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Basic Questions about Cryptos / Basic Concepts Of Bitcoin Mixers
« on: April 20, 2024, 03:44:15 PM »
As more mixing services become available in the Altcointalks community, it's important that everyone who comes across them genuinely has a basic knowledge of what they do. Understanding the entire concept of how mixing works might not be too necessary for everyone, especially when we are not the ones offering the service. However, with just a basic knowledge about them, everyone would understand their importance to cryptocurrency in general. This post provides basic knowledge only and does not go in details.

What's a Bitcoin mixer ?
Bitcoin mixers, also known as Bitcoin tumblers, are software or services that let users mix their coins with other users in order to further increase the privacy of their Bitcoin transactions. Bitcoin was the first cryptocurrency to use the tumbling service, though other cryptocurrency can use a tumbler.

Ideally, Bitcoin addresses are partially anonymous, which means they don't directly reveal the identity of their owner, but they can still be linked to real-world identities.

The Blockchain, which happens to be a public record of Bitcoin transactions, contains every stamped, dated, and transferred transaction that is stored. Any transaction on almost all blockchains is public, which means you can easily see and track where all the money is going.

The ability to view one's wallet address and see where money is coming from and going to is a big privacy risk for individuals. The purpose of a tumbler is to create privacy around the cryptocurrency that you own.

In recent times, some have argued that mixing and tumbling are two different terms. They propose that Bitcoin tumblers are services that mix coins from multiple users, while Bitcoin mixers are services that break up the transaction history of Bitcoin. Whichever concept is aligned, the main purpose is to provide anonymity to those who use it.

Types of Bitcoin Mixers

Centralized Mixers: are Third-party mixers that accept Bitcoin payments, mix them with other Bitcoins and send the equivalent amount to the required address for a fee.

Decentralized Mixers: are Mixer services that utilize open-source protocols, such as Coinjoin, combine Bitcoin into a single large transaction and redistribute it to the destination address. This process is similar to centralized methods, but it's automated and doesn't involve third parties.

Note that the most popular mixing services are currently centralized.

Why would you want to mix your coin?
Financial privacy is a key concern for both users and non-users of cryptocurrency. Traditional financial institutions such as banks do not provide this level of privacy, as they can disclose information to law enforcement agencies or governments at any time. When it comes to mixers, the guarantee of your privacy depends on which mixing service you use.

How do I identify a Good mixing service?
This happens to be a critical part that everyone must take seriously. The internet is currently flooded with lots of false mixers that use links similar to true mixers. These false mixers sometimes design their platforms to mimic the original in order to lure people.

When choosing a mixer, it is required that everyone conducts proper research on how long the particular mixer has been operating. Try to find out from others who have had personal experience (though don't believe everything), and start by mixing smaller amounts (which is where the risk comes in).

Note: Coinjoin as mentioned above, according to is an anonymization strategy that protects the privacy of Bitcoin users when they conduct transactions with each other, obscuring the sources and destinations of BTC used in transactions.

Information: This post provides basic knowledge about Mixer and nothing more. Choosing to use any of their services after reading this post is at your own discretion. .


Resource: definition of Coinjoin,the%20coins%20difficult%20to%20trace.

Cryptocurrency, which is a digital form of money that uses encryption technology, has begun to gain the trust of so many. Its ability to gain value over time and show some characteristics of portability and flexibility gives it more advantage over traditional fiats. All thanks to the Blockchain technology that has brought this new form of money. With the aid of a crypto wallet, housing personal funds has never been a problem for crypto users, putting them in charge of their finances.

Mainstream adoption happens to be a very key point in the area of cryptocurrency, but the crypto community isn't fully focused on that aspect. Due to how massive the crypto community is on the internet, most people believe that there is no need for mass adoption as it is already in place. The crypto communities that are fully based on the internet have become an illusion that tricks us into thinking that cryptocurrency has been made known in every part of the world. Some of the crypto enthusiasts fail to recognize the fact that there are certain places that cryptocurrency hasn't reached, or certain people who haven't identified what cryptocurrency truly stands for due several reasons.

