Altcoins Talks - Cryptocurrency Forum

Crypto Discussion Forum => Cryptocurrency discussions => Topic started by: Wilkins on October 27, 2019, 04:48:43 PM

Title: Crypto Coin
Post by: Wilkins on October 27, 2019, 04:48:43 PM
ProperSix launch its own coin. These coins can be used in addition with their Pro6 token in the ProperSix casino. Their aim is to turn the ProperSix coin on to other platforms making
it legal tender across the globe. Below is a brief presentation of the ProperSix coin.
The ProperSix Pro6 coin will be one of a kind on the market. Projects like ICO, Crypto Exchange and STO will use the ProperSix coin as payment methods.
All existing cryptocurrencies follows the standard Bitcoin architecture or a version of this. Bitcoin follows the POW consensus algorithm.
Ethereum is also based on the POW algorithm but with some improvements and EOS follows Proof of Stake.
The ProperSix coin will be different to these existing cryptocurrencies! It is based on a totally different consensus algorithm,
which will in fact provide the blockchain technology with a whole new advanced cryptocurrency.
The coin will be developed in a much more powerful language such as Golang.
The coin will also use AI algorithms to ensure every Node can contribute in the verification of the blocks to reach consensus.
ProperSix coin is also going to provide the market with a revolutionary advancement- a Security Token (ST) backed by a coin.
Security token offering (STO) is a new concept to attract investors to a project. All these existing STO’s are currently backed by fiats.
ProperSix’s STO is backed by their own coin! By using the this coin as an asset for the STO it will not only increase the productivity and
the usability of their STO, it will also increase the value of their coin which is enable clients to use it on different exchanges as a
mean of trade to gain more market value.