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sepertinya moment koreksi akan terjadi berkali-kali sebelum memasuki moment yang kita tunggu-tunggu
yang sudah belanja harus kuat ngehold apalagi yang sudah minus banyak
tahan napas dulu . aku aja masih watch kalau emang harga udah sangat murah maka aku akan beli secara bertahap
Market sudah melewati reli kenaikan yang cukup panjang. Kalau dicermati, green market sudah dimulai dari pertengahan tahun lalu. Jadi wajar kalau market turun dulu dalam beberapa bulan ke depan. Mungkin market akan merah dulu sampe pertengahan tahun ini, selanjutnya mulai naik lagi di penghujung Q3 atau awal Q4 2024.

BTW ukuran sangat murah itu seperti apa, Om? Apa sangat murah ini maksudnya sama dengan harganya sebelum ada bullish di awal tahun ini atau seperti apa?

Sebenarnya paling enak itu ya Join Signature Champaign, tinggal hitung aja dalam satu Minggu di suruh post berapa minimal. Selesaikan post sudah beres, tinggal nunggu nanti Campaign end dan nunggu gajian.
Tapi sekarang signature Campaign jarang ada, jadi cari alternatif garap Airdrop yang ringan-ringan. Sebenarnya musim gini kerajaan juga lagi sepi, kalau ada income tambahan dari cryptocurreny itu sangat membantu sekali.
Ya, kalau sigcamp bayarannya jelas dan rutin per minggu. Makanya sekarang kebanyakan member fokusnya join sigcamp, khususnya sigcamp paid koin top weekly. Tidak hanya di altcoinstalks, di forum sebelah pun sama saja. Sudah jarang yang join sigcamp new altcoins, kebanyakan di sigcamp paid BTC weekly.

Kalau di forum ini, memang sigcamp selalu jarang ada yang baru. Jikapun ada yang baru, kecil kemungkinan untuk sukses jika itu new altcoins. Contoh-contoh sebelumnya, rata-rata proyeknya lenyap setelah pembayaran tokennya.

kebanyakan case emang kayak gitu om koin bounty kagak worth  ;D
parahnya lagi udah di delist waktu sudah DP
cuma ada beberapa sih masih bertahan kayak EGO (udah take profit pas buybak belum terjual lagi) . ARCS dan Relictum
kalay untuk Relictum nunggu keajaiban aja kalau masih bisa harganya meningkat di bull season nanti
untungnya buy back dengan modal yang gak banyak jadi kalaupun rungpull gak terlalu dipikirkan
Ya koin-koin kayak Relictum atau BP, benar-benar contoh yang pas untuk menggambarkan seperti apa nasib token bounty setelah listing di market. Dari dua token ini, jelas terlihat bahwa masa depan token bounty hanya sebatas di WP saja. Faktanya token-token bounty cuman menjadi alat mendapatkan uang dari investor. Setelah developer dapat uangnya, mereka listing di exchange seadanya dan menghilang. Pola yang sama seperti token-token baru di tahun-tahun sebelumnya.

betul .... kalau lihat pengalaman yang selama ini memang benar adanya, koin hasil bounty sangat sukar dan bisa diharapkan karena selalu hilang pada waktunya, hampir bisa dikatakan sangat sulit untuk bisa berkembang karena para bounty hunter akan langsung menjualnya dan manghancurkan pasar yang akhirnya terimbas kesemuanya dan tidak terelakan jadi menghancurkan niat untuk pengembangan.
Makanya selama masih ada harganya, lebih baik convert ke koin top atau USDT. Jangan berpikir untuk hold karena proyeknya bisa berkembang, karena ini sangat kecil kemungkinannya.

