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Messages - ToGETher

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Приветствуем вас друзья! Предлагаем вашему вниманию WhitePaper проекта ToGETher!

Многие из вас знают о том, что наш проект это не просто партнерская программа на смарт контракте. Наша цель: Создание инновационной краудфандинговой платформы.

Что в нашей идее инновационного и как мы планируем добиться поставленной цели, подробно рассказано в приложенном к тексту документе!

Project WhitePaper. ENG:

White Paper проекта ToGETher.
RUS версия :

Если вам не безразлична судьба криптовалютного рынка, ровно как и судьба ваших инвестиций - подержите проект любым удобным для вас способом.

Криптовалюты VS Фиат. То о чем критики биткоина не любят говорить

Александр Вильганов, CEO ToGETher и Marketing Officer маркетингового агентства Crypto A, поделился своим мнением о природе криптовалют и фиата.

Биткоин - один из крупнейших финансовых пузырей современности. Противники криптовалютного рынка нередко оперируют данным высказыванием, считая что подобного (сомнительного) факта вполне достаточно для того, чтобы в отношении BTC можно было выдвинуть вотум недоверия.

Сторонники старой школы, привыкшие к тому, что только что-то материальное может служить средством сохранения и выражения ценности - эти люди просто не способны отказаться от собственных убеждений и потому, они продолжают придумывать различные небылицы, лишь бы подкрепить свою точку зрения, сколько бы то ни было весомыми доводами.

Об этом не принято говорить, но так ли сильно отличаются криптовалюты от фиата, как нам это преподносят противники биткоина? И BTC и доллар - это средства выражения ценности. Но, что такое “ценность” и откуда она берется?

Обратимся к мировой истории. Многие из вас, еще со школы, наслышаны о том, каким образом финансовые операции проводились во времена до появления первых чеканных монет. Правильно. Люди прибегали к товарообмену, или же использовали различные материалы и изделия, функцией которых было выражение ценности. Например, в древней Руси, до появления первых денег, обменной валютой служили раковины каури или драгоценные изделия. Но если с драгоценностями всё более менее понятно, то каким образом средством обмена могли стать раковины моллюсков?

Всё дело в доверии, которое основывалось на общепринятом в обществе факте - раковины можно обменивать на товары. Такое соглашение заставляло людей “доверять” этой “валюте”, что, в конечном итоге, и формировало её ценность.

Итак, ключевым фактором в формировании ценности валюты является наличие доверия со стороны общества. Некоторые из вас, могут сказать мне о том, что ценность денег обеспечивается золотым запасом страны или долговыми обязательствами, но нет. Это не совсем верно. Золото и договоры необходимы только для того, чтобы подкрепить доверие к валюте со стороны населения. Создать иллюзию защищенности покупательной способности наших с вами денег. Сами по себе, они не имеют ценности. Значимость этим вещам придаем мы и наше к ним доверие. Иными словами, если бы тысячи лет назад кому-то пришло в голову, что стекло гораздо более ценно чем золото, то сегодня, наше с вами отношение к этим материалам было бы совершенно другим.

Позднее, когда по миру распространилась практика производства чеканных денег - каждый крупный город мог иметь свою собственную валюту. И ценность этой валюты основывалась на доверии оказываемом правящей семье. Любой громкий скандал связанный с эмитентом денежных знаков, тяжелое финансовое положение людей у власти или изменение количества драгоценного металла в составе монеты могли привести к утрате доверия со стороны населения. Утрате доверия и последующей смерти валюты.

Надеюсь, что в примере приведенном выше, вы видите сходство с тем, что в наше время происходит с токенами и слабыми криптовалютами. Их ценность также, сильно зависит от оказываемого им сообществом доверия. А для того чтобы заслужить это самое доверие, команды-эмитенты криптовалют тратятся на дорогостоящие листинги и новые партнерства.

Сила и значимость любых денег прежде всего основывается на нашем с вами доверии. Будь то фиат или криптовалюты - ценность обоих видов денег зависит только от отношения людей. А любое другое обеспечение, это не более чем хорошо продуманная фикция. Нас с вами заставляют верить в то, что фиатные деньги имеют ценность, подкрепляя её обеспечением из золота или ценных бумаг. Но на самом деле рубль, доллар, евро или любая другая традиционная валюта - существующий долгие годы пузырь, который живет лишь потому что его существование поддерживают искусственно. И если BTC это пузырь, то чем тогда он отличается от фиатных денег? Своей автономностью от правительств? Ограниченной эмиссией?

Любые деньги это материальное выражение ценности. Но прогресс не стоит на месте. С появлением интернета наша жизнь изменилась. Учеба, бизнес, взаимоотношения - весь наш мир переходит в цифровое пространство и это более чем глупо, ожидать, что эта своеобразная “эволюция” не коснется и мира финансов.

Вчера мы создали платежные системы, доказав себе, что ценность не обязательно должна передаваться материально. Сегодня - на свет появился биткоин. Появился и напомнил нам, что деньгам не нужны посредники и липовые обеспечения. Только человеческое доверие.

