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Crypto Discussion Forum => Cryptocurrency discussions => Topic started by: Lebarra on August 04, 2022, 04:46:06 PM

Title: EAMA Protocol-Mining&Exchange
Post by: Lebarra on August 04, 2022, 04:46:06 PM
Good afternoon everyone.
I would like to present in this forum a project (ICO) that is being developed and is intended to be put up for sale,
We would love to have your opinions and points of view.
We are a company based in Malabo-Equatorial Guinea that works in the field of crypto finance and blockchain technology.
We want to launch a utility/governance token, to fund what comes to be called the EAMA Protocol.
The Eama protocol is a crypto finance ecosystem that is seconded/supported by crypto asset mining. Ultimately it is about design a centralized exchange platform in Africa, which presents some innovations to encourage users, helping them to be able to generate wealth through multiple passive income.

Mined (1)

First of all, it is desired to build a cryptocurrency macro farm (2000-25000 ASIC S19 Pro-110Th/s) in Malabo, as the largest cryptocurrency mining center in the entire continent.
         a) Taking advantage of the low cost of electricity (One of the lowest in the continent/World), as one of the determining factors of the profitability of operations, it is expected to maximize profits. A contract is currently being negotiated with the supplier company electricity, for a period of 10 years at a fixed cost.
         b) Tax advantages. The country still does not file taxes on these financial instruments, this being a long-term plan. (IMP=0)
         c) The local climate is one of the most moderate on the continent with an average temperature around 24-25%; therefore do not expect to spend much in refrigeration.
With the mining farm, it is expected to reach an average annual production of (300-350 BTC), considering the losses due to certain external factors: internet crashes, power outages, complexity of mining algorithms, among other things). All operational expenses: maintenance, security, internet, electricity, others; they are estimated at 2.5% per year of global mining production.
The 10-year global projection presents cash flow indicators of an estimated IRR of 28.83% and an approximate NPV of 28 million euros (at a discount rate of 7.5%).

Benefits management: 30% distributed among the users who own the Eama token.
                20% for investors and collaborators
               50% management of the company (international expansion, development of future  projects, platform improvements, promotion new products and services, incentives for users, etc.)                       
LEBX platform (2)
As a core element of the protocol, it is intended to design a centralized exchange platform, aspiring to be the leader of the crypto finance market in Africa. This portal will present multiple innovative products and services, as well as additional services in which the holders of the token will be able to enjoy an extensive program of rewards, dividends and bonuses.

 a) Feed-LEBX-Back: Feedback system. User-Ecosystem/User-User.
              - 30% of the total mined are distributed as dividends among the users who hold the token. User-Ecosystem
              - 25% of the purchase of new tokens, will be shared among users. User-User
b) Rewards Program:
                PAM-Monthly savings plan (5%)
                Lending LEBX (Loans/Credits) 12%
                Remittances from/to Africa 0 commission (Free)
                LEBX minig (Cloud Mining)
                LEBX Lottery: 50.00eur-1,000,000eru week/month
Well, there are multiple services and products detailed in the white paper, I just wanted to be able to highlight the general idea of the plan that you want to carry out.
The launch of said token is planned for this year, which would take place in the ETH block. For now, the company is still working to outline ideas and generate a vision in the crypto ecosystem; collecting ideas, observations among other things.
I hope to inform you about the progress of the operations, which will be found by reason of being on the website.
I want to cover a lot, but tell you that the continent's potential for the development of cryptos is very high. Currently, the majority of the population uses virtual currencies for the transfer of remittances (P2P), and bases are needed for the real implementation of centralized companies, among other things.

Eama – United All, Adding Together, We All Win –

Greetings new to all.
Waiting for your answers.
Title: Re: EAMA Protocol-Mining&Exchange
Post by: Jaephoenix on August 05, 2022, 12:55:43 AM
I have always wanted to be a miner, that is a Proof-of-Work miner but its getting less popular these days and as the market gets grimmer and redder, many mining projects are going under, and I have held my mining horses, for now at least till the Bulls return