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Marketplace => Gambling & Crypto Casinos => Topic started by: checker on November 21, 2023, 09:43:17 PM

Title: TON BOOSTER - $1,000,000 for 100 days. Really?
Post by: checker on November 21, 2023, 09:43:17 PM
A project in the Telegram messenger, which will help you, of course if you want to earn a "House of Your Dreams" in about 100 days. I agree, from the part – it sounds somehow pathetic and fantastic, but nevertheless I will add even more intrigue. "Your Dream Home" will be valued at about one million dollars.


At the same time, it is very important to understand that you will receive the amount absolutely without risk, transparently and legally. In other words, no one can prevent you from receiving and using your millions of dollars, and this statement is very rare today if you look at the huge cemetery of financial pyramids. Thank God, people are beginning to get smarter and understand that the higher the percentage of income for a month, the more beautiful the legend and the grandiose plans of the company for several years ahead, the less likely it is to return at least its own. But in this case, we are no longer interested in such a swamp. Therefore, read the post in full and keep yourself in hand, it will be hot at the end of the post.


And so, how much money do you need to invest to get one million dollars? You may rightly ask. I wouldn't call it an investment, but absolutely anyone can easily start with 5 TON, I mean with 5 TON coin. Yes, yes — this is the most long-awaited cryptocurrency, which was created by Pavel Durov's team. It was this team, which Pavel Durov gathered from the best IT specialists from all over the world, that was able to create a digital masterpiece in the form of a super-fast TON blockchain in 2017. To date, TON is the most promising cryptocurrency. See for yourself. The number of potential TON users is almost one billion people, the transaction speed is a fraction of a second, and Bitcoin transactions have to wait from 30 minutes to several hours. In one second, the TON blockchain, in light of recent events, is able to process more than 100 million transactions, and VISA is only 65 million. The transaction fee is only $0.01, and therefore thousands of small business stories and freelancers already accept TON as payment for their goods and services.
TON is easy to buy and sell for any currency and it will take you only two minutes of time. And all because the built-in Telegram wallet (@wallet) has received an input-output function to any bank cards. On the Market cap resource, TON has risen from the 206th to the 11th position and its price today is $ 2.30. Most analyses are confident that by the end of 2023, TON will enter the top five best crypto assets and cross the $5 price level.


It is with TON coin that we have a great opportunity to earn hundreds of thousands of coins in a short time, which instantly transfer and remain on your personal wallet. What will you do with them? Convert it into dollars, into another currency, or leave it in your wallet after waiting for them to become 5-10 times higher in price, it's up to you.
Well, now is the time to find out how the TON generation system works, which is called TON BOOSTER.


The system is built on a smart-contract, has been audited and works exactly like an atomic clock. You will only need a smartphone, a Telegram messenger and only 5 TON coin. No websites, just Telegram.


By clicking on the referral link, you launch the TON BOOSTER chatbot and activate any level from which you want to start. There are 5 levels to choose from.
"Bike", worth 5 TON, "Car", worth 25 TON, "Train" 125 TON, "Plane" 250 TON and "Rocket" worth 500 TON. The different worths of the levels is explained by the presence of special unique features, which I will tell you about a little later. But I must say right away, you can safely start with the "Bike" level for just 5 TON and then on autopilot, without paying anything, you will soon activate the most expensive "Rocket" level, which will take you into financial space.


What awaits you soon is the only way to call it - financial Space. We're going to come over and talk about him now. In this system, you need to do only two basic actions - activate the level and forward the referral link to five friends or acquaintances who have the Telegram application installed on their phone, $12 to start the project and a huge desire to get 713,000 TON - that's about $ 1.5 million. I am sure that these two actions are easy to do in one day, and for some users, one hour is enough.
Let's look at the next steps in the table below. The table shows linear marketing, but not simple, but inverted. That is, when you connect the first person, you open the first line to receive 5% of the payment of any levels of all partners who will stand on the first line. People can be invited personally by you or your higher-level partner will give you their participant for your 1th line.