Daripada permainan makelar dan semacamnya ane lebih yakin ini SEC aja yang ga mau buru-buru ngambil keputusan dan kalau bisa nyari keuntungan dengan melakukan investigasi atas dugaan ETH itu sekuritas atau bukan, bikin market makin tertekan sama mereka jadi lobby lebih gampang dst. Di sisi lain SEC juga banyak mendapatkan kritikan karena hal ini, karena ambigunya mereka dalam memutuskan apakah ETH itu sekuritas atau bukan dari dulu. Apapun itu ane rasa bakal tetap makan waktu lama sampai ETF ETH atau kripto lain dapat approval SEC, sama nasibnya kaya BTC.
Pastinya, SEC tidak akan buru-buru untuk ambil keputusan, apalagi ini terkait crypto. Bitcoin saja butuh drama untuk bisa diterima di market ETF, jadi gak heran kalau ETH lebih sulit untuk diacc. Masalah kritikan, tentu bakal selalu ada karena banyak juga hater crypto. Masalah sekuritas atau bukan, ini cuman klise saja menurut saya. Faktor utama penundaannya bisa saja hal lainnya, bukan seperti yang diheadline. BTW saya setuju kalau ini bakal lama sebelum pengambilan keputusan.

Cryptocurrency Trading / Re: Just HODL
« on: April 27, 2024, 10:46:14 PM »
If we are talking about bitcoin the manipulating power from whales is getting weaker because the price per bitcoin is on the rise, still some of them hoards tons of Bitcoins that can create shockwave if they moved but not every big movements if actually from whales, probably exchanges are moving from their cold storage.
How do you know if the power of whales is getting weaker? TBH, I have no idea to know something like this because it is difficult to analyze. However, it is true that we are in the bullish season, the price of Bitcoin and altcoins should tend to increase. Unfortunately, we are still experiencing some big dumps, the price drop has no much different from the last few months. Even if it is the halving time, the drop is still happening. Moreover, if the whales send their coin to exchanges. The market will suddenly drop temporarily because of the fear of big selling.

HODL is the simple and effective strategy that every investor should follow, once they are in here for a while they will realize it for sure.
Hold is the only way for investors to earn profits. Sure, it is easy to say but it is sometimes quite difficult to do in certain conditions.

While Demo accounts can be very helpful, they cannot replace real accounts in the market. No matter how well prepared a trader is, they will encounter various problems when using a real account. I hope that Demo accounts can help traders avoid making silly mistakes when using CEX features or applying the wrong trading methods. The more traders prepare with a Demo account, the more risks they can avoid with a real account and real profits/losses.
Of course. Demo account is never the same as real account. There is no risk when we use demo accounts. It is just for beginners to know the basic things of how we trade in the exchange. If we know the basic things, we can trade in the exchange in a proper way. However, when we want to have real experience and want to improve our trading skills, demo account can't help us. We must use the real account to know the reality in the exchanges.

Kripto Baru / Re: Tanya jawab seputar bounty dan project baru !
« on: April 27, 2024, 10:18:49 PM »
Lah ini sama juga dengan saya, kesibukan real life sering membuat lupa dengan garapan Airdrop, apalagi lagi kalau pulang kerja dah capek.
Nggak sempat cek-cek garapan langsung tidur saja, besok kerja lagi...
Padahal dalam Airdrop kita di butuhkan untuk konsisten, kalau bisa terus Update.
Kalau tidak ya .. alamat ketinggalan informasi, dan sering saya pribadi sih seperti itu.
Kalau memang tidak ada waktu, tidak perlu juga ikut airdrop Om. Saya juga sudah lama tidak ikut airdrop karena saya juga tidak ada waktu untuk mengerjakannya. Kita yang kerja di RL, rata-rata pasti punya waktu terbatas untuk pekerjaan crypto. Jadi pilih pekerjaan crypto yang dirasa lebih cocok untuk kita yang sibuk di RL. Join campaign signature, trading mingguan, atau investasi bisa menjadi pilihan yang cocok untuk kita. Sedangkan untuk mengerjakan airdrop yang menyita banyak waktu, mending diskip kalau memang tidak efektif untuk dikerjakan.

Kripto berita dan diskusi (Bahasa Indonesia) / Re: Altcoins dimiliki
« on: April 27, 2024, 06:15:58 PM »
momen hype koin hasil bounty atau airdrop hanya datang sekali saja, misalnya koin dari bounty HEX mungkin yang pernah ikut signature di forum bitcointalk dan di forum altcoinstalk juga ada.
Saat itu harga masih lumayan murah dan jumlah didapatkan setiap minggunya lumayan besar hingga beberaap bulan ke depan harga naik cukup tinggi sampai ratusan persen. Namun yang telat sell terpaksa harus gigit jari karena sampai sekarang turun lebih drastis dibandingkan sebelum kenaikannya dan sudah lama masih tetap sulit naik ke harga tinggi lagi.
Makannya dari dulu rata-rata bounty hunter langsung jual semua token bountynya saat pertama kali listing di exchange. Karena harga terbaik yaitu saat listing pertama kali. Setelahnya, kebanyakan token bounty akan terus menurun harganya. Apalagi jika developernya menghilang dan tidak pernah aktif lagi.

