Altcoins Talks - Cryptocurrency Forum

Crypto Discussion Forum => Cryptocurrency discussions => On Youtube => Topic started by: Zed0X on January 10, 2019, 08:44:54 PM

Title: Dutch IOTA meetup 4: Machine2Machine Ecosystems, Identity, Nature2.0 and odyssey
Post by: Zed0X on January 10, 2019, 08:44:54 PM
Do you want to explore IOTA and understand how it works? Do you want to discover what you need to start building your application today? We'll rebuild some existing use cases to inspire you and to get going and moving fast!


18.30 Doors & Welcome with food + drinks

19.00 OpeningIOTA meetup (& START live stream)

19.05 Abe Scholten from | World largest Blockchain Hackathon "How to get engaged". NB: We use the challenges of the hackathon as potential use cases from building blocks that are going to be demonstrated tonight by Harm, Ton & Jelle,

Starting 19.15 with breaks
Block 1
Ton Smets & Harm van den Brink from ELAADNL "Machine 2 machine Ecosystems" (part one)
Ton Smets & Harm van den Brink from ELAADNL on "How to use Machine machine Ecosystems within a Vehicel to grid challenge"
Introduction: Vattenfall challenge

Block 2
Jelle Millenaar from VX company "Iota based Identity" (part one)
Jelle Millenaar from VX company "How to use Iota based identity in different challenges(part two)

Block 3
Jan-Peter Doomernik | Nature2.0(*) "How can we use technology to build solutions that are unimaginable for humans, but normal and proven in Nature"

Block 4:
Dave de Fijter from the Iota foundation:
New developments that open up unforeseen possibilities. How we as iota foundation assist hackathon teams, before, during and after the hackathon. Why we have skin in the game and how it shows.

(*)Nature2.0 is one, and possibly the most ambitious track of the Odyssey hackathon (, the biggest blockchain hackathon in the World (April 11th -15th 2019). It is also an open community that gathers on and .

We want to bring together the worlds of blockchain and AI to explore and build ecosystems, beneficial for society. Another way to put it is that we want to unveil and explore disruptive change before it happens. Working assumption and main challenge of Nature2.0 is the UNIMAGINABLE, but BUILDABLE