I think it's better to create some kind of red (orange, yellow) list of shady mixers and still keep them for informational purposes, than to totally ignore them.
It can be challenging to know what mixers are good and what bad, but I think this can be achieved with community help and posting regular news and updates.
This is just my 2 sats, but it's his list so he can do whatever he wants.
I added an orange warning next to Yomix in the table from the first post. Referred to the quoted icopress post about it.
Orange, because still not confirmed with proof, even though I don't doubt the icopress words.
Red-coloured warnings would mean that the service is officially recognized as a scam or dysfunctional.
I think that there is no need for a green label because it could favour one over the other. I am also of the opinion that there is no need for an additional list of mixers that have stopped working because they are certainly offline, and even if they were operational they would be on the list.
I know that there are a few more mixers that are not on the list, I will look at them in the next few days to do a complete update.