You may ask: "Why such generosity of a superior partner?". Now you will understand everything. By connecting a second person with you, a 2th line opens to receive 10% of all partners who are in the second line, that is, your invitee has already managed to connect someone and received his 5%, and you received 10%. By inviting a 3th person at you, the third level of the depth of the structure opens, that is, the 3th line, from which you will receive your 15%.
Have you noticed the opposite trend? It's not like all the usual marketing. The fourth invitee will open to you the 4th depth of the structure to receive 25%, and the fifth person who will join your 5th line will open to you the fifth line of the depth of the structure, from which you will already receive 40% of all partners who have activated any level, worth from 5 to 500 TON.
Therefore, it is very important to give information as soon as possible and connect at least five people to your first line. The depth can line up rapidly like a fire in a dry forest in windy weather, and in order not to fat percentages miss from the depth, you need to have only five people in the first line. As the saying goes - the further into the forest, the more firewood.
This innovative system opens up to us the following gorgeous picture! Let's say every person on all five levels connected to the minimum level of "Bike" for 5 TON. Each of them will always have a lot of friends and acquaintances for whom the idea of becoming a crypto millionaire this year, spending only $12, will be very useful.
Naturally, over time, you and all your other partners will invite 10, 20, 50 people, but let's take the most minimal option - only 5 people from each. So, on your 1th line there will be 5 partners who will bring you an income of 1.25TON. There will be 25 people in the 2th line, respectively, and you will receive 12.5 TON. In the 3th line there will be 125 people, from whom you will receive 93.75 TON. The fourth line will consist of 625 people who will bring 781.25 TON to your wallet. The 5th line will please you especially, the number of 3125 people from different cities and countries. Your income from the 5th line will already amount to 6,250 TON. In total, 95% from your network at 5 levels will be paid to you, and the remaining 5% will go to the developers of this system.
All 3905 people who will appear in about 70 days will bring you
an income of 7,138 TON. If we take only today's exchange rate of $2.3 for one TON, this is more than $17,000. Agree, a good start. But during the year, the value of TON will only grow and let's see how your received capital can change at different coin exchange rates, which are quite real in the next year or two. The largest Binance exchange has already made a TON listing on its site, and this is a good signal to take off to 10 x.


But in how long will we be able to fill all five lines, which will have 3905 people? Let's do the math. How long does it take to invite five people? For someone it is one hour to send a referral link and material for review, for someone it is one day to talk on the phone beforehand and explain in detail to the most subtle details.
Let's take it with a margin - as many as five long days. Let's say that in order to build a second line, we need to help our novice partners so that they quickly figure everything out and invite their five willing ones. Therefore, we will add 70% deceleration and then the 2th line of twenty-five people will be formed in 9 days. Let's add the same 70% percent of deceleration to the other lines and we will end up with the same hundred days during which all 5 lines will be filled.
But even if your team is not too active and your 5 lines have filled up in about six months, the time works for you here too. After all, the popularity of TON is growing rapidly. Web 3.0, with which the TON blockchain is connected, will be massively integrated into various business areas in 2024 and according to reputable analysts, we will see the cost of TON at least $10 per coin on the Binance exchange in the fall. This means that your TON wallet will already have $71,387 or about €65,000. Yes, it's modest for now, but it's already nice.


You ask "And where is the promised million dollar? ". So we move on to the very red-hot core of the TON BOOSTER system, which within a hundred days be generated our first million dollars.  Every day, week after week, new partners will be connected to your system on all five lines. In your bot, you will see every receipt to your wallet.


Naturally, you will have a desire to withdraw profits in order to spend it at your discretion. Withdrawal of funds takes place according to certain rules. If you are on the "Bike" level, you can withdraw 30% of the coins, and 70% is distributed 5 levels up from you, that is, to your five sponsors. Therefore, it is very unprofitable to stay at the "Bike" level for a long time and participants will naturally upgrade to the next "Car" level at a cost of 25 TON. This can be done with the help of earned funds. And this is already more interesting – 40% for yourself, 60% up the structure. Then you can gradually use the earnings and move to the "Train" level, then to the "Plane" increasing the withdrawal interest. Of course, for the maximum profitable withdrawal of funds, everyone will strive to upgrade to the "Rocket" level as soon as possible in order to withdraw with maximum benefit – 70%. And this is not the only reason to try to quickly move to the "Rocket" level worth 500 TON. See what's going on throughout the system. Every person in your structure, up to the depth of the 5th line, will withdraw coins and with each withdrawal of coins, you will receive additional interest that goes directly to your wallet in full without any distribution. Being at the "Bike" level, you will get 1%, and at the "Rocket" level you will already get the maximum value 15%.


Where do these additional rewards come from? Here of these 30% that go up the system and 15% of these 30% will be paid to you. Imagine a large number of people on all five lines will want to withdraw the earned TON coins.


