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Learning & News => News related to Crypto => Topic started by: Zurcemozz on October 10, 2018, 02:15:06 PM

Title: Google Ad Reveals Search Giant's Feelings On Bitcoin And Crypto
Post by: Zurcemozz on October 10, 2018, 02:15:06 PM
Google's past relationship with bitcoin and cryptocurrency has been fraught, to say the least — last month the search giant partially rolled back its ban on advertisements for cryptocurrencies, allowing regulated cryptocurrency exchanges to buy ads in the U.S. and Japan.

The move was widely put down to regulators' progress in reining in the "wild west" industry, as well as moves by some of the world's biggest banks and financial services companies to adopt and integrate bitcoin and cryptocurrencies into their products.

Now, in an ad for Google's new Call Screen service, designed to allow people to interact with callers before answering the phone, the U.S. search giant has joked about the sky-high cost of mining bitcoin and cryptocurrency — with one character in the ad asking another whether he's "going to live [that cryptocurrency] lie?"

Google bitcoin ad
Google's ad for its new Call Screen service mentions the high electricity cost of mining bitcoin and cryptocurrency.GOOGLE / YOUTUBE

The light-hearted Google ad (you can watch it in full here) involves one character's electricity provider calling him to warn him of his high electricity bill, which he blames on "cryptocurrency mining [taking] a lot of energy."

He is then told cryptocurrency isn't "real" money, to which he responds: "Well, I've got news for you, money isn't real."

Bitcoin and cryptocurrency mining's high energy costs have become a common criticism leveled against the burgeoning industry, with many suggesting its power use is unsustainable and makes bitcoin and cryptocurrency unsuitable for mainstream adoption.

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Title: Re: Google Ad Reveals Search Giant's Feelings On Bitcoin And Crypto
Post by: btyco on October 10, 2018, 05:54:09 PM
That is shy mining has moved to countries where electricity is cheaper, otherwise mining operations would grind down and transaction speeds will slow down. Go renewable and mine with solar power instead