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Crypto Discussion Forum => Cryptocurrency discussions => Topic started by: lawallekan on October 13, 2018, 11:50:36 PM

Title: Evimeria, bringing charitable giving to the blockchain
Post by: lawallekan on October 13, 2018, 11:50:36 PM
Evimeria, bringing charitable giving to the blockchain
On June 24th, 2018, Evimeria has been created as a Waves asset but what is the purpose?

The purpose of the Evimeria Platform is to bring transparency and accountability to the field of charitable donations in an effort to stem corruption by allowing incoming cryptocurrency donations for specific causes or campaigns to be permanently viewable, audit-able, and traceable. The purpose of the new EVI token will be to generate interest for users when holding (staking), being a platform-bound currency, and able to be exchanged amongst Evimeria-controlled exchange(s) against a limited number of popular pairings.

Summary of Goals & Desires:

A Proof of Stake Blockchain; Using PoSV3 Blackcoin protocol with 24/7 staking. Transactions will not be anonimous or private as one of its primary purposed is to surface, record and publicly maintain a transparent record of all donations received by a charity, and which unique donor gave it to then(A donor can be anonymous).
Block Explorer; a simplified block explorer will be viewable by everyone.
Windows keychain wallets; For staking purposes.
Full Nodes; Evimeria will provide one or more full nodes for all keychain wallets to begin life.
2:1 Token Swap will occur in Q1 of 2019, in order to drastically reduce both circulating and non-circulating supply to be able to have a healthy staking option.
An Evimeria based(with EVI as primary currency, will act like BNB) Exchange site to buy, sell or hold any of the listed pairs(BTC/ETH/EVI etc).

Evimeria Platform; Bootstrap-based responsive design for simple use. Two sets of account types, regular user and a charity user. Charities will undergo a verification process and they will receive a non-user-accessible private and public key pair, which is automatically displayed on the charity’s profile page. All profiles will be public by default, however regular users have the option not be viewable by the public by hiding their profile page, charities do not have this option.
Campaigns Landing Page, A sortable board displaying all active campaigns. A modal window will contain the details of a particular campaign.


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