Altcoins Talks - Cryptocurrency Forum

Cryptocurrency Ecosystem => Bitcoin Forum => Topic started by: bosshyip on July 05, 2018, 06:36:28 AM

Title: What happens with my crypto when I die?
Post by: bosshyip on July 05, 2018, 06:36:28 AM
Silly question right? Smiley
Unless there is a backup method or heritage system it obviously vanishes for eternity, but the point was to discover methods that you are aware for avoiding such risks.

Well, it's not a risk, it's a certainty, but there are other risks of losing access to the crypto account aswell.
Some like:
* death... obviously
* house burns down along with hard wallet
* one can accidently loose his cold storage or hard wallet
* maybe other you figure out and I add them

So, what storage do you use to ensure your savings, or what do you think would be the best solution to overcome these risks?

UPDATE: I started this discusion because I can't see a decentralized solution for that, most of the centralized ones are largely known (wills at layers, online wallets and so on) but do not meet the security criteria as still imply a trusted party. Better simply handover the private key directly to the inheritant IMO.

What I want to determine is if it IS realy a concern for the comunity or not, and if yes than we can contribute all together to the creation of a such product. But again I realy do think it should be built decentralized and trustless. :'( :'( :'(
Title: Re: What happens with my crypto when I die?
Post by: Cangkirkopi on July 05, 2018, 06:56:44 AM
Finance crypto if people who invest in digital crypto trading that died or died do not be afraid gan if people who participate invest in crypto if death can be passed on to anak2 its gan and money surely safe
Title: Re: What happens with my crypto when I die?
Post by: Contagem on July 05, 2018, 11:01:24 PM
An interesting and topical question, I think. The loss of a private key, no matter what way, as a result of death, fire and so on is really a problem, because no one will receive a private key and get access to Bitcoin because of the peculiarities of cryptocurrency technology. The only option in this situation is to make multiple copies of the private key and leave it in several places and trusted people.
Title: Re: What happens with my crypto when I die?
Post by: therozaq on July 06, 2018, 02:25:15 AM
Silly question right? Smiley
Unless there is a backup method or heritage system it obviously vanishes for eternity, but the point was to discover methods that you are aware for avoiding such risks.

Well, it's not a risk, it's a certainty, but there are other risks of losing access to the crypto account aswell.
Some like:
* death... obviously
* house burns down along with hard wallet
* one can accidently loose his cold storage or hard wallet
* maybe other you figure out and I add them

So, what storage do you use to ensure your savings, or what do you think would be the best solution to overcome these risks?

UPDATE: I started this discusion because I can't see a decentralized solution for that, most of the centralized ones are largely known (wills at layers, online wallets and so on) but do not meet the security criteria as still imply a trusted party. Better simply handover the private key directly to the inheritant IMO.

What I want to determine is if it IS realy a concern for the comunity or not, and if yes than we can contribute all together to the creation of a such product. But again I realy do think it should be built decentralized and trustless. :'( :'( :'(

You give your pasword wallet to your family. It will be assets for them.
Title: Re: What happens with my crypto when I die?
Post by: Dynamite on July 06, 2018, 04:32:49 AM
Silly question right? Smiley
Unless there is a backup method or heritage system it obviously vanishes for eternity, but the point was to discover methods that you are aware for avoiding such risks.

Well, it's not a risk, it's a certainty, but there are other risks of losing access to the crypto account aswell.
Some like:
* death... obviously
* house burns down along with hard wallet
* one can accidently loose his cold storage or hard wallet
* maybe other you figure out and I add them

So, what storage do you use to ensure your savings, or what do you think would be the best solution to overcome these risks?

UPDATE: I started this discusion because I can't see a decentralized solution for that, most of the centralized ones are largely known (wills at layers, online wallets and so on) but do not meet the security criteria as still imply a trusted party. Better simply handover the private key directly to the inheritant IMO.

What I want to determine is if it IS realy a concern for the comunity or not, and if yes than we can contribute all together to the creation of a such product. But again I realy do think it should be built decentralized and trustless. :'( :'( :'(

You give your pasword wallet to your family. It will be assets for them.

Absolutely right. Planning for long term with family members is for securing the assets safe and be useful when the dead of the owner happened.
Title: Re: What happens with my crypto when I die?
Post by: dalaganicole on July 06, 2018, 07:35:43 AM
My suggestion is like this, while you're still a live, just give all you information to your love ones, while you are still in earth.
Title: Re: What happens with my crypto when I die?
Post by: sugarchrisp on July 06, 2018, 08:04:37 AM
Yeah, I often wonder how inheritances and taxes will handle things like 40,000 BTC in a wallet somewhere.  Does that get taxed if it passes to someone else?  Would anyone even know about it until you started withdrawing?  How does that work out.
Title: Re: What happens with my crypto when I die?
Post by: Davidniam55 on July 06, 2018, 08:21:58 AM
if I will make it as a legacy gan. for the family I left behind. and some I will give to places of worship such as mosques and madrasah. for it will be my deeds of worship for life in the afterlife .
Title: Re: What happens with my crypto when I die?
Post by: Jaguar on July 06, 2018, 01:22:29 PM
The advantage of banks investment is you provide your entire family names in case there will accident or whatever's unnecessary it will be the hands of the family. While in bitcoin once you died everything you earned will also die with you if you didn't made it known to your family.
Title: Re: What happens with my crypto when I die?
Post by: Nur sarimbit on July 07, 2018, 07:56:04 AM
if agan die all the y y agan have can be made inheritance for family. or we can donate to places that need help like places of worship and so forth .
Title: Re: What happens with my crypto when I die?
Post by: Butuhusaha on July 07, 2018, 05:37:36 PM
of course we can give to people we love like children and so forth.
so always tell the asset password we have to the family either the wife or child. make sure if something happens that we do not like to overwrite us .
Title: Re: What happens with my crypto when I die?
Post by: ambar33n on July 07, 2018, 06:22:32 PM
Maybe someone from home can further handle all that?