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Messages - EnergyFather

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TRC-20 USDT with quite cheap withdrawal fees from CEXs ~ 1 USDT

Well, high liquidity, i.e. ease of withdrawal can be very serious motivator to keep using TRON for USDT.

Honestly, I'm still surprised that half of USDT's market cap is still in TRC-20 USDT and TRC-20 USDT weekly trading volume is still at about $100B 8)

TRON had a head start. In the past, it had the lowest fees compared to other networks and fast confirmation times. Today, this may not be the case, but it already has inertia. Sometimes that's all that is needed. For example, Facebook is problematic, but people keep using it just because there are so many users. I'm not saying TRON is bad or good, just saying that it has built momentum, and people are not going to abandon it quickly, even if there are better alternatives now.

Currently, our system accepts payments in TRX only, because most users who deal with USDT on TRON have TRX anyway. However, if you would like to pay with other cryptocurrencies, please let us know and we will consider adding them to our payment options.
Good to know.
I will think about it but honestly I stopped using tron and all tokens on that blockchain including usdt, and I moved to better alternatives.
Transactions of USDT on liquid chain is almost free and it's build on top of bitcoin, plus all transactions are confidential and more private.
I know lot of people use Tether on binance chain because of cheaper fees, but they are even more centralized.

It's your choice, indeed, which blockchain to use for your USDT. However, many people use USDT on TRON, and many services accept payments in USDT on TRON. And we offer them the possibility to pay less for transactional fees.

For example, the cost of energy for average USDT transaction is about 4.3 TRX in our service. You can deposit 45 TRX at once and it will be enough to purchase energy for about 10 USDT transfers when you need to make them. Or 45 TRX is only enough for 2 USDT transfers (average) if you allow TRON to burn TRX for energy directly.
They made it so complicated for average user, but I don't think it was always like that.

Well, all crypto is kind of complicated for the average user, which is why average users mostly use PayPal. I think if some people pay with USDT on TRON, they have already figured out at least something about crypto, so they can probably figure out how to buy energy too. But if you or anyone have any ideas on how to make the purchase process simpler and more understandable, we would be happy to hear any suggestions.

What coin we need to sent to buy energy from your website, and how can we do that if we don't have enough energy for making transaction on tron network?

All this complications with Tron network is telling me it is not going to survive long term, and I won't be surprised if they arrest Justin Sun soon.

Currently, our system accepts payments in TRX only, because most users who deal with USDT on TRON have TRX anyway. However, if you would like to pay with other cryptocurrencies, please let us know and we will consider adding them to our payment options.

To send TRX over the TRON network, you do not need energy. Energy is required for operations with smart contracts, such as sending USDT. To send TRX, you only need bandwidth, which you receive for free from the network every day, up to a limit of 600 units. A TRX transfer consumes 269 bandwidth units. Unless you have already used your bandwidth for other transfers on that particular day, your TRX payment to us should be free and without any complications.

Please note that energy is not purchased permanently but borrowed for a specific term. If unused when the term ends, it is withdrawn from your wallet. Accumulation is not possible. This operational model is intrinsic to the TRON network and cannot be altered. Thus, if you select a one-hour term, energy must be used within that hour. Otherwise, it will vanish from your wallet when one hour passes.

If you need to use energy frequently, you can register on our site with just a username and password (no personal data needed) and deposit enough TRX into your balance for several energy purchases. This way, you spend bandwidth only once, not every time you need to purchase energy.

For example, the cost of energy for average USDT transaction is about 4.3 TRX in our service. You can deposit 45 TRX at once and it will be enough to purchase energy for about 10 USDT transfers when you need to make them. Or 45 TRX is only enough for 2 USDT transfers (average) if you allow TRON to burn TRX for energy directly.

Cryptocurrency discussions / Re: Transaction fees, explained
« on: May 26, 2024, 03:41:29 AM »
USDT Tron is my favourite transfer asset. Zero fee ve fast transaction :)
Same to you. I always use Tron blockchain supported USDT for pay less fee.

Since the time this comment was made TRON USDT transaction fees have raised significantly. Partially because TRX price have risen from about 0.03 in January 2021 to about 0.125 today, more than 400% increase, but mostly because TRON network raised bandwidth and energy price in TRX as well as energy cost per transaction.

In January 2021 typical USDT transfer cost was about 0.58 TRX which was only around 2 cents. Today USDT transaction minimal fee is about 13.39 TRX, equivalent to about 1.66 USD.

The only way to have low USDT transaction costs on TRON now is to purchase energy from third parties instead of burning TRX to pay for it directly. This way you can save up to 80% and enjoy low fees of only about 0.35 USD. Indeed, it's not the same as 2 cents 3 years ago, bus still much cheaper than to let the system burn your TRX for energy directly. Here is a link to a topic where we describe how to buy TRON energy

EnergyFather is an energy and bandwidth marketplace where you can buy (rent) energy for your USDT transfers, making them much cheaper.

