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Further Discussions => Blockchain Technology => Topic started by: Goodcat49 on June 04, 2018, 07:11:07 PM

Title: Can Blockchain Bring More Educational Opportunities to People in Developing Nati
Post by: Goodcat49 on June 04, 2018, 07:11:07 PM
Can Blockchain Bring More Educational Opportunities to People in Developing Nations?

There are numerous barriers preventing people worldwide from accessing necessary education. Parents often cannot afford to send their children to school, or the schools themselves are severely underfunded and lack resources to have a quality education. In some cases, there aren’t even schools at all, so young children are left without necessary instructions to carry them into adulthood.

Available educational resources are not always tailored for everyone. Global Citizen says,

“Despite the fact that education is a universal human right, being denied access to school is common for the world’s 93 million children with disabilities… A combination of discrimination, lack of training in inclusive teaching methods among teachers, and a straightforward lack of disabled accessible schools leave this group uniquely vulnerable to being denied their right to education.”

Learning never ceases after what is considered school-age, so adult education is especially vital for those who never had a proper foundation in the first place. Everyone needs knowledge to perform jobs, and make better choices of life in general—so how can education access reach people in poorer nations? One possible method is by making it digital through the abilities of blockchain technology.

SuccessLife: bringing education worldwide
When people think of education, their minds most likely imagine classroom settings. However, more and more options are becoming available, such as online courses, conferences, workshops, boot camps, coaches, and more.

When someone doesn’t own a vehicle and lives in an area with little or no public transportation, how is he/she supposed to attend workshops or seminars? How can they spare the cost of a coach or expensive books? If they have internet access, however, they have broad access to educational materials.

SuccessLife, a subsidiary of Success Resources, intends to be “the world’s leading digital marketplace for premium personal and professional development and educational content, the world’s largest global online and offline community for entrepreneurs or individuals seeking inspiration, motivation, or well-being,” hosting a massive library consisting of audio, video, and written resources. It’s also open for other users to share information, so it will be the place to go for any educational and self-improvement materials.

SuccessLife can help both adults and children alike who live in places where books are few and trained teachers are scarce. With everything online, and verified as legitimate by a community of users (there are money-hungry people taking advantage of the self-improvement industry by offering useless or generic information), people in developing nations won’t be as dependent on physical materials or set back by lack of qualified talent. People with disabilities, too, will benefit significantly from SuccessLife’s platform without the ordeals of the commute to a school.

Read the details in the article of Coinidol dot com, the world blockchain news outlet:

Title: Re: Can Blockchain Bring More Educational Opportunities to People in Developing Nati
Post by: Stormyblue on June 18, 2018, 12:58:00 PM
Recently I learnt about a project named Code of Talents which also aims to improve learners motivation about education by introducing a Blockchain based micro-learning with which learners get incentives for learning on a digital platform.