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Crypto Discussion Forum => Cryptocurrency discussions => Topic started by: CryptoBullM on September 15, 2019, 06:02:20 PM

Title: Bitcoin will safe us during the coming fiat USD collapse!
Post by: CryptoBullM on September 15, 2019, 06:02:20 PM
How did we get into the current fiat world?

The Federal Reserve Act

It all started in 1913 when a small group of private US bankers created the Federal Reserve Bank [FED] with the support of President Woodrow Wilson. This basically meant that the FED would have the monopoly to create money: in this case the USD. The Fed then lend these USDs to the US government at interest, meaning that the government was in debt vs the FED, allowing them to control the new empire, the USA, through the money supply chain.
The Rothschild family has mastered this strategy over centuries, as they also had a say during the British Empire and before that the French Empire. During this phase, the USD was a national currency.

The Bretton Woods Agreements

In 1944, during the Bretton Woods Agreements, the USA was able to monetize on its successful strategy during WW2, which left them pretty much unharmed and in control of most of the global gold supply.
The USA was therefor given the privilege and their currency, the USD, became the monetary reserve currency for the partners of the agreement which were: the defeated Japanese Empire, A destroyed Europa, Canada, and Australia. The USD could now spread its wings, and while the FED only needed to 'print' free money, the agreement partners had to work for a currency backed by gold at a ratio of 35USD per Ounce of Gold. In the beginning, the USD partners trusted the gold ratio, but as it became ever more clear that the USA printed more currency than they could back by physical gold, countries started to realize they were being scammed.
And in 1971, President Nixon took the USD of the gold exchange standard. At this point the USD was not backed by anything, which turned out to be a big problem, as it was now a fiat currency with no backbone.

The PetroDollar Deal

Unfortunately for the world, but brilliantly designed by the USA, they decided that the global oil trade would now have to be facilitated by using 'only' the USD currency. And they would back it up, with their strong and dominant military-industrial complex. Whether the USA was exporting peace and democracy to the Middle East or was trying to dominate these countries so they would have to sell their oil for another country's currency, the USD remains open for debate.
Nevertheless, the Middle East was, is, and will probably continue to be a volatile and violent region, at least until we no longer use oil as a fuel source.

This expansion of the USD money supply, unfortunately, came with the accumulation of a growing mountain of debt as it is based upon a debt strategy to allow the elites global control. But it also had its advantages: credit is necessary to start a career, to buy a home, start a family. But when capitalism is manipulated by not allowing a small avalanche to crush a stupid snowboarder (big banks), the avalanche grows bigger and will eventually wipe out the entire city in the valley.

The rise of China and Bitcoin go hand in hand

Whilst the USA was focussed on the Middle East, China was focussed on its growth: and their well-working government and population achieved a miracle, as they created a middle class of 300.000.000 people in a time span of no more than two decades. President Trump argues that China stole US technology when in fact the US crony corporate company executives sold out their workers and technology secrets for China's promise of cheap labor and huge profits. And for a while the party went on, but not for the American middle-class, which saw its jobs and so its wealth transferred to China.

The 2008 crisis led to stagnant western economies, kept alive whilst injecting the comatose patient with shots of low-interest rates and helicopter money. For example, the brilliant ECB economics are lowering interest rates again. This weak western economic forecast has pushed China to change the shoulder and become more independent from western markets. That and Trumps' brilliant tariffs, of course, gave the Chinese all the excuses they needed to come up with a new plan for their economic survival: a more domestic internal growth story, which they can very well manage, given the fact that the one belt one road is working out fine. China has the workforce, the infrastructure, the willpower, the access to commodities and the technology and will pull it off.

Following the 2008 financial crisis, Bitcoin was invented and started its own adoption process: it is now a well-oiled machine, a global blockchain-based trustless network, allowing its participants to transact peer to peer without the need for trust in a middleman. Bitcoin is projected to grow further, both in adoption as in value, as a new halvening is upon us.

Bitcoin might not be ideal to use as money, but the millenial generation, who figured out the problems in the global reserve currency system, see value in the bitcoin cryptocurrency: it is trustless, ideal when you can not trust banks. It is easy to use, fast, safe, decentralized and it can even back the new global financial system, that will eventually arrive at our doorstep.

Unfortunately, the western democracies haven't yet figured out that they will need to have bitcoin in reserve like they value gold. China realizes this, I have good reason to assume that Russia does so too. Iran does. All these puzzle pieces illustrate one catastrophic event: the end of the USD as the global reserve currency, a status that was often abused by hawks using it as a weapon. A system that more than often was used to wage war.

Everyone that wants to be safe and have access to a meaningful store of value, because our money's value is being further eroded, has to study the gold and silver markets, the cryptocurrency market, and of course the reason that led up to these events: the federal reserve bank and the monopoly to print money!

The future: Bitcoin is a store of value!

