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Messages - DYING_S0UL

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Translation Center / Re: [OFFER] Translation from English to Bangla
« on: February 10, 2025, 06:43:24 PM »
random bumps... :P

Prediction 2: $99,560.29
BTC bech32 address: bc1qce3ddrsccvm8efjfaes22glaef6ruhhn4a2y8n

Decentralized Team / Re: Report shitposting
« on: February 07, 2025, 06:24:47 PM »

Quick question: From which page/link are you seeing the image you provided? I can't seem to find this specific page or never noticed it! I don't the way to view it like that!

Later edit: Sorry found it, either I'm blind or my eyes doesn't functions. How did I missed this, lol! :)

Yes, now that's what I also do, just use exchanges that are legal and legal in my country and of course it will be safer.

But about how fraud happens in crypto, it has many methods, not only within the internal Exchange but on various platforms there will be scams under the guise of crypto.

It has to be a step ahead to avoid a lot of scams in crypto and has to be more vigilant and don't trust anyone in crypto,
let alone those who are new and suddenly offer investments and such.
I think the most effective way to scam and do this is when a new platform advertises that they can earn unrealistic amounts of profit by starting their service. People are easily attracted to such ads and invest.
And this is mostly admitted by those who are new to this sector because they cannot check the platform which is good or which is bad. So first I think we have to avoid our greed to stay free from crypto scam.

Brother, what you said is absolutely right. Since we are Bengalis, we cannot handle greed. We see that if a new investment site comes out, if it is said that if you invest here, you will be given a 70-80% bonus. Hearing this, our heads are not right, then we do not think whether this platform is still perfect for investment or not. Whether I can be cheated here. When we are a victim of scamming, we blame all the sites and say that no investment site is good, then this comes to our mind. So I will say that if we ever go to invest in any site, we must first know what the site is like. Whether it will be perfect for investment or whether we can be successful if we invest here. I shared my opinion.

What do you mean by "Since we are Bengalis, we cannot handle greed" ? I don't like this bold statement of yours! You shouldn't degrade your own community. If you think that of yourselves, what will others from other localities think of you? Ever thought about that before writing this comment?

And when it comes to greed, it's basic human nature. No one is immune to it, nor is it a characteristic of a certain community or group or country.

Lastly, regarding this topic, I always tell myself, "if it's too good to be true, then it's probably a scam". :)

মিয়া বরিশাল ফাটায় দিছে আজকে! কি যে একটা কামব্যাক দিলো রে মাম্মাহ, এমন কামব্যাক তো সবার লাইফে দরকার। খেলা দেখে মনে হচ্ছিলো বিশ্বকাপ দেখতেছি। টানটান উত্তেজনা। ;D

খেলার শুরুতে মনে করছি গেছে আজকে বরিশাল। বলিং এই ভাংগা খাইয়া চিটাগাং রে ২০০+- রান দিয়ে দিছে। বরিশাল ব্যাটিং শুরুতে ভালো করলেও লাস্টে বাংলাদেশের মতো খেলা শুরু করছিলো, লল। লাস্টে আইসা দেখি রিশাদ জিতায় দিলো।

জানুয়ারি মাসের অল্ট কয়েন টক ফোরামের টপ ১০০ জন  কারমা অর্জনকারীর তালিকা অলরেডি PX-Z তার  অফিসিয়াল এনাউন্সমেন্ট থ্রেডে প্রকাশ করেছে।

আহা কস্ট, টপ ১০ এ আসতে পারলাম না। পারিবারিক চাপ বড় চাপ, চাইলেও ইগনোর করা যায় না। আর যদি হয় জীবন মরণ রিলেটেড তাহলে তো কথাই নাই।

যাই হোক বালের মাস ফেব্রুয়ারি চলে এসেছে (একলা)। এই মাসে আবারো নতুন রূপে ফিরে আসার ট্রাই করবো, কোপ হবে কোপ! রেডি থাইকেন (কাপল দেখলেই বোমা মারবো আরকি)। :)

@JISAN সবই বুঝলাম বাট আপনি আসলে করতে চাচ্ছেন টা কি এখানে? স্পেসিফিক্যালি Bech32 এড্রেস প্রোভাইড করে এমন এক্সচেঞ্জ দিয়ে কি করবেন? :-\

আমি নরমালি bc1 এড্রেস ইউজ করি আমার ইলেকট্রাম আর ইক্সোডস ওয়ালেটে, আর সেখান থেকে ডাইরেক্ট বাইনান্স, কুকয়ন করি।

@GOT, @CL, OKX যদি ব্যান থাকে তাহলে ব্যবহার না করাই বেটার।

MEXC আমি নিজে ইউজ করছি। নরমাল বাই সেল হলে ব্যবহার করেন। তবে p2p করলে শুধুমাত্র বাইনান্স সাজেস্ট করবো। কুকয়েনও না। ঐটা নিয়ে খারাপ রিভিও দেখতাম।

ধুর মিয়া সাজেশন করলাম আমি আপনি কোট করছেন Learn Bitcoin। আমার  ক্রেডিট LB বাহিরে দিয়ে দিতাছেন আমি কিন্তু খেলুম না।
ছোট বেলার কথা মনে করিয়ে দিলেন ভাই। আমার বল ব্যাট মানে আমি আগে ব্যাটিং করবো। ব্যাটিং করে তারপর ফিল্ডিং না করে চলে যাওয়ার যে ব্যাপারটা। আহা সেই দিন।

খেলতে কইছে কেডায়? মারা খাও! >:(

Signature Campaigns / Re: [OPEN] R7 Promotions Signature Campaign
« on: January 25, 2025, 02:38:11 PM »
Forum Rank: Hero
BTC bech32 address: bc1qce3ddrsccvm8efjfaes22glaef6ruhhn4a2y8n
Total Number of Posts: 331 posts (including this)

Wearing R7 avatar & signature for fun!  ::)

Prediction 2: $108,257.73
BTC bech32 address: bc1qce3ddrsccvm8efjfaes22glaef6ruhhn4a2y8n

Basic questions about this forum / Re: Is There Any Draft System?
« on: January 21, 2025, 06:11:18 PM »
I never experienced any major hard crashes using Notepad++, so I believe the reason you migrated is probably due to convenience. As long as it works out for you I don't think that's an issue. Though if the forum has a draft feature then we don't have to worry about this anymore.

