉ trích El Salvador vì đã đặt cả hệ thống tài chính quốc gia vào một mối rủi rô chưa thể đánh giá được. Hình như IMF cũng đang FOMO!
why do people panic and sell their coins throw some light on this topic and share your opinion
Bitcoin price is not stable and we have seen from past history that Bitcoin price dump much more than its ATH but after a long time pump again much more and create new ATH as well.  But it takes a long time but not everyone has the patience to hold the bitcoins until then, so they panic and sell the bitcoins to protect themselves from a major crash. many people do not have full confidence in Bitcoin and sell it in panic. so not everyone's reason for panic selling is the same.
If you are a complete noob then you would really be definitely making yourself having that kind of reaction on which it would really be that common but on the time that you do able to make
yourself having that good grasps on how this market works then you would already have the idea on what are the things that you should gonna do on the time that you would really be
making yourself that deal off with these things. Panic is common since we are just humans and we dont like to lose money and this is why we do have this kind of reaction on which this is something
that very normal i should say.
Cryptocurrency Trading / Re: Trading is not same thing as Gambling
« Last post by Mr. Magkaisa on Today at 04:26:28 AM »
Right, in sport betting need knowledge and experienced for large winning chance because we know some teams of football club before betting on that club, however with knowledge prefer in gambling couldn't be comparison with trading.
In trading still has opportunity when outside of our prediction with our assets keep existing but in gambling when prediction wrong and get loss our funs gone. I don't think good comparison depend on lucky in gambling has the same function with trading need skill, research and most important trading never loss yet our fund if trade on spot trading.
In the world of trading, when you make a wrong decision, the assets you have can still be stored properly and wait until the price goes up again, but in gambling, if you make a wrong decision, it will cause us to lose our assets forever. So you really have to be careful when you want to trade. All decisions have risks that must be understood well.
If spot trading is done on the trading platform then if the market goes down from your bought position you will lose but your money will not be lost at once there will be possibility of recovery if trading with good coins. And whenever you engage in futures trading on a trading platform, your wealth will be at risk because if you buy from there, if the market goes down, then there is a possibility of liquidation, and if you liquidate, then your wealth will be lost and never recovered. In case I can compare futures trading platform with gambling platform because in gambling platform if the bet is lost then the money is lost forever.

          -   That is why some people always say that it is good to use spot trading if you are an individual newbie entering the crypto business industry. Never try to enter the futures trade right away because if you make a mistake with the setup and the balance, you will be eaten for sure.

And there are a lot of experienced beginners who have tried that. Compared to spot trading, what you put in is the only thing that will be lost if you lose or if you win in profit, of course.
Cryptocurrency Trading / Re: Simple practices to improve trading.
« Last post by Mr. Magkaisa on Today at 04:12:42 AM »
Some simple practices can help a newbie trader to quickly improve on his/her trading skills. some of these practices are very simple, can be done alone or best with another newbie trader who wants to become an expert trader. Some of these practices that I have observed are;

- Practice demo trading, although not all traders started with Demo trading because some traders actually could handle the risk of loosing.
- Be consistent, and to encourage or learn consistency, you can start a 21 days trading challenge with a fellow newbie trader, or a trading challenge for as long as you want. If you do a challenge with someone, the person can encourage you when you feel like quitting from the challenge due to failed analysis or other reasons.
- Whenever you loose in trading, always return back to find out the reason why you failed.
- Do not depend on signal groups.
- Practice emotional control.
- Do not focus on too many cryptocurrency pairs.
- Join a community of traders.

These are a few, and I am sure there are more from other traders, please share to the benefit of us all.

   -    Thanks for the good reminders you made, mate. It will give good ideas and knowledge to everyone, especially the newbies who will enter the crypto space
that we belong to.

Actually, I do all the things you mentioned, and I also do the others that don't exist. Demo trading is good to use if, for example, someone wants to learn to do futures trading, and it's also right that there shouldn't be too many pairs we do in trading activity.
To see new projects that are currently being hyped, we have to do research and really understand the opportunities of the project. Not only influenced by influencers. because many hype projects end up failing. Always be careful before investing. I think that's because of my bitter past experiences
That's right, doing research before deciding to go in and buy the coin you want is the right way. Not all projects reported by influencers have security guarantees and always provide profits. So, never be easily influenced by people like that and you must pay close attention.
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