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In the fast-paced and often tumultuous world of cryptocurrency, accusations and controversies are never far behind. The latest storm brewing revolves around POPCAT, a once-promising coin that has found itself embroiled in controversy after accusing other projects of being "Corporate Memecoins" now facing allegations of its own.

The drama unfolded when POPCAT's team publicly called out several other coins, alleging that they were "Corporate Memecoins" – projects with corporate backing that exploit meme culture for financial gain without delivering substantial value. These accusations ignited a firestorm of debate within the crypto community, with supporters and critics clashing over the validity of POPCAT's claims.

However, while POPCAT pointed fingers at others, it soon found itself under the microscope. Allegations surfaced suggesting that the coin had engaged in social media manipulation tactics to boost its own profile. Reports emerged of visible bot fake followers being purchased to inflate POPCAT's social media presence, casting doubt on the authenticity of its purported popularity.

Furthermore, suspicions arose regarding POPCAT's involvement in vote manipulation on the KuCoin GemVote, a platform where users can vote for projects to be listed on the exchange. Questions were raised about the integrity of POPCAT's team and their commitment to fair competition within the crypto space.


- Started at 20,103 on April 26, 2024.
- Ended at 119,725 on May 9, 2024.
- Notably, there was a significant surge in followers, especially on May 5 and 6, gaining over 11,140 and 70,024 followers respectively.
- Total increase of 90,273 followers in the last 30 days, averaging 3,009 followers per day.

2. Following:
- Started at 637 on April 26, 2024.
- Ended at 688 on May 9, 2024.
- Increased by 121 over the last 30 days, with an average daily increase of 4.

3. Tweets:
- Started at 3,200 tweets on April 26, 2024.
- Ended at 3,394 tweets on May 9, 2024.
- Total of 194 tweets posted over the 14 days, averaging about 15 tweets per day.


Twitter statistics for the user "Popcatsalona" from April 26, 2024, to May 9, 2024, paint a picture of dramatic growth amid controversy surrounding the cryptocurrency project, POPCAT. The data highlights a remarkable growth in followers within a very short period, particularly in the first week of May, coinciding with the allegations POPCAT leveled against other projects. However, this surge in numbers has raised suspicions, especially considering the accusations of social media manipulation directed towards POPCAT itself.

As fingers are pointed back at POPCAT due to this suspicious rise in numbers over a short period, questions about the authenticity of its social media presence and the integrity of its tactics continue to loom large. The juxtaposition of these statistics against the ongoing controversy surrounding POPCAT underscores the need for transparency and accountability in the cryptocurrency space.

In response to the mounting scrutiny, POPCAT's team took measures to limit the visibility of their social media activity, restricting their current tweets and posts to their followers only or tagged users. However, this move only served to intensify speculation and deepen the distrust surrounding the project.

Despite the accusations leveled against it, POPCAT has remained steadfast in its refusal to address the allegations head-on. The lack of transparency and accountability from the coin's team has only fueled skepticism and raised concerns about its credibility and long-term viability.


The tumultuous week for POPCAT raises broader questions about the credibility of new and emerging cryptocurrencies. As the crypto community grapples with the fallout from these revelations, the future of POPCAT hangs in the balance. Whether it can regain the trust of investors and redeem its tarnished reputation or fade into obscurity remains to be seen. However, one thing is certain: it becomes increasingly clear that transparency and integrity are paramount in the ever-evolving landscape of cryptocurrency. The future of POPCAT serves as a cautionary tale, reminding us of the importance of accountability and ethical practices in shaping the reputation and trustworthiness of projects within the crypto community.

The world of finance is undergoing a transformative phase with the integration of cryptocurrencies into traditional investment frameworks. The prospect of a Spot Bitcoin ETF (Exchange-Traded Fund) has emerged as a pivotal development, drawing considerable attention from both crypto enthusiasts and institutional investors. This article delves into the influential firms that have applied for a SPOT Bitcoin ETF, examines the anticipated benefits upon regulatory approval, and offers insights into the evolution of ETFs from inception to the present.