Криптовалюты это новая форма денег. Поэтому их необходимо приобретать и использовать. Мы с вами находимся у истоков модернизации финансовой системы. Модернизации, остановить которую уже невозможно.

Если вам интересен заработок криптовалют, то присоединяйтесь к нашей партнерской программе.

Станьте часть ToGETher сегодня!

Доброго времени суток, дорогие друзья!

Данная статья была написана для того, чтобы немного упорядочить всю ту информацию о нашем проекте, которую мы публиковали ранее. Итак, поехали!

Что такое ToGETher?

Мы убеждены, что мошенничества на криптовалютном рынке, происходящие во время раундов привлечения инвестиций, случаются лишь потому, что эта сфера недостаточно регулируется. Слабый контроль за происходящим выливается в миллионные убытки для инвесторов, ежегодно, что само по себе, негативно отражается на крипторынке, как с финансовой стороны, так и с точки зрения популяризации. ICO это инструмент краудфандинга, а это значит, что проводиться такие мероприятия должны с участием стороннего наблюдателя, выступающего гарантом исполнения обязанностей, для обеих сторон.

В силу финансовой обстановки, в некоторых странах краудфандинг не популярен. Некоторые люди просто не заинтересованы в спонсировании чужих проектов, а те у кого интерес всё же наблюдается - не имеют на это достаточно средств. О проблеме среднего чека упоминается во многих посвященных народному финансированию статьях. Сам по себе напрашивается вывод о том, что сегодня, предоставить человеку возможность для выгодного вложения средств уже недостаточно . Необходима механика, используя которую потенциальные инвесторы могли бы заработать деньги, которые позднее, они могли бы преумножить за счет выгодного инвестирования.
ToGETher - криптовалютный проект, целью которого является создание и последующее развитие краудфандинговой платформы нового поколения, внутри которой вы сможете не только инвестировать, но и зарабатывать на инвестиции, путем монетизации ваших навыков, ведения тематических сообществ, участия в разнообразных программах и прочее. Помимо вышеуказанного, мы хотим подчеркнуть и то, что двери ToGETher будут открыты для всех типов проектов, будь то бизнес стартап или любительский проект. Мы намерены помогать в привлечении инвестиций всем, в том числе и благотворительным организациям. Как в криптовалюте, так и в фиатных средствах. Более того, мы нацелены на интеграцию особой системы подбора и листинга криптопроектов, для того, чтобы уменьшить вероятность стать жертвами экзит -скама для наших пользователей. В случаях, если избежать худшего всё же не получилось - мы планируем проводить возвраты вложенных средств обманутым вкладчикам промотируемых нами проектов.

Имея далеко идущие планы, мы не можем не согласиться с тем, что реализовать всё и сразу - задача невероятно сложная. Именно поэтому, мы рассматриваем поэтапное развитие нашей идеи, с подключением всё большего числа возможностей как для проектов, так и для пользователей.

Но на старт любого дела необходимы инвестиции. А для того, чтобы их получить, необходимо предложить что-то равноценное.

Партнерская программа

ToGETher Partner Program это партнерская программа выполненная на смарт-контракте блокчейна Ethereum. Мы используем её для того, чтобы собрать средства на создание нашей краудфандинговой платформы и предложить нашим пользователям набор первичных услуг. В свою очередь, вы можете использовать эту программу для того, чтобы путем приглашения новых пользователей - зарабатывать средства на достижение собственных целей. Взаимовыгодное сотрудничество, честность которого обеспечивается смарт-контрактом.

Авторы проекта не имеют никакой возможности повлиять на логику распределения средств прописанную в коде смарт-контракта. Единственное на что способен владелец - регулировать размер вступительного взноса ориентируясь на цену ETH и стоимость комиссий внутри блокчейна.

На данный момент размер взноса 0.12 ETH. Это вынужденная мера продиктованная загруженностью сети и высоким размером комиссий, необходимая для того, чтобы взносы присоединяющихся пользователей не сгорали полностью, в виде комиссий, и приносили доход участникам проекта.

Больше о нашей партнерской программе вы узнаете перейдя по ссылке:

Инструкция по взаимодействию со смарт-контрактом:

Благодарим за внимание!

Zeros and ones

People do not just form a society. If we were by nature convinced loners under no circumstances cooperating with each other, we would never have reached such a level of technological progress. We would never have learned more about the world that surrounds us, just like about the universe, which lies far beyond our sight and understanding.

It is much easier for a group of people to survive than a single person. Hunting, gathering, protection from predators and arrangement of life - all this is an integral part of the life of our ancient ancestors. The very ones that at a certain point in their development came to the understanding that people need to cooperate in order to survive.

Communities, tribes, villages, cities and states. As a species, we have come a long way, and in hindsight, I can confidently state that the fruits of human cooperation are incredible.

We switched from stones and sticks to modern technology. We figured out the properties of many phenomena. Many of them were even subdued. First they learned to fly, and then completely, they were able to escape from their own planet. They learned and then significantly developed medicine, writing, mathematics. With only dirt and stones under our feet, we systematically came to the creation of complex materials, circuits and devices. The human mind and the foundation of any society, cooperation, year after year, expand the boundaries of our possibilities with you.

