I would also like to understand the reason why this post was deleted though.
If it was off-topic I would have taken it as the reason but it isn’t - that’s why I decided to create this thread.
I received a private message from the person I responded to. He explained that his post was intended for a specific user he mentioned and that he asked the question to see if that user was being truthful. However, after reading his post, it doesn’t come across as a direct question to that user—it seems more like he was genuinely seeking help.
Considering this is the internet, trying to catch someone in a lie by asking about an app isn’t very effective—even if they haven’t used it, they can easily look it up or watch a YouTube tutorial to provide the answer you’re looking for.
Since my post aims to educate those who genuinely haven’t used the wallet, I believe it should be restored so people on my local board who read the thread can benefit from it.