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Crypto Discussion Forum => Cryptocurrency discussions => Incentivised Posting / Shill => Topic started by: Mega Mind on April 19, 2024, 03:46:10 PM

Title: The Role of Tokenomics in an NFT Marketplace.
Post by: Mega Mind on April 19, 2024, 03:46:10 PM
I've been exploring this NFT marketplace called Rarible, and it seems to be taking a different approach from some of the bigger names I've seen here. It's all about being community-owned and community-driven, which I find pretty interesting.

Here's the basic idea: you can buy and sell NFTs, like art, music, that kind of thing.  But they also have this governance token called RARI. Holders of the token get to vote on how the platform is run, and they even reward active users with more tokens. It's like they're trying to build a decentralised version of Etsy, but for NFTs.

One can mint an NFT without paying gas fees upfront, and supposedly it's super easy to use even if you're new to crypto. I'm still figuring out if this is a good thing, though.  Does making NFTs too easy potentially lower the value of the marketplace as a whole?

I'm definitely curious about their whole DAO angle. They say that's the ultimate goal – to have the entire thing run by the community. That's ambitious, but could it actually work? It seems like a way to avoid some of the issues we've seen with centralised platforms.

What are you guys' thoughts?