About ETF
The inception of Exchange-Traded Funds (ETFs) in the early 1990s marked a watershed moment in investing history. ETFs merged the attributes of mutual funds and individual stocks, allowing investors to trade them on stock exchanges throughout the trading day. This innovative structure, combined with low costs and diversified exposure, propelled the popularity of ETFs across asset classes, from equities to bonds and beyond.

JP Morgan, a prominent player in the global financial landscape, holds a noteworthy opinion regarding Exchange-Traded Funds (ETFs). The institution has recognized the remarkable growth and diversification ETFs have brought to investment markets. While acknowledging their benefits in providing cost-effective exposure to a wide array of asset classes, JP Morgan has also stressed the importance of investor education and due diligence when navigating the ETF landscape. They emphasize the need for investors to understand the underlying assets, index tracking methodologies, and potential risks associated with ETF investments. This balanced perspective underscores JP Morgan’s recognition of the transformative role ETFs have played in democratizing investment opportunities while advocating for informed decision-making within the ETF ecosystem.

Benefits and Prospective Impact of SPOT Bitcoin ETF

A SPOT Bitcoin ETF tracks the price of Bitcoin directly, providing investors exposure to cryptocurrency without the need for direct ownership and management. The potential benefits of a SPOT Bitcoin ETF are far-reaching:

Democratizing Cryptocurrency: A regulated Bitcoin ETF would offer a gateway for a wider spectrum of investors, including those hesitant to navigate the complexities of cryptocurrency exchanges.
Enhanced Transparency: The regulatory oversight governing ETFs could introduce a new level of transparency and accountability to the cryptocurrency market, fostering investor confidence.
Seamless Investment Process: Investors could access Bitcoin’s potential gains without grappling with private keys or wallet management, streamlining the investment journey.
Market Stabilization: Influx of institutional investments via a regulated ETF could mitigate Bitcoin’s notorious volatility, potentially stabilizing its price dynamics.

Prominent Firms Applying for SPOT Bitcoin ETF

The fervent interest in launching a SPOT Bitcoin ETF has attracted some of the most influential names in the investment landscape:

BlackRock: As the world’s largest asset manager, BlackRock’s entry into the SPOT Bitcoin ETF arena marks a substantial validation of the concept’s viability.
ARK Invest: Renowned for its innovative strategies, ARK Invest’s involvement underscores the growing belief in the transformative potential of cryptocurrencies.
Bitwise Asset Management: A pioneer in crypto index funds, Bitwise brings its expertise to the table, potentially paving the way for greater institutional participation.
VanEck: With a history of Bitcoin ETF proposals, VanEck’s persistence signifies the enduring pursuit of providing traditional investors access to digital assets.
WisdomTree: WisdomTree’s application emphasizes the continual diversification of its ETF offerings and a commitment to expanding the cryptocurrency investment landscape.
Invesco and Galaxy Digital: This collaboration merges Invesco’s extensive ETF experience with Galaxy Digital’s cryptocurrency expertise, promising a compelling blend of knowledge.
Fidelity: A stalwart in finance, Fidelity’s foray into a SPOT Bitcoin ETF bridges the gap between traditional investment wisdom and the emerging cryptocurrency landscape.
Valkyrie: Known for its innovation-driven approach, Valkyrie’s application signifies the interest of niche players in revolutionizing the cryptocurrency investment landscape.

The potential emergence of a SPOT Bitcoin ETF stands as a testament to the ever-evolving financial landscape. From the inception of ETFs, which revolutionized how investors accessed various asset classes, to the current endeavor to integrate Bitcoin into mainstream investment vehicles, the journey has been transformative. As prominent firms vie for regulatory approval to launch a SPOT Bitcoin ETF, the financial world awaits the implications for both the cryptocurrency market and traditional finance. The intersecting realms of innovation, regulation, and investment are poised for a new chapter that could reshape the future of investment opportunities.