Sending USDT tokens over the TRON blockchain requires spending energy and bandwidth - two main resources of the TRON ecosystem. If you do not have enough of these resources, the TRON network automatically burns your TRX to cover the cost. With EnergyFather, you can save about 80% on transaction fees by purchasing these resources for much less than you would spend burning your TRX for energy on TRON directly.

There is a simple interface for manual purchases, it would only take a minute to order energy for your one-time transaction or several daily transactions.

In case you have a project or service that needs energy for multiple repetitive tasks, we have an API allowing you to fully automate such tasks. You can integrate our service into your programmed solutions.

How do you buy energy from EnergyFather manually:

To start with you can use a TRON energy calculator that is available at

This tool will tell you how much energy you require for your transactions.

- Enter the address (or addresses) where you plan to send your USDT into the calculator, click "Calculate", and see the required energy and your savings compared to what TRON would burn for the same amount of energy.

- Click the displayed link to purchase energy.

- In the "To TRON address" field, specify your wallet address from which you will be sending your USDT.

- Buy the TRON energy and wait for the purchase to complete, which typically takes just a few seconds.

Now you have some energy in your wallet and can send USDT from it as usual. This cheap energy will be used for your transactions and the TRON system will not burn any TRX for it.

You can easily swap L-USDT to Tron or Ethereum addresses from inside Aqua wallet, so they don't need to have all centralized exchanges with L-USDT listed directly.
And I wouldn't even hold USDT on any blockchains long term, there is always risk with them losing peg because of potential ban or regulation change.

That is convenient, sure. Some may find it practical. By the way, what are the commissions of such swaps? I'm not very familiar with Aqua wallet, but as far as I understand they use Boltz exchange for those swaps. So they sure got to cost something.

But overall, can we say that USDT on Liquid is successful? They minted first USDTs on Liquid in 2019, almost 5 years ago, and yet the volumes, according to the official Tether site, are still quite low:

Total Authorized $36,561,000.00
Net Circulation $17,211,849.00

While for example on TRON USDT was introduced only at the end of 2021 and the volumes are totally different, 1000 times bigger:

Total Authorized $58,816,920,368.94
Net Circulation $57,940,630,837.05

In comparison to Tron, USDT on Liquid does not look like a success at all.

We cannot guarantee that everything will be perfect, we can only choose the best within our ability. In addition to the risks inherent in the code of crypto wallets, users also face cyberattacks, scam Dapps or risks when storing their private keys themselves. It is really difficult to achieve absolute security, but for the time being, I think we can trust the most reputable crypto wallets on the market such as Exodus, SafePal, Blockchain...

To minimize risks, I think hardware wallets are the best solution because they have a special chip to protect users assets. As long as users do not connect their hardware wallets to Dapps, the only remaining risk is the process of self-protecting their private keys.

Trusting reputable crypto wallets like Exodus is a sound approach. However, Atomic Wallet was also considered reputable until it was hacked. It was no less reputable than Exodus. So, you never know until something goes wrong.

And you are right, hardware wallets are generally more secure. But there was a breach of the Ledger wallet on December 14, 2023, resulting in $484K being stolen. The attack was carried out via Ledger's Connect Kit, a piece of code that allows DeFi protocols to connect to crypto hardware wallets. Ledger later confirmed that one of their employees had been targeted in a phishing attack, after which the attacker published a malicious version of the Ledger Connect Kit. Some users installed this malicious version during updates.

I agree that nothing is perfect. That's why I asked what additional steps can be taken to further secure crypto assets.

But were here in crypto open source software are the foundation of the tech so better to use it instead of the closed ones.

Though open source is usually safer than proprietary software, it is not 100% immune to the presence of malicious code. While the open nature allows for code review and contributions from a diverse group of developers, this very openness can also be exploited by malicious actors who may introduce harmful code subtly. The sheer volume of code can make comprehensive auditing challenging.

Additionally, not all code changes are thoroughly reviewed due to time constraints, resource limitations, or trust in well-known contributors. Even with rigorous review processes, sophisticated malicious code can be obfuscated to evade detection. Therefore, the open-source model, despite its many advantages, does not provide an absolute safeguard against the infiltration of malicious elements.

The question stands - what steps one may take to make crypto assets storage safer? What precautions do you take?

Transactions in Tron are not processed, FAILED -OUT OF ENERGY error

This does not necessarily happen because of the limits set in your wallet. This error may appear because there is not enough energy or TRX to pay for it on your account. For example, if you have 20 TRX, it's enough to pay for 31'895 energy required for a basic USDT transaction. But if the target address does not have any USDT in it, the transaction cost raises to 64'895 energy and your 20 TRX is not enough to cover it. In this case your transaction will fail with OUT OF ENERGY error, and, more unpleasantly, your 20 TRX will still be burned and you will be left with 0 TRX.

