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Title: How Decentralised Cloud Computing Can Empower The Common Man
Post by: Kryptarion on October 20, 2019, 08:45:43 AM

In 2018, Rowan Atkinson (aka Mr. Bean) starred in Johnny English strikes again —  a parody action-comedy of James Bond that humorously portrayed the problem of centralized control. While the movie's plot was a traditional struggle of good vs evil, the villain's pursuit of power, through a novel tool, showcased a flaw in today's world.

The villain was a young and attractive Silicon Valley tech billionaire who aimed to gain control of the government through the internet. To do so, he only had to acquire control of a small set of servers through the signatures of head of states. His goals may seem outlandish, but they aren't.

Many cogs play a role in supporting the internet and most of them are in the hands of a few established companies with large, centralized computing power. The effects of the failure resulting from the outage of Amazon Web Services are a testament to the power these companies have.

Amazon's cloud division, AWS, offers computing power, storage, and other services. The service temporary failed in 2015, and during the hours in which it was down, major platforms like Reddit, Netflix, IMDB, and other major websites and applications went offline. And of course, Amazon's own e-commerce platform was offline too.

As spread out as the internet may seem, it increasingly hangs on the infrastructural support of a small number of companies. This allocate to them a huge amounts of power.

A Decentralized Cloud

Cloud computing is a common term most people have heard before. Cloud computing is a service that allows applications, SaaS, websites etc. to outsource the needed computing power, data delivery, and data storage.


Cloud computing is great idea because it allows enterprises and companies of all sizes to gain high quality infrastructural support for their developments and web cloud computing services eliminate the need to buy expensive equipment upfront while also ensuring easy scalability in case a product grows popular faster than expected. While all this is interesting, there is a problem in the cloud computing space; which is that a few number of tech giants control a major portion of the market.

The interesting truth about the cloud computing market is that the market that can easily be supported by the computing power and storage capacity of any device around the world. Every household has unused computer or storage space at various times of the day. This is an incredibly grand unrecognised opportunity as there's an abundance of supply of highly sought after resources available, but the supply is unable to reach the resource consumers. A new blockchain startup aims to integrate the three most important technologies of the modern era, internet, AI and blockchain, to create a decentralized cloud that can provide anyone the opportunity to monetize unused computing storage and power while supporting the smart economies of the future.

A New Cloud


HiveNet is developing a platform that will support the technology that collects excess data storage and computing power and then allocate it to buyers. This will provide individuals with a medium to pass over their excess resources to needing consumers. Such a grand development introduces a menu of benefits, which include greater market competition and higher quality of service.

Better Pricing

Currently, existing cloud service providers are large corporate entities that once used their own unused equipment to provide clients resources. However, they now buy massive storage and computing power solely for the purpose of offering a cloud service. The equipment is bought to generate a profit, not allocate unused resources.

On the other hand, common people who have excess computing power did not acquire it to drive an income from lending it out; instead, the unused resources they possess exist only because their devices offer them more than they need. Therefore, the pricing offered by individuals would be far more competitive than the pricing offered by corporations that provide cloud services.


The biggest advantage is cost efficiency, i.e the cost of acquiring a digital presence is greatly reduced, allowing greater participation from the developing part of the world and improved earnings for SMEs in all countries.

Established tech giants are fierce competitors within themselves, price competition is a tough battle. And while they view lower pricing of cloud services as a reduction in their revenue, the everyday people would see any amount earned from their excess resources as additional income.  Therefore, a decentralized network for cloud services will fare incredibly well in a price competition against any enterprise.

Better Quality

There are few innovative developments that can make a product or service both better and cheaper, and decentralization of the cloud is one of those few developments.

A decentralized platform that provides cloud computing also improves edge computing, which is the computing done at the physical edge of the data source. Centralised servers are spread out, however, they can only be present in a handful of locations. Meanwhile, the nodes on a decentralized network are spread as far as humanity lies. Therefore, the another competitive edge in cloud computing, which relies on the optimization of edge computing, cannot be optimally achieved by tech giants.


HiveNet, on the other hand, can allocate computer resources from nodes that are impeccably close to the physical location of the data source. The company's matching algorithms will innately link resource providers with optimal resource buyers.The improvement in edge computing achieved by HiveNet will lower the latency problems faced by IoT devices. The improved latency together with other benefits that will be explained below, can help humanity accomplish the smart economies of the future.

Detailed Review of HiveNet Project

Grade: 10/10


HiveNet team has identified that the existing infrastructure and services offered by existing cloud computing giants is centralised and expensive — and are not in the interest of the users. The idea behind HiveNet is to build a decentralized distributed cloud computing network using spare and idle personal and business computers across the world. HiveNet aims to empower even the ordinary man with a sparsely used computer space to earn by sourcing out the free time to other users around the world.