As the cryptocurrency market weathers its challenges, a beacon of solidarity emerges with Linkbase Technology Limited's announcement of its intent to invest in CoinDesk, a stalwart in the crypto media landscape. This strategic move comes at a crucial juncture, sending ripples of enthusiasm through the industry. But what does this mean for the future of cryptocurrency news and education? Let's dive in and explore.

In an era where the crypto landscape can sometimes feel like a rollercoaster ride, the news of Linkbase Technology's investment in CoinDesk is like a gust of fresh air. This move isn't just about finances, it's about fostering resilience, adaptability, and growth. As a reader, investor, or enthusiast, have you ever pondered the importance of a strong crypto media outlet, especially during the frosty winds of a "crypto winter"? With Linkbase Technology stepping up to the plate, it seems the answer is resounding.

About Coindesk
CoinDesk has been a fixture in the crypto space since its inception in 2013. Its commitment to delivering insightful news, comprehensive analysis, and industry trends has guided countless individuals in their crypto journeys. But even institutions as influential as CoinDesk aren't immune to change. The recent organizational shifts and potential investment deals have ignited discussions about the company's trajectory. Here's where Linkbase Technology's enthusiastic stride comes into play.

A Supportive Stance Amidst Speculation
In the midst of the evolving CoinDesk narrative, there's a voice of confidence and support echoing from Linkbase Technology. As avid readers of CoinDesk's reports, have you ever pondered the future amidst the winds of change? It's heartening to witness a company like Linkbase Technology extend a helping hand when it's needed most. Acknowledging the significance of a steadfast media platform during transformative phases speaks volumes about their commitment to the industry's future.

CoinCatch CEO
Iris A., the CEO of CoinCatch, said: "While CoinDesk navigates through industry transitions, we firmly believe in the power of accurate and insightful journalism to propel the cryptocurrency narrative forward." In these words, the potential impact of Linkbase Technology's investment reverberates. The future isn't just about numbers and profit margins. It's about fostering informed dialogues, igniting curiosity, and ensuring the crypto community thrives.

A Journey of Innovation
As we immerse ourselves in the buzz of this announcement, let's not forget the innovation that Linkbase Technology has already brought to the table. With the launch of CoinCatch, their cryptocurrency exchange platform, earlier this year, they've shown a penchant for pioneering ideas. An exchange designed in collaboration with key opinion leaders (KOLs) is a testament to their commitment to traders and enthusiasts alike. With branches spanning the globe, their foray into the crypto realm has been marked by ambition and vision.

Linkbase Technology Limited's decision to invest in CoinDesk isn't just about financial transactions. It's about weaving a tapestry of shared vision, common goals, and a commitment to industry growth. As the blockchain landscape evolves, the need for accurate and timely information becomes paramount. Through this investment, Linkbase Technology isn't just supporting a media outlet, they're contributing to the foundation of a more informed and connected crypto world.

As readers, investors, and enthusiasts, we find ourselves at the cusp of something transformative. The announcement of Linkbase Technology's investment in CoinDesk isn't just a financial decision, it's a vote of confidence in the power of media to shape the destiny of cryptocurrencies. The intersection of technology, innovation, and information has never been more vital. So, dear reader, as we witness this evolution, let's ask ourselves: What role do we play in this narrative? How does a resilient crypto media landscape empower us all? The journey continues, and together, we're writing the next chapter in the crypto saga.

In a groundbreaking move that signifies Brazil's commitment to technological advancement and financial innovation, the country has recently announced the launch of its very own digital currency named "DREX." This bold step not only showcases Brazil's willingness to embrace the digital age but also highlights the potential transformative impact of digital currencies on the global financial landscape. In this article, we will dive into the key aspects of Brazil's new digital currency and its implications for the economy, financial sector, and beyond.

