There are 2 main ways to support our forum:
I- Getting some special ranks by donating eth, check the ranks table below.
II- Buy various features, and various cool stuff with our Altt tokens.
I- Getting some special ranks by donating* eth (or equivalent in btc) / | | | | | |
Notify New Topic | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ |
Notify New Replies | X | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ |
Delete Own Reply | X | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ |
Delete Own Topic | X | X | ✓ | ✓ | X |
Delete One Topic by anyone 13 | X | X | X | ✓ | X |
Move Own Topic 1 | X | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | X |
Lock Own Topic | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ |
Delete Replies To Your Topics1 | X | X | ✓ | ✓ | X |
Edit Own Poll | X | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ |
Delete Own Poll | X | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ |
Lock Own Poll | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ |
Choose Custom Title For Yourself | X | X | ✓ | ✓ | X |
Create Event On Calendar1 | X | X | ✓ | ✓ | X |
Lock Anyone's Topic1 | X | X | X | ✓ | X |
Pin Topics to Top1 | X | X | X | ✓ | X |
Chat Always On2 | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ |
Search Always On2 | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ |
Limit On Number Of Pm Sent/Hour1 | ✓ | ✓ | X | X | ✓ |
Bonus Tickets For Joining Raffles | +1 | +2 | +5 | +10 | +1 |
Automatically Join Every Raffle | X | X | X | ✓ | X |
Access to Special Sections & Lounges | X | X | ✓ | ✓ | X |
Can rank up with no activity freeze | X | to Snr | To Hero | No freeze | No freeze |
Bonus on Tokens Distribution by Forum3 | 10-30% | 20-40% | 50-100% | 200-300% | 10-50% |
Karma Earned for Donating | 50 | 100 | 500 | 1000 | X |
Request Attention For a Topic (we share)7 | X | X | ✓ | ✓ | X |
Request Mega Attention For a Topic9 | X | X | X | ✓ | X |
Request Administrative Action On any Topic10 | X | X | X | ✓ | X |
Access to the VIP Lounge11 | X | X | X | ✓ | X |
Concierge Service12 | X | X | X | ✓ | X |
OTC Board | X | X | X | ✓ | X |
Ability to offer Escrow service | X | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | X |
Request Karma punish/reward8 | X | X | +/-10 | +/-50 | X |
Point Distribution Suffer From Inativity6 | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | X |
Create topic in Airdrop sectioncan use referral link | x | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | X |
Donation Required To Get This Rank4 | 0.05 ETH + | 0.1 ETH + | 1.1 ETH + | 10.1 ETH + | $100/Year 5 |
*1: Feature will be turned off for user if there is an abuse by the user.*2: Feature might be turned off for general users, but will stay on for some users.*3: This concerns our forum tokens, and any the tokens and coins distributed by projects that requested us to manage an airdrop or bounty.*4:Donate to Eth wallet : 0x2143F7146F0AadC0F9d85ea98F23273Da0e002Ab*5:To subscribe, go to;area=subscriptions;u=1 , change the 1 with your user id*6: Inactivity on the forum leads to reduction of distribution of tokens or any other distribution, only way to prevent that be active, or be immortal. This is an additional rank that can be added to the other rank in this table as addon. *7: We put more exposure to any topic you want (we share and engage the community around it).*8: You can request the admin to grant a user 10/50 positive or negative karma.*9: We put mega exposure to any topic you want (we try to engage the community as much as possible around it).*10: Request administrative action on any topic (lock, delete/archive**, put a warning, etc ) - Request can be refused in some cases.*11: Access to the hyper exclusive lounge, where only the real VIP are present.*12: Your time is very important, this service makes sure to cater your needs.*13: We are against censorship, but to avoid fights with powerful entities, we allow VIP members to delete 1 thread/topic even if they did not start it.PS: It is possible to upgrade from one special rank to the other by adding the difference (does not apply to immortals, as they are add on rank).
PS2: The Monarch get the same features as VIP, but can be only 1 monarch, he/she is always addressed as your highness or your excellency, otherwise users suffer a negative karma. A monarch gets 1% of any bounty or airdrop we manage (exception our tokens), a monarch has a seat on the crypto senate. To become the next monarch your donation should be higher than the previous. Now: 10.6 ETH. If you lose your monarch status (taken by another), you would stay as VIP.
PS3: All these features have been limited to special ranks either because some users abused using them, or because they require mods and admin to be more attentive thus require more work time. Hence the decision to only allow these features for special ranks or when purchased below.
Express rank /Copper membership: allows new users to post links, please check details about express rank here : post*All donations are permanent and none-refundable .
II- Buy various features, and various cool stuff with our Altt tokens.If you do not have ALTT token, you can purchase it from pancake swap, please check the details:
Token address: 0x44193Fc27F2E28FaAc4Fbf76d4d14fcF6A888db4
How to buy a token on pancakeswap: process of burning the tokens, consists of:
sending an amount to the following address: 0x000000000000000000000000000000000000dEaD
After sending the tokens, reply to this post with the transaction hash or transaction url
You can also pm me for faster response.What is available to buy ? 1- Features/ Abilities:(An ability gives you the power to do a specific action when ýou want)
- Notify reply ability >> Ask for notification when there is a reply on a topic. >>> Burn 10$ worth of ALTT token
- Notify new topic >> Ask for notification when there is a new topic in a specific section. >>> Burn 5$ worth of ALTT token
- Delete own reply >> Be able to delete your own posts. >>> Burn 5$ worth of ALTT token
- Delete own topic >> Be able to delete your own topics. >>> Burn 10$ worth of ALTT token
- Move own topic >> Be able to move your own topics. >>> Burn 20$ worth of ALTT token
- Lock their own topic >> Be able to lock your own topics. >>> Burn 10$ worth of ALTT token
- Delete replies to own topics >> Be able to delete replies to your own topics. >>> Burn 10$ worth of ALTT token
- Lock own poll >> Be able to lock own polls. >>> Burn 5$ worth of ALTT token
- Delete own poll >> Be able to delete own polls. >>> Burn 10$ worth of ALTT token
- Edit own poll >> Be able to edit own polls. >>> Burn 10$ worth of ALTT token
- Create event on calendar >> Be able to create events on the calendar. >>> Burn 100$ worth of ALTT token
- Ability to set a custom title for themselves>> Be able to choose a custom title for yourself. >>> Burn 5$ worth of ALTT token
- Lock anyone's topic >> Be able to lock anyone's topic. >>> Burn 100$ worth of ALTT token
2- A single action:(A single action is done once)
Delete a topic >>> Burn 1$ worth of ALTT token
Lock a topic >>> Burn 1$ worth of ALTT token
Edit an old post or topic (after few months editing is no longer possible, unless you purchase this action) >>> Burn 1$ worth of ALTT token
Post an event on the calendar >>> Burn 10$ worth of ALTT token
Pin a topic >>> >>> Burn 10$ worth of ALTT token (pin for 24h to 1 week based on category)
Change display name >>> Burn 5$ worth of ALTT token (teleported users must have same display-name always as original site)
Remove custom title >>> Burn 1$ worth of ALTT token
3- Badges to display on others:A- Just for fun:>>> Burn 2$ worth of ALTT token
then post below what badge and who should receive it
A community account will announce the badge granting on the chat, with source and destination.
The badge will remain till removed by routine cleaning,
the destination can also choose to remove it by burning 1$ worth of ALTT token, after a minimum 48h.

