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Announcements [ANN] / GeekCash (GEEK) - Coin you must exploit
« on: November 22, 2018, 08:06:23 AM »

GeekCash - GEEK is a new digital currency, based on Bitcoin and Dash, that enables anonymous, instant payments to anyone, anywhere in the world. GeekCash uses peer-to-peer technology to operate with no central authority: managing transactions and issuing money are carried out collectively by the network. Exactly, GeekCash is a community governance, cooperation and growth to decentralized economy.

Geek is born not to compete feature compared to other coins in the market. It focuses on the ecosystem (under construction) for content creators, sharing passion, affiliate marketing, MMO... or using the Internet to sell or distribute their creations to their fans.

With solid foundations prepared beforehand, GeekCash have ambitious plans for the future.

Name: GeekCash
Ticker: GEEK
Public Address Prefix: G
Algorithm: Geek
RPC Port: 6888 (Testnet: 16888)
P2P Port: 6889 (Testnet: 16889)
Block Time: 60 seconds
Block Size: 2Mb
Max Block Size: 128Mb
Difficulty Retarget: Every block
Difficulty Algorithm: Dark Gravity Wave v3.0
Halving: 6 months
Halving Decline: 5% (10% each year)
Masternode Requirement: 10,000 GEEK
Masternode Reward: 25% - 80% of block reward
Dynamic Block Reward: Yes
Maturity: 101 confirmations
Initial Supply: 5% (used for bounties, refferal, development...)



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How to Install Masternode for GeekCash

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« on: September 20, 2018, 05:05:15 AM »
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There are more ways to earn money with cryptocurrencies than just buying coins and hoping they go up in value. There’s also mining coins, which people can participate in for relatively low investment by joining a mining pool.

Some coins that are based on Proof-of-Stake allow you to participate in validating transactions by committing a certain amount of coins, and will pay out rewards. This kind of system is often referred to as “staking” and can often be as simple as placing tokens in a compatible wallet.

And then there are masternodes. A masternode is essentially a form of staking, but involves a little more commitment and set up. Instead of just having a wallet, you need to have a computer that you can dedicate as a kind of server for the purpose, which needs to be connected to the internet all day, every day.

Once you have a server set up, and you’ve installed the masternode application, then just like staking, you need to commit an amount of coins above a minimum specified by the token’s protocols.

The main benefit of a masternode over simple staking is that a masternode is always involved in helping validate transactions on the blockchain, and is constantly paying out for that contribution. This means that income is a more consistent stream, which has obvious appeal.

However, masternodes all require significantly more money staked, and more hardware and setup than simple staking, so it is an activity suited to those who are a little more technically-savvy and committed to the task. Services exist to do the hard work for you, but of course, they will take a cut of the return, which may make the overall ROI less worthwhile. Just as significantly, there is very little oversight of such services, so if you want to go that way, take extra care to research the services you are considering.

If you have some spare computing power, you might want to put it to work with these 5 masternode coins and earn passive income!


Dash was the first cryptocurrency to implement a masternode system, one of the features that Evan Duffield, who invented Dash, created in response to failings he perceived with Bitcoin’s lack of a good governance system.

With Dash’s current pricing, a masternode is a very serious investment, as the required 1,000 Dash stake is currently worth about US$250,000. At one point at the end of 2017, Dash reached over US$1,000, meaning it would have cost over a million dollars to set up a masternode.

Masternodes split 45% of the block reward, which works out to be just a little less than 7 Dash per month, which is a very respectable amount. Every 380 days, the block reward is reduced by a bit over 7%, which is not nothing, but in the long term, assuming Dash goes up in value, shouldn’t impact long-term prospects too adversely.

Over and above the serious financial commitment, setting up a Dash masternode involves a reasonable amount of technical knowhow, as it involves having a virtual private server and editing configuration files.

Online guides exist to help walk you through the process — but be prepared, they are not simple. Also, warnings abound that you will have to commit a fair amount of maintenance to keep your masternode up to date and operating properly.


PIVX is a project that aims to be a global currency; claiming faster transactions, more privacy, and better security than previous tokens. The token is PIV, and while there is a total supply of 55 million, over 20 million of those coins are staked in wallets and masternodes, making the effective circulating supply something under 30 million.