I talked to my local moderator recently and it seems like he also has issues with the lack of a draft feature. It would be great to have, even if it's limited considering how convenience it is for members who like to make new threads or long post.
I think I've seen more than three topics created about this, including one I created myself, and if there are more topics open for this discussion, I may not have noticed them.
And I've seen most of the topics get positive replies from other members, meaning suggestions for implementing the drafting system.
However, it is more important to seek the attention of the admin than our local moderator on this because I have not yet seen any statement from the admin on this matter or it has not come before my eyes.

IMO, he sees everything and takes a moment to implement new changes. But if you think he missed this important feature request, then why not just post it in the chatbox? That would be the most logical action to draw his direct attention.  :D

To be honest, adding new features can be tricky, and without testing properly, it can lead to disaster. So, it's better to go at a slower pace. By the way, does the SMF have the option for a draft feature? How come we have this in BTT, which uses an ancient SMF version, whereas ALT uses a newer version and still doesn't have it? Doesn't make sense.  :-\

Reputation, Scams & Phishing / Re: Phishing site impersonating MixTum
« on: January 20, 2025, 06:19:19 PM »
Wait a minute, both looks the same. I would have definitely fall for that.

Nice catch +1. ;)

Btw since the site is fake, what should be done to take them down? Because they are still online and many who doesn't use forums like atltalk wouldn't know. There is no way for us to know which one is the real one at first glance.

General Discussion / Re: What good movies are you watching?
« on: January 11, 2025, 05:58:18 PM »

The above is what I got as a response in the process of downloading the Android version of the app through the website. Although it is my first encounter with the website and I am only trying to play safe as a result of my past experience, if it sounds awkward to you please I am sorry about that. Maybe I would give it a try again on a different device and see how it works so I could be able to use it properly if this prompt does not persist.

Let me put it this way!

First of all, if you are unsure of it, then don't download it. And secondly, the prompt you are getting is a very common thing. There is nothing to be sorry about. Because the APK file is coming from an unknown source, that's why you are getting that message, it's pretty normal, and you'll see that just with any downloads. That warning doesn't necessarily mean it's harmful, but only as a precaution.

Anyway, if you are still unsure, if you have a secondary device for testing stuff, use that to ensure the safety!

BTW, the warning you are seeing, I have seen that a thousand times. Hope that helps! :)

General Discussion / Re: What good movies are you watching?
« on: January 11, 2025, 04:06:41 AM »
Is this for real ( as I tried downloading it but my gadet keeps popping up harmful file which is dangerous to my gadget. Has anyone tried using or downloading it on their system with or  without such pop up?

I don't know how you tried to download it, but I have never encountered anything like that!

I have been regularly using his app to download and watch movies and series.

Look at the images below. You'll need an additional app in order to download offline, which can also be found at Play Store.


Yes, I did play mobile games, my brother had Nokia n70, I played plenty games on this phone — I would install one, complete it and move to next one.  I remember one game being standout was brothers in arms — earned in blood, in my memory it had superb graphics but when I now see it on YT, it looks weird and does not match what I have in memory.

In those games, if you die then you start from beginning, it really sucked when you think about it now playing recent games but as a kid you'd still enjoy repeating same stuff over and over again.

We used to play Cadillacs and Dinosaurs at the arcade for all day long. Man those were the days. I can still see them as fresh as daisy! I still play some of the pc games I used to play, like the Age of Empire 2 or the Age of Mythology. No matter how much I played, it never got old.

I'm not sure if you ever played these classic games! But Microsoft recently made a Definitive HD version of these games, Age of Mythology retold, which I intend to play so much! But my potato laptop won't let me.  :'(

General Discussion / Re: What good movies are you watching?
« on: January 10, 2025, 04:12:28 PM »
I thought that too! That movie is tooo emotionally connected! I would just tear up at the ending! Ahh finally, he got that job! (now I can die in peace  :))

Are you into mosnters and mecha robots? I really enjoyed "Pacific Rim 1". I can watch this movie hundred times and not get bored!

I never knew this kind of thread existed until today and I was kind of wow because I'm a very good at downloading films on one of my old laptop from telegram channels. I just downloaded Venom "the last dance yesterday" and I watch it that same yesterday and all I could say is that Telegram is one of my best place to get movies I can't watch on Netflix and Prime.

Agreed. Telegram is best place to download movies/web serieses. Much better than Movie download websites which has become really cunning lately with the ads.

PSA: Use @RexiecatBot to download movies, it's convenient.

I'm a not sure of telegram. The only problem with telegram is that you cannot find the right content you wanted to find, instead you'll end up with junk channels. That's why I use other sites or app to direct stream and download movies and stuff.

Currently I have been using Onstream (, is this link allowed in ALTTALK? And it works like a charm. You can basically see movies without any logins or downloading if you have a decent internet speed. If you prefer offline, that can also be done. For that you'll need another app, video player of sorts. But don't worry, when you try the downloading feature, the app will automatically redirect you to the required app at play store. As simple as that.

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