For cryptocurrency to gain mainstream adoption, we first have to recognize its uses to those who are adopting it. From the post made by @Tribalchief, he gave a good example on the area where cryptocurrency can be effective, which is in our daily transactions .Daily transactions happen to be a very vital area of business for everyone, as we tend to buy goods and render services through a medium of exchange (money). Another important area of cryptocurrency for those adopting it is investment. Due to the ability to accumulate in price over time, some cryptocurrencies have proven to be good investment assets with promising profits in the future. We've been able to identify two important areas of cryptocurrency application to those adopting it, but there are certain factors that are affecting mainstream adoption. These factors are causing limitations to the vast usage of cryptocurrency by so many.

Challenges Affecting Mainstream Adoption
  • Government Regulation
  • Weak community/personal promotion
  • Complexity
  • Digital illiteracy
  • Misinformation
  • Legal issues and awareness

Government Regulation : Since cryptocurrency started gaining attention from every sector, the government saw the need to implement regulations that would guide all activities relating to crypto buying and selling. Ideally, cryptocurrency (Bitcoin, in particular) was introduced to limit the interference of third parties and offer a peer-2-peer mode of financial interaction, but this purpose has almost become a threat to those in authority. We've seen how the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) tries to uncover vulnerabilities in crypto project, thereby limiting the adoption of those projects. We've also seen several lawsuits filed by the SEC against Binance, Coinbase, Ripple, etc, and the delay of spot Bitcoin ETFs.

Weak community/personal promotion : An effective community is supposed to be a catalyst that propels growth and mass adoption, but only a few cryptocurrencies, such as Bitcoin and Ethereum, have a strong community. The majority of the coins in the market today don't have a strong community to promote what a particular project truly offers. People only promote a crypto project at the point of introduction and end up dumping it after making a profit from it. This has literally affected major crypto projects and has reduced their chance of getting adopted.

Complexity : When we talk about cryptocurrency, there are several terminologies that make it up. These terminologies all have their meanings and functions, which enable every cryptocurrency to function in its own manner. The Bitcoin protocol, for example, is said to be open source, comprises of several complex codes that are understood by only a few. Not everyone can grasp the complex codes behind Cryptography, which would certainly reduce interest from the majority.

Digital illiteracy : Even with the availability and accessibility of electronic devices, digital illiteracy is still very common, especially among senior citizens and in undeveloped countries. Some people who possess these devices still find it difficult to make proper use of the internet. With the presence of digital illiteracy, understanding cryptocurrency and its usage could be very difficult for someone with zero knowledge.

Misinformation : This has been a major problem affecting cryptocurrency in general. Certain crypto enthusiasts tend to disseminate incorrect information, especially regarding investment and profit making. They choose to neglect the risks associated with cryptocurrency, thereby putting someone's investment at risk. When things go wrong, the investor becomes a victim and starts condemning cryptocurrency in every way.

Possible Solutions
The possible solutions can be figured out by addressing the challenges affecting mainstream adoption. If the government limits their actions on exchanges and certain crypto projects, it would encourage mainstream adoption, thereby bringing more people to the community.

Strong community/personal promotion seems to be the best way to increase mainstream adoption of cryptocurrency. Crypto communities like Altcointalks, Bitcointalks and a few others are like breeding grounds for the promotion of crypto adoption. These are communities that house thousands of crypto enthusiasts from around the world, discussing and promoting cryptocurrency in one way or another.

Personal promotion is also common, especially on platforms like X, Altcointalks, Bitcointalks, etc. This actually involves a single user who promotes crypto related services via his/her social accounts with a good reputation and track record. AB de Royse777 happens to be a crypto marketer who promotes several crypto projects on Altcointalks, Bitcointalks, etc. According to his saying, Royse777 emphasizes on adoption and creating awareness:
Crypto marketing is not just about promoting a project; it's about creating awareness, building trust, educating stakeholders, and fostering adoption in a rapidly evolving and competitive landscape. When you decide to partner with us to help your brand visible to the crypto community we focus on many things to achieve the best for your project including visibility and adoption, education and awareness, trust building, competitive edge, and community engagement

The complexity of cryptocurrency can be reduced to the lowest minimum, thereby simplifying things for new users. The basics about cryptocurrency might suffice for those who are new. Digital illiteracy might be difficult to handle due to the lack of organized movement in limiting it. This area clearly requires personal effort to learn how digitalization works.

