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Kripto berita dan diskusi (Bahasa Indonesia) / Re: Pentingnya analisa
« on: July 26, 2024, 11:59:22 PM »
Ternyata analis ku tentang projek ini salah sekarang kedua koin ini ambruk, yang parah itu LON dri $8 jadi under $1, kalau ada yang ikut beli saat aku post ini saya minta maaf karena sudah membuat kalian lose, sekarang token bawaan wallet cenderung turun tidak begitu baik untuk di long.
Saya tidak begitu familiar dengan koin LON ini. Cuman itu turunnya parah kalau dari $8 ke under $1. Hati2 dalam berinvestasi dengan koin seperti ini. Untuk koin yang flukuasinya sangat tinggi, mending pake modal dikit. Kalau luck bagus, memang bisa dapt untung besar dengan koin seperti ini. Tapi kalau nasib buruk, uangnya bisa langsung ambles. Bisa dibayangkan kalau ada yang beli di angka $8, sekarang malah jadi under $1.

BTW apa maskudnya token ini:
Tokenlon Network

Ini chart harganya all time

ATH : $9.7
ATL : $0.37

Harga sekarang : $0.9

Kalau dilihat dari chartnya, ini sepertinya sulit balik ke ATH nya. Tapi DWYOR ya

perkiraan untuk mencapai puncaknya ATH masih bisa dikatakan cukup panjang karena akhir tahun saja belum nampak, maka saya sangat sependapat bahwa selalu akan ada kemungkinan terjadi koreksi dan itu adalah sesuatu yang wajar dan justru adalah kesempatan untuk bitcoin akan kembali mampu untuk bisa bergerak meningkat pada waktunya setelah terjadinya koreksi.
Peak nya Bitcoin diprediksi kemungkinan ada di tahun depan. Tapi mungkin saja bisa ada ATH baru di Q4 tahun ini jika ada trigger yang kuat untuk mendorong harga Bitcoin melewati ATH $73k. Kalau peak nya ada di angka $100k atau lebih, menurut saya harusnya harga Bitcoin akan bergerak lebih cepat di akhir tahun meskipun mungkin akan ada dump di awal tahun depan. Tapi kalau harga stuck di sekitaran $60k - $70k sampe akhir tahun, saya agak pesimis harga bisa sampe $100k untuk peak nya Bitcoin.

Sudah pasti koreksi itu hal yang wajar. Hanya saja kita perlu mempelajari kecenderungan pergerakan harga Bitcoin.  ;)

Pemula / Re: Cari Opsi lain sementara belum ada Update an bounty
« on: July 26, 2024, 11:49:02 PM »
Cuma ane yakin kedepan bakal muncul lagi evolusi dari bounty atau airdrop yang bikin orang ngejar hype lagi.
Ini yang kita semua harapkan. Semoga saja ke depannya bakal ada lagi model bounty baru yang lebih menguntungkan, baik untuk developer maupun untuk hunter. Dengan kondisi seperti sekarang ini, agak susah juga bagi developer untuk set banyak alokasi di bounty kalau impact dari bounty itu sendiri minim ke proyeknya.

Sekarang model airdrop hampir sama kayak bounty alokasi reward 2% dari supply koin mereka, jika dibandingkan dengan jumlah peserta yang daftar sudah ratusan ribu airdrop tersebut saya skip karena hanya kerja sia-sia saja dengan reward nanti sangat kecil.
2% itu kecil sekali. Kalau dulu bisa sampe 10% seingat saya. Bahkan dulu kayaknya ada yang lebih dari itu alokasinya. Mungkin karena dampak bounty dan airdrop yang kurang signifikan, akhirnya mereka memasang alokasi yang kecil untuk bounty dan airdrop. Ya wajar Om, eranya bounty dan airdrop tidak seperti dulu lagi.