B- For Gratitude:- Sending Cheers /Toast
>>> Burn 2$ worth of ALTT token
then post below who should receive it
A community account will announce the badge granting on the chat, with source and destination.
The badge will remain till removed by routine cleaning (will remain a minimum for one week)

- Appreciation meter
>>> Burn 5$ worth of ALTT token >> for the first star
>>> Burn 10$ worth of ALTT token >> for the second star
>>> Burn 20$ worth of ALTT token >> for the third star
then post below who should receive it
A community account will announce the badge granting on the chat, with source and destination.
The badge will remain till the destination decides to remove it (no charge)
4- Special Ability: LokiThe loki rank : it is a rank granted for only 24h >>>
It will be messy !It allows a user to set and change custom titles on others >>> yes it can be messy
To get the loki rank for 24h >>> Burn 50$ worth of ALTT token >> then pm me
A warning will be announced on chat, that a loki has been detected.
At the end of the 24h, loki can decide to come forward or not (if yes we will confirm the identity)
5- Some light penalties Removal:Shitposting:This is a crypto forum, the objective is to ask, learn and share knowledge about crypto, but there is a tendency among many to mostly create low quality replies and topics (not interested in learning).
I sometimes read some posts that gives me the impression that the content has absolutely no value.
As i said this is a crypto forum, not a place to post replies the same way you chat your girfriend / boyfriend.
Focus on crypto topics, provide useful content.
Thus mods are instructed to start distributing this badge:

no strikes anymore, direct badge if you are found posting low quality content in the last 72h)
before granting the badge, the mod will check if your posts are mostly chit-chat none crypto and little value, if it's the case, you get the badge.
You can remove the badge by burning 2$ worth of ALTT token.
Hopefully with time, that will teach you to have better content.
Necrobumping:Necrobumping: Finding very old topics and replying to them (usually for SEO). You do that, you get negative karma from the community and a badge from the mods.

You can remove the badge by burning 2$ worth of ALTT token.
Hopefully with time, that will teach you to not mess with the dead.
6- Teleporting trust:Teleport trust from btt >>> Burn 5$ worth of ALTT token >> then pm me
if more than 5 trust feedbacks >>> Burn 10$ worth of ALTT token >> then pm me
7- forum wide text ad (in red) for 24h:Not ad - birthday, wedding, whatever >>> Burn 20$ worth of ALTT token >> then pm me
An ad - prelaunch, launch, building hype ... >>> Burn 50$ worth of ALTT token >> then pm me
An ad with referral/track link >>> Burn 100$ worth of ALTT token >> then pm me
See below, the same location as the text in red
8- forum wide text ad (in red) for 7days:Burn 250$ worth of ALTT token >> then pm me
9- forum wide, bottom banner, for 7days:Should be Slim : 25 x750
Location : above the forum wallets : at the bottom of the page
Burn 500$ worth of ALTT token >> then pm me
10- Partnerships:coupon codes (single use): Coupon code value
$10 on the purchase of
Money Smart, a board game about finance, life, investments and contain Bitcoin/crypto.
To get the code, burn 5$ worth of ALTT and pm me.
Coupon code value
$50 on the purchase of an
explainer video, through this partner
To get the code, burn 10$ worth of ALTT and pm me.
(for a partnership PM me - the admin)
11- More cool stuff coming:Stay tuned.
12- Other Needs for ALTT:The Lucky pass: When your activity get stuck / freeze: Lucky pass: To remove Karma restriction on your account: Eye of Sauron : If you want to know who gave you karma: and forum lottery tickets: Winning giveaways : Negative Karma and strikes : banners bidding :