If it seems to you that you are not good for anything, then stop and think. Feel the limitless potential that is hidden in you. People who are not capable of anything simply do not exist!

Think about it. If you evaluate a fish by its ability to climb a tree, then it will live its whole life, considering itself a useless fool. If something doesn't work out for you, then you either lack the skills, or you simply misrealize yourself. The first drawback is more than offset by persistence. The second is understanding yourself and your desires. Therefore, never give up. In spite of everything and in spite of everything.

It just so happened that people exist within society. The possibilities of a loner are severely limited. But by gathering in groups, we are able to achieve anything.

If you are zero, then we are all your "one". Together we are binary code. The foundation of the new world.

Yours, ToGETher.

Ноли и единицы

Люди не просто так образовывают общество. Будь мы по своей природе убежденными одиночками не при каких обстоятельствах не сотрудничающими друг с другом  - мы бы никогда не достигли такого уровня технологического прогресса. Никогда бы не узнали больше о мире который нас окружает, ровно как и о вселенной, что лежит далеко за пределами наших взоров и понимания.

Группе людей намного проще выживать, чем одиночке. Охота, собирательство, защита от хищников и обустройство быта - всё это неотъемлемая часть жизни наших древних предков. Тех самых, что в определенный момент своего развития пришли к пониманию того, что для выживания людям необходимо сотрудничать.

Общины, племена, сёла, города и государства. Как вид, мы прошли долгий путь и оглядываясь в прошлое, я могу с уверенностью заявить о том, что плоды человеческого сотрудничества - невероятны.

От камней и палок мы перешли к современной технике. Разобрались в свойствах многих явлений. Многие из них даже подчинили. Сначала научились летать, а потом и вовсе, смогли вырваться за пределы собственной планеты. Научились, а затем и существенно развили медицину, письменность, математику. Имея под ногами только грязь и камни, планомерно пришли к создания сложных материалов, схем и устройств. Человеческий ум и являющееся основой любого общества, сотрудничество, год за годом расширяют границы наших с вами возможностей. И в самом деле. Для обрамленного мечтами человеческого сердца нет ничего невозможного.

Если тебе кажется что ты ни на что не годен, то остановись и подумай. Почувствуй тот безграничный потенциал что в тебе сокрыт. Людей которые ни на что не способны просто не существует!

Вдумайся. Если оценивать рыбу по её способности взбираться на дерево, то она так и проживет всю свою жизнь считая себя бесполезной дурой. Если у тебя что-то не получается, то тебе либо недостает навыков, либо ты попросту неправильно себя реализуешь. Первый недостаток с лихвой компенсируется упорством. Второй - пониманием себя и своих желаний. Поэтому, никогда не сдавайся. Вопреки всему и не смотря ни на что.

Так уж повелось, что люди существуют внутри общества. Возможности одиночки сильно ограничены. Но собираясь в группы, мы способны достичь чего угодно.

Если ты ноль, то мы все - твоя единица. Вместе мы - бинарный код. Основа нового мира.

Ваши, ToGETher.

We present to you Alexander Vilganov - CEO of the ToGETher project!

Greetings, dear partners! My name is Alexander  Vilganov. I am the CEO of the ToGETher project.

I have been on the crypto market for quite some time. During this time, being one of the employees of the marketing agency Crypto A, holding the position of Marketing officer, I managed to take a direct part in the development of more than two dozen cryptocurrency projects. That is why, I know firsthand how many fraudsters there are in this market and how much money their activity costs innocent investors. In addition to the above, I myself am a private investor, trader and the author of a number of articles devoted to significant events in the crypto market, its development and future.

Projects are different. At Crypto A, we always try to approach the selection of promoted startups with the utmost responsibility and care. However, there are no fewer fraudulent projects on this market. And this situation negatively affects not only the well-being of crypto enthusiasts, but also the results of crowdfunding campaigns conducted by other very promising teams.

It was this knowledge and experience that prompted me to think about the need to create a specialized platform for conducting crowdfunding campaigns, including those that attract investments in cryptocurrencies.

Influencing the entire market is incredibly difficult. However, I am sure that in our case, it will be enough just to show the world an example of a successful platform that takes care of the interests of both users and projects receiving a listing. Confident in their security, investors themselves will make the right choice, which motivates the rest of the market to develop along the path we have beaten with you.

One of the biggest problems in the crypto market is the lack of a clear definition of when a project can be considered a scam and how such a startup can be held accountable. Teams often become hostages of the impression of poorly informed investors. Unfounded accusations of fraud begin, which in turn negatively affect the attitude of people who are just starting to study the project. The crypto market is not rich in professional accredited investors who are able to correctly assess the situation. Many are ruled by emotions. And it leaves its mark.

In turn, it often happens that, having collected the required funds, projects begin to neglect their obligations, referring to various unforeseen circumstances. To avoid such problems, ToGETher intends to strictly enforce the parties' compliance with their obligations. Up to the early withdrawal of the unfair project from the listing and the initiation of a forced refund procedure. In cases where the money has already been spent, our platform intends to cover the losses of defrauded investors itself, and to prosecute fraudsters referring to the agreements concluded during the listing consideration.