Ya, Tokocrypto secara badan hukum bukan cabang dari Binance, namun disisi lain Binance merupakan pemilik saham mayoritas di Tokocrypto.
Betul. Tokocrypto bukan cabang dari Binance. Makanya aturan Bapebbti hanya berlaku ke Tokocrypto saja, tidak sampai ke Binance. Meskipun Binance memiliki mayoritas sahamnya, namun Binance hanya menjadi pihak rekanan atau partnership. Bisa dibilang investor utamanya kalau dalam hitung2an modal.

Kalau ga salah baca struktur manajemen Tokocrypto juga banyak berubah dan kebanyakan punya relasi sama Binance, jadi walau diatas kertas ga ada tulisan cabang Binance ga salah juga kalau menyimpulkan demikian sih.
Kalau dulu seingat saya CEO nya Pang Xue Kai dan COO nya TK Harmanda. Entah mereka ini ada hubungannya sama Binance atau tidak saya juga kurang tau, tapi kayaknya kalau TK Harmanda itu lebih ke praktisi crypto. Sedangkan untuk struktural yang baru, saya banyak yang tidak familiar dengan mereka. Ya hitungannya secara badan hukum, Binance setau saya tidak beroperasi di Indonesia.

modal + rezeki om, soalnya setiap orang pasti punya jalan yang berbeda
kalau rezekinya di bisnis pasti dikasih kemudahan
ada beberapa orang mencoba berbagai bisnis tetapi  gagal, kembali lagi namanya kesabaran pasti dibutuhkan apalagi persaingan yang luar biasa
Ya, pastinya. Modal itu diperoleh dari rejeki. Porsi rejeki tiap orang memang sudah ditentukan bahkan sejak sebelum lahir.
Tapi masalah pilhan jalan sukses, itu beda hal. Belum tentu setiap orang yang berbisnis pasti sukses, walaupun namanya ikhtiar itu wajib. Kadang kita perlu evaluasi juga di mana seharusnya passion kita, jangan pilih hal yang di luar batas kemampuan.

Gagal itu memang hal yang lumrah dalam berbisnis. Saya juga sudah beberapa kali berbisnis dan belum ada yang sukses. Tapi ada titik di mana saya memutuskan untuk pindah haluan ke hal lain yang lebih bagus chance untuk berhasilnya. Setidaknya untuk saat ini saya beralih dulu dari bisnis ke hal lain. Selain itu ketika gagal, cobalah evaluasi mana yang jadi problemnya.

terkadang memang ucapan selalu lebih cepat dikatakan dari pada kenyataan, tetapi kita bisa memaklumi itu ...... saya juga berpikiran seperti itu kalau memang benar bisa dilakukan sepertinya banyak yang ingin mendapatkan edukasi yang terbaik tersebut. bisa jadi gan ini hanya cerita kesuskesan seseorang tetapi siapakah orang tersebut tentu susah diketahui, tetapi anggaplah ini bumbu manis sebuah cerita yang ingin sukses.
sepertinya selain memang butuh ilmu dalam investasi ethereum juga tidak boleh dilupakan adalah ketersedian dana dalam investasi tersebut, kalau hanya punya dana eceran tentunya jangan berharap yang sangat tidak mungkin bisa digapai selalu disesuaikan saja.
Ya, kebanyakan trader crypto itu anonim, tidak ada yang tau nama real mereka. Wajar juga, prinsip dunia crypto itu high privacy, bahaya juga kalau pada tau siapa trader sukses yang pegang uang banyak. Bisa jadi mereka jadi sasaran maling atau pencuri karena tergiur dengan kekayaannya.

Betul, yang namanya ucapan itu memang mudah dilakukan dan kadang suka muluk-muluk. Kalau tidak diimbangi dengan edukasi, ditakutkan berpotensi kenal loss besar karena mudah terpengaruh dan greedy.

BTW masalah ketersediaan dana, itu tergantung dengan kekuatan keuangan masing-masing. Tidak perlu dipaksakan juga untuk invest dengan modal yang notabenenya diluar kemampuan. Selalu ingat investasi crypto (termasuk ETH) ini high risk, jadi cukup gunakan uang yang aman saja.

