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Learning & News => Tokens/Coins Offerings (ICO, IEO, etc.) => Announcements [ANN] => Crypto Reviews => Topic started by: elenajolly on July 29, 2020, 04:15:54 AM

Title: They offer a great opportunity for VIC Rewards buyers.
Post by: elenajolly on July 29, 2020, 04:15:54 AM
How VIC Rewards Work
VIC (vitality coin) are a form of crypto currency/token that is created and managed through
the use of advanced encryption techniques known as cryptography.
These tokens are stored as trade currency in a crypto wallet that we call VIC wallet and can
be traded by consumers for other tokens, or for services and products within the VIC
Rewards eco-system which consists of partners and other token currency traders.
Opportunity For VIC Rewards Purchasers

VIC Rewards has been leveraging the dClinic Eco-System projects in the ASEAN region to
advance its loyalty program.

As part of these discussions, VIC Rewards is currently negotiating various global healthcare related products and services to offer the VIC Rewards community.

These products and services include;
   Healthcare products such as cosmeceutical products,
   Consumer focused healthcare products,
   Well-being services in the ASEAN region,
    Wellness and Vitality retreat accommodation and services,
    IVF programs,
    COVID-19 and other communicable disease Test Kits, and
   Education programs.
These products and services will be extended over time and will include partners in other

I think this is an excellent opportunity as it returns ownership of health data and rewards to the consumer's pocket.VIC  rewards can help reduce healthcare costs for governments and healthcare. VIC Rewards can improve medical outcomes in many ways.
So more info you can simply visit at