A PIVX masternode requires that you stake 10,000 PIV, which at current prices means an investment of a little under US$20,000.

A PIVX masternode gives a ROI of about 5.74% annually, so at current prices that’s approximately US$1,000. On its own, this might not be a hugely compelling return, but if you believe in the future of the PIXV project, your returns would be higher as the coins you are receiving should themselves go up in value.

In order to run your own DIY PIXV masternode, your server needs to be running either Linux or Raspberry Pi, and it needs to have a unique IP address on the internet. This means you will not likely be able to use your regular computer at home and simply leave it on, as most internet service providers assign different IP addresses to home users as needed.

If you understand how to establish a stable, unique IP address for your server, then you’re probably able to attempt setting up a PIXV masternode. Otherwise, you might want to look into services that help set it up for you.


GeekCash is a new digital currency, based on Bitcoin and Dash, that enables anonymous, instant payments to anyone, anywhere in the world. GeekCash uses peer-to-peer technology to operate with no central authority: managing transactions and issuing money are carried out collectively by the network. Exactly, GeekCash is a community governance, cooperation and growth to decentralized economy.
In the future, the GeekCash is used to transfer money and pay in an ecosystem consisting of 6 projects. Some projects have been researched for 4 years. In there, the social network project will be deployed as soon as possible, the remaining secret projects will be gradually opened …

With solid foundations prepared beforehand, GeekCash have ambitious plans for the future.

With Masternodes help keep integrity of network and enable support for PrivateSend and InstantSend. Earn up to 80% of the block reward running a node and contributing to the network.

Online guides to setup Masternode for Beginners

Earn GEEK without mining in 2018


Follow GeekCash at:


Blocknet aspires to be a decentralized exchange, with underlying blockchain technology for facilitating transactions between tokens without any financial entity that buys and sells as an intermediary.

It takes 5,000 BLOCK, the Blocknet token, to set up a masternode. At this time, that’s a US$65,000 investment.

Total annual return is estimated to be between 7% to 13%, and then that return is split with 70% going to masternodes, and the remaining 30% to simple stakers. In short, masternodes might be able to expect between 5% to 9% on their investment after a year, which, at current prices would be between US$3,250 and US$5,859.

Setting up your own Blocknet masternode, which they call “service nodes”, can be accomplished with software resources accessed from their official Github page. Documentation is targeted at the very technically-minded, and online resources for describing the process in more layman’s terms is scant, if available at all.

In other words, you should only look into running a Blocknet masternode if you feel very capable of handling the technical challenges. There are mentions online of paid services to assist you — however, none could be verified with certainty for their reliability, so it’s recommended that you do sufficient due diligence before opting to pay someone to set up a masternode for you.


Stakenet is the new name for PoSW, which completed a token swap on May 1. The token name is now XSN, and, like Blocknet, Stakenet aspires to be a decentralized exchange.

The buy-in for a Stakenet masternode is 15,000 XSN, or US$7,800 at today’s prices. With a generous 44% return on the initial investment, the expected return is about US$3,500 for now.

Assuming you get familiar with Stakenet wallets and the system in general, setting up a masternode does not seem overly complex, with a step-by-step guide provided on their Medium blog. Like any masternode setup, one should be comfortable with software configuration and some network administration, but, as compared to others, they seem to have made the effort to make the process straightforward.


Take note that most masternodes were designed in part to assist in governing the blockchain it supports, so you will be expected to vote on key proposals for development and possibly other issues. This means that part of your time investment will be in paying attention to the issues that concern your chosen token.

In that sense, it is highly advisable that you don’t just pick a token to run a masternode for based entirely on ROI. Ideally, you are invested in the future of the coin and believe in its prospects, so that you take care to contribute your voice by voting as required.

That said, voting, when it happens, should be a relatively simple process, so after the initial hurdle of setting up a masternode, for the most part you should be able to relax and let your server do the work of generating income for you. If you have idle hardware and a stable internet connection, masternodes might be a great way to put them to use.

A list of coins offering masternodes with statistics on their ROI performance can be found on the website. However, be aware that coins with promising returns may be fundamentally unstable for any number of reasons, and since returns are always paid in the native token, there is always the risk of losing one’s investment. As with all things in the world of crypto, do your research before committing to any kind of investment.