At this moment there is a global fight going on behind the curtains, a fight between the USA and China, but other players are involved as well. As the USA's global leadership position slowly weakens, and China's global leadership strengthens rapidly, the positions on the global chessboard are being moved and a new balance will have to be created. The outcome isn't yet predictable, but rest assured, the elites will try anything to remain of some significance in the 21 century.

For now, we are witnessing a currency war: this typically weakens currencies as each fighter tries to devaluate its currency to have an export benefit. This and unfunded liabilities that created a mountain of debt results in federal banks lowering rates and printing more money, which results in the erosion of your money!

Bitcoin specifically is designed to offer you an escape route, I strongly suggest you start studying 'money' so you can survive this 'reset'!

Meaningful information sources:

Mike Maloney has made a youtube series educating you into the history of money, he also addresses bitcoin and cryptocurrencies.
Peter Schiff can educate you about gold and silver.
Other interesting people: Ron Paul, Max Keiser, Dollarvigilante, Gerald Celente, Professor Richard Wolff, and many others...
Title: Re: Bitcoin will safe us during the coming fiat USD collapse!
Post by: Cartown on November 27, 2019, 02:57:38 PM
A very interesting article, but I do not think that cryptocurrency will be able to perform the same functions as the fiat currency.
Title: Re: Bitcoin will safe us during the coming fiat USD collapse!
Post by: Uina on November 29, 2019, 06:19:14 AM
A very interesting article, but I do not think that cryptocurrency will be able to perform the same functions as the fiat currency.

I got the same POV.
I know Bitcoin is making improvements consistently but I don't see it on a level the same as fiat for now. Its use is still controlled as well as its role in the community but I'm looking forward to what's in store for us in the future with cryptocurrency.
Title: Re: Bitcoin will safe us during the coming fiat USD collapse!
Post by: vicoma4real on January 04, 2020, 06:46:47 AM
Bitcoin and other major cryptocurrencies are the save heaven. The number of days of FIAR and banking is numbered.
Title: Re: Bitcoin will safe us during the coming fiat USD collapse!
Post by: endlasuresh on January 13, 2020, 05:42:56 PM
The USD looks like to collapse soon because of the growing Majority of Bitcoin, but I won't believe it can kill FIAT as it is a lot of difference. The main function is Bitcoin price is too much volatile so we cannot predict any thing from BTC.
Title: Re: Bitcoin will safe us during the coming fiat USD collapse!
Post by: Andreww on March 25, 2020, 11:53:30 PM
A very interesting article, but I do not think that cryptocurrency will be able to perform the same functions as the fiat currency.
Why not? They can make the same roles as fiat money but only in dark economic
Title: Re: Bitcoin will safe us during the coming fiat USD collapse!
Post by: TomPluz on June 18, 2020, 07:22:59 PM

I am hoping that soon Bitcoin can be a global currency but for now I am not convinced that it can be able to fully replace the fiat money we are using. There can be a time they can be side by side used by many but not one can kill the other.
Title: Re: Bitcoin will safe us during the coming fiat USD collapse!
Post by: Jentot on June 26, 2020, 02:58:00 PM

I am hoping that soon Bitcoin can be a global currency but for now I am not convinced that it can be able to fully replace the fiat money we are using. There can be a time they can be side by side used by many but not one can kill the other.
I think it's possible and not only for bitcoin , but it will take more time because there are still many people don't know about crypto currency. Some other country is using crypto currency as payment already and this is good sign.
Title: Re: Bitcoin will safe us during the coming fiat USD collapse!
Post by: pulpy on July 17, 2020, 09:00:33 AM
Thanks for the post! Yes, btc good thing to invest, doesn't matter, in hodl, structured deposits, mining and different ways
Title: Re: Bitcoin will safe us during the coming fiat USD collapse!
Post by: Astra on August 01, 2020, 09:13:27 PM

I am hoping that soon Bitcoin can be a global currency but for now I am not convinced that it can be able to fully replace the fiat money we are using. There can be a time they can be side by side used by many but not one can kill the other.
Bitcoin or other decentralized cryptocurrency can never replace the national money of states. No state will allow this, and a decentralized cryptocurrency is not intended for this.
Title: Re: Bitcoin will safe us during the coming fiat USD collapse!
Post by: Jawahara on September 20, 2020, 09:06:23 PM
Aside Bitcoin, cryptocurrencies with good use case will surely last the test of time and be highly recognized in the global world when full regulations come to place.
Title: Re: Bitcoin will safe us during the coming fiat USD collapse!
Post by: hair on September 22, 2020, 07:22:05 PM
Bitcoin or other decentralized cryptocurrency can never replace the national money of states. No state will allow this, and a decentralized cryptocurrency is not intended for this.
That's true. I think Cryto will always be a digital asset not as a currency that can replace fiat. if blockchain technology is used for currency adoption I think it's possible.