You can solve the "FAILED OUT OF ENERGY" problem with TRON USDT transfers by purchasing energy from third parties. When you purchase energy for your transaction it does not matter what transaction fee limit is set in your wallet, the transaction will be successful anyway. The only thing you need to pay attention to is that you have enough bandwidth (usually USDT transfer require 345 bandwidth) or TRX to pay for the bandwidth (0.345 TRX).

Here is a TRON energy calculator that will tell you how much energy is required for your specific transaction
And you can buy the energy at once on the same page. Buying energy usually saves up to 80% of the transaction fee, which is quite essential.

Many of you are likely aware of the Atomic wallet breach that occurred in June 2023, when over 100 million dollars was stolen from its users. Almost a year has passed, but the Atomic developers still haven't revealed what actually happened. May be they don't know at all.

Consider this scenario: imagine an update is pushed to a software wallet with a malicious code. If hackers gain access to the update process or the wallet developer's infrastructure, they could inject malicious code into a seemingly legitimate update. Users who download and install this update could unknowingly expose their wallet's private keys or seed phrases to the attackers which would lead to loss of their funds.

This raises the question: can this happen with any software wallet? Does it mean we can't trust anyone?

USDT Forum / Re: Where you can buy Usdt face to face
« on: May 15, 2024, 08:24:29 PM »
Everyone better watch out for anyone offering this in telegram with face to face trading of USDT, Bitcoin and any other coins.
I know some stories about people who got scammed with fake euro bills when exchanging USDT, this happened after they traded with same person before so they gained their trust before scamming.
Always check if money you received is genuine.

Certainly, it's important to remain cautious and vigilant, especially in face-to-face transactions involving cryptocurrencies and fiat currencies. Scammers can be quite sophisticated in gaining trust before exploiting it, so you cannot be 100% sure even with people you have already dealt with in the past.

One approach to mitigate risk during in-person exchanges is to suggest withdrawing money from an ATM together to verify the authenticity of the funds. However, this method is practical for smaller amounts due to withdrawal limits at ATMs and banks. Always prioritize safety and verification in any financial transactions.

USDT Forum / Re: Where you can buy Usdt face to face
« on: May 14, 2024, 10:12:01 PM »
In 1.5 years from its creation this group grew up to almost 1000 members. Tens of messages with exchange offers being posted every day. However, not all messages are about face-to-face exchanges as implied by the idea behind this group. The group creator did not abandon it, still appears regularly. Job well done, useful group!

USDT Forum / Re: USDT transaction fees on various networks
« on: May 14, 2024, 12:22:39 AM »
Honestly, first time hearing about USDT on Liquid. Sounds cool, but can you please provide some metrics?
Can't you read the links I already posted above for more information about that?  ::)

The links you provided may be informative for you, because you are familiar with the Liquid network well, but it may be it's not so easy to find relative information for someone who is not. I attempted to find USDT transactions using the linked site but it does not seem to be easy.

I created this thread on fee comparisons across different networks for easy reference and comparison. It would be convenient for people to see numbers right in this thread, without having to spend time trying to figure out links. It would be very nice of you if you posted the numbers here.

Not all centralized exchanges support L-USDT, but there are enough decentralized services and exchanges (Peach Bitcoin, Aqua wallet...) doing that.
Some centralized exchanges are part of Liquid Federation so they should support it, like Bitfinex, Huobi, BTSE and others.

I'm asking questions not to stir up controversy, but to understand its current adoption and practical use cases.

From what I can understand, L-USDT is gaining traction but isn't widely supported yet on centralized exchanges. For instance, USDT on Tron or Ethereum is widely accepted across various services for payments. And Liquid looks promising in the long run, but at the moment, practical applications seem somewhat limited.

Stable Coins Forum / Re: Exodus Fee , so high
« on: May 12, 2024, 03:51:09 AM »
As already suggested above, you should use CEX or DEX directly because in most cases it's cheaper than using the wallet's built-in swap.

any tips how can i save fees to convert my USDT to bitcoin?

It's not specified in your post which blockchain your USDT is on. But if your USDT is on the TRON blockchain, here is a tip for you: you can save on transaction fees by purchasing energy for your money transfer instead of directly paying network fees for energy. At current rates you can save $1.35 or $2.7 per transaction just on that.

Cryptocurrency discussions / Re: What Altcoins Do you have?
« on: May 12, 2024, 03:43:17 AM »
For daily trading TRX is still not recommended, although it can be done.

I did not mean day trading indeed, swings worth playing in TRX usually take several days or even weeks.

what kind of swing is this?
If you don't do day trading, it's a little confusing, is it some kind of gambling? or how

Not gambling. It's just another kind of trading approach. Swing trading is a type of trading in which positions are held for a few days or weeks in order to capture short- to medium-term profits in financial securities. Swing traders use technical analysis to make trading decisions. The style of swing trading lies somewhere between day trading and trend trading.

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