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Cryptocurrency Ecosystem => Bitcoin Forum => Bitcoin News & Updates => Topic started by: SRShanuka2020 on May 31, 2020, 12:53:50 PM

Title: Sichuan Rainy Season to Give Bitcoin Hash Rate a Much Needed Jolt
Post by: SRShanuka2020 on May 31, 2020, 12:53:50 PM
Sichuan Rainy Season to Give Bitcoin Hash Rate a Much Needed Jolt


The post-halving reality of Bitcoin’s network may soon change shape, some industry insiders argue. The reason is quite simple, and, surprisingly, it has nothing to do with crypto itself: The wet season has arrived in Sichuan, a southwest China province known as one of the hottest spots for Bitcoin (BTC) mining.

The rain in Sichuan is a good sign for all local farmers, Bitcoin miners included. The abundance of water leads to a hydropower supply glut, which, in turn, makes electricity prices — miners’ main burden — decrease. As a result, mining becomes increasingly profitable, which can lead to an increase in the overall hash rate. But is it possible for a single Chinese province to drive up the entire Bitcoin network amid slashed rewards?

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