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The name of the game for most investors and traders in the crypto space is finding that one overlooked diamond of a project that will bring 10x, 20x, or 100x returns. Although most projects will never deliver their investors these gains, there are always some gems hidden in the endless list of cryptocurrencies.

The question remains whether investing in cryptocurrencies is worth the risk, and if these risky investments can produce solid returns. After scouring through the never ending list of penny cryptocurrencies, we found the following 5 candidates worth your attention for the rest of 2018.

5. Ravencoin

Ravencoin is a cryptocurrency that is designed to facilitate the transfer of assets on its peer-to-peer network. This includes sending different cryptocurrencies between token holders. The Ravencoin is not meant to be digital cash, but has been created for censorship resistance, privacy, and user control.

Blockchain technology is superior to other technologies in its ability to indisputably assess who owns what. Ravencoin, in turn, will focus on that specific function: transferring assets from one party to another. Bitcoins, for example, can be transferred rapidly, easily, and without interference between wallets. Ravencoin’s case is that people will want this ease of transferability of other assets such as securities, commodities, and other asset holdings as well.

Ravencoin is built on a fork of the Bitcoin code, using the extensive testing and development of Bitcoin’s protocol but with some tweaks. These tweaks are a faster block reward time, making it more energy efficient, and a change in the number of total coins available.

Ravencoins can only be mined — thus, there was no ICO (which means no direct whales), no allocation of funds or pre-mined coins (no exit scams, and Ravencoin is less susceptible to heavy market manipulation). Moreover, the mining process of the coin is ASIC-resistant through Ravencoin’s x16R algorithm. This means the mining power is more fairly distributed.

The project started with some Bitcoin developers wanting to see what more was possible, and Ravencoin was the result of this experiment. Sitting at a little over $0.03 at the time of writing, Ravencoin could be a great investment, especially given that this cryptocurrency has over 400 Bitcoin developers that have made over 14,000 commits involved.

4. Polymath

ICOs have raised tremendous amounts of capital. However, there are dark clouds ahead as most regulatory bodies across the globe are heavily scrutinizing this new model of fundraising. The biggest concern with ICOs conducted for cryptocurrencies is that they are similar to securities. Securities are a traditional way to raise capital, and issuing a security comes with strict regulatory requirements; governments want to apply these requirements to ICOs too.

Regulatory bodies haven’t found proper classification for cryptocurrencies as a whole, and struggling with the qeustion which cryptocurrencies should be classified as securities. Because of this, businesses that want to get in on the crypto revolution and raise capital through issuing their own tokens are hard-pressed figuring out how to do this, while remaining compliant with regulations.

Meet Polymath, a security tokens platform that has set out to connect traditional methods for raising capital with the new way, through cryptocurrencies. Polymath wants to create a platform which transforms shareholders (shares) into token holders (security tokens). They have replaced the term ICO with STO, which is an acronym for Security Token Offerings. The STOs will launch on Polymath’s decentralized platform. As a service, the platform helps companies overcome the technical and legal challenges companies face when wanting to issue their own token to raise capital.

Polymath’s native token, POLY, has Know Your Customer services built into it, making it compliant with regulations and thus allows for investments in other projects. To optimize the KYC functionalities of the tokens and the platform, Polymath has partnered with another blockchain startup, SelfKey.

Traditional ways of raising capital such as stocks, bonds, venture capital, and private equity function much better on a properly designed blockchain. Ownership is easily transferable and indisputable, and capital can move hands quickly without intermediaries. Securities have an accumulated value of trillions of dollars, and given that blockchain technology can upgrade the securities market, a new mega trend for tokenized securities can be expected.

By providing tools for security token-issuing companies and by being a legally compliant platform, Polymath can very well become a leading industry player in the security tokens market. According to the company’s own predictions, the security tokens industry can have a $10 trillion valuation by 2020.

3. Qlink

Qlink is the world’s first decentralized mobile network. This blockchain startup has committed itself to disrupting the mobile network industry by creating a new, peer-to-peer based mobile network platform.

