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Author Topic: [Crypto Career Offer] Technical Writer - Remote  (Read 14575 times)

Offline JobHunter

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[Crypto Career Offer] Technical Writer - Remote
« on: May 19, 2023, 06:31:12 PM »
Technical Writer - Remote

Key Responsibilities:
You'll work closely with our developers to understand and document our technologies and provide information, and content to an audience of engineers, developers and enterprise clients. The produced content can be in the form of written documentation, blog posts, video content, or public code repositories.

Writing high quality documentation such as technical/architecture documentation, user guides, FAQs, video tutorials, and technical support docs for key aspects of our platform
Documenting standards, guidelines, and best practices for builders/engineers.
Maintaining content quality through curation and content performance analysis
Monitoring external channels (like Discord) where target audience of these docs may provide feedback.
Liaison with marketing & sales team to build case studies, workshops, and other short and long form of content.
Proactively identifying gaps in the documentation or knowledge base articles
Produce technical documentation, blogs and infographics
You will run workshops to transfer knowledge to internal shareholders and external partners.
What will make you stand out:
You have a proven experience as a Technical Writer.
You have deep knowledge of Web3 protocols.
You have written and published deeply researched writings for blockchain technology.
You consistently demonstrate keen attention to detail and deliver clean and polished copy.
You are comfortable working collaboratively with designers, social media managers, and other colleagues to prepare and package your writing for publication.
You are passionate about the decentralization of communication.
You are comfortable writing long-form heavily researched whitepaper (5000-7000 words) and short-form blogs and newsletters (500-700 words).

Apply here
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[Crypto Career Offer] Technical Writer - Remote
« on: May 19, 2023, 06:31:12 PM »

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Offline Gideon99

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Re: [Crypto Career Offer] Technical Writer - Remote
« Reply #1 on: March 22, 2024, 11:55:28 AM »
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Technical Writer - Remote

Key Responsibilities:
You'll work closely with our developers to understand and document our technologies and provide information, and content to an audience of engineers, developers and enterprise clients. The produced content can be in the form of written documentation, blog posts, video content, or public code repositories.

Writing high quality documentation such as technical/architecture documentation, user guides, FAQs, video tutorials, and technical support docs for key aspects of our platform
Documenting standards, guidelines, and best practices for builders/engineers.
Maintaining content quality through curation and content performance analysis
Monitoring external channels (like Discord) where target audience of these docs may provide feedback.
Liaison with marketing & sales team to build case studies, workshops, and other short and long form of content.
Proactively identifying gaps in the documentation or knowledge base articles
Produce technical documentation, blogs and infographics
You will run workshops to transfer knowledge to internal shareholders and external partners.
What will make you stand out:
You have a proven experience as a Technical Writer.
You have deep knowledge of Web3 protocols.
You have written and published deeply researched writings for blockchain technology.
You consistently demonstrate keen attention to detail and deliver clean and polished copy.
You are comfortable working collaboratively with designers, social media managers, and other colleagues to prepare and package your writing for publication.
You are passionate about the decentralization of communication.
You are comfortable writing long-form heavily researched whitepaper (5000-7000 words) and short-form blogs and newsletters (500-700 words).

Apply here
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Going through this board I have noticed that the jobs posted are last year 2023 no recent job have been posted fir 2024 which means this board is inactive , does this mean no more jobs or ??


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