Grade: 8/10

HiveNet is a regulatory complaint company that is registered in Germany. HiveNet will conduct it's token sale and funding following the regulations. The platform will be powered by HiveNet token (HNT) which is ERC-20 token. The Ethereum powered HNT will be converted to HiveCoin (HVT) in 1:1 bridge

70% (700M) of the total token (1 billion) HNT will be offered for sale. The team will use a huge part of the money raised during the sales to develop the mainnet. 10% of the tokens will be reserved for the founders.

Grade: 9/10


The roadmap designed by HiveNet team is clear and detailed, indicating the level of commitment the team is putting in to the project: The structure of the roadmap will give investors assurance of a profit return on a long term. The project also indicated in the roadmap how the team has engaged before the staging of tokensale, so that investors know the current status of the development. HiveNet plans to begin the alpha testing of its blockchain by Q1 2020

Grade: 10/10


The founding team of HiveNet project and is big and extensive, with the industry experts that posses the right knowledge in all the areas that is required for the success of the project. The team members are mostly I.T specialist with more than 10 years experience. The advisers are also well experienced in software development and project management — with most of them coming from successful companies and enterprises. I am very confident that the HiveNet team has the experience to help the project scale smoothly.

Grade: 8/10

HiveNet has developed three prototypes to completion. The prototypes are designed to be compatible with Windows 7, 8.1, 10 and MacOS. The prototypes have the following features;

Customer tasks are  distributed to  providers anywhere around  the  world

Tasks are decentrally computed on provider computers ü after  a task is finished, the results  are automatically  uploaded  and  available to the customer

Providers are rewarded with  test  coins

Test coins are  delivered via a dedicated blockchain

Grade: 8/10


The major competition that HiveNet will face is mostly from existing centralised companies like Amazon, Google and other cloud computing companies like Alibaba, Oracle, Salesforce..... However HiveNet is leveraging the decentralised nature of blockchain technology — the project is aims to provide a first grade customer-centric services that will attract fresh interest from the cryptocurrency world. There is a lot of room for development in the cloud computing business, and HiveNet plans to utilise the advantage cost-effciency to penetrate the market. I am confident that HiveNet will be a market leading product if the team can deliver on their promises and also engage proper marketing

Grade: 4/10

HiveNet currently has above only above 1500K members in their Telegram group and their Twitter has lower than number of followers — these are significantly low numbers. However HiveNet is a registered company in Germany and the team is embarking on good marketing. I believe good partnerships will create more hype for the project.

Grade: 8/10

HiveNet is an interesting project with a well structured roadmap and an incredibly experienced team — If the proposed roadmap is followed and the team engage in more promotions, the project will be successful.


Writer's detail
Bitcointalk username: RANIE
Eth: 0x0Df415736Be40485c5016F21eEb373fB326A7847
Title: Re: How Decentralised Cloud Computing Can Empower The Common Man
Post by: Kryptarion on October 23, 2019, 05:11:32 AM
Want to know more about the HiveNet prototype and the next steps?
This short article might be interesting for you.
Title: Re: How Decentralised Cloud Computing Can Empower The Common Man
Post by: Kryptarion on November 07, 2019, 06:53:49 AM

The CEO of HiveNet, Dr. Maximilian Pinker, recently gave an on-stage interview at a Sidepreneur event. The full recording of the interview (German language) is now available. You can find the links here:
Title: Re: How Decentralised Cloud Computing Can Empower The Common Man
Post by: Kryptarion on November 07, 2019, 07:31:19 AM
HiveNet has a strong focus on creation of a positive impact on the environment and the society.
This is why HiveNet is also listed on PositiveBlockchain, a community of beneficial blockchain projects.
Title: Re: How Decentralised Cloud Computing Can Empower The Common Man
Post by: Kryptarion on November 07, 2019, 07:34:20 AM

Why do some people need so much computing power?
What are their uses cases?
In this article, we give you 9 examples:
Title: Re: How Decentralised Cloud Computing Can Empower The Common Man
Post by: Kryptarion on November 18, 2019, 07:29:05 PM

HiveNet is building its blockchain on Parity Substrate.
In our announcement post you can find out why we believe this is the best choice for HiveNet and its users:
Title: Re: How Decentralised Cloud Computing Can Empower The Common Man
Post by: Kryptarion on November 19, 2019, 05:46:34 AM

HiveNet has a strong focus on creation of a positive impact on the environment and the society.
This is why HiveNet is also listed on PositiveBlockchain, a community of beneficial blockchain projects.
Title: Re: How Decentralised Cloud Computing Can Empower The Common Man
Post by: Kryptarion on November 21, 2019, 09:35:40 AM


You want to know more about HiveNet's ecological impact and how HiveNet can help with the responsible use of resources?

Then you might want to read this article:

Title: Re: How Decentralised Cloud Computing Can Empower The Common Man
Post by: Kryptarion on November 21, 2019, 09:38:08 AM

You can find our article about
'decentralization starts at the infrastructure level'
at the link below.
Enjoy the read!