Some of you may think that such strictness would be unnecessary. Referring to the fact that even having received funding, due to various circumstances, not every conscientious project is able to develop to a state where its investors will be able to extract the promised profit. In turn, I will say that for bona fide projects that, for various reasons, cannot achieve a result, mechanisms will be provided to suspend activities without subsequent reputational damage. Regarding everyone else, it will be correct to note that attracting investment in cryptocurrencies does not make this crowdfunding method non-binding. People who trust startups with their funds do it counting on subsequent profits. Therefore, spending money and, arms outstretched, telling investors that you “just didn’t succeed” is a real fraud.

ToGETher Partner Program is a smart contract that we use to raise funds for the creation and subsequent development of our platform. Become our partner today, make a well-deserved profit from this and with your own hands build a future in which we can all invest our money without fear of being victims of exit scams.

You can ask me your questions on my personal pages on social networks:

And also by joining the chat of our affiliate program in Telegram:

Thank you for attention!

How to build a business with the ToGETher Partner Program?

Communicating with different people, including those who, like me, are interested in receiving investments, I have repeatedly heard horror stories about how difficult it is to raise funds to start your own business. Among the storytellers there were both experienced people and those who, behind the veil of their ambitions, refused to think logically and recognize any interests except their own.

The latter usually cursed the whole world for commercialism and unwillingness to recognize both the potential of the idea they proposed and their own genius. One of these, in all seriousness, tried to prove to me that the “damned moneybags” should help him realize his potential. And they should do this on a voluntary basis, without focusing on any personal benefit. After all, they already have a lot of money.

I think many of you understand why this approach is fundamentally wrong. Addressing investors is always a desire for cooperation. And any cooperation should bring benefits to both parties. No matter how much money the “moneybag” has, he is not obliged to spend it on the realization of someone else's potential, if he does not see this as a benefit for himself. This is not fair, even purely human.

Finding money to start a business is not easy. And it is even harder to do this when, apart from the conceptual plan, you yourself have nothing else. Whether your idea is even three times brilliant - hardly anyone will agree to finance it if you do not have at least some functioning MVP.

But with ToGETher - the impossible becomes possible!

Join our affiliate program. Tell the world about your idea and ask those who are not indifferent to become your partners! Contributions from users who indicate you as their referrer, as well as the funds of the users they referred (corporate thread) will go to your ETH address and become a reliable help in creating your own business. You will not need to come up with any complex schemes in order to offer the people who support you worthy benefits. Our smart contract will do it for you!

By supporting your idea, the partners you attracted will become part of ToGETher and will be able to receive unlimited income by telling others about your idea.

The world is full of possibilities. And some of them are much closer than you think. This is the era of Crowdfunding 2.0. Era of ToGETher.

The world is ruled by connections

Interaction, collaboration, partnership.

It would not be an exaggeration to say that our world is ruled by connections. This is an immutable truth, since changing the world around us alone is an incredibly difficult task, and sometimes even completely impossible. Knowledge, ambition, skills, ideas - all this needs to be shared with others. Bringing disparate people together and being together - create shared profitable opportunities!

We all need to work together. Effectively complement each other and derive reasonable benefits from it. This is what it means to live in society.

The ToGETher affiliate program is needed in order to create a responsive community around our idea, the feedback and support of which will help us go this way to the end. We want YOU to complement us and, at the same time, to benefit from it.

Any work must be paid. Therefore, we offer you as a reward, limited only by the flight of your imagination, opportunities! Earn as much as you want! A smart contract will distribute your income. And it is impossible to interfere with this logic. Even if you are the owner of this very smart contract.

Trust is very important. But we do not intend to hide behind beautiful words and abuse them! Therefore, we offer you just such conditions of cooperation.

No complicated schemes and backdoors in your code! Only simplicity, accessibility and confidence in the future!

ToGETher Partner Program. Your “bright tomorrow” starts now!


Due to the current situation in the ETH blockchain, namely high workload and high commissions, we were forced to change the size of the entry fee. At the moment it is equal to 0.12 ETH.

This step is necessary so that users can receive income without fear that the entrance fees of their partners will simply burn out in the form of commissions during the distribution of funds to everyone involved.

Thus, at the moment, the amount of income from the personal and corporate branches is 0.06 ETH per person (excluding the network commission).

Thank you for understanding!

How to interact with a smart contract?

Hello everyone, friends! It's time to talk about the interactive part of our affiliate program. Let's take the first step towards your wealth together!

Disease and cure

Fraudsters are the real scourge of the cryptocurrency market. A disease that has eaten deep into the cells of an organism that has not had time to get stronger. A parasite feeding on useful substances, slowly bringing its host to a state close to coma.

They write letters to you, offer help, create entire projects whose only purpose was and remains the notorious thirst for quick profit. Open YouTube. It is highly likely that even despite the precedents and scandals covered in the media, you can easily find at least a couple of simultaneous “broadcasts” with the same Elon Musk, during which scammers offer you to “double” your savings in BTC and ETH.