Let's take for example one person who,  withdraws 1000 TON. If you have the "Bike" level, get 1% from this withdrawal (1,000 TON x 30% x 1% = 3 TON), that is, 3 TON or $7. And if you switched to the "Rocket" level in advance, you will already receive 15% of the additional reward (1,000 TON x 30% x 15% = 45 TON), that is, 45 TON in the amount of $104. And you will have at least 3905 such cases of withdrawal of funds by partners ($104 x 3905 = $406,120) and life is already beginning to take on new colors.


But, you and I need at least $1,000,000! There's nothing to be done... It has become more and more expensive to live.
Let's take a look at another version of the table and take away what we came for. Consider the situation that will inevitably appear in your structure when all partners move to the "Rocket" level, because it is justified and economically profitable for many reasons. With this option, you will earn 713,875 TON, and this, at today's exchange rate of $2.3/TON, will be the same $1,640,000. This amount can range from $ 3 to $7 million, and note that in the perspective of your success and the cost of TON, there is no fiction, everything is so real and predictable as the statement that after August, autumn will come.
And so, we go on to our shameless big dreams and plans. And we come to the final intriguing question: "What is the maximum amount you can get in this system? ". Well, let's do the math. Now we will not even consider the option when many partners invite 10, 30, 50 people. Let's be more modest. If each person invites only five people to their first line, to you will have also 3905 partners in the structure, each of whom will earn you these 713,875 TON when the time comes, and when everyone presses the "Withdrawal" button, then 30% will be distributed across the structure and you will receive an additional reward - 15% of the of these 30%, which will amount to 32,000 TON from each (713,875 TON x 30% x15% = 32,124 TON) and what pleases this bonus is not distributed 70/30, but in full goes to your commission wallet.


Let's say a year later, when the TON rate crosses the $10 bar, multiply the resulting amount by at least 4.
I am already ready to hear from some certain doubts that this is not possible at all, and so on. Let's take the most pessimistic option and a negative attitude. Let's say not everyone will be able to connect 5 people to the system who have, crumpled $12, and not everyone wants to earn a lot of money, and this option is possible if you tell the parishioners of the "Horsemen of the Apocalypse" sect about this scheme, living in the forest and waiting for the end of the world, so give this information to the same adequate people like you, who have dreams and plans in this life.
Imagine another possible sadness that during the year the cost of TON will not increase in price and will remain the same $2.3. But this is fantastic in its purest form. Well, let's add the weight of waiting. People think for a long time, doubt about the relevance of an additional million, but after seeing the results of their friends and acquaintances, they eventually connect to the system. And it lasts a whole year. Well, the worst thing is that we can assume this is an insignificant result, only 1% of the success of what you planned ($288,000,000 x 1% = $2,880,000) and we will get these so-called orphanage 2.8 million dollars.
And now I will please those who ask: "Is there an ordinary, passive income in this system, if suddenly there is no one to invite? ". Of course there is. To do this, it is enough purchase level or eventually upgrade to the "Rocket" level worth 500 TON. With this option, you will receive daily distributed 20% of the total revenue of the service on the terms of absolute passive income, that is, the TON BOOSTER #DevelopmentTeam  gives 20% of all its profits and distributes the percentages to all holders of the "Rocket" level will be slightly floating (in fact, it looks like making a profit on shares from any company), and the profit in this project, as you could see both developers and partners, is enormous.


Let's take a closer look at where the money for passive income comes from. It is very important to understand this before making the right choice and gaining confidence and peace of mind.
Everything is controlled by a smart contract, which is created once on the blockchain and closed. Then no one can interfere in the process and change anything. As soon as any person is connected for any amount, the smart contract algorithm is instantly triggered and 95% of TON is distributed 5 levels up in the structure, and 5% is accumulated on the account of TON BOOSTER developers, this is their passive income. Every morning, a different algorithm is triggered, in which 20% of the total amount of the world volume received by the developers is allocated for the instant distribution of this part in equal shares among all owners of the "Rocket" level. That is, developers share their income with us. Everyday comes a different amount of TON, it depends on the global volume of TON received by the system. It can be either 3 TON, or 9 TON, and any quantity. The average figure today is about 15 – 30%  passive income per month. This is already excellent and it should be taken into account that TON BOOSTER is just starting to make the first acceleration, while without full-scale connections in Europe, America, Asia, as a result of which the daily new turnover of TON coin will be many times larger and, accordingly, your passive income will also increase proportionally several times, and if you consider that TON will grow in price, the Rocket accelerator will become your financial Klondike for several years ahead at least. And this is without a single invited.