And lastly, misinformation seems to be very difficult to address, but with the collective efforts of everyone in the crypto community, we can discourage it and encourage the dissemination of correct information.

Quick Information : The Topic of this post is "What challenges do cryptocurrencies face in achieving mainstream adoption?" And not "what challenges does Bitcoin face in achieving mainstream adoption".

@Tribalchief's post:
@MrSpasybo's post:
@AB de Royse777  quote:

Bitcoin Forum / What is the maximum supply of Bitcoin?
« on: April 02, 2024, 02:22:04 AM »
As far as the world of business is concerned, supply happens to be an important aspect of economics. We can attribute this to the amount of goods or products available for use. This availability of goods in the market really tells a lot about whether the goods are wanted or not. Diverting our attention a little bit to the area of money, money, which happens to be an essential medium for the exchange of goods due to its wide acceptability, has a limited supply in every economy of a country. When money is in excess or insufficient, problems arise for those in that country. This supply has to be moderate in order to maintain a sustainable economy.

The world is gradually moving from a physical form of currency to a purely digital world. Digital currency such as Bitcoin happens to be a key figure here. Bitcoin has begun to gain vast adoption and popularity in the business world, and it's seen as a good asset worth investing in. Bitcoin also has its own supply which is usually activated by the protocol already designed. The mining mechanism happens to be the only way to introduce a new Bitcoin into circulation, thereby adding to the ones already in circulation. The amount of Bitcoin entering into circulation is reduced by half during halving, which is also part of the protocol in place. Kindly search through the platform to read more about halving.

Bitcoin Maximum supply
The maximum supply of Bitcoin allocated is 21 million. There has been some reduction over the years due to the mining process, where miners use several computer powers by consuming large amounts of energy to verify transactions in the blockchain, ending up with cryptocurrency as a form of reward. According to CoinMarketCap, there are 19.67 million Bitcoins in circulation, making up the current total supply, which means there are still over 1.3 million Bitcoins to be mined. It is important to note that the mining reward, which is the amount entering into circulation, is reduced by half every four years, thereby increasing demand. When there are more demands, prices increase. It is also important to note that the miners' reward for every puzzle solved was initially 50 BTC per block. The reward has since been reduced to 6.25 BTC per block after a series of halvings.

Bitcoin supply over the years
The chart below is a representation of Bitcoin increase in circulating supply over the years which was analyzed according to

In addition, the chart below also gives a representation of Bitcoin's price over the years.
Bitcoin made it's ATH recently in the march after hitting the $73.8k price, thereby beating it's previous ATH. This land mark was greatly attributed to the approval of spot Bitcoin ETFs by the securities and exchange commission(SEC).

What Happens When we reach the maximum supply?
This happens to be a very interesting question that some of us are familiar with while others are not. Just as the protocol remains unchanged and halving continues to occur approximately every four years with a successive mining of 210,000 blocks, more Bitcoin is pumped into circulation, thereby meeting the maximum supply limit of 21 million. After all the 21 million Bitcoins have been mined, the halving protocol won't be effective due to its elapsed time. Miners' rewards would start coming from transaction fees and any other methods that might possibly arise in the future.

Chart reference

Other reference

NOTE: All the figures mentioned in this post may change over time due to the continuous mining process, except for the maximum supply, which remains constant at 21 million.

The world of business involves exchanges, which means there is a generally acceptable medium that allows buyers and sellers to come to an agreement. Money happens to be a keyword in the world of business due to its value, worth, and how it's generally accepted. Over the years, money has evolved and undergone several transformations just to meet the portability and durability purposes of every user. Coins and banknotes are the common forms of money in our world today, though other things give a similar presentation.

After searching the internet, I just couldn't find a proper word that describes what money truly defines. Of course, it's a generally acceptable means of payment, but why is money a general means of payment? I asked myself this. The reason why money acts as a generally acceptable means of payment is because money appears to be a general language that is understandable by those living in a certain region.

Ideally, we all expect the majority of those who are born in the US to understand the English language and also be able to communicate with it. The same thing goes for those in Spain; they should be able to understand Spanish and communicate with it. This puts money in a similar situation; it is generally accepted because everyone understands its value and should be able to communicate with it through exchange and transactions.

