Altcoins Talks - Cryptocurrency Forum

Crypto Discussion Forum => Forum related => Topic started by: cryptothief on September 08, 2018, 04:20:22 AM

Title: Why do people still make low quality comments?
Post by: cryptothief on September 08, 2018, 04:20:22 AM
I don't understand the people that still make useless comments, like 'good project', 'to the moon', 'I like this project' etc. It really seems like a waste of time and brings down the quality of the forum. Please make an effort to at least write a sentence or two, it will honestly bring benefits (to everyone, including the 'commenter') in the long run. I've learned so much just reading through threads on forums, and it frustrates me when I find one that gets flooded with irrelevant comments. Let's not go down that route. I'm always up for a conversation, and if people want to improve their English, ping me a private message.

Hasta la vista.
Title: Re: Why do people still make low quality comments?
Post by: BestSSS on September 08, 2018, 12:01:46 PM
I don't understand the people that still make useless comments, like 'good project', 'to the moon', 'I like this project' etc. It really seems like a waste of time and brings down the quality of the forum. Please make an effort to at least write a sentence or two, it will honestly bring benefits (to everyone, including the 'commenter') in the long run. I've learned so much just reading through threads on forums, and it frustrates me when I find one that gets flooded with irrelevant comments. Let's not go down that route. I'm always up for a conversation, and if people want to improve their English, ping me a private message.

Hasta la vista.

This problem is not only this forum but all the others. People do not think about quality, quantity is much more important for many people! Largely due to the fact that like everyone here wants to raise your rank in the forum by writing a huge number of messages. Basically the rules are similar and the conditions for obtaining a new rank that is the same - you just Need to write the message. And mostly most people do not care what quality they are, I think 95% of all users do not read the forum and are here just to earn.
If you want people to write quality posts, even increasing the number of characters is not the solution. It has always been and always will be . Reducing the number of such messages I think depends on the moderators if they delete such posts because they are useless, but this is a very big and again, no, kriterier assessment that Moneo to remove and what is not. It was there and will never leave!
Title: Re: Why do people still make low quality comments?
Post by: admin on September 11, 2018, 12:52:03 PM
they think it increases post count, but it doesn't  ::)
Title: Re: Why do people still make low quality comments?
Post by: Kyoshiro on September 11, 2018, 02:55:38 PM
This is a common problem to everyone. Even in posting, they try to post nonsense ideas to increase their points. They take less efforts to conduct researches for them to understand what they are posting. The fact that having quality post is being ignored. Commenting takes lesser time than posting, this giving lesser points. They stick to the idea that as long as they have points they may spam or reply indefinite ideas. Its also hard for them to give a negative karma since they will try to kick back. The only solution I see for having both quality post and replies is to educate them. It may not be necessary but it can be helpful for them to open up and express their ideas freely with a definite concept and hard points.
Title: Re: Why do people still make low quality comments?
Post by: alltalk on September 12, 2018, 04:13:14 AM
they think it increases post count, but it doesn't  ::)
Yeah, I agree with you, sir. They may still don't understand the rules on altcoinstalks forum yet. Or they are not really smart members.  ;D   
Title: Re: Why do people still make low quality comments?
Post by: Aliados on September 13, 2018, 11:11:16 AM
they think it increases post count, but it doesn't  ::)

It is also possible that some didn't know what they are doing. Missing the key is missing the point to unlock the foolishness.
Title: Re: Why do people still make low quality comments?
Post by: LogiC on September 17, 2018, 12:56:21 PM
Actually I like the system of altcointalks about limitless posting. This is favorable to those who are really worth discussing in subsection of other topics here especially on altcoin discussion. Noting that major coins have own subsection here can really have a clean discussion about each type of coins. I think this is an advantage over bitcointalk forum.
Title: Re: Why do people still make low quality comments?
Post by: Millionaire on September 18, 2018, 01:05:07 PM
that is a bad example. maybe they think post low quality spam will increase their rank. but that won't be possible.
Title: Re: Why do people still make low quality comments?
Post by: LogiC on September 18, 2018, 03:17:35 PM
that is a bad example. maybe they think post low quality spam will increase their rank. but that won't be possible.

Actually possible. But sometime their comment or post was not credited due to lack of sense. But some posts even short can get points if their comment has sense. I think quality posting doesn't really mean long post but a statement with full load of sense or direct to the point answer.
Title: Re: Why do people still make low quality comments?
Post by: BestSSS on October 02, 2018, 09:00:39 PM
I don't understand the people that still make useless comments, like 'good project', 'to the moon', 'I like this project' etc. It really seems like a waste of time and brings down the quality of the forum. Please make an effort to at least write a sentence or two, it will honestly bring benefits (to everyone, including the 'commenter') in the long run. I've learned so much just reading through threads on forums, and it frustrates me when I find one that gets flooded with irrelevant comments. Let's not go down that route. I'm always up for a conversation, and if people want to improve their English, ping me a private message.