The Brazilian government's decision to introduce DREX stems from a growing recognition of the benefits offered by digital currencies. DREX, short for "Digital Real Exchange," is set to be a central bank digital currency (CBDC) backed by the Brazilian real, the country's official currency. It aims to blend the advantages of blockchain technology with the stability of traditional fiat currency, offering a secure and efficient medium of exchange for both citizens and businesses.

Key Features and Benefits

•Financial Inclusion: One of the primary motivations behind DREX is to enhance financial inclusion. By providing a digital currency accessible to anyone with a smartphone, Brazil hopes to reach underserved populations, enabling them to participate in the digital economy even without access to traditional banking services.
•Reduced Transaction Costs: Traditional financial transactions often involve intermediary fees and lengthy processing times. DREX has the potential to significantly reduce these costs, enabling quicker and more cost-effective cross-border transactions.
•Security and Transparency: Built on blockchain technology, DREX offers enhanced security and transparency. The decentralized nature of blockchain ensures that transactions are immutable and tamper-proof, reducing the risk of fraud and unauthorized access.
•Monetary Policy Implementation: CBDCs like DREX provide central banks with more direct control over monetary policy. This can enable quicker response to economic changes and enhance the effectiveness of measures aimed at maintaining price stability and economic growth.

Challenges and Considerations

While the introduction of DREX holds immense promise, there are several challenges that need to be addressed:
•Technological Infrastructure: Ensuring that the necessary technological infrastructure is in place to support widespread adoption of DREX is crucial. This includes considerations for internet connectivity, digital literacy, and cybersecurity measures.
•User Privacy: Striking a balance between transparency and user privacy is a challenge. The use of blockchain raises questions about how transaction data is managed and whether user information can be kept confidential.
•Regulatory Framework: Developing a comprehensive regulatory framework for digital currencies is essential to prevent misuse, money laundering, and illicit activities. Finding the right balance between innovation and regulation is a delicate task.

Global Implications

Brazil's entry into the world of CBDCs could have far-reaching implications:
•Influence on Other Countries: Brazil's successful implementation of DREX could inspire other countries to explore their own digital currency initiatives, potentially reshaping the global financial landscape.
•Cross-Border Transactions: The use of DREX for cross-border transactions could foster closer economic ties between Brazil and its trading partners, streamlining international trade.
•Financial Innovation: The adoption of digital currency encourages further innovation in financial services, such as decentralized finance (DeFi) applications and smart contracts.

Brazil's announcement of the DREX digital currency marks a significant milestone in the evolution of global finance. As the country embraces technological innovation, the successful implementation of DREX could set a precedent for other nations to follow suit. While challenges remain, the potential benefits for financial inclusion, efficiency, and security are substantial. The world will be watching closely as Brazil takes a step into the future of finance with DREX.

Given Brazil's announcement of its new digital currency, DREX, what are your thoughts on the potential impact of this initiative on the future of finance? How might DREX influence the adoption of digital currencies globally, and what opportunities or challenges do you foresee for both Brazil's economy and the broader financial landscape?

Bitcoin is extremely volatile, involving price surges and reversals which could sweep away millions of dollars in a matter of minutes. Given the digital currency's absence of foundations or links to the real economy, those fluctuations are frequently puzzling to market observers. Another oddity incorporated into the code that gave birth to Bitcoin is that the formula that regulates the rate at which new tokens are issued changes on a regular basis. As another halving event approaches, Bitcoin fans and doubters debate what effect it will have on the coin's value.

One of the features that sparked interest in Bitcoin was the way its developer, Satoshi Nakamoto, linked the generation of coins to the activity required to prevent counterfeiting. Bitcoin is created by miners, whose computers conduct difficult calculations to validate transactions on the blockchain, a public digital ledger. Miners compete against one another to acquire newly issued tokens known as block rewards.

What exactly is Bitcoin halving?