With money acting as a generally acceptable language for transactions, it has its own limitations. Those in the US make general use of the US dollar because the majority of the people understand it a lot. This has caused limitations to the usage of other forms of money like the Euros, Pounds, Ruble, etc. Citizens of America would find some of those currencies strange because they are not their common form of language for transactions.

Just as the world keeps evolving technologically, we are beginning to see its great impact in the finance sector. Cryptocurrency, which is digital money, happens to be a new form of money that uses encryption technology. With the usage of Blockchain technology, cryptocurrencies are represented in virtual forms rather than physical fiats such as coins and banknotes. Cryptocurrencies already offer more than portability and durability, making them safer to secure.

An interesting fact about cryptocurrency is that it breaks the language barrier of normal fiat currencies, making it act as a general language acceptable in every part of the world. Cryptocurrencies such as BTC, ETH, Sol, etc., are all presented in the same form in every country but are measured relatively with the traditional fiats of every individual country.

Because cryptocurrency breaks the language barrier of normal fiats, it makes it a better form of money than every other traditional fiat. Interestingly, cryptocurrency can be sent from any part of the world just like teleportation, as long as both users have the necessary software that can run crypto protocols, which is a crypto wallet.

We've been able to identify why cryptocurrencies can be used as a medium of exchange, but we need to consider a major key in achieving such a theory. A major key necessary in achieving such a theory is Mass Adoption. There are certain conditions necessary for mass adoption, but would be introduced in the topic number 76: "What challenges do cryptocurrencies face in achieving mainstream adoption?".

So back to the question: Can Cryptocurrencies Be Used As A Medium Of Exchange In Our Daily Transactions?. The answer is YES.

Please note, I suggest that the conditions necessary for mass adoption be introduced in topic number 76, as they fit better within that topic.

Thanks for reading, and do well to share your opinion.

Technology has been a key figure in our world today, undergoing a series of evolutions and upgrades over the years. From analog to digital and hybrid, humans have been able to bring things together in order to turn imagination into reality. With further advancements in technology, we've been able to develop the internet, the web, and digital computers, all of which serve and will continue to serve better purposes for mankind. The continuous discovery of all these is due to humanity's curiosity.

Just as technology continues to evolve, we've begun to see new advancements and their applications around us. Artificial intelligence, Web 3.0, quantum computing, and Blockchain technology are now making exploits, as they tend to be more advanced and serve greater purposes for humans.

Blockchain technology
According to
Blockchain is defined as a ledger of decentralized data that is securely shared. Blockchain technology enables a collective group of select participants to share data.

But I prefer to define Blockchain technology as a new way of transacting value on the internet. It is widely and popularly used in the crypto space for storing transaction values. Blockchain technology has proven to have greater and future applications that extend far beyond financial matters.

While focusing on the potential future applications of Blockchain, we have to understand that massive adoption would be a driving force. The adoption of Blockchain technology won't happen automatically, as it must pass through different phases such as unrealism, doubt, and possibility before earning the trust of many. Most importantly, for Blockchain technology to grow, people have to understand what they can do with it. Understanding what we can do with it would determine the areas it can be applied to.

Future Application Of Blockchain Technology
I have been able to compose possible future applications of Blockchain technology base on what humans can do with it beyond finance.
  • Automobile :
The automobile industry happens to be a fast-growing industry due to the increase in means of transportation. Vehicles have become a necessity due to the ease they offer compared to walking on foot. According to my research, which was cited by Scalingparrots, blockchain technology can serve various applications in the automobile industry, such as:

  • delivery
  • lessen paperwork
  • identifying source of component/parts
  • vehicle fingerprinting, etc.

  • Education :
I know you must be wondering what education has to do with blockchain technology, but remember I stated that people have to understand what they can do with it. The issue of certificate forgery in the education system is very common. Issuing certificates in the form of non-fungible tokens (NFTs) could reduce certificate forgery, as NFTs tend to have similarities but unique values. If these certificates are issued in the form of NFTs and are stored on the blockchain, owners would be able to access them at any point in time without fear of losing them.