Currently, there are several issues with mobile network companies. Firstly, the costs are more expensive than they should be due to inefficiencies. Customers pay for huge overhead costs and are charged hefty transaction fees for small data and mobile usage packages. Moreover, subscriptions for mobile networks are highly inefficient and leave people with either a lot of excess capacity at the end of the month, or they run out and have to pay an additional fee for a booster pack. Additionally, open Wi-Fi networks are not very secure and make user devices susceptible to hacks by moderately skilled digital criminals.

Qlink has set out to create a platform for a shared mobile network. People with excess capacity on their devices or a powerful Wi-Fi hotspot can earn Qlink’s native token (QLC) for renting out their spare Wi-Fi to other people.

Another service the startup plans to provide is a decentralized SMS service. This service allows people with excess SMS allowances to sell these text messages on a decentralized platform. For example, one use case is that companies can buy these SMS assets in bulk, and then in turn use them for marketing programs and verification and registrations codes.

Based on Qlink’s roadmap, this could be the year that this project goes big. Their SMS and Wi-Fi products have already been launched this year, and these are just the beginning. We can expect mobile data billing smart contracts, a Qlink wallet, a Qlink router, and the cherry on the pie is the launch of the public Qlink chain.

2. Origintrail

Supply chains are often mentioned as one of the main business areas open to disruption by blockchain technology, and for good reason. Supply chain management is currently an inefficient process in which people try to align different deliveries from globally dispersed organizations into one smooth process. Keeping track of all data flowing between supply chains while ensuring the quality of products and services has become a tremendously complex problem.

Origintrail is a blockchain project that is aiming to disrupt the supply chain process. Its decentralized platform is designed to make supply chain processes transparent by allowing organizations to share supply chain data on the Origintrail platform. Through this, data is secured on the blockchain and the process of sharing data becomes synchronized, efficient, and automated.

For businesses, the Origintrail platform can allow them to severely reduce the costs associated with supply chain management through optimized efficiency. To ensure the trustworthiness and quality of the supply chain participants’ data, Origintrail has created consensus check algorithms and methods for data quality checks.

For consumers, the Origintrail platform provides a convenient way to track the origins of a product. They can see the entire supply chain of a product and assess whether the involved organizations are environmentally responsible, what value and components each step in the chain added to the product, and where a product originates from.

Expectations for 2018 are high for the Origintrail project due to their highly ambitious roadmap. Both the testnet (June) and their decentralized network launch (Q3) are set for this year. Moreover, the team expects a maximum of 30 new projects, voted in by the Origintrail token holders, to launch on the decentralized network in 2018. The management of supply chains is about to change due to the power of blockchain technology, and Origintrail is a serious contender in making
this happen.


GeekCash is a new digital currency, based on Bitcoin and Dash, that enables anonymous, instant payments to anyone, anywhere in the world. GeekCash uses peer-to-peer technology to operate with no central authority: managing transactions and issuing money are carried out collectively by the network. Exactly, GeekCash is a community governance, cooperation and growth to decentralized economy.
In the future, the GeekCash is used to transfer money and pay in an ecosystem consisting of 6 projects. Some projects have been researched for 4 years. In there, the social network project will be deployed as soon as possible, the remaining secret projects will be gradually opened …

With solid foundations prepared beforehand, GeekCash have ambitious plans for the future.

With Masternodes help keep integrity of network and enable support for PrivateSend and InstantSend. Earn up to 80% of the block reward running a node and contributing to the network.

Masternodes enable the following services:

    InstantSend (instant transactions). In contrast, Bitcoin takes about 10 minutes to confirm a payment.
    PrivateSend (anonymous transactions). In contrast, Bitcoin transactions are totally public and traceable. Only the identity of the addresses is anonymous.
    Decentralised Governance (masternodes govern, while the blockchain funds development). In contrast, Bitcoin is controlled by a few big miners and funded by 3rd party centralised institutions with self interests.
    Masternodes are also given voting rights on proposals. Each masternode has 1 vote and this vote can be used on budget proposals or important decisions that affect Geek.

Follow GeekCash at:

Concluding Remarks

These 5 projects all have a high-risk/high-reward ratio. However, we believe their potential return does exceed the involved risk. Although GeekCash, Qlink, and Origintrail have defined roadmaps for 2018 while Ravencoin and Polymath do not, we think these 5 cryptocurrencies all have a solid shot a exploding over the course of 2018. This is based on the service they are creating and the expected developments during this year.

Source viva:

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