But if a scam on Youtube is a headache for video hosting owners, then fraud when conducting different types of token sales is a phenomenon that quite often goes unpunished. Liars who collect millions of dollars and immediately disappear from the sight of hopeful investors are something that happens all the time. That is why, in the end, from your family and friends, you hear the same thing, full of empty, but self-confident bias: "Crypto is a fraud."

Despite its full potential, for many, the cryptocurrency and blockchain market has been and remains shrouded in a veil of fog. And the reason for this is its controversial reputation, built on the squeezes from the experience of many failed investors and enthusiasts inclined to imitate them. A reputation that will not allow this market to develop and truly realize its own potential for a long time to come.

Investors who have been deceived. Projects that, due to the prevailing sentiments, were underestimated or undeservedly rejected. ToGETher is needed  to defend your rights.

In traditional markets, there are regulations and laws. In the cryptocurrency industry, they either do not exist, or they work very badly. And yes, it is possible that the specificity of this market is to blame. After all, it is much easier to enforce order within a centralized system than to do the same, but in the vastness of the cryptocurrency market. You can immediately see who should be stroked on the head and who should be tapped. In the crypt, however, decentralization, albeit rather arbitrary in places. We also have anonymity. However, not everywhere either.

It all boils down to the fact that the practices suitable for resolving various types of incidents applicable in traditional markets will not have an effect in our case. But maybe we don't need these “old practices”?

The problem is clear. Investment rounds conducted by various projects through ICOs are unregulated crowdfunding. And it is precisely the absence of a link to ensure that the interests of all participants are taken into account - we lack. This has already been tried to achieve. The IEO practice is a good example of this. The only trouble is that even by passing the token sale, the exchange does not bear any risks if the project turns out to be a scam. Ultimately, this led to IEO becoming a method for selling itself to startups at a higher price. The better the reputation of the exchange, the more zeros in its price tag. And there, how will it turn out ...

How to get scammers out of the cryptocurrency market? The answer is simple. No way. This is a huge ecosystem, each link of which can be considered independent. But maybe we are in vain targeting the entire market?

Sometimes, in order to change something, it is enough to become an example. All we need to do is create a small stronghold. A kind of oasis, within which the influence and harm from fraudsters will be minimized. This is what we are striving to achieve. Create an environment in which investors will be able to do their business without fear of being brazenly deceived. Over time, more and more new people will join us and the rest of the crypto market will start thinking. Will see that this model works and soon, similar, pinpoint control of "crypto-crowdfunding" will become normal.

Fraudsters are a virus that affects more and more cells of the cryptocurrency market day by day. And only we can cure us.

Dear friends! It's time for leukocytes. Time ToGETher!

ToGETher affiliate program and its meaning

One in the field is a hero, a combat unit, but certainly not a full-fledged warrior. Society is always a group of people, but not a loner. All events significant for world history were almost always the result of the actions of many people united by a common goal. And there are quite understandable reasons for that.

It is impossible to make history alone. No matter how ingenious strategist you think you are, you still need supporters who are ready to support you. And it's not about you. This is how the world works. Being a unit among billions of the same units, you can be exhausted over and over again, trying to break through a puzzled crowd pressing from all sides, or you can show people a direction and in an attempt to achieve it - they themselves will carry you to the cherished goal.

To speak alone against the whole world is the lot of romantic heroes from books. The realities of the world dictate their own rules. And if you really want to achieve something, start gathering supporters.

ToGETher Affiliate Program is our way to attract people. Tell them about our idea, get feedback and first supporters. To get acquainted with those who will become the foundation of the future organization, tell about its principles to new people and help us bring closer the day when our platform will move from the state of a plan wrapped in theses into a fully functional product.

ToGETher Partner Program is a smart contract that collects donations for the development of the project, but at the same time offers you a profit in exchange for disseminating information about our project.

The program itself consists of two directions, access to which you get simultaneously. Half of your contribution is allocated to each of the directions. Donate size is strictly limited. It is impossible to send funds more or less than the set limit, otherwise, the transaction will simply return you an error. The amount of the contribution will vary depending on the price movements of ETH.

Some of you may have mistakenly assumed that this is another matrix contract, like those that are now used to the right and left. But no. Our affiliate program does not contain matrices in its code, but only a clear logic, according to which funds are distributed between partners. We tried to make our code as simple as possible to understand, so that even users with minimal programming knowledge could understand what's what.

Let's go back to the directions of the affiliate program. The first one is “Personal branch”. Half of your contribution is allocated to it and its essence lies in your relationship with the partners you attract. People who, when registering, indicate your ETH address as the address of the invitee, become your followers, who form a chain within which the distribution of funds will be built. You will receive half of the contribution of each partner you invite, that is, 100% of the funds that will be used within the Personal Program.

After you invite four people, in order to be able to continue participating and bring in new people, you will need to reinvest. But it will not be you who will pay for it, but every fourth partner you bring. The procedure is fully automatic. At this stage, part of the funds allocated for the Personal Program will not be received by you, but by your superior partner. For the user who became the trigger for reinvestment, this will be UpLine, and for you, Referrer (the person who invited you to the project). But don't be discouraged! This loss is more than compensated for by the partners who will be brought by the users you invite. After all, every fourth of them will become a trigger for reinvestment, the funds for which you will receive!