  • identification :
just as Blockchain technology helps to store unique values, there is a possibility of storing unique identities in the Blockchain. According to Wikipedia, The world population is approximately 8billion, Which means we might be hitting 9 to 10billion few decades from now. Blockchain technology can store everyone's national identity, driver's license, voters card, etc as a single unique value that can't be altered for selfish reasons. Update for every information would still be possible, but would be added as new without modifying the old ones.

  • Electoral Practices :
I think this would be a very difficult application due to the transparency it will bring to democracy. Instead of using the ballot/web2 voting system, votes can be cast by voters and sent to the Blockchain to create a transparent voting system

  • Record Keeping :
This application actually comprises all that has been mentioned. According to, we have three major types of Blockchain: Public, Private, and Consortium. This Blockchain can be used in different companies or organizations to store records that are only accessible to those who fall under those categories.

There are other interesting areas where blockchain technology can be applied, such as smart contracts and real estate management.

In Conclusion
The majority of blockchain users are only focused on its usage in the crypto space and nothing more. We've underestimated how powerful blockchain technology can be and how it will impact our world in the future. In order for blockchain to achieve mass adoption and have many applications, we have to figure out what we can do with it, especially in our daily lives.

Do well to share your contribution.

Oracle source:
Scalingparrots source:
Wikipedia source:

Off topic & Sports / Cash For Cash Epidemic
« on: March 17, 2024, 12:51:05 PM »
After a few hours of contemplating which board to make this post on, I concluded that the local board would be the best place, since I can only identify this problem in my country. The term 'epidemic' seems to be a little harsh, but in situations like this, we have to use a tough term that best describes the problem.

While growing up, I never believed that the country would get to a state where the majority begins to buy cash with cash. Though I am not too conversant with economic terms, I think cash flow is basically part of a working economy. The agendas of those in authority trying to implement a cashless society are a total failure to me. The majority of our local traders who trade with our necessities (goods and services) won't be able to adapt to a cashless society soon.

Sadly, trillions of naira have been printed over the past 10 years, but that money isn't even in circulation. Banks, which are supposed to be the housing center of money, have become useless. The country's money is now sold on the local exchange or to those who hold POS machines around us. The black market price has become a normal and acceptable price in our country.

In conclusion, there is a solution to this problem, but sadly, there is no one to implement those solutions because the majority of those at the top are involved. What are your thoughts concerning cash scarcity and how bad has it affected you?.


An administration that couldn't even give a tangible manifesto before forcing way into power.
An administration that believes that the masses must suffer before they can enjoy.
An admiration that can't address the general issue of NLC, but still finds a way of shutting their mouths.

My people, abeg watin this our president see for task?. He clearly has no solution for us but insist on tasking the living and nonliving. After seeing this news, I literally became confused as I found it difficult to comprehend. What does the government mean by illegal transaction when Binance was never ban in the first place.
If I remembered correctly, they stopped banks from participating in any form of crypto transaction few years back, so why on earth are they demanding for what is not theirs.

$10B dollars. There is no way Binance is paying a penny to old men with zero plans for a nation.

Abeg, Incase u know how the illegal transaction take come about, try drop am for the comment section.

Nigerian Languages / $1 To 1700N. Which way forward?
« on: February 20, 2024, 12:53:30 AM »

$1 to 1700naira done bcum the trending mata for de country, as things no cum dey funny again. Prices of things dey Increase/change the very moment we wake up from sleep, abi make we no cum dey sleep for night again? :'(. Mr president done already talk say there is no other way, so make we no even talk about the government.

How to survive in Nigeria should be a movie title, as per say the thing they meet majority. Sadly, de thing still dey affect those wey dey earn in dollars in one way or the other. Make I explain how:

Assuming the price of dollar to naira was 1500 as at last week, and the price of bottle drink na 200. Then, this week, the price of dollar to naira cum increase go 1700, there is no way we go get bottle drink for same amount, as e fit increase go 250 too.

Recently, i almost get issue with person wey dey sell, bcus of how price of something fit change 3times within 2days. No cap, things tough.

Way forward
We as citizens know the problem, but the solution matter's most. The only thing I can say is "Keep doing what works for you ". As long as you dey make profit, keep up with watin u dey do. Every body for fit do banking work, everybody no fit do crypto, every body no fit do teaching, just do your thing.