A halving, also known as halvening, is a deliberate reduction in the incentives given to miners (the term is stated in Bitcoin’s code). Halvings occur every four years, or roughly every 210,000 blocks of transactions. Each one, as the name implies, decreases the amount of Bitcoin miners receive per block reward in half. Miners received 50 Bitcoin per block when Bitcoin originally launched in 2009, but that incentive was lowered to 25 in the first halving in 2012, 12.5 in 2016, 6.25 tokens in 2020, and 3.125 coins in 2024.

What is the point of halving?

Bitcoin is restricted in numerous ways. For one thing, only 21 million will ever be produced, according to its establishing protocol. Many people are concerned that fiat money, such as that issued by governments, would lose value due to inflation if too much is printed. Bitcoin, on the other hand, supporters claim, will always rise in value. Halving also prevents inflation by periodically slowing the rate at which Bitcoin are created so that supply does not exceed demand. Other observers see halvings as a buy-now signal, implying that slower growth may be accompanied by a price increase.

So, when will the next halving occur? The quadrennial event is scheduled for April 2024. In general, forecasting the precise date is difficult because the time it takes to generate new blocks might vary depending on a variety of factors. According to most predictions, there will be 64 Bitcoin halvings before the 21 million limit is reached around 2140, when halvings would cease. Once that occurs, miners will no longer receive incentives and will be forced to charge transaction fees, just like credit card firms.

Will the price of Bitcoin rise as a result of this event?

That is a contentious issue. For example, in the year following the 2012 reward decrease, Bitcoin surged about 8,000%, and again nearly 1,000% in the year following the 2016 cut. The previous halving, in May 2020, was followed by a bull run that culminated in a Bitcoin price of about $69,000 in November 2021. As of mid-April this year, Bitcoin had recovered over 67% of its value from a historic rout in 2022, to around $30,000. The next halving has the potential to result in an 81% increase. Skeptics contend that attributing price increases to halves is, at best, speculative. The second halving, for example, occurred at a time when Bitcoin was already acquiring widespread acceptance, and it coincided with a surge in initial coin offerings, many of which required Bitcoin to be purchased. However, the rebound has recently stuttered, hampered by cooling expectations of US Federal Reserve interest-rate reduction. A regulatory crackdown on cryptocurrency following the bankruptcy of the FTX exchange in November 2022 also affects the market outlook.

How much of an impact will it have on Bitcoin holders? Nothing much, because any subsequent price adjustment would either make us wealthy or poorer (LOL). However, it will be impossible to determine how much of the shift is directly due to the halves.


The number of dollars lost to cryptocurrency-related crimes has dropped this year, with one huge exception... Crypto ransomware. Attacks like ransomware are continuing to grow in numbers, extorting victims for about $449.1 million between the start of this year till June.

I'd say this is good news overall, since other scams have been stealing far less money than ever.

Still it shows that ransomware is still a concern. In 2021, the money lost to that particular business cyber threat hits $1.5 billion, although it has dropped by 40% year-over-year as of this year. Nevertheless, it is a big problem for crypto owners and businesses.

What is ransomware?

Ransomware is a type of malware that locks a victim's data or device and threatens to keep it locked—or worse—unless the victim pays a ransom to the attacker. And according to the IBM Security X-Force Threat Intelligence Index 2023, these ransomware attacks represented 17 percent of all the cyberattacks last year.

The most common type of ransomware is called encrypting ransomware or crypto ransomware. The attacker demands a ransom in exchange for providing the encryption key needed to decrypt the data. The other form of ransomware is called non-encrypting ransomware or screen-locking ransomware which locks the victims entire device. Blocking access to the operating system. The device will display a screen that makes the ransom demand instead of starting up as usual.

With these two types, we can further divide them into the following subcategories:
  • Leakware or Doxware. A ransomware that steals, exfiltrates, sensitive data and threatens to publish it.
  • Mobile ransomware. Includes all ransomware that affects mobile devices.
  • Wipers or Destructive ransomware. It threatens to destroy data if the ransom isn't paid, except in cases where the ransomware destroys the data even if the ransom is paid.
  • Scareware. It's just what it sounds like. A ransomware that scares users into paying a ransom.