Hasta la vista.
The problem is global and ideas are needed to solve it. People coming on this forum and many others just don't zadumyvaetsya about what you write mainly because all you want to raise your rank on the forum, and as you know for this you just need to be active and the system fails to recognize a quality post or not.
To avoid spam write well, or reduce its quantity propose to introduce some rules, I hope the administrators will hear me.
1. Make an adjustment about writing messages: the text of messages should be at least 100 characters.
2. After registering on the forum, beginners should take the kind of training and reading the forum rules in the form of slides. That is, the pop-up window will display the text with the rules of the forum and until you read all the slides and put a tick on each of them that you have read it access to writing new messages will not get.
Title: Re: Why do people still make low quality comments?
Post by: wildanmr on October 03, 2018, 06:07:00 AM
Cause everybody have a different characterization.
Nice act to have critical thinking about those issued.
We just do the best for each our act.
Title: Re: Why do people still make low quality comments?
Post by: Unknown on October 03, 2018, 01:22:16 PM
Because they care about the ranks, you can see them mostly on crypto speculation, they keep posting the price of different coins frequently, which is a kind of shitpost cause we can search about the price of a certain coin on google! Am i right?
Title: Re: Why do people still make low quality comments?
Post by: EmoneyABC on October 05, 2018, 07:25:25 AM
I have to say that lately I haven't seen such a useless posts on our forum. To be clear I have surfed on the forum in the last three days few hours a day and I haven't found even one "good project" or even "to da moon" like posts.

This is very good sign for our forum or maybe I am so lucky that I missed all this spam threads?

I don't think so because I was on every subforum and checked threads from all boards. Of course I was not able to check everything but like say not even on spammy post, hurra!!!
Title: Re: Why do people still make low quality comments?
Post by: Payme21 on October 05, 2018, 04:00:29 PM
You just took this off my mind. Making comments arent exactly compulsory if you are nnot comfortable with the keyboard and it takes the fun out and makes the thread cheap and uninteresting
Title: Re: Why do people still make low quality comments?
Post by: cryptothief on October 07, 2018, 04:19:11 AM
Repetition seems to be an issue too, I often see almost identical threads with people writing generic comments. If the search engine was utilised, this could be vastly improved and it would be easier to navigate to the most relevant thread. Not sure whether this comes down to lack of knowledge regarding the search function (or using the forum in general), laziness or apathy.
Title: Re: Why do people still make low quality comments?
Post by: Yette on October 08, 2018, 01:30:44 PM
They are aiming for quantity rather than quality. I am not saying all of in the lower ranks (i am also in lower ranks) but half of them maybe wants to rank up high without thinking the possible outcome of it. And maybe some are just not familiar with the projects and just post something positive to  make it look legit
Title: Re: Why do people still make low quality comments?
Post by: tatka22 on October 09, 2018, 02:54:57 PM
It will always be until there are signatures campaign demanding a certain number of posts per week, all forums in which there's bounty campaign, clogged with junk, especially it affects novices, who have little to look at terms and conditions
Title: Re: Why do people still make low quality comments?
Post by: bettyhill on October 09, 2018, 07:19:04 PM
Some people just want more posts for points yet they are not ready dedicate their time in making quality posts. Sometimes they're just used to it.
Title: Re: Why do people still make low quality comments?
Post by: altery0518 on October 11, 2018, 04:46:36 PM
May be for some people they are not good in english but still trying of making comments but it's so sad that their effort is not enough to earn what they expect  due to low quality post.
Title: Re: Why do people still make low quality comments?
Post by: PRIBO247 on October 15, 2018, 03:03:06 AM
The problem is, people are too much in a hurry and as such, do not take the time to read. Also, a quality post does not equal to a paragraph. A quality post can be a constructive and instructive writing in a few words.
Title: Re: Why do people still make low quality comments?
Post by: Zed0X on October 15, 2018, 04:23:09 PM
I have to say that lately I haven't seen such a useless posts on our forum. To be clear I have surfed on the forum in the last three days few hours a day and I haven't found even one "good project" or even "to da moon" like posts.

This is probably the result of what high ranked members are doing here to prevent or atleast limit spam/shit posts. I saw one giving a negative karma to a short and low quality comment and explains why in a reply. Add to that the rule that karma can be remove in exchange of points.

Title: Re: Why do people still make low quality comments?
Post by: busiat on October 15, 2018, 06:18:11 PM
they think it increases post count, but it doesn't  ::)
Just suggestion, what if you pinned thread in all section (include bounty) about "How to create quality post" or "Rules for posting"?, so each beginner or newbie can read that before making a post.

And I think moderators in each sections (especially Local Forum) must be more active or you can add more moderators to solve this problem, maybe you can add at least 10 Moderators in one section?

Title: Re: Why do people still make low quality comments?
Post by: Collinberg on November 01, 2018, 12:14:01 PM
Some people are not even native English speakers and do not know how to make complete sentences in English, and let's not forget that some people are just too lazy to bother themselves about making good posts.