Bitcoin Forum / Can Bitcoin Ever gain mass adoption?
« on: February 17, 2024, 02:33:24 PM »
The caption of this question as a topic sounds very interesting, especially when we choose to dive further into the context. Certainly, some Bitcoin enthusiasts won't think twice before saying YES to the question, while others might choose not to answer as they literally have no business with Bitcoin promotion and adoption.

I happen to be a strong promoter of Bitcoin and also love to see its widespread adoption in this fast evolving world. However, that doesn't mean I support those who force Bitcoin information on others who are not willing to learn. In other words, I prefer to target the right audience.

Bitcoin, which was primarily introduced to eliminate the involvement of third parties in financial transactions, has turned out to be a secure and fast-growing currency in the business world. Alongside its main introductory purpose, we've also seen it as a good investment asset that yields significant returns in the long run.

There has been a classic debate that Bitcoin could gain mass adoption and might possibly weaken the use of fiat currencies. I consider this debate unnecessary as there is a slim chance for this to occur. My reasons:

The term DYOR is well associated with every cryptocurrency, helping enthusiasts learn about any project they are investing in or buying. Unlike fiat currencies and the banking related system that doesn't require research to understand how it works, we can see a clear distinction between those who are uneducated and Bitcoin. Uneducated people can use banking services easily and perform transactions with fiat currency without doing any research.

My question:
1. If Bitcoin requires proper knowledge and personal research, does it limit those who are uneducated, IT illiterate, and ignorant?.
2. Would this limit it's mass adoption?.

Note: Even the ignorant ones among us use banking services/fiat currency.

General Discussion / The fate of banks in the present world of Bitcoin
« on: January 31, 2024, 09:00:37 PM »
Time has proven to be a major source of evolution that has transformed the world into the modern life we see today. It has left us with a true reality: Nothing lasts forever, no matter how popular and essential it becomes. The evolution of technology has made life experiences more simplified. We've seen a great reflection in the finance sector, where the common means of exchange (money) has advanced to an unimaginable item it is now. From the barter system to the current paper note, I think we can all attest to the fact that the changes are true.

Digital forms of money have begun to surface, and they're already showing a threat factor to the paper form of money we use today. The banking sector, which happens to be the housing arena of a nation's currency, is already looking for alternatives that would put them in business for the next 10 years and beyond. Interestingly, a reasonable number of people are already fed up with the unjust and biased actions of the banking sector. The inability to give a citizen his/her funds at the needed time, and also using citizens' money for various reasons that concern the government without taking permission from the owners of the money is a technique that sounds awesome to them.

I am not in opposition to the banking system, but considering the fact that I was once a victim of poor banking services which resulted in me going through unnecessary stress that didn't worth it.

I think around sometime in May last year, I had to go to the bank to rectify some issues and also get my bank statement. Trust me when I say that it took me over 8 hours to gain access into the bank. The crowd was something else, of which I happened to be no. 253 who was also waiting patiently to get someone that could help me rectify and identify my issue. I also came across another customer who came to the bank with violence, demanding that he wants all his money.

This terrible attitude of banks getting hold of people's money without even passing proper information is a clear reason that could result in their exit soon enough.

I have also witnessed a situation where a lady's account was closed because she received a huge amount. Sadly, the bank couldn't even give her a good reason why her account was closed, but they insisted that the government did. It left me thinking, what has a common citizen got to do with the government?

 It's best to address Bitcoin and altcoins as digital currency in this scenario. Digital currency has begun to gain the trust of those who need better banking service. Nothing tastes better when you see your personal funds, initiate your transactions without a middleman, and also have an asset that appreciates with time (though it can also happen the other way). The legitimacy of digital currency is something that is already sounding as a threat.

Aside from cryptocurrency, other forms of digital currency have also evolved, which can offer similar services to a national bank. They offer you the same currency that is being used in the nation and perform other transactions behind the scenes. This has clearly become the local option for me, as I have already distanced myself from using a bank service.

In conclusion, the law of karma has always caught up with people for their actions, which also means that nothing lasts forever. The banking system is visibly under threat by the new digital age. The possibility of them remaining in power is still a doubt to me, or maybe they might just end up being a weaker sector in the future. Digital currency is here to stay, which also gives cryptocurrency that same chance.