Of course, there will always be some gifted polyglot who will say that this is a pyramid scheme, a matrix, you are being misled, deceived, this is HYPE in its purest form, in general, he will remember all the epithets that he heard somewhere before in order to look like a scrupulous analyst in our eyes.
Let's quickly figure it out right now and forever understand where the big risk is, the danger of losing your own, which road should us forget, and where there is stability, security and long-term.
Look, here is an example of an investment company with a beautiful legend like Forex trading, Artificial Intelligence, Arbitrage and the like. The head of this company is some kind of manager who accepts your investments and, as a result, he promises and pays a good passive income for some time and at the same time actively talks about the magic of compound interest. Of course, most people have the idea of constantly reinvesting to increase income, but the more cautious once immediately withdraw their profits. A year, two, three years later, a huge amount accumulates on the company's balance sheet, estimated in millions of dollars, if not billions, and the owner of the company, deciding that he has enough money, with the entire cash register, neatly disappears to warmer climes somewhere between the UAE and Bali. It is not to be found, and investors who until recently, looking into their personal accounts, called themselves dollar millionaires, as usual, gather in groups and write appeals to the prosecutor. That's exactly what is called a pyramid scheme, HYPE, call it what you want, but forget the way there forever, no matter how colorful it is.
The opposite of all this is an absolutely secure smart contract model, which is used by reputable companies, operating with billions of dollars. Everything is simple, transparent and logical here. As soon as a new amount enter to the smart contrast TON BOOSTER, it is distributed at the same seconds between the partners of the structure according to a pre-written algorithm. The financial balance of smart contracts is always zero this is a decentralized autonomous organization (DAO) there is no one who could interfere with the flow of cash flows or disappear with the entire cash register (the cash register is always empty) all TON income is distributed to the wallets of partners and they can withdraw their earned TON at any time and exchange for any currency.


Such smart contracts have been working steadily for years on autopilot like an atomic clock, so the accelerator "Rocket", worth 500 TON, will bring you daily passive profit for many years as long as the TON blockchain and the Internet exist on this planet.
We will not look far, but in a year only on the passive from the "Rocket" level you will receive about 2,000 TON coins. Multiply by the exchange rate by at least $5 and get $10 thousand in your wallet, which is 20 times more than the current cost of the accelerator "Rocket". Now I hope you understand why most people trust their finances only to smart contracts and immediately choose the level "Rocket" with maximum profitability, which I wish you all. As one person said: "If you set a goal to fly to the sun, that to the moon will definitely arrive." I advise you to aim for one hundred percent success in order to take everything from this system to the maximum.
We all understand that this will not happen in a moment. For two or three years, to your wallet the ones gift 15% will constantly come when someone from 3905 people will withdraw their coins.
Of course, you all now imagine the scale of this constant money waterfall.
You can't argue with the clear mathematics of TON BOOSTER, and I can't argue with you if I suddenly scared you with big numbers, and you answered: "No, it's not for me!". Surprisingly, this is the strangest and most incomprehensible, but popular answer.
If you are still here, I am glad that you are here and have read up to this point, then you are interested in larger and more significant sources of income, despite the ones that you already have. In our difficult, turbulent times, it is necessary to have several sources that have global prospects and do not depend on politics. As you have already understood, TON BOOSTER is ideal for everyone, in all respects.
A small recommendation, on which 90% of all your success will depend. After you buy 5 TON and activate your TON BOOSTER, you will have a referral link for an invitation. Before sending it to your potential partner, ask him:
1 Is there at least five people in his environment for whom $ 1 million is extremely necessary and buying five coins for this purpose for only $12 is not a question for him at all.
2 How determined is he to connect his five people within five days? If a person does not give a clear answer to these questions, and you do not feel determined in his words, do not waste your time and move on to a dialogue with the next person.
Out of 10-15 people, you will find the very five who will act the same way as you – quickly and enthusiastically. This approach to the case will be duplicated up to the 5th line of the depth of the structure and will roll like a snowball down the mountain, and you will meet the deadline of 100 days. The most important thing is to set a goal, start and continue.


For help in registering in the project using referral links, please contact the personal account in the profile. Third-party links are not yet posted according to the rules of the forum.

Well, friends, I hope I didn't seem boring to you, I'm finishing the lecture, but I'm leaving the textbook open, look in more often ; )
Thank you all for your attention!!!