Why is Ransomware Up?

As per Chainalysis, there are two reasons that together help to explain the upward trend in crypto ransomware: (1) Targeting of large, deep-pocketed organizations by ransomware attackers and, (2) the number of successful small attacks. These both trends are evident which shows how the distribution of ransomware payment sizes has changed since the year 2020.

For the latter half of this year and if this current trend keeps on going up, attackers can expect a reel of about $898.6 million. IT will probably be one of the biggest amounts this category has ever seen, which is second only to the 2021 number of $939.9 million not to compare them. We can conclude that it is a sign that ransomware isn't going anywhere any time soon, even if there are other crypto scammers bagged up.

Ransomware Attacks and Crypto

It's not just crypto that's been terrorized by ransomware. According to the FBI, critical US infrastructures were targeted for ransomware attacks with a grand total of 860 times across 2022. It's a shame to know as well that healthcare is one of the biggest industries to suffer from this type of cyber crime, given that there are large databases of sensitive health data that many companies in this space have access to.

For those that are crypto investors or business owners, better take care on following up any messages or emails that could expose your personal information. You could get a secured VPN, sign up on the best email security tools and also be careful when downloading Windows updates, they're the latest way that ransomware hackers can steal your data.


If you are looking for privacy in your cryptocurrency transactions, non-KYC (Know Your Customer) exchanges offer an appealing solution. These platforms allow you to trade without extensive personal information verification. In this article, we will explore some of the top non-KYC exchanges, including Coinex,, Bitfinex, MEXC, CoinCatch, and LBank.

Gate ☆☆☆☆☆ (4.8/5.0)

Gate is a prominent non-KYC exchange known for its diverse selection of cryptocurrencies. With over 1,700 trading options, appeals to traders looking for a wide range of opportunities. The exchange offers advanced features like leveraged and futures trading, NFT trading, and crypto interest-earning products. While primarily relies on cryptocurrency deposits and withdrawals, it accepts a variety of digital assets.


  • Wide range of cryptocurrencies: supports trading of over 1,700 cryptocurrencies, offering a vast selection for traders.
  • Advanced trading features: In addition to spot trading, provides leveraged and futures trading, NFT trading, and crypto interest-earning products.
  • Accepts multiple fiat currencies: accepts approximately 50 fiat currencies, providing flexibility for traders.


  • Not beginner-friendly: is designed for experienced traders and may not be the most suitable choice for beginners. The platform lacks user-friendly features and its website can be glitchy at times.
  • High deposit and withdrawal fees: relies on third-party processors for fiat payments, resulting in potentially steep fees.

MEXC ☆☆☆☆★ (4.7/5.0)

MEXC, headquartered in Singapore, is a non-KYC exchange that prioritizes security and affordability. With support for over 1,500 cryptocurrencies, MEXC offers a wide range of trading options. The exchange features competitive trading fees, making it cost-effective for frequent traders. While MEXC does not facilitate fiat withdrawals, users can transfer funds to other platforms for cashing out.

  • Extensive cryptocurrency support: MEXC offers trading of over 1,500 cryptocurrencies, ensuring a wide range of options for traders.
  • Multiple payment methods: The exchange supports various payment methods, adding convenience for users.
  • Affordable trading fees: MEXC provides competitive trading fees, making it cost-effective for frequent traders.

  • No fiat withdrawals: MEXC does not offer direct fiat withdrawals, necessitating the transfer of funds to another exchange for cashing out.
  • Average user experience: Some users may find MEXC's interface to be busy and overwhelming, especially for beginners.

CoinCatch ☆☆☆☆★ (4.5/5.0)

CoinCatch is a pioneering non-KYC exchange that prioritizes user privacy and security. With its user-friendly interface and comprehensive features, CoinCatch offers a seamless trading experience. Traders can enjoy spot and derivatives trading for major cryptocurrencies without the need for KYC verification. CoinCatch's 125x leverage and a range of supported altcoins provide traders with diverse opportunities. With licenses in the United States and Canada, CoinCatch ensures regulatory compliance while serving a global user base. Additionally, the platform offers mobile apps for iOS and Android devices, allowing users to trade on the go.