Do you think banks might fold up due to their poor service in the coming future?

The crypto market keeps growing daily with different crypto projects making way into the market. Adoption happens to be number target of these project owners, as they understand the power behind it. Bitcoin which happens to be the first crypto project and the most popular has gained vast adoption and the price gap between itself and others is very huge. Certainly, there is no project owner to monitor the affairs of Bitcoin since it operates on it's own protocol.

Recently, I have released that investment in altcoin isn't well talked about compared to that of Bitcoin. I also gathered some survey which i found out that so many Bitcoin ethusiast don't encourage or give room for altcoin investment. They only see Bitcoin as the only crypto worth investing on. Sadly, I think this is a bad ideology concerning altcoins in general.

In the crypto space, diversification of investment should be crucial. It is generally said that: "it's unwise to put all eggs in one basket", which makes diversification very important since both altcoin and Bitcoin gives their respective profits. Those that mean that altcoin don't have profits?.

Reasons why some crypto ethusiast don't support altcoin investment
1. Security - from my survey, most of these ethusiast make reference to the security difference between Bitcoin and altcoin. They believe Bitcoin has more security protocol than altcoin.

2. Price difference - this is also another point that gets crypto ethusiast excited. Due to the price difference of Bitcoin and other altcoin, the attraction would be definitely different.

3. Overzealous - I have also come to noticed that most crypto ethusiast are ignorant and overzealous. They just can't accept altcoin due to their overzealous attitude towards Bitcoin only.

I have this feeling that most people who see Bitcoin as the only crypto worth investing are been too overzealous. Sadly, there is no other perfect word to describing them. They see everything positive with Bitcoin, but negative with altcoin.

Why we should diversify our crypto investment
1. Multiple profits:
Through diversification, we can certainly make profits from multiple altcoin projects with time. Our investment should have a say in the amount of profit we get.

2. Avoidance of unplanned circumstances:
It's already clear to everyone that our keys to wallets are very vital. Certainly, people still lose their keys in this 21st century. With diversification, we can easily fall back to other projects when we misplace our keys to a particular wallet.

In conclusion
I strongly support the notion that altcoin investment should be as important as Bitcoin. No one should be less prioritize over the other. Though, it's unrealistic to convince people to invest in any crypto project. It is also important to know that not all altcoin projects are geniune and guarantee profits. This is why proper research is always encouraged.

Note: this post is not meant to support any crypto project or tell people where to Invest their money. I am just trying to be a strong advocate for altcoin investment.
Whatever decision you make is clearly at your own risk.

Please read through with caution and drop your reply without false assumption.

Bitcoin Forum / Will large Bitcoin investors end up becoming a threat?
« on: December 28, 2023, 08:44:29 PM »
Recently, the news of MicroStrategy buying an additional 14,620 Bitcoins broke on the internet. We've always known MicroStrategy as a company that loves investing in Bitcoin since August 2020. This sounds more like great news for the Bitcoin community, as it feels like more adoption is taking place, but it is done by a certain group of people.

Primarily, we all know that Bitcoin is meant to be a distributed asset among its users without anybody being in control or possession of the major asset in circulation. Though MicroStrategy isn't the only organization stacking Bitcoin in large amounts, I think it's high time we consider how it might affect the Bitcoin community in a few years.

I sense that the Bitcoin market and other digital currencies might be affected negatively when these companies decide to sell a very large portion of their accumulated assets. What do you think about these companies, and how do we encourage the majority to buy more Bitcoin for themselves to prevent the possible negative outcomes of the future?.

There have been slight increases in Bitcoin transaction fees recently. Ethereum has consistently experienced similar issue, which doesn't make much of a difference. I would like to know about other altcoins with low transaction fees.

Good day everyone.
Not too long, i concluded a post that was suppose to be posted, but i changed my mind due to the confusion it might bring. So, i decided to ask it inform of a question instead. The questions are based on two instances.
Here it is...

First instance
Assuming you went to a coffee shop to get a cup of coffee. If the price tag on the coffee says $5 and you choose to pay with crypto...

second instance
Assuming you went to a dealer's shop to purchase a ferrari car worth over $300K...

Question 1
Would you prefer to pay with Bitcoin whose price is about $43K, or you would prefer to pay with a particular coin whose price is about 50cents ?.