So, we figured out how the first half of your donation will work for you. Thus, in order to fully recoup the costs, you need to either invite two people, or invite one, but very active, in order to receive income from reinvestments taking place in him. However, this is not all. We turn to the analysis of the second direction.

The corporate branch exists at the expense of the second half of your donation. Just in case, I will clarify again that each cycle consists of four people, after which reinvestment occurs. In other words, your partners in the Personal and Corporate branches are the same people. There are no stupid requirements, like the need to invite different people for each branch, just to generate income for UpLine's or organizers.

Let's get back to the point. The corporate branch uses the second half of your donation and transfers it not to your Referrer, but to the one who invited him, that is, your UpLine. The situation is identical to what happens when reinvesting in the Personal branch. Therefore, the funds that come from your invited partners, within the Corporate branch, go to your Referrer. You, however, receive donations from those who were brought by the partners you invited.

Regarding reinvestment - in the Corporate branch, it happens with you at the same time as in the Personal one. So, every fourth partner you invite pays half of their contribution to our platform, as part of the Corporate program. To clarify the situation a little, I will give an example. Your fourth partner referred you as their Referrer and made a donation. Reinvestment takes place. Half of the funds contributed by him goes to your Referrer (his UpLine) as part of the Personal Program, and the other half, as part of the Corporate Program, goes to us for the development of the project. The smart contract is designed so that all reinvestments of the Corporate Program are received by our project. This is done so that we can achieve the main goal of our project, namely, to develop and launch the platform. As we develop, we will try to offer you other methods of earning, but more on that later.

Now to the main thing. One of the main advantages of the Corporate Program is the ability to create your own improvised pool that will bring you passive income. The smart contract is designed in such a way that it remembers all the addresses that once indicated you in the Referrer role. This is reflected in the increasing counter “partnersCount” which you can see by entering your ETH address in the “users” function. Thus, when checking through the same function, each partner you invite will see your address in the “referrerAddress” line.

Each partner you invite brings you profit within the Personal Program, and then, when he brings other people, also within the Corporate Program. Thus, by inviting, for example, fifty people for the entire time, you will get people who will invite, on average, four people. Perhaps more, but we will take exactly this number, since this is the limit of one cycle before reinvestment. Count!

With an average contribution of $ 20 and 50 partners, within the framework of the Corporate program you will receive 200 people, 50 of which will be reinvested. $ 20 is the total donation. We split it in half to include only the Corporate branch. We get: 150x10 = $ 1500 dollars in ETH cryptocurrency, passive income, which is limited only by the activity of your partners and their number. It is from this pattern that one of the main incentives to develop the Personal branch follows, in addition to the direct income from it.

To make the code look simpler and more readable, we have eliminated the complexities associated with this logic and wrote everything much easier. The registration functions from the very beginning contain the logic for the distribution of funds, and the code itself is devoid of unnecessary structures, like those used to create matrix smart contracts. Simple code that does not contain hidden functions and simple conditions of the Affiliate Program itself will make your cooperation with ToGETher more long-term and profitable.

Thanks to the properties of a smart contract, our partners can be sure that their interests will not be ignored. The code has been published and the only change we can make to it is to change the donation size in order to avoid situations in which the rise in the price of ETH will make the donation threshold unreasonably high. The owner of the smart contract does not have any other additional rights.

No additional fees and promotions for money! The program is designed in such a way that from one address, you can carry out only one successful transaction. Thus, no additional fees or compulsory (and voluntary) purchases of any improvements are provided by this program. You only make your donation once. This is more than enough. It would be unforgivable to ask you for more.

Using a smart contract, we were able to avoid situations in which a partner would have to blindly trust us in all financial matters. Funds are distributed automatically, according to the logic of the smart contract. As soon as a new user has joined the program, the contract code immediately creates transactions and redirects the funds contributed by him to everyone involved.

Simple code, clear and non-exaggerated conditions, the honesty of which is guaranteed by a smart contract, and income, the amount of which depends only on you. Three theses that can characterize the ToGETher Partner Program. However, it will be better if you see for yourself.

Welcome to ToGETher, Partner!

 What is ToGETher

ToGETher is conceived as a new generation multicurrency crowdfunding platform that combines ample opportunities for promoting and monetizing both individual projects and many different types of communities. The main goal of this resource is to change the public's view of crowdfunding and thereby push the development of this market, especially in that stratum of countries in which public sponsorship of projects is not popular for various reasons.

One of the features that distinguish ToGETher from other related sites is that we are aimed not at attracting already established investors, but at creating a global community within which users will be able not only to invest in projects, but also to earn on these very investments using the functionality of our platform. Now, in 2020, when the world is on the verge of a crisis, this is especially important.

It is also important that ToGETher will work not only with traditional, but also with cryptocurrency blockchain projects. Moreover, we are ready to offer a conceptually new model for protecting cryptocurrency investors, which can not only indicate the development vector for the rest of the market, but also allow us to become one of the largest crypto organizations of our time.