Ya, HEX salah satu contohnya. Ada banyak lagi seperti BP, GTN, dan lain-lain. Saya sempat mengalami beberapa kali kesalahan yaitu mencoba percaya ke timnya. Sayangnya karena terus hold, harga menjadi semakin turun dan sekarang sudah tidak berharga. Ini pelajaran untuk semua, jangan mudah percaya ke tim proyek baru.

Berdasarkan rilis dari situs berita cnbcindonesia pada tanggal 20 Mei 2024, ETH Ethereum gagal disetujui dan hal ini yang membuat market mengalami koreksi bahkan sampai saat ini masih sulit untuk naik kembali ke harga tinggi.
Belum ada alasan yang konkrit kenapa ETF Ethereum gagal disetujui dan ditolak berdasarkan sumber berita yang saya baca di CNBCIndonesia, mungkin masih butuh waktu sama halnya dengan ETF Bitcoin sempat diundur hingga beberapa bulan ke depan sebelum diumumkan disetujui dan memberikan dampak positif dengan naiknya harga bitcoin.
Kalau ada artikelnya, bisa disertakan di sini Om.
Ya, ditolak sekarang bukan berarti tidak ada peluang untuk disetujui di masa yang akan datang. Bisa jadi menunggu kepastian untuk hal tertentu, atau mungkin strategi yang dimainkan para big player. Karena jika Ethereum ETF disetujui, kemungkinan akan ada peningkatan pesat untuk harga ETH dan altcoins lainnya. Semoga saja ini hanya penundaan, kita tunggu saja kapan diterimanya.

Bitcoin Forum / Re: Future of Bitcoin
« on: April 27, 2024, 05:59:22 PM »
If those bitcoin miners were still holding bitcoins for a long time, they would have made huge profits by now. This is all also deducted from the costs they have to pay for mining, for example electricity costs, equipment, etc.
Of course, if they hold their Bitcoin since few years ago, they must get huge profits in this bullrun season. However, it is true that the miners must sell some of their Bitcoin for electric fees and other things. It is normal because it should be paid first, it is the capital of the miners. If I were a miner, I also do this.

most of these miners have participated in several bitcoin halvings, so they understand the habits of the 4 year cycle when the halving occurs
Indeed. The miners must understand the 4 years cycle. They know how long to keep the Bitcoin for taking profits. However, I'm not sure if all the miners will be quite patient to wait for some years.

Bitcoin Forum / Re: Halving likelihood to be in red?
« on: April 27, 2024, 05:38:01 PM »
Bitcoin has reached its new ATH prior to the halving but that was just because of Bitcoin ETF approval as well as due to bull season but I don't think that we will not see another ATH after halving. Keep calm because movement takes time whether it's a negative movement or positive movement.
Yep, one of the factors that Bitcoin can reach a new ATH very early is caused by the approval of Bitcoin ETF. But the new ATH isn't very significant, it is only around $73k. The previous ATH is about $69k, so the difference is $4k only. I think it is not the last ATH in this bullish season. It is too small increase for a new ATH. Why you are so confident to say "no ATH anymore" after the halving? What's your strong reason?

You will also have heard that in previous years ETF effects were not there but now if we have seen good price movement before halving then that was the effects of ETF because halving did not happen that time so wait for halving effects.
It is clear that the effect of Bitcoin ETF won't last a long time. I think we don't need to relate this to the price movement anymore. Even if there is a new issue on Bitcoin ETF, I think it won't bring significant impact again. I think we are better to monitor another issues, a new issue may bring big influence.