Cryptocurrency Price Speculations / Re: Who is HODLing?
« on: July 25, 2024, 11:05:31 PM »
I am buying and holding.
everyone does this, but I think each person's holding is different because everyone has a different profit target, there are people who feel satisfied having made a profit of 20% of their purchase price
Of course, all Bitcoin investors do it. However, the target and the number of Bitcoin to hold can be different. Each investor may have a different funds, they may not have the ability to buy Bitcoin with a large qualities (large numbers). Some investors may hold a small number of Bitcoin only. But other Bitcoin investors can hold a big number of Bitcoin, it depend on the strength of their financial status. We can't expect all investors to hold the same number of Bitcoins.

As at this time we are, we should expect for more market volatility and new all time as well before the end of the year, bitcoin should get close to $100,000 if not more than by the end of the year, this is very sure to see happened, but we may not only know the exact time for the occurrence, but only those who are willing to hold on their investment asset will partake of this great opportunity that lies ahead.
If we still have such news like MT GOX moving big number of Bitcoin, there is no way that Bitcoin will be nearing $100k. If people sell thousands Bitcoin to the market, the price of Bitcoin must drop because the market needs to adjust the situation. According to certain news, this will end up on October, it is the deadline of MT GOX sending their repayment to creditors. It means the creditors may sell their Bitcoin until the end of October 2024. In Q4 of 2024, we can see a new rally of Bitcoin uptrend.

I think the Mt Gox distribution still have a strong effect on the market. People are hesitant to get in knowing there are still tens of thousands of bitcoins potentially waiting to be dumped anytime.
Once most of those coins are fully distributed and absorbed by the market (if creditors decide to sell) then we could see the price climbing up.
Indeed. If MT Gox creditors begin to sell their Bitcoin to the market, the price will gradually drop. The current price decrease of Bitcoin in the market currently, can be caused by the sale of Bitcoin in large quantities. Each creditor gets thousands of Bitcoin, it is a crazy number of Bitcoin for sure. It makes sense if the price dropped gradually because the market needs to drop to absorb the large number of Bitcoin. As long as MT Gox can distribute the repayment to their creditors quickly, the market also can absorb it fast but the price will drop faster as well. I hope we can get through this issue sooner.

I prepped to buy at 51k 48k 42k
2000 usd at each spot.
Since the lower price at that time was around $53k, I guess you didn't buy any Bitcoin yet.
I'm surprised you could target to buy at $42k. Is it reasonable, mate? I can understand if you target to buy at $51k or $48k, it is very possible because the creditors of MT Gox may sell the big number of Bitcoin from Mt Gox. But I think it won't drop below $45k, it is too low price. Anyway, $2000 is quite good amount of money.  ;)

If we are tying to 2020 the lowest btc mining numbers were in august.
If we are tying to July 2019 we dropped tons after it got to 13k
I can see the low done at the 53k we hit.
but as I said I prepped for lower.
So, we are still possible to see the lowest price of Bitcoin in August?
Well, I can agree that the history can repeat. I think it is no problem to see the lowest price in August. But I again expect the price won't drop below $50k.

Although the player transfer market actually still has quite a lot of time because the Serie A transfer market is still open until the end of August. But if Napoli do not lower Osimhen's price then any team will still think twice about bringing in this player. PSG have made an offer that is actually quite high. But yeah everything doesn't seem to be going smoothly. Because Napoli has no intention of lowering Osimhen's price. So it is very likely that Osimhen's transfer to PSG will be cancelled. Because Napoli even asked for additional player Lee Kang-in as an additional fee, which player was not included in the list of players PSG would release. And clearly this will definitely make PSG think again about bringing in Osimhen. Because everything is not progressing at all. Even Osimhen's agent, who had flown to Paris, failed to make a deal.
There are many interesting rumors about player transfer in Serie A. Sure, Osimhen rumor is one of the most interesting one. The latest rumor of this player that Napoli president wants to keep him. That's why Napoli doesn't want to lower the price of Osimhen. Meanwhile PSG doesn't want to pay above €100m. Well, it seems Osimhen won't move to PSG, he will stay in Napoli for the next season.