At the very moment when the crypto community realizes what is the reason for such a weak popularity of the cryptocurrency market in the eyes of a “conservative” society far from the precepts of cryptography, people will understand that the emergence of ToGETher is not a whim of the authors, but a necessary measure, the only meaning of which is to by your own example, indicate how you can "push" the evolution of the market for cryptographic services.

It's time to step out of the shadows and take matters into your own hands. Stay with us. Your ToGETher.

ToGETher Partner Program is a smart contract partner program. All relationships between authors and partners are dictated by the code published in the ETH blockchain and cannot be violated.

The program itself consists of two directions, access to which you get simultaneously. Half of your contribution is allocated to each of the directions. Donate size is strictly limited. It is impossible to send funds more or less than the set limit, otherwise, the transaction will simply return you an error. The amount of the contribution will vary depending on the price movements of ETH, but it will always be close to $ 20 for access to both directions of the affiliate program.

Some of you may have mistakenly assumed that this is another matrix contract, like those that are now used to the right and left. But no. Our affiliate program does not contain matrices in its code, but only a clear logic, according to which funds are distributed between partners. We tried to make our code as simple as possible to understand, so that even users with minimal programming knowledge could understand what's what.

Let's go back to the directions of the affiliate program. The first one is “Personal branch”. Half of your contribution is allocated to it and its essence lies in your relationship with the partners you attract. People who, when registering, indicate your ETH address as the address of the invitee, become your followers, who form a chain within which the distribution of funds will be built. You will receive half of the contribution of each partner you invite, that is, 100% of the funds that will be used within the Personal Program.

After you invite four people, in order to be able to continue participating and bring in new people, you will need to reinvest. But it will not be you who will pay for it, but every fourth partner you bring. The procedure is fully automatic. At this stage, part of the funds allocated for the Personal Program will not be received by you, but by your superior partner. For the user who became the trigger for reinvestment, this will be UpLine, and for you, Referrer (the person who invited you to the project). But don't be discouraged! This loss is more than compensated for by the partners who will be brought by the users you invite. After all, every fourth of them will become a trigger for reinvestment, the funds for which you will receive!

So, we figured out how the first half of your donation will work for you. Thus, in order to fully recoup the costs, you need to either invite two people, or invite one, but very active, in order to receive income from reinvestments taking place in him. However, this is not all. We turn to the analysis of the second direction.

The corporate branch exists at the expense of the second half of your donation. Just in case, I will clarify again that each cycle consists of four people, after which reinvestment occurs. In other words, your partners in the Personal and Corporate branches are the same people. There are no stupid requirements, like the need to invite different people for each branch, just to generate income for UpLine's or organizers.

Let's get back to the point. The corporate branch uses the second half of your donation and transfers it not to your Referrer, but to the one who invited him, that is, your UpLine. The situation is identical to what happens when reinvesting in the Personal branch. Therefore, the funds that come from your invited partners, within the Corporate branch, go to your Referrer. You, however, receive donations from those who were brought by the partners you invited.

Regarding reinvestment - in the Corporate branch, it happens with you at the same time as in the Personal one. So, every fourth partner you invite pays half of their contribution to our platform, as part of the Corporate program. To clarify the situation a little, I will give an example. Your fourth partner referred you as their Referrer and made a donation. Reinvestment takes place. Half of the funds contributed by him goes to your Referrer (his UpLine) as part of the Personal Program, and the other half, as part of the Corporate Program, goes to us for the development of the project. The smart contract is designed so that all reinvestments of the Corporate Program are received by our project. This is done so that we can achieve the main goal of our project, namely, to develop and launch the platform. As we develop, we will try to offer you other methods of earning, but more on that later.

Now to the main thing. One of the main advantages of the Corporate Program is the ability to create your own improvised pool that will bring you passive income. The smart contract is designed in such a way that it remembers all the addresses that once indicated you in the Referrer role. This is reflected in the increasing counter “partnersCount” which you can see by entering your ETH address in the “users” function. Thus, when checking through the same function, each partner you invite will see your address in the “referrerAddress” line.

Each partner you invite brings you profit within the Personal Program, and then, when he brings other people, also within the Corporate Program. Thus, by inviting, for example, fifty people for the entire time, you will get people who will invite, on average, four people. Perhaps more, but we will take exactly this number, since this is the limit of one cycle before reinvestment. We count!

With an average contribution of $ 20 and 50 partners, within the framework of the Corporate program you will receive 200 people, 50 of which will be reinvested. $ 20 is the total donation. We split it in half to include only the Enterprise branch. We get: 150x10 = $ 1500 dollars in ETH cryptocurrency, passive income, which is limited only by the activity of your partners and their number. It is from this pattern that one of the main incentives to develop the Personal branch follows, in addition to the direct income from it.

To make the code look simpler and more readable, we have eliminated the complexities associated with this logic and wrote everything much easier. The registration functions from the very beginning contain the logic for the distribution of funds, and the code itself is devoid of unnecessary structures, like those used to create matrix smart contracts. Simple code that does not contain hidden functions and simple conditions of the Affiliate Program itself will make your cooperation with ToGETher more long-term and profitable.