  • An exchange for all traders: CoinCatch offers a user-friendly interface, a range of features to suit the needs of different traders with leverage up to 125x, 24/7 customer support, and exciting campaigns and rewards.
  • Regulatory compliance and accessibility: licensed in US/Canada and is accessible to users in the United States. This adds regulatory credibility to the platform and allows US citizens to utilize it.
  • API trading: CoinCatch supports API trading, allowing users to automate their trading strategies.

  • Limited information available about investment programs and passive earnings opportunities.

CoinEx ☆☆☆☆ (4.1/5.0)

CoinEx is a leading non-KYC exchange that offers a wide variety of altcoins for trading. With over 500 cryptocurrencies available, CoinEx provides traders with ample choices. The exchange features advanced trading options, including margin and futures trading, catering to experienced traders. CoinEx also offers a convenient and functional mobile application, allowing users to access their accounts and trade on the move. With round-the-clock professional technical support, CoinEx ensures a smooth trading experience for its users.

  • A variety of altcoins: Coinex offers over 500 cryptocurrencies for trading, providing a diverse selection for traders.
  • Advanced trading features: The platform supports margin and futures trading, allowing users to explore advanced trading strategies.
  • Convenient mobile application: Coinex provides a functional mobile app, enabling users to trade on the go.

  • No direct fiat deposits and withdrawals

Bitfinex ☆☆☆★ (3.9/5.0)

Bitfinex caters to experienced traders with its advanced trading features and extensive cryptocurrency support. With over 100 listed coins, Bitfinex provides ample trading options. The platform supports margin trading, derivatives, and advanced order types, empowering users to implement diverse trading strategies. However, Bitfinex's services are not available to customers from the United States and Canada due to regulatory restrictions.

  • Suitable for experienced traders: Bitfinex caters to professional traders and corporate accounts, offering a fast and convenient trading experience.
  • Extensive cryptocurrency support: Bitfinex supports over 100 cryptocurrencies, ensuring a diverse selection for traders.
  • Paper trading and mobile app: The platform provides paper trading for newer cryptocurrency traders to test the platform risk-free. Additionally, Bitfinex offers a user-friendly mobile app.

  • Limited customer support options: Bitfinex's customer support is primarily available via email, lacking live chat or phone-based support.
  • Restricted services: Bitfinex is not available to customers in the United States and Canada due to regulatory restrictions.
  • Past regulatory and security concerns: Bitfinex has faced fines and accusations related to deceptive practices and security issues in the past.

LBank ☆☆☆★ (3.5/5.0)

  • Leverage trading and multiple payment methods: LBank allows users to trade contracts with leverage and offers a variety of payment options.
  • Accessible in multiple fiat currencies: Users can buy and sell cryptocurrencies using nearly 200 fiat currencies via bank transfer or credit/debit card.

  • Slow customer support: LBank's customer support can occasionally have slow response times, as it is primarily accessible through email.
  • Lack of advanced order types: The exchange does not offer advanced order types like the trailing stop order.
  • Restricted in certain countries: LBank's contract trading is not available to users from specific countries, such as the United States, Iran, North Korea, Syria, Cuba, Crimea, etc.

Choosing the right exchange is an important step to take before buying or trading crypto online. Investors should opt for a crypto exchange that not only offers user-friendly features, but a secure and safe trading environment.

Non-KYC cryptocurrency exchanges provide privacy-conscious traders with the opportunity to engage in cryptocurrency trading without extensive personal information verification. Therefore, we have featured CoinCatch, CoinEx,, Bitfinex, MEXC, and LBank as prominent players in the scene, each with its unique features and offerings.

As always, it is essential to conduct thorough research, consider your trading preferences, and understand the associated risks before choosing a non-KYC exchange.

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