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Crypto Discussion Forum => Cryptocurrency discussions => Topic started by: Brazio on August 21, 2018, 06:49:32 AM

Title: ZEGO will use blockchain to rule out the presence of harmful chemicals in food
Post by: Brazio on August 21, 2018, 06:49:32 AM
ZEGO, a  food safety company is using blockchain technology to test products in  search of waste of a deadly chemical related to a Monsanto lawsuit with  implications of more than $ 289 million, according to a press release.
Earlier  this month, Monsanto was forced to pay more than $ 289 million in  damages after the Court ruled in favor of the plaintiff’s allegations  that the company was using a herbicide containing glyphosate, and that  this It would have caused cancer.
In  this sense, apparently ZEGO would have a pending patent application for  a system based on blockchain technology that would allow companies to  test their food in search of glyphosate.
According  to the company, the solution would already be in the initial phase of  development and would allow consumers to make better informed purchases  about what chemicals contain the food they buy.
Also,  glyphosate tests can be used as a means to verify the organic and  non-GMO certifications of suppliers, which can sometimes be fraudulent.
According  to the press release, “glyphosate has been involved in thousands of  lawsuits and studies and its correlation with cancer and dangers for  celiacs. This has generated many debates regarding how much exposure to  this chemical would be safe, but in a purely academic way; because  consumers have no idea how much of it they are ingesting. Most companies  do not perform glyphosate disposal tests; although numerous studies  have shown that it would be present to a large extent even in organic  food.“

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