Let me emphasize, a halving is a beginning of a bull run, not the end. Stay strong, keep up your belief, and hold your bitcoins tightly.
During the bull market, there will be many big tests and if you have weak hands, you will sell your bitcoins and miss the peak of this big bull run.
You're right. Halving isn't the end of bullish season, it is still in the beginning of bullish season. If we take a look the history of the previous halving, it is always the start of big increase on Bitcoin price. The highest price will be achieved in the next few months after halving, it is predicted to happen in 2025 for the current bullish season.

Sure, there are many FUDs during the bullish season. It is trying to weaken the trust of Bitcoin holders on the potential pump after halving. If we lost the trust, we may give up and sell all our Bitcoin.

Zoom out, you will have stronger confidence for your investment in Bitcoin. With time, a long time frame, for example, 4 year time frame, you can see a super bullish trend. Who can see bearish signals in this bar chart?
If we invest in Bitcoin since the early of bearish season, we even don't need super pump for taking profits. When it reached the previous ATH, we can easily take profits. However, if we want to wait for the super pump, it should be after few months from the halving time. Just learn the history of bullish season, it will tell everything.

By the way, what sign do you mean, mate? There is no bearish signal as we are still in the beginning of bullish season.

It's fair to say that Leverkusen's performance under Xabi exceeded all expectations. There were rumours about him moving to a bigger club after the end of this season (Bayern and Liverpool were mentioned) but he confirmed he'll be staying for another year.
Indeed. Leverkusen performance is amazing, Xabi Alonso makes it to be a perfect season for Leverkusen. Until now, Leverkusen is still unbeaten, it may continue until the end of the season. No, Xabi Alonso won't move to any other teams, he clearly said to stay. Maybe he will move to another team when Leverkusen can win UCL trophy.  :D

They're playing a potentially tough game tomorrow against 3rd Stuttgard (at home) and have an away game against Eintracht, who are currently at 5th place. I wonder if they'll have enough motivation to approach those at 100%, given they have nothing to play for other than beating the record of the most points in a season and adding to their streak of games without a loss.
Leverkusen will try to keep the record of "unbeaten", it is a big motivation to win the match. Moreover, the match will be held in Leverkusen home, it is a pride to win the match. So I don't see that Leverkusen will let Stuttgart to win the match. Leverkusen will try to end the match with a draw result at least.

now the fun part of the championship is over with Inter winning the scudetto.The only interesting matches now are those relating to places in the Champions League and those relating to the teams that must save themselves in order not to go to Serie B. The endFor me this season is end
Agree. I also think the competition for the title is over already. Inter Milan won the Scudetto, they are the best team in Serie A this season. The remaining matches are no longer important for Inter, they can enjoy the remaining matches without a pressure of winning them. This is the time for Lautaro Martinez to score goals as many as possible. Or it is the time to let substituted players having more time to play.

Yep. It is interesting to see the teams which compete the UCL zone. Juventus, Bologna, AS Roma, and Atalanta will do their best to end up the season in UCL zone. If the new regulation lets 5 Italian teams to play in UCL, it is the race to compete for the top 5 of Serie A. AS Roma isn't secure in the position of 5th place.

Leverkusen has chance to get treble winner in this season after winning Bundesliga tittle and want to secure UEFA Europe League trophy, I believe with Leverkusen potential make another new history as the invisible team winning Europe League without any defeats yet since phase group until quarter final so far.
Yep. Leverkusen has won Bundesliga title, they won 1 trophy at least. They still have a chance to win the trophies of 2 competitions, Europa League and DFB Pokal. For DFB Pokal, I have no doubt that Leverkusen will win the final easily because they only face a lower team from a lower competition in German. However, it seems not easy to win Europa League, they need to face AS Roma. But I believe Xabi Alonso knows how to deal with AS Roma. Leverkusen will have a big chance to win the trophy of Europa League if they can reach the final.

Roma's recent performance not bad yet after defeating AC Milan by winning first and second leg quarter final match, seems too early with AS Roma vs Leverkusen have to face in semifinal because both teams could be ideal final of Europe League.
Yes, AS Roma performed quite well although they missed points against Bologna. If they played like they face Bologna, Leverkusen will defeat them easily. Actually, AS Roma performance isn't as consistent as Leverkusen performance. So in theory Leverkusen should win against AS Roma.

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