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Author Topic: [Blockchain Jobs] Copywriter - Quidd - Remote US or New York  (Read 693 times)

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[Blockchain Jobs] Copywriter - Quidd - Remote US or New York
« on: April 26, 2023, 11:38:24 AM »
What the job involves

    You'll be responsible for running end to end written content for drops and the marketplace, including copy for collection descriptions
    Deeply research branded collections to understand and market the lore, history, collectibility, and specialness of each drop
    Be entrenched in the creative content process from the beginning, including helping to craft the logline messages and internal creative briefs of content
    Draft press releases for content drops and marketplace news
    Interview and profile collectors from the Quidd community, broader NFT consumer ecosystem, and experts
    Write blog posts detailing collection mechanics and drop awards, etc
    Run internal AMAs

To apply: Only Logged in users can see this hidden link , Please Create an account or Login to your account


Michael Bramlage
Previously served as the Lead Product Manager at Microsoft, the Director/Head of Product at Nokia and as the Vice President and General Manager at The Topps Company.
little boss

Altcoins Talks - Cryptocurrency Forum

[Blockchain Jobs] Copywriter - Quidd - Remote US or New York
« on: April 26, 2023, 11:38:24 AM »

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