Thanks to the properties of a smart contract, our partners can be sure that their interests will not be ignored. The code has been published and the only change we can make to it is to change the donation size in order to avoid situations in which the rise in the price of ETH will make the donation threshold unreasonably high. The owner of the smart contract does not have any other additional rights.

No additional fees and promotions for money! The program is designed in such a way that from one address, you can carry out only one successful transaction. Thus, no additional fees or compulsory (and voluntary) purchases of any improvements are provided by this program. You only make your donation once. This is more than enough. It would be unforgivable to ask you for more.

Using a smart contract, we were able to avoid situations in which a partner would have to blindly trust us in all financial matters. Funds are distributed automatically, according to the logic of the smart contract. As soon as a new user has joined the program, the contract code immediately creates transactions and redirects the funds contributed by him to everyone involved.

Simple code, clear and non-exaggerated conditions, the honesty of which is guaranteed by a smart contract, and income, the amount of which depends only on you. Three theses that can characterize the ToGETher Partner Program. However, it will be better if you see for yourself.

Welcome to ToGETher, Partner!

Представляем вам Александра Вильганова - CEO проекта ToGETher!

Приветствую вас, дорогие партнеры! Меня зовут Александр Сергеевич Вильганов. Я CEO проекта ToGETher.

На крипторынке я уже довольно давно. За это время, будучи одним из сотрудников маркетингового агентства Crypto A, занимая позицию Marketing officer, я успел принять непосредственное участие в развитии более двух десятков криптовалютных проектов.  Именно поэтому, я не понаслышке знаю о том, как много на этом рынке мошенников и каких денег их деятельность стоит ни в чем неповинным инвесторам. Помимо сказанного, я также сам являюсь частным инвестором, трейдером и автором некоторого количества статей посвященных значимым событиям крипторынка, его развитию и будущему.

Проекты бывают разными. В Crypto A, мы всегда стараемся подходить к выбору промотируемых стартапов с максимальными ответственностью и внимательностью. Однако, мошеннических проектов на этом рынке меньше не становится. И данная обстановка негативно сказывается не только на благосостоянии криптоэнтузиастов, но и на результатах краудфандинговых кампаний проводимых  другими очень перспективными командами. 

Именно эти знание и опыт и подтолкнули меня к мысли о необходимости создания специализированной площадки для проведения краудфандинговых кампаний, в том числе и тех, что привлекают инвестиции в криптовалютах.

Оказать влияние на весь рынок - задача невероятно сложная. Однако, я уверен в том, что в нашем случае, достаточно будет просто показать миру пример успешной площадки заботящейся об интересах как пользователей, так и получающих листинг проектов. Уверенные в своей защищенности инвесторы сами сделают правильный выбор, чем и мотивируют весь остальной рынок развиваться по проторенному нами с вами пути.

Одна из самых главных проблем крипторынка заключается в отсутствии четкого определения того, когда проект может считаться скамом и каким образом такой стартап можно привлечь к ответственности. Команды нередко становятся заложниками впечатления сложившегося у слабо информированных инвесторов. Начинаются необоснованные обвинения в мошенничестве, которые в свою очередь, негативно сказываются на отношении людей только начинающих изучать проект. Крипторынок не богат профессиональными аккредитованными инвесторами способными грамотно оценивать ситуацию. Многими управляют эмоции. И это накладывает свой отпечаток.

В свою очередь, нередко происходит и так, что собрав требуемые средства, проекты начинают пренебрегать своими обязательствами, ссылаясь при этом на различные непредвиденные обстоятельства. Во избежании подобных проблем, ToGETher намеревается строго следить за соблюдением сторонами их обязательств. Вплоть до досрочного снятия недобросовестного проекта с листинга и инициации процедуры принудительного возвращения средств. В случаях, когда деньги уже были потрачены, наша платформа намеревается сама покрывать убытки обманутых инвесторов, а мошенников привлекать к ответственности ссылаясь на заключенные во время рассмотрения листинга договоренности.

Некоторые из вас могут решить, что подобная строгость будет излишней. Ссылаясь на то, что даже получив финансирование, в силу разных обстоятельств, не каждый добросовестный проект способен развиться до состояния, когда его инвесторы смогут извлечь обещанную прибыль. В свою очередь скажу о том, что для добросовестных проектов которые по разным причинам не могут достигнуть результата будут предусмотрены механизмы для приостановления деятельности без последующего репутационного урона. Относительно всех остальных, будет верно заметить, что привлечение инвестиций в криптовалютах не делает этот метод краудфандинга ни к чему не обязывающим. Люди которые доверяют стартапам свои средства, делают это рассчитывая на последующую прибыль. Потому, потратить деньги и, раскинув руки в стороны, сказать инвесторам, что у вас “просто не получилось”, это самое настоящее мошенничество.

ToGETher Partner Program это смарт-контракт, который мы используем для привлечения финансирования на создание и последующее развитие нашей платформы. Станьте нашим партнером сегодня, извлеките из этого заслуженную прибыль и своими руками постройте будущее в котором мы все сможем инвестировать свои деньги без страха оказаться жертвами экзит-скама.

Свои вопросы вы можете задать мне на моих личных страницах в социальных сетях:

А также присоединившись к чату нашей партнерской программы в Telegram:

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