Besides PSG, Chelsea is also interested to sign Osimhen. If Chelsea gets the agreement with Napoli, Osimhen may leave Napoli and move to Chelsea. We know that Conte wants to sign Lukaku from Chelsea. This can be the reason for a possible agreement. Let's wait for the progress of the negotiation between Chelsea and Napoli.

Not just Carvajal's position needs to paid attention to by Real Madrid, I think most of their options at the backline need proper back up since Camavinga and Valverde will be more of taking up midfield duties, they'll need proper fullback and one or two more CB alternatives too, Alaba and Militao are having quite some injury troubles and they'll need consistency in their defense in order to defend both their La Liga and UCL titles when the season gets underway.
IMO, Camavinga and Valverde are pure midfielders. They have nothing to do with the strength of Real Madrid defense. Even if Camavinga can play as a left back, I think Ancelotti will prefer to put him on the midfield line for the next season. It is different with Tchouaméni, Ancelotti may consider to put him again as center-back if it is needed.

Agree. Ancelotti needs to consider to sign new center-defender. It is rumored that Real Madrid wants to sign William Saliba from Arsenal. This can be the solution for the defense line of Real Madrid. Even if Alaba and Militao can't play, Real Madrid has some alternatives center backs.

Do you think Leverkusen will be as dominant as in 2023/24 and will they defend the title?
If we consider the quality of the coach, Xabi should be the best coach in Bundesliga. This means that Bayer Leverkusen will have another good chance to dominate again Bundesliga in the new season. However, the squad of Leverkusen seems having a little change, maybe they will be stronger or weaker. It depends on how Xabi will build the new squad of Leverkusen for the new season. As far as the main players won't leave Leverkusen, I'm personally very sure that Leverkusen will dominate again Bundesliga and win the trophy of Bundesliga in a row.  :D

I don't think Manchester City will be shocked as they lost to Celtic(3-4). This is just a preseason match for them, a testing stage for most coaches to test the capability of their young players.
Yep. Why Man City must be shocked with the result? They only used most the players of second tier squad in the match. It totally doesn't reflect the strength of Man City squad. If they play with full squad and they play seriously, I am 100% sure they will win the match. Moreover, they have nothing to be achieved on the match, so they only enjoy the match and don't seriously think to win the match. Well, don't be so serious with a pre-season match!!   :D

Big clubs will actually lose and win their most matches. When the main league match begins, they adjust their seat and sit up to give a fantastic performance because of their very match counts, it will not be taken for less preparedness to test players and match formation.
Not every big club but some big clubs experienced it. It actually depends on the coach, whether they will play seriously in the match or not. If they won't play seriously, they will mostly use second tier players and never order the player to win the match. Some clubs may not show their strength during the pre-season matches. It is also a part of their tactic to win the next season competition.

There is a report in Mail Sports that Kevin De Bruyne will pass away Manchester City and go to Arab League club Al Ittihad, has this reached an agreement? As this news will evaporate in the next few days there is still a possibility if Kevin De Bruyne is promised many things including the desired salary.
I know this rumor but it seems there should be no longer this rumor now. Pep Guardiola has clearly stated that De Bruyne won't leave Man City because he will remain the key player in Man City midfield line. There is no way that Man City will sell him because De Bruyne has a big role in Man City squad. I'm sure Man City will reach the agreement about the contract extension very soon. De Bruyne still can play very well, he must prefer to stay in Man City. Although there are some Saudi clubs interested to sign him and pay with huge salary, I am pretty sure he still wants to play in the best league in the world (EPL).


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