Question 2
Give your explanation on why you made such decision.

Question 3
Did you use a reasonable approach in making such decision or it was based on choice ?.

Note: Question 1,2 and 3 are applicable to Instance 1 and 2. Therefore, a total of six(6) answers are required. 

Off topic & Sports / Almost Everybody deserve a beta life 4 wi country
« on: December 20, 2023, 06:37:59 AM »
As I wake up this morning at about 2am, wich e dey quit earlier than usual, I realize say na de same country i still dey and nothing don change. As per-say today na Wednesday, na definitely another day to hustle tight bcus nothing dey funny again. Mak i no lie 4 u, inflation dey really tell hard on de piple. Our currency no just get value again. Truth be told my piple, things are not getting beta in terms of national progress. We definitely dey survive unto say most of us dey bless with de grace to survive under tough circumstances. Assuming say na US all dis things 4 dey happen, person fit just do rubbish to em self bcus say milk no dey fridge, or bcus fuel 2 cost.

If u actually dey region wey 24hrs light dey, dat means u dey live under grace. Ideally, nothing suppose concern light concern wi country due to how we are being treated. Though, i no 2 understand how de light distribution thing dey work, so i no go blame anybody, but trust me, we all as citizens no suppose dey live 4 inside darkness. Christmas don reach again, unto say na de only time 4 some certain families to still enjoy dem selves, maybe na postpone dem go do due to de hardship.

De reason why i title dis write up 'Almost Everybody deserve a beta life 4 wi country', na bcus i understand de fact say no b everybody dey hardworking. If no b everybody dey hardworking, den i no sure say everybody go fit live beta life looking at de present circumstances on ground(inflation). I dey always appreciate piple wey dey very hardworking, most especially de committed ones. Na why i no dey jealous any man wey dey enjoy em money, bcus i clearly understand hw e take suffer.

One of de most saddest thing na wen person dey work hard, but e no dey get beta reward 4 em hardwork. De mata dey stressful. How de person go even possibly meet de needs of em piple 4 hux ?. Na de country wey we find ourselves.

Another interesting part na those wey dey work hard, but e b like say dem dey work smart. Na those ones dey get am clear, most especially 4 dis era of technology and remote jobs. Dem just take full advantage of de internet, by learning de necessary skills 2 make a living.

Wich ever category we fall put, de inflation still dey affect us in one way or de other.

I no fit just tink of de unimaginable blessings wey dis project don bring 2 d life of so many piple, especially 4 dis country. If not 4 crypto, I guess large percentage of de youth suppose don dey do watin their mate dey do. Mak i no talk spoil, bcus i 4 say: dem introduce Bitcoin 4 naija piple sake. I remember my last post here, were i share: 'why crypto take be beta back-up'. I gat share am bcus i experience de situation myself.

Mak i no lie, bitcoin and others don really help us as Nigerians in one way or de other. Especially wen we dey in situation where all man dey 4 em self. Youths wey never even reach 25years don dey hold millions 4 account without their parents knowing. The money wan b like free money, but it is not actually free.

Real Truth
From every thing wey i don dey write dey cum, e go make sense if i conclude with something interesting.

"Dem dey talk am say: All fingers are not equal", and na de real truth b dat. Reason na bcus say: 'no b everybody go dey rich, no b everybody go dey poor, no b everybody go do remote job, no b everybody go wan work hard, no b everybody go wan work smart, no b everybody go dey involve 4 crypto' and 'no b everybody go use internet'. Na de real truth just b dat. Many piple dey rich 2day through programming, while others na through crypto, or through working for someone.

As per-say na naija we dey, no body care how u take make ur money, but u must consider chosing de right part. If almost all of us here trust de crypto process so much, den fine, but just know say about +200M piple trust other process. Just find watin go work 4 u so dat u go survive.

In conclusion
Every day na another opportunity to give a try. Every day represents a step forward no mata hw de process slow reach. Sometimes, we fit slip from great opportunities, but just know say a beta one dey ahead of u. Na 2 go find am, and finding it isn't that simple. Do de best u can 4 others, no do pass ur power bcus 'Almost everybody deserve a beta life 4 wi country'.

Have a blissful day ahead.

To b continued...

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