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Author Topic: [Crypto Job Offer] Research Scientist (Applied Cryptography) - US  (Read 635 times)

Offline JobHunter

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    One year Anniversary 100 Posts Quick Poster
Research Scientist (Applied Cryptography) - US

What you’ll do:
Attack fundamental challenges to building scalable, secure, reliable, user-friendly blockchain systems
Reason through the emerging trends in the crypto and blockchain space and identify (non)obvious opportunities for Offchain Labs
Proactively perform feasibility studies and analysis for new protocols, architectures, and feature enhancements
Design & write technical specifications and academic papers
Design and build proofs of concept
Collaborate with research colleagues, share knowledge and expertise, and solve problems together
Work with the teams across the broader organization, including engineering, product, and business development, to think beyond current technical limitations in delivering the best experience for our developers and users
Who you are:
Doctorate degree in Computer Science/Engineering or related discipline or Master’s degree in Computer Science/Engineering or equivalent work experience
1 - 2 years of relevant research & development experience in academic and/or industry settings
Deep expertise in one or more distributed systems, security or cryptographic research areas: e.g., distributed protocols, design and analysis of cryptographic algorithms, formal methods, secure multi-party computation, system security, and/or their application to data protection and privacy, authentication, payments, and cryptocurrencies.
Familiarity with or willingness to learn blockchain technologies
An open-minded research approach and genuine intellectual curiosity
Ability to explain complex concepts in simple terms to a non-technical audience
Attention to detail and a commitment to excellence
A positive attitude and a passion for sharing knowledge within your team, organization, and broader community
Experience or interest